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Just June (and Pixie too) Ch. 02

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Love and temptation
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/01/2022
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It was, June agreed, ironic that Pixie, having moved up north so that they could be together, should be about to find herself alone for a week while June went down to London for her training course in modelling.

"Well, darling," Pixie said. "it's not as though I'd be much use in such circles, and I bet they'll work you hard! But I have every confidence in you - and you heard what Dr Dawn said."

"Dr bloody Dawn," said June, who rarely swore, but felt the occasion warranted it. "It was all her fault - and yours - encouraging me to model. I was sure that it would not be a success."

Pixie smiled at her lover.

"What are you like, with the self-deprecation? Don't forget, you were helping her students out too."

June smiled at the memory, happy to be reminded that it was not vanity which had begun her catwalk career, but the desire to help young people.

"You're right, and I have let them know that I will still work with them."

Pixie said what she was thinking.

"That is so you, darling. Speaking of that, you up for helping at the Café this evening?"

"The Café" was their joint enterprise, and Saturday evening was usually busy. It was the one time it turned into something more like a restaurant, and Pixie was always relieved when June and her experience were there to help.

"Anna will be pleased," Pixie said, "she told me that she's learning a lot from you."

Anna was the most promising of the former students whom Pixie and June had hired, and the latter, spotting her potential, had been training her in management.

"She's good Pix, and we really ought to think about sending her on that course I mentioned."

Pix smiled at June's concern for others.

"I doubt she'd get a better tutor than you, but have a word with her. As long as she is not away when you are. I couldn't do without you both."

It was a busy evening, and June got a chance to talk with Anna, who was delighted.

"Keep an eye on Pix while I am away, Anna, she's pretty self-sufficient, but can get flustered with the business, so I'll rely on you to help."

"You can, June, and thanks," she said, kissing June on the cheek. "Your confidence in me really helps."

The lovers were both tired when they got back home, but June sensed Pixie's mood.

"It's going to be okay darling. You know I shall miss you too."

Pixie smiled gently. That was her June. Instead of worrying about what she would have to do and all the hard work ahead of her, she was concerned about her.

"I know. Thanks."

"For what?" June asked.

"I presume that you were priming Anna to help me?"

"Is there anything you miss, little Miss Observant? I swear you have bugs all over the place. How did you know that?"

"I was right then?" Pixie giggled. She liked it when she guessed right.

"You know it my love. Well, as I have an early start Monday, and we'll have to get an early night tomorrow, why don't you come here, and we can make love?"

Pixie grinned. Yes, she thought, June knew her so well.

As they were both in their night things, it took only a moment for June to have Pixie's night dress off. She loved the way her diminutive lover looked naked. Those small breasts which Pixie seemed to think were not very attractive, drove June's lust, and, slipping her own top off, she leaned in to kiss Pixie's hardening nipples.

Pixie arched her back as June sucked her breasts, gasping and when her sharp teeth scratched the skin, and moaning out loud when her lips fastened on her left nipple, pulling her to her length while using her tongue to tease her.

Pixie's hands tousled June's hair, and she pushed herself onto her as though she wanted nothing more than for the two of them to fall together on the bed.

Picking up the cue, June pushed her back on the bed, climbing between her lover's open thighs. Grinning at her, she straddled her and leant forward to suck her nipples, rubbing her moist wetness on Pixie's tummy, making them both moan.

Pixie could smell how wet June was, and as she felt her pussy grind against her, she knew the effect she was having. Then June bit her left nipple, and Pixie drifted into that place only June could take her.

"Ohh yesses", moaned Pixie, as June slid down her body and began to kiss, and then nibble, her lips. Covering Pixie's s vulva with her mouth, June began a slow and sensuous process of pleasuring her with her tongue.

Gripping Pixie's tight bum, June used her tongue, first to lap at her outer lips, and then, as Pixie's breath quickened and her moans grew louder, her tongue slid between them, pressing them apart before, making a tube with her skilled tongue, she began to flick her engorged clit. Pixie was moaning now, her pussy soaking wet. June's lips started sucking gently, and simultaneously, she pushed two fingers into Pixie.

"Oh darling, yesses!" Pixie raised her hips raising to meet June's fingers. She was sopping wet, and June slid in and out with an ease that would once have amazed Pixie. June rubbed her fingers against Pixie's inner wall as she thrust them in and out. She sucked on her clit, flicking it with her tongue, until, unable to hold back any long, Pixie came hard.

June kept her fingers in place as Pixie gripped her, licking her lips where her lover's nectar had spilled out with such generosity. Lost out on the vast ocean of passion, Pixie slowly came to shore, pulling June up onto her and kissing, sharing her own juices.

For a while the two lovers just cuddled, Pixie taking her usual place in June's arms, her face pressed into June's left breast. That, naturally, proved too great a temptation, and it was not long before June felt Pixie's lips sucking on her, sending tingles to her core. Aroused as she already was by Pixie's orgasm, June opened her legs to allow a small hand access.

"You are soaked," Pixie whispered, as she spread June's lips apart and inserted three fingers, curling up into her, feeling the velvet walls of her pussy, before clenching her hand so that she could press against the pubic bone. Waiting for June to respond by thrusting herself down onto her probing hand, Pixie sucked harder on her nipple, using her teeth to gently bite the hardness, which made June press down even harder.

There was now a primal urge.

"Fuck me, yes, yes, fuck me darling, fuck me hard!"

Pixie never failed to be aroused by June's passion, and her fingers thrust in harder, deeper, and faster, her palm smacking against the bone as she took June, wanting her, needing her, taking her as she needed to be taken.

June loved that feeling, that urgency, that need to be Pixie's, to surrender herself to the pleasure offered in love and passion. She felt herself go over the edge as Pixie massaged her special place, and returned, with advantage, the gift of her juices, which encouraged Pixie to slide down to clean her up.

June felt her lover's tongue, and sighed.

"That was wonderful my darling!"

"I love you," Pixie replied, simply.

"I love you more," June teased.

"I know," Pixie replied.

They slept well, as they always did after their lovemaking, and the next thing June knew was a kiss from Pixie as she placed a cup of tea on the bedside table.

"Mmm," she mumbled sleepily, "you're up early. What time's it?"

"It's just after seven darling, but you've forgotten, it's Morning Prayer at eight today, so I'd best scoot off and clean myself up."

"I shall never understand you and God, Pixie!"

"Oh, well, that's the right place to be," Pixie grinned. "God is ineffable, so if you understood him, whatever you were understanding could not be God. He is the Infinite, we are finite."

"Pixie, it's too early for philosophy. Does that brain of your ever stop working?"

"Never too early for thinking, darling, and as I mostly think of you, the answer is no, it never stops. Now I must stop chattering and get ready for Church!"

June lay there drowsing, sipping the tea Pixie had so kindly brought. And then, just before she left, Pixie brought in some toast.

"There, first breakfast for my favourite girl!"

"Thanks darling - and how many more of them are there?"

"Oh didn't you used to joke there were thirty odd?"

"At least," June grinned. "Enjoy - if that is quite the thing to do."

June watched Pixie go. It was one of the things about Pixie which June doubted she would ever understand. The Churches, all of them, were, in June's view, prejudiced against women in general and lesbians in particular, and yet Pixie, the most intelligent woman she knew, went two or three times a week. A puzzle, June mused, before rousing herself to shower.

After a long and leisurely hot shower, June did her hair and dressed, relaxing in her sweatshirt and jeans. As the clock ticked towards nine thirty, June got the coffee things ready. Pixie would be famished and in need of a coffee and then, bang on time as ever, in she came.

"Hi darling. Oh, what's up my love?"

Pixie usually came back from Church with an air of calmness, but today was different.

"Sorry, darling, it's the new Vicar," Pixie said, taking her coat off and hanging it up.

"What about the new Vicar?"

"Oh we got a sermonette on unnatural vice, and I'll swear he was looking at me the whole time."

"Let me get you a coffee, darling. I don't know why you bother; you know what I think of them, the lot of them!"

Pixie was grateful for the coffee. June could see she needed to talk.

"And don't mind me, what do I know? It matters to you darling, I know. It's just, well, I don't think they deserve you!"

"Thank you, my love. Leave it with me, I don't want to bore you to death with it all. Shall we pop down to the café for lunch and you can finish briefing Anna?"

"Let's," June said, smiling, "you don't want to debrief her?"

"What, and add her to the thirty-eight?"

"You are such a femme fatale, Pix."

"Mmm," Pixie replied, "time for a visit to the optician, methinks!"

They spent a pleasant few hours at the Café, where the usual Sunday crowd had gathered. June was able to reassure Pixie that in her absence, Anna would deal with the "books" and "that side of the business," leaving Pixie to focus on the creative side, which was what they both knew she did best.

June went through the week's business with Pixie that evening. As the prepared for bed, she smiled:

"If we have to be apart, this is not a bad week. I have just come on!"

Pixie smiled back:

"How odd. NOT. So have I!"

Knowing how painful it could be for Pixie, June went and prepared her a hot water bottle, and they snuggled up and slept.

As Pixie did not drive, June caught a taxi to the station, kissing her lover.

"Hope it goes well my love." Pixie said, with fervour.

"And you, darling, I'll text later. Talk tonight."

Pixie sighed to see her go. She was so proud of June.

She knew June was not perfect, but she was perfect for Pixie. If she had to pick one area to critique, it would have been June's self-deprecation. It had been clear to Pixie from the start that no one had ever expressed confidence in June. She was a striver, a hard worker with a heart as big as any she had ever met, but she was conscious of her want of further education, and tended to dismiss herself as nothing more than a "northern tart." Pixie's riposte was always: "Well I like tarts, and you are my northern tart!" That made June smile. It was one of their little "things."

Pixie reflected, while doing the washing up, that they were so much a couple that she would find the week ahead hard. June's little teases, which, no matter how hard she tried not to rise to, she knew she would. It was, she knew, part of June's armour, and she loved her for it. She loved her, even if, she smiled as she reflected, June would have responded to that by saying: "I love you more."

Well, she concluded, the best way to make the time pass was to get on with her day. But first she texted:

"Love you, kisses xxx Pix"

And now, she thought, time to get herself down to the Café.

June heard her phone ping and looked.

Typical Pixie, she grinned to herself, always wanting to reach out with her love. She was determined that she'd do her proud.

Going "down south," as June thought of it, was a rare experience for her, but she found her way to the hotel with ease - well as much ease as anyone unfamiliar with the London Tube could manage. She had a swift bite to eat and presented herself at the Agency for two o'clock. The PA gave her a cheerful welcome and phoned through to Kate Evans.

"Hi there, June, thought I'd take you along to Beth, who will be helping you this week."

"Thanks, that's kind of you."

"My pleasure," Kate said, in her American accent.

Pixie had done a bit of "research" on Kate, who, it turned out, had been a model herself before getting into talent spotting and then management.

As June told Pixie later, the afternoon vanished into a blur of activities. Beth was a no-nonsense woman in her forties who had trained a couple of generations of models, and to June's surprise, the first part of the training was nothing to do with deportment and the rest of it as she had imagined it would be, but with advice about contracts and the legal practicalities of a model's life.

"The Agency will look after you, June, but we want to skill you up so that you are in full control of your career."

"Oh," June said with what Pixie called her usual bluntness, but she called honesty, "I thought there would be quite a bit of exploitation."

"In some areas, June, but we are not like that. Now let's go through the areas where we might want you to work."

Most of it was familiar enough. She had already had some experience of the fashion weeks, and the idea of travelling to Paris and Milan, not to mention New York, was pretty thrilling.

Beth was a good teacher.

"How would you feel about film work, June?"

"I'm no actress," she protested.

"It would be more modelling specialist products than it would be acting," Beth said in a matter-of-fact way.

"What, porn?" June said, honestly.

"No, we'd call it artistic eroticism."

"Yeah," June grinned, "porn!"

"You don't beat about the bush, do you?"

"Depends on the bush," June grinned cheekily, refusing to be cowed by the older woman and her greater experience of fashion.

"Have a think, anyway," Beth said. "Now, do you want to get ready for dinner - you'll be meeting the three others on the course before we get onto" the practical stuff tomorrow."

"I'll think about it," said June, knowing what she would most likely reply, but thinking there was no point in being premature.

Convinced that the evening would be a contest in who could impress most, June had determined to be herself. She knew her best features were, face apart, her legs and bum, Pixie had told her often enough, though she was biased.

After a shower, she put on a gorgeous long sleeve mini dress with stunning gathered detailing across the shoulders, waist, and skirt; teal was a colour which suited her. She took a selfie and sent it to Pix.

As Pixie had hoped, a busy day did something to take away the sting of June's absence.

Dr Dawn's fashion class had wanted to hear all about what June was up to, and Pixie promised that when she got back, she'd persuade her to talk with them.

"She's so gorgeous, Pixie," one of the girls smiled at her, "I think she'll become one of those Supermodels."

Others agreed. It warmed Pixie's heart.

Anna had lived up to June's hopes, handling the business side of things with unobtrusive skill, and Pixie was relieved that all "that stuff," as she called anything to do with figures, was being dealt with.

Pixie had plunged into the baking with even more glee than usual, and her loaves and cakes all went down splendidly.

She had just helped tidy things away, preparing for the evening, when her phone pinged. She smiled when she saw who it was from.

"Oh Anna, look at this, what do you think?"

"Wow!! Just wow, Pixie, she's so hot! Oh, sorry, hope I didn't offend?"

Pixie grinned at her.

"Anna, if I got offended every time anyone thought June was hot, I'd spend my life being cross. Don't worry, I think she's gorgeous too."

"Do you worry?"

"About what?"

"Well, June, in London, surrounded by other gorgeous women?"

Pixie looked at her. She'd rather thought Anna had a bit of a crush on June, so it was time to set things out as she saw them.

"Anna, if June wants to stray, she'll stray."

"Would you mind?"

Pixie smiled inwardly at Anna's so obvious intention in asking the question.

"I trust her."

"So, you take the view that sex is just sex then? As long as she loves you?"

"That," said Pixie, responding to June's text with an emoji of a burning fire, "is what I used to think. Do you want a drink, or do you have to go?"

"Well," Anna replied, "as I'm on with you tonight, how about we grab a bite, and you can tell me all about it."

Over a light supper, Pixie tried to explain to Anna.

"Once, I'd have thought that - that if she had sex with someone, well, so be it. What matters is love."

"But now?"

"Now I see, thanks to her, that the two things are too closely connected to be separated."

"How so?" Anna asked, puzzled.

"Well, sex is an aspect of our love, a physical expression among others, and what makes it special is that it is an expression of us. If either of us cheated, we'd be cheating ourselves - pretty pointless."

"But" Anna riposted, "what about if you fancy someone else, isn't that just repressing what you want? Wouldn't it be more honest to follow your feelings?"

"I can see that, but don't we all deny ourselves something every day? That extra piece of chocolate, that extra glass of wine? Would it be more honest to give into all those temptations and become fat as a hippo? I guess, mind you, that might solve the sex problem - except with chubby chasers, of course!"

"I guess, though not sure I quite agree."

"Oh, never sure I do," Pixie said, "but what matters is love."

"Isn't love supposed to be blind?"

Smiling, Pixie took another look at the selfie from June.

"How," she asked, "could I be blind to her?"

June was asking much the same question as she sat next to Kate at dinner.

"What do you think?" Kate had asked.

"I'd have to be blind not to think you have a great eye for talent."

"Thanks my dear, well that includes you too, you know!"

June did not have time to ponder her words, but stored them away for later. She might be a rough northern tart, but she knew flirting when she saw it. It was, she admitted to herself, flattering that Kate should be chatting her up, but then perhaps she did that with all the girls. You read about these things, after all, and why should it only be men who sought to "sample the goods"?

Back home after closing up, Pixie looked around - and she could not help but smell the pillow where June's head usually lay. Catching her scent, for a moment it was as though her love was there. Sometimes, she reflected, that time of the month was not wholly a curse, as she clutched her hot water bottle.

"I love you, MY June, multiple kisses and hearts," she typed,

June heard the phone ping.

"Who's that?" Kate asked as they sat with the others finishing off with a glass of sherry.

"My partner, Pixie. You remember her?"

"Oh, the darling little thing, yes, I do. Well, my dears, I shall see you in the morning."

She got up to go, and leaned in, kissing June's cheek.

"If you change your mind, you've got my number."

Oh, June thought to herself, have I got your number!

"Night my Pix - love you more xxx".

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Heather17Heather1720 days ago

Wow Moving on to more!

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much Wiz, I hope you will enjoy the journey xxxxx

Wiz1002Wiz1002almost 2 years ago

Wonderful second instalment. The love and sex that you describe between these two is just fantastic and so enjoyable to read. However I’m very intrigued to know where this may lead - will either June or Pix succumb to their desires whilst they are apart? Will it mean anything if they do? Or will such temptation simple wash over them both until they are joined again and can get their releases with each other? No doubt you will answer all these questions and more in your later chapters - can’t wait!!

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Paul xxxxx

Paul4playPaul4playalmost 2 years ago

Mmm…such hot sex for our two deeply committed lovers!

Will there be surprises in London?

Their bond is solid, but the temptations will strike.

You have laid the groundwork for dramatic tension and climax…..

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Anonymous xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent; deeper yet.

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Anonymous - and I am so pleased that you see it as you do - so affirming xxxxx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The title of the story should be "Just June and Pixie Too!!! They are a power couple and deserve equal billing. (imho) - And this chapter really drove that point home. Together, the ladies have established their personal relationship as they have established their public life. - The synergy and symmetry is incredible. I look forward to seeing "Just June and Pixie Too!!!!"continue to build and strengthen their bond of love.🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Beth xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Maonaigh, and I hope Pixie will take a leaf out of your book xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you Mama S - as the poet said, "what will survive of us is love" xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you, Migbird, I really appreciate your comments xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

That you Olwen. Yes, consent is all, and you hit the nail on the head - so pleased that you are enjoying it xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

My darling Wolfie - what can I say? You really do get this, and that is such a delight. I am conscious of going deeper and further than usual, and am so reassured that you are appreciating this series the way you are xxxxx

PixiehoffPixiehoffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Chloe, I am so pleased that you are enjoying it - not least since your own stories are so good xxxxx

Sissybethany22Sissybethany22almost 2 years ago

So erotic well explained and so nice to see two of my good friends so happy. Keep the loving going

Hugs and kisses 💋

MaonaighMaonaighalmost 2 years ago

...Pixie should clash with the new vicar, the best thing to do would be to act like my characters Kathleen and Siobhan when confronted by the bigoted Father Duggan: tell the obnoxious sod to keep his nose out and go forth and multiply, then find a better church (if such a thing exists). Regarding June's self-deprecation, perhaps a little of this is better than being one of these so-full-of-themselves characters who (in their eyes) know everything and can do no wrong. As an astronomer might say: five stars for our Pixie.

SerradaCSerradaCalmost 2 years ago

Sex is the fullest affirmation of love when done in love and done right. Through the long centuries, as women in hetero relationships laid down their lives, when they laid down for their lovers, sex had to be a binding thing between them. I believe that what we now know as lesbian relationships formed much the same bond, so orphaned children might be given to another in love. I suspect those without emotional commitments did not survive to pass them on. So here we stand in a world without meaningful emotional or physical bonds to bind us, watching the world kindled to flame. Perhaps it is what we deserve when we have broken those most fundamental bonds of commitment we once needed to survive. I hope Pixie and June weather the storms of a world sinking in moral decay and the winds of temptation and mistrust that might drive them apart.

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