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Trio of Temptation

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A hero is captured by three hypnotic villainesses.
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"Time to wake up, sleepy."

Nick Casten, under other circumstances known as the Freezer, groaned and opened his eyes. At first the glare of light blinded him, and when he tried to shield his eyes, he realized he couldn't move his arms.

He came fully awake in a flash, starting upright, only to discover he was bound firmly to a heavy metal chair, and no matter how he pulled he couldn't even loosen those bindings.

Giggles met his struggles and he turned sharply towards the voices. Smudges resolved, and he found himself sitting in a surprisingly well-appointed room, with walls painted red and trimmed with Grecian arches of gold. Lamps interspersed about the room glowed dimly, wrapping his surroundings in a sensuous gloom. Rich drapes hung heavily from the walls, framing paintings of utterly debauched and oddly pastoral scenes.

"So glad you're awake," said one of the smudges, further resolving into a horribly beautiful and very familiar face. She stood nearly a head tall than him, dressed in a tight latex unitard that did nothing to disguise the sheer heft of her breasts. Bigger than basketballs, they strained the tight fabric, her nipples obvious, along with the studs that pierced them. Her hair was curly and brown, and from her head rose two pointed cow horns. A woman of middle years but not lacking in beauty, a domino mask framed her warm eyes, while her arms and legs were firm with muscle.

"Minotaura," Nick said recognizing his long-time enemy at once.

"In the flesh. And hardly alone."

"Quite right," said a second voice.

He swung his attention to the next figure, whose green skin stood out starkly in the room, along with the vines that were her only clothes. Flowers bloomed along the vines and from her hair, her body sensuously beautiful, utterly naked, and utterly tempting.

"Pollena," Nick said.

"And not just her," said a third voice. "But me as well. But surely you could tell."

Nick craned his head around and grit his teeth. A third woman stood not far, her body vivacious, entirely clad in dark rubber that swirled with strange red patterns that drew the eye, shimmering and rolling, her eyes the only thing visible of her face, and they were red with long lashes and sharp brows.

"Spira," Nick said. He looked at the three again in turn, feeling the chill of alarm work through him. "What is this?"

"Do you remember anything?" Minotauria said.

Nick winced. He did, but little. His tracker had picked up a burglar's alarm at the Museum of History and he'd hurried over. He found a broken window, dropped in, and then a shutter had slammed shut behind him. Pink gas had filled the room, and then... nothing.

"It was a trap," he finally said.

Pollena clapped. "Well done," she said mockingly. "You were always quick, hero."

"Quick enough to catch you," he said.

He saw her lips purse.

"Now now, he's right," Minotauria said, holding up her hand, the motion sending her breasts wobbling in her tight leotard. "You did capture all of us at one time or another, Nicholas. Or should I say, Freezar. But this time, we have the drop on you. And we intend to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Then kill me and get it over with," Nick snapped.

Laughter erupted from all three, further confusing him.

"Kill you! Oh no. That would be far too easy," Pollena said.

"Very right," whispered Spira, her arm draping itself over the back of his chair, her head ducking near, her resonating voice a whisper that shivered through him. "We won't kill you, hero. You've been too much of a pest for that. Instead, we have a plan for you to pay us back."

"As my rhyming compatriot says," Minotauria said as she moved closer, her massive breasts wobbling in her tight spandex. "You've been a thorn in our side for too long, Nicholas. And we intend to fix that. But killing you would be such a waste. Oh yes," she breathed, reaching down, stroking his leg, sending shivers up his spine, her hand gliding higher, cupping his bulge. "Such a shame indeed..."

Nick sucked in a breath. Despite the danger, he was unbelievably hard. Not surprising. The trio before him were the loveliest foes he had faced. He glared at Minotauria.

"You're going to try and brainwash me again, aren't you?" he said, smirking. "As if you haven't tried and failed before. Or did you forget how I escaped your Maze of Menace and freed all your milk slaves?"

Minotauria sighed, tilting her head and resting it in her palm. "Yes, you did. And I was very upset with you about that."

"And Pollena," he said, looking to the glaring green woman. "I remember your pollen from when you tried to turn those venture capitalists into your brainwashed love toys. A pretty scent, but I got through it fine."

"Hmph!" Pollena snorted.

He glanced over his shoulder at the swirling figure of Spira, her outline all woman, her interior a swirl of reds and blacks. "And Spira? I thought you'd be smarter. Or did you forget how I smashed your Screen Slaver before its spirals could enthrall the city?"

"I didn't forget, do not fear. But I will have revenge, my dear."

Nick snorted, then gasped as Minotaura gave his cock a squeeze through his pants, gently fondling him. "Exactly," the busty cowgirl said. "You have bested all of us before, and overcome our various mind control techniques. But that made me think, Nicholas, darling."

"Wh-what?" Nick said, uneasy at the gleam in her eye as she leaned in closer, smiling widely.

"How effective would our techniques be... all at once?"

Nick's eyes briefly widened, then narrowed. "I'll never give in," he bit out.

"Oh?" Minotauria said, withdrawing her hand. She reached up, her fingers hooking in the straps of her leotard, her eyes hot and smile mocking. "Shall we find out?"

She tugged the straps down from her shoulders, and without the barrier, her breasts fairly burst into the open. Nic couldn't suppress a gasp. Her breasts seemed even bigger than before, their slight sag only emphasising their fullness, the barbell studs in her nipples gleaming like gold.

Minotauria laughed throatily, cupping her impressive bust. "Do you like that, hero? I thought you might. Even when you fought me, I could tell how much you loved my big... soft... cow tits. And those silly boys and girls you 'rescued' from me?" Again she chuckled. "Why, I didn't even need to wait a week before they were fighting each other to see me for the prison's conjugal visits. You see, Nicholas, once you get a taste of my big... bouncy... breasts... You'll always crave another."

Nick grit his teeth, glaring at her and tightening his fists at his sides. Minotauria merely smirked, slowly getting down on her knees before him, her breasts settling on lap as she opened his pants. Nick sucked in a breath as his manhood jerked upright, twitching in the warm air of the room.

"Mmmm. There it is," Minotauria breathed, her eyes hot as she pressed her massive breasts around his shaft. "Just as big... mmm... and mighty as I hoped."

"F-fuck!" Nick gasped as her bust enveloped his cock, swallowing it in her warm softness. Already pearly milk was dripping from her studded nipples and into his lap, lubricating his cock for her bouncy tits.

Minotauria cooed. "Is that nice, Nicholas? Does it feel good around your big... meaty... cock...?"

"It... it won't break me," Nick snapped.

"That wasn't my question, darling. But don't worry. We're far from done..."

Motion shimmered from the corner of his eye. Instinctively Nick turned towards it and saw Spira shimmy in front of him. Her curves were alive with rolling colours. A canvas of hues that seemed to spin around her breasts, spiraling in a private show all for him. Swirling like whirlpools of colours drawing him in to her big breasts...

"N-no!" Nick gasped, jerking his head away, shutting his eyes tight to block out the vision of her hypnotic colours.

"What's wrong?" Pollena whispered in his ear, her own breasts pressing against his back. "Don't you want to watch Spira's pretty colours sway? Or are you afraid they'll brainwash you into the big, dumb stud we all know you really are?"

"I-I won't fall so easily!"

"So true. But we're prepared to make it and you so very hard," Pollena purred. "Now breathe."

Nick furrowed his brow at her meaning, then he smelled something. Something sweet and yet pungent. Something powerful and enticing. Something that teased his nose and seemed to seep into his head like a cloud of misty perfume and...


Nick shook his head furiously, but that only shook more pollen from the vines wrapped around Pollena's breasts. "B-bitch!" he gasped, tongue already growing thick and clumsy.

"Maybe. Are you going to hold your breath? Hm? And here I thought you were smarter than that," Pollena cackled.

Nick didn't bother to try. It would do him no good. He'd have to breathe eventually. And he was breathing hard. The feel of Minotauria's breasts bouncing around his cock was sending pleasure thudding through his veins, heat blooming in his groin and spreading across his chest, flushing his cheeks, burning in his veins.

"Won't you open your eyes?" Pollena murmured, the softness of her breasts pressing into the back of his head. So soft. So soothing. "Just open your eyes. Spira's all alone dancing. You'd hate to miss her performance, wouldn't you? That's so very... very... rude..."

Yes, yes it was rude, wasn't it? Why was he being so rude? Nick shook his head again. No. No! He wouldn't fall for the perfume. No matter how sweet it was. How filling. How it stuffed his head and made him feel so good while his cock... ohhhh, his fucking cooock...

"Go on, hero. Open your eyes," Minotauria moaned from his lap. "You can resist her pretty spirals. You've done it before. You can manage it. Just... open those silly eyes for us..."

He... he had resisted her before, hadn't he? He'd resisted her enchantment. He'd been able to hold it back. He could... he could resist her.

So why not... why not open his eyes? Why not look?

"That's right," Spira's voice said, reverberating with the force of her compulsion. "There is no risk. Just a glimpse is not amiss."

"It'd be so gooooood," Pollena cooed behind him, her breasts beginning to lazily bounce around his head.

His eyelids fluttered. Slowly, ever so slowly, he began to open them.

And saw her.

Spira was swaying before him, her colours swirling and washing over her curves. He gaped, entranced, another breath filling his head with a gust of tantalizing pollen from behind him.

"So brave," Spira said, her voice seeming to vibrate through him, thrumming in his bones and turning his insides soft and weak. "So brave to open your eyes. Now watch my colours whirl... and be mine..."

Nick watched, panting, his eyes riveted to the show. His cock throbbing. His head swimming. His body aching and twitching and tensing with resistance that struggled against the ease that tried to fill him. He knew he shouldn't be watching. That this was dangerous. Yet he couldn't look away. He had to watch the spirals and breathe the pollen and feel Minotauria's massive breasts bounced around his cock.

"Mmmmm. I can feel how ready you are, hero," Minotauria moaned, the studs that pierced her nipples ringing like silver bells with every bounce of her tits upon his lap. "I can feel how neeeedy your cock is. Go on. Cum. You can't focus while you're all pent up. All needy. Just cum for mommy. Cum for her big tits. Cum and spurt for Minotauria. Cum, hero. Cum. Cum into my tits. Cum into my big cow tits."

"Cum for us, hero," Pollena murmured behind him.

"Cum for us," Spira sighed, swaying, spinning. "Betray your lusts. What's the fuss?"

"Just cuuuum," Minotauria moaned.

"Cum," Pollena purred.



Nick gasped, panting, his eyes aching. His head throbbing. Pressure pulsing through him. Radiating from his cock. His needy cock. His aching balls. Oh fuck. Oh fuck, he had to cum. He couldn't think. Couldn't remember why he shouldn't. He whimpered, panting, moaning.

And then Minotauria pushed her breasts down, revealed the tip of his manhood.

And wrapped her soft, loving lips around it.

"F-fuuuuuuuck!" Nick cried, head jerking in the pillows of Pollena's tits as he came, his cock pulsing between the cow-woman's breasts, his cum spurting helplessly into her eager mouth.

"Mmmm," Minotauria moaned, her lashes fluttering as her lips worked, swallowing every drop of his spurting seed, the tension seemingly going with it, draining from his cock, leaving his body limp and heavy.

Nick groaned, sagging back in the chair, his head sinking deeper into Pollena's breasts, his shuddering breath sucking in another gust of her heavenly pollen, stuffing his head with clouds of sweet pleasure.

Minotauria lifted her lips, her breasts rising from around his cock, slicking clear while still drooling her cream. She rose to her feet, towering over him, a goddess of curves smirking down at him from above her immense breasts. "Mmm. Delicious, Nicholas. That was a delight. But I fear we've only given four of your senses our sweet attentions. Time for number five."

"F-five?" Nick slurred.

Minotauria laughed throatily, moving beside the chair. Nick's head lolled, watching her crouch over him, her immense breasts coming to rest before his stunned eyes. Minotauria cupped her ample bust, pushing a plump teat towards his face, his reflection shining back at him in the gold nipple stud.

"Drink, my hypno slave. Drink from mommy..."

Nick's mouth seemed to open on its own, his lips wrapping around the presented nipple greedily. Minotauria moaned as he gave her a tender suckle, the most wonderful taste flowing into his mouth. Rich, thick, creamy milk flooding his tastebuds in greedy bursts, tinted by the metallic coolness of her piercing.

"Oh yesssss," Minotauria moaned. "Milk me, Nicholas. Milk me, hero. Mmmm. Doesn't it taste goooood? Doesn't it taste... ha... wonderful? Oh good boy. Goooood boy."

"Mmmm," Nick moaned, sinking into the chair, his breathing coming heavy. Slow. Taking in more of the pollen. His lips suckling lovingly from the villainess's milky teat, filling him with warmth. With heat. With a heaviness that gathered deep in his balls, aching up into his cock, stiffening him anew.

Just in time for Spira to climb onto his lap.

His eyes drifted back to the seductive woman, her body a rolling mass of colours that instantly entranced him, his lips slowing his suckling as his attention went into Spira's swirling hues. He groaned as the villainess rubbed her pussy against his cock, his spit-slathered manhood sliding against the hued woman's folds, her eyes glowing hot amid the canvas of her form.

"Just watch me, hero. Watch and feel. Time to make your cock yield..."

He groaned as Spira sank onto his stiffened shaft, her body swallowing him in tight pleasure. Spira's eyes grew lidded, her hands resting on his shoulders as her hips began to roll, riding her atop his cock, every hilt of him within her sending the patterns rolling on her skin jumping, shifting.

"Oh yesssss," Spira gasped. "That's iiiiit. Fuck me. Fuck me to a tee. I can feel your need to breed."

Nick whimpered, his cock trapped, and he didn't want to escape. Couldn't dream of it. He felt Minotauria pat his cheek.

"Back to work, darling. Mommy is so very full of cream."

Nick nodded shakily, resuming his greedy sucking. Yes. Yes, couldn't... couldn't disappoint mommy. Had to suck. Had to milk.

Had to watch the pretty spirals spin.

He felt suddenly the bindings around his arms loosen, fall away. At first he didn't know what to do with this newfound freedom. Then, one hand found its way to Spira's hip, grasped it, the colours of her skin breaking about his touch like rivers finding a new course. He moaned, driving her down harder onto his cock. His other hand cradled Minotauria's breast, beginning to massage and milk her.

"Ah!" Minotauria gasped, her lashes fluttering. "Oh yesssss. Milk me, baby. Milk mommy's big tit."

"Take me!" Spira gasped. "Drive me down! Rut me like a horny hound!"

Nick was lost in a storm of pleasure. His mind sinking, washed away in cream and colour and scent. Every sense assaulted, betraying him to the pleasures of the trio. Fighting back no longer even occurred to him. It felt too good to resist. To do anything other than submit to his mistresses like a good slave. A good pet.

A good bimbo hero.

"Yessss!" Spira cried, hilting herself one last time atop his cock, the patterns across her body wobbling like oscillating waves. "Yes! Ohhhh fulfill my neeeed. Cum. Cum and fill me with your seed!"

It was her final cry. A moan of delight as she came, her pussy tightening deliciously on his cock, sucking greedily on it as she rode her orgasm down atop him.

"Mmmm!" Nick moaned into Minotauria's breast, his eyes nearly rolling back as he felt his body surrender once more, his cock pulsing with achingly wonderful pleasure, bucking beneath the lovely hypnotist as he shot his load into her hungry pussy. Spira's body seemed to suck it up, draining his cock to the dregs, taking him with shuddering ecstasy.

"You had enough. It's my turn," Pollena said, lifting the pillows of her tits from around his head.

"Mmm. Patience is a virtue. For the... the impatient too," Spira cooed, the rock of her hips slowing as she settled atop his lap, the swimming hues of colours slowing lazily.

"That doesn't even make sense. And barely rhymed. We're supposed to fuck him stupid, not you," Pollena said, stepping around him and to Spira impatiently.

"Girls, please!" Minotauria cooed as she pumped her breast into Nick's hungry mouth. "Mmm. Let's not fight. We're in this together. And dear Nicholas has enough cum for all of us. Don't you, baby?" Minotauria asked, easing her breast from his mouth and tilting his head back.

Nick whimpered, denied the wonderful cream even for a moment almost more than he could bear. His eyes were glassy, fogged with his helpless lust as he looked blearily up into Minotauria's smiling face.

"Y-yes... yes m-mistress," he gasped, mouth feeling heavy with the taste of cream, his mind swirling and sloshing amid seas of rolling hues, his body heavy with scent and pollinated submission. "Got... gotta c-cum for mistresses..."

"What a good boy we have. So polite," Minotauria said, gently stroking his hair, making Nick shiver and moan with ecstasy. "Didn't I tell you girls? Under the most abrasive men are the sweetest bimbos."

"And the best cocks," Pollena said, licking her lips as she wrapped her hand around his limpid manhood, stroking him hungrily, her eyes brightening as he stiffened almost at once to his full, sensitive length. "Oooooh... I've been waiting for this for a looooong time."

"Then take it, Pollena," Minotauria said as she guided Nick's mouth to her other breast, the former hero moaning as his lips eagerly latched on and began hungrily suckling from her fresh teat. "Mmmm... And not to worry about... ha... a lack of cum. My sweet milk will keep our new pet nice and virile as long as we need."

"Sounds good to... meeeee!" Pollena moaned as she sheathed herself atop Nick's cock, sinking to the root, moaning in pleasure as she claimed him with a single hungry motion.

"M-mmmmm!" Nick moaned into Minotauria's breast as his cock was once more claimed, Pollena's perfume puffing into his face as the green woman rode him, fucking herself atop him with gasping eagerness. His hand was drawn to her hip, clutching her as she rode his cock with sharp thrusts, her firm breasts bouncing before his eyes, her grin delighted, triumphant, and viciously eager.

"Yessss!" the herbal villainess cried. "Fuck yes! Give me your cock, hero. Give me your brainwashed cock! Fuck yes. Oh fuck. Fuuuuck! Fuck me, slut. Fuck your mistress. Fuck her full of your cum! Don't you spare a drop. Don't you... mnnnnn... fucking daaaare. Ah. Ah. Oh yes. Fuck yes. Yes! Yes! Fuck meeee!"


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