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Just Ten Things Pt. 04

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Christine finishes her ten challenges.
13.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 07/21/2024
Created 06/04/2024
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All of my writing is fiction, and the stories and characters are products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story that need to be are 18 years of age or older. I hope you enjoy! And take a second to vote and comment.


Christine enjoyed working from home. It isolated her from things that had created chaos and turmoil in her life -- men. It had taken four of them, spread across fourteen years, to break her of wanting to be married. Now, at thirty-nine, she was more than content to spend her free time with Bonnie, Amber, and Sandy. At least, she had been until they'd come up with this ill-conceived attempt at excitement.

Maybe the others needed excitement, but she'd had her share of every type and imaginable variety of excitement. Just remembering made her blush, like the time she and boyfriend number two had been caught having sex in his office. Their relationship didn't last long after that.

She'd agreed to the challenge, thinking it might be fun to be a little wild again. She told the others that she was nearly forty and losing her chance to find a husband. That was bull shit, as she had no intention of either looking for or finding a man. She had her sack of challenges, and working from home gave her the flexibility to work the challenges into her day.

It was Tuesday morning, and she was ready for number one. When she opened the sack, there were two folded pieces of paper numbered one and two. Both had printing on the outside. She read what was on number one.

These are the first half of your challenge. You may do them in any order you choose, but be sure to video or photograph everything you do.

That made sense, so she slowly opened the paper to see what the first five tasks might be.

1. Go to a football or baseball game and flash the crowd.

2. Ask to model nude for a photography class run by Maddie Ward, who will be expecting to hear from you. Her phone number is listed here.

3. In a public place, masturbate.

4. Get topless after work and drive home that way using your regular route.

5. Pose for one hour in Bernard's window as a naked manakin. Randy, at Bernard's, will allow it and will facilitate it.

There were a couple of items that might be a bit time-specific, particularly the baseball game. The modeling thing might take some preparation as well. There were telephone numbers included for Maddie Ward and Randy. She checked the Internet and found that there was a baseball game on Wednesday night. A call to Randy worked out posing in the window at eleven. And there was a photography class at three that afternoon. That left only masturbating and driving around naked. Since she worked from home, there was no driving home from work. She'd work on an alternative.

Since she had until eleven, perhaps masturbating in public could be taken care of. She'd seen some nude in public things where public was anything outside of buildings, often with no other people around. She assumed that wasn't what was expected here.

Christine decided to make this a challenge within a challenge. She had never been a soft moaner during her orgasms, so why not do it in a place that requires quiet, an appropriately named Public Library? She had a number of toys in her bedside table. Her portable vibrator was relatively quiet compared to a couple of the others she had, so she'd be sure to have new batteries, and her finger was always available for backup.

She decided to wear a pair of baggy shorts that weren't flattering but should help to simplify things a tiny bit. She picked a comfortable tank top that would give her access to her breasts if she needed a little extra stimulation. She decided she'd be reading a copy of Lady Chatterley's Lover, an excuse for her behavior in case she was caught.

At the library, she went to the second floor and picked a table at the far end of one of the rooms. There was a large window on the wall. She discovered that if she sat on the far side of the table facing the window, the reflections would tell her if anyone was approaching the table. And, facing away from the main part of the room, no one had a clear view of what she was doing.

She propped her cell phone on the window sill and started recording.

Christine flipped the switch on the vibrator, hearing the familiar low buzz, then turned it off. She settled into the comfortable chair, arranged her leg just so, and slid her hand with the vibrator up the baggy leg of her shorts. She manipulated the tip of the small device until it touched the super-sensitive nub she was seeking. She switched it on and closed her eyes, a smile of pure ecstasy filling her face.

Her body sought to move, to twist and turn as it usually did during these times of euphoria, but Christine was struggling to keep that from happening. The last thing she needed was to be interrupted before she had orgasmed. To speed things up if possible, her other hand slipped under the tank top and began fondling and pinching a nipple.

It was working, and she felt her climax building. Her head rolled back, and her body began vibrating as the little device completed its work. She bit her lip, struggling to keep from crying out as she usually did. The spasms slowed and finally stopped, and Christine slumped in her chair, happy and very satisfied, both sexually and that she'd completed her task.

"That looked like a good one."

"What the hell?" She spun around in the chair. "What are you doing here?"

"Just sat down to read my book, but I think yours might be more interesting. Seems to have had quite an effect on you."

"Smart ass," she fairly snarled at the newcomer, upset at being caught, realizing she'd never opened her eyes to check the window for reflections.

"Don't smart ass me," he said, smiling at her. "I came here to read a book, not to get myself off."

Christine glared at him and then mellowed. "You're right. I probably need to explain a little to you."

"I'm open to an explanation."

"There are four of us, all single women, who decided we needed some excitement in our lives and sort of dared ourselves to do something. Then we vowed to do whatever we came up with, no exceptions."

"How did you decide what each of you would be doing?"

"We each made a list of ten items, then had a random drawing."

"Pardon me for pushing so much, but a good friend of mine and I are trying to work out some kind of a thing like that for our wives and a few friends to do, and the wives keep vowing that we'll have to do things too. Did you have limits?"

"Minimum limits, I guess. The challenges had to be things that we wouldn't normally do ourselves."

"Like going to the library and -- "


" -- Yeah, yeah," she interrupted. "This is my first task, and I have nine more to go."

"Tougher than this one?"

"Some are, yeah, and I don't know what the last five are yet."

"Well, good luck, and I won't kid you, I enjoyed watching today. Now I have to decide whether to tell my wife about it."

Christine chuckled. "If you're trying to scare her to death about what you guys are trying to plan, you'll tell her."

He laughed. "You may be right. I'll have to decide. What's on your schedule next?"

"None of your business," she said with a laugh. "I don't want you following me around."

"Oh, you think you're femme fatale enough that I'd follow you?"

She smiled. "Nudity has a way of drawing men."

"Amen, sister. Again, good luck."

"Thanks. I'll probably need it," she said as she gathered her things, including the camera from the window sill, and headed for Bernard's and show window posing. She was sure this could be a very interesting time.

She had a little time before she had to meet Randy, so she decided to do a little shopping. There was nothing she'd need for the rest of the tasks that she knew about, so just a little casual browsing might be in order. She was surprised when she found a fluorescent green bikini that she fell in love with, so she bought it.

A little more wandering, and she asked a lady at a check-out station where she might find Randy. A few simple directions that she followed, and there was Randy.

"Randy?" she questioned.

"Hello. How may I help you?"

"I have a task to complete, and I was told that Randy would help facilitate it."

"Ah, yes," he said, a big smile filling his face, which didn't comfort Christine at all.

"I'm supposed to pose in one of your windows."

"Exactly. I'm ready for you. Let me show you the window, and then we'll get you ready for the posing."

He took Christine to a small door that opened to a windowed space. The window was not too large but clearly showed the sidewalk outside.

"Come along," Randy said. "We'll use the room over here to get you ready. There are a few manikins there, too, to give you an idea about poses.

Christine wondered just what getting her ready involved, but it didn't matter if she was going to finish this task.

Once in the get ready room, Christine saw five or six manikins in various poses, none of which seemed very natural. Still, they were suggestions that she might use during her hour.

"Okay, I guess the first thing on the agenda is for you to strip so that I can apply the makeup that will make you much more manikin-like. You notice that your skin tone doesn't quite match the manikins. Your skin is much brighter than theirs, and since the window isn't air-conditioned, you may tend to glisten slightly. The makeup should help that a bit, too."

She watched Randy open a flat tin of something; the makeup, she guessed, along with a small application pad. She realized that Randy would be applying makeup that would cover her entire body except the bottom of her feet, probably.

Christine pulled off the tank top and then the shorts, kicking her sandals to the side.

"Well, I see you're not shaved. We'll have to use some sort of underwear." He went to a table and returned with a pair of red bikini panties, which she put on.

She'd shaved when she was in her twenties when one of her four suitors had talked her into doing it. But she hadn't kept it up, even though it made wearing bikinis much less worrisome. At least there'd be one place where he wouldn't be applying makeup.

"This is water-soluble, so you can wash it off when you're finished."

Christine had agreed to do whatever her list required, but she wasn't sure it should involve standing here naked while Randy rambled on about whatever. But she was about to find out if it was better than having Randy apply the makeup.

"Let's start with your back," he said, and she felt Randy applying the small pad, beginning at her shoulders and moving fairly rapidly down to her waist. He paused, then moved lower, working the makeup under the edges of the panties. It would almost have been better if she weren't wearing them. She couldn't help but flinch. Randy didn't seem to notice and continued down her legs, which he completed fairly quickly.

He stood and was eye-to-eye with Christine.

"I'll let you do your face after I'm finished."

He smiled and started with her shoulders again. He seemed to take great care with her breasts, and of course, the rubbing of the pad caused her nipples to harden. That only caused her to wonder what might happen when he got a little lower.

As he finished her belly, he said, "I know you must be wondering why I didn't just hand you the makeup and let you apply it. But, oops, I almost said her name, wanted me to apply it. I wasn't about to argue."

When he finished speaking, Randy dropped to one knee in front of Christine, smiling as he gazed at her red panties.

She coughed nervously, not that she hadn't had a man look at her covered private parts before, but usually, he was naked, and sex was imminent. Not today, though. That didn't keep him from working the little pad under the edges of the panties. Despite her strong resolution not to, she was less than two hours past her last orgasm, and her body responded one, twice, and three times, the last one accompanied by a tiny moan, much to her disgust. Even without seeing him, she was sure that Randy was smiling.

A few more pats and rubs, then her legs, and he stood. She wanted to glare at him but didn't, knowing the blame lay with the challenge writer.

"I think you're ready," Randy said, looking her over front and back. "I'm sure you know, but you only have to remain stationary when people are passing by. If you move then, you may quickly have a crowd."

She'd skinny-dipped a few times with friends, but public nudity wasn't her thing, despite her thinking she could handle it with no problem. Today would be a mini-test. She suddenly realized that if anyone she knew passed the window, they'd most certainly recognize her. There was nothing to do about it now.

Randy Stepped into the small area behind the big window and looked in both directions.

"All clear," he assured her and stepped aside to allow her to step in. She saw a stool and a small table. One hour wasn't that long, depending on how often she had to stay motionless. She'd tried to memorize two or three positions from the manikins where she'd dressed. As she was about to leave the dressing room, Christine realized that the manikins all had totally smooth breasts with no nipples, certainly unlike herself. She wondered if anyone would notice.

But someone was coming, and she froze, staring off into the distance, able to see the passerby in her peripheral vision. He hurried by, glancing in at her but otherwise paying her no mind. Despite the man ignoring her, he had seen her naked, and she was working to process whether or not that counted.

She froze again, actually holding her breath as two men passed, one of them gesturing at her, both of them laughing as they moved on.

"Naked woman jokes," she murmured, stretching to relieve her muscles.

She had a several-minute break before a large group of both men and women approached ... and stopped to discuss something. They weren't looking at her, but she knew that if she moved, someone would notice. She had to breathe and did so as surreptitiously as possible. No one seemed to notice.

Christine watched and, seeing no one watching, flexed a little, then resumed her pose, wishing they'd finally move on. From the corner of her eye, she saw one man who'd detached himself from the group and was looking in the window. She'd have to turn her head to be certain, but she guessed that he was watching her.

Now, she was nearly afraid to breathe and concentrated on maintaining her pose. Why didn't he move on? But he was moving, thank the Lord. But she quickly became aware that he was moving to where he could look her straight in the eye. And it was far too late to change her gaze.

There he was, looking straight at her ... and smiling. It had never been so difficult to hold so still and look a handsome man directly in his eyes, acting like she didn't see him. She did see him use his phone to take his picture. She could see his mouth moving and finally read his lips.

I ... love ... you he was mouthing to her.

Christine had to breathe, and by now, she was convinced that her watcher knew that she wasn't a manikin. She relaxed, took a deep breath, and allowed herself to smile. The watcher returned her smile, then disappeared as the group was moving on.

Christine was able to stretch and breathe normally as no one was approaching. Her hour was over half complete, and she was ready for it to be over. But, of course, another group was approaching. She posed, and they passed quickly by.

With a few minutes left, a parade of people passed by, none of them paying attention to Christine. But she was stuck posing, and her hour was complete. The door to the window room opened, and Randy came in.

"Stay stiff. I'm going to carry you out."

He put one arm between her legs and the other around her shoulders and lifted her, Christine struggling to look like a manikin. She couldn't help but slide down his arm as he walked, her pussy rubbing against that arm. She wanted to yell at him but maintained her composure.

"Thanks for saving me," she said, hoping the sarcasm in her voice got through to him.

"Well, your hour was up, and I have other work to take care of. Good luck with the rest of your challenges. You know the way out, right?"

"Yes, thank you." She was happy that Randy was gone.

But he wasn't. "There's a shower two doors to the left from here. Just look carefully before you go there in case you don't want to be seen again."

"Good, thanks again."

There was all the makeup he'd put on her, and she hoped that it was really water-soluble. If not, she was in trouble.

The shower was pleasant, and she watched the makeup disappear down the drain. She dried carefully and was ready for the rest of her day.

As she dressed, she thought about what had happened. The hour had been uneventful, with lots of people seeing her without realizing what they were seeing. There had been the one guy who'd somehow figured out what was going on, and he had gotten a good view, and she'd finally had to acknowledge that he had found her out. That made it kind of fun and a little more exciting, and it seemed that Bonnie wanted excitement.

Christine checked her watch and saw that she had plenty of time before her three o'clock posing session, wondering what exactly that might involve.

Finally dressed, she left the dressing room and exited the special area to the main store. As she turned to head for the front door, she heard a voice.

"Ah, there you are. I wondered if I'd missed you."

She turned to see ... the watcher.

"You've been waiting all this time to see me?"

"To see you again," he corrected.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here," she said very honestly.

"I'm sure, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to talk with you if I could."

She wondered what talk with her really meant. She was afraid she knew but hoped she was wrong.

"Well, when I figured out you weren't really a manikin, I knew there had to be an explanation for what you were doing."

"There are four of us who decided we needed some excitement, so we each wrote out a list of ten tasks, put them in a basket, and drew them at random. We all agreed we'd do whatever was on our list."

"Wow, so there are three others running around the town doing stuff like this?"

"And some things even more ... well, you know." She laughed.

"Oh my gosh. That's hard to imagine."

"Let me ask you a question. How did you figure out I wasn't a manikin'?"

"Your eyes. I thought your eyes looked amazingly real, so I looked at them several times, and they'd moved a little. Plus, you looked way too good not to be real."

"You're very kind."

"Naw, you're just a good-looking woman. More challenges today?"

"One more." She could tell he was waiting for more information, but she didn't need a stalker following her around. "And I'd better get going so I can get ready."

"I don't want to hold you up, and I'm glad to have met you. By the way, I'm Greg Robinson, and I actually work here at Bernard's, so any time you want to do some window work again, let me know."

"Not likely, and bye now," she said, turning and heading for the door.

Christine went directly home, wanting to take another shower to freshen up and to work on her hair and makeup. The shower, where she used the aromatic body wash and the equally fragrant shampoo, had her not only smelling good but feeling refreshed, as well. Some work on her hair and subtle makeup had her ready for adventure number three.

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