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Just Trying To Be A Good Neighbour

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Being a ‘Good Samaritan’ presented temptation.
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My third attempt and a slant on another common theme. I hope I'm improving as a writer, or at least exploring themes that might happen to reasonably ordinary people. Kate was a divorced woman in her forties with human feelings and desires.


It all became a bit complicated, partly because of my natural instinct to be the 'Good Samaritan,' and partly because I'd lived so long without any intimacy at all.

"Stop doing that Andy, I'm not joking, I'll let you fall down the fucking stairs again!" I didn't swear often, but it made me feel more in charge.

Andy Tomkins was my neighbour and had been for almost ten years. I'd always got along well with him and I'm sure June, his wife, took our occasional flirty language in good part. They had become good friends of mine, more so after John had left me four years ago, and gone off with his secretary.

Andy's hand squeezed my backside again and he chuckled, as I tried to support him on the perilous trip up to his bedroom.

"Come on Kate, a man has to have some pleasures!"

"Yes, but not with my backside! June would have a fit!"

The struggle continued to the top and Andy managed to make the rest of his journey to the bedroom with my help and the help of his one crutch.

He was still laughing when he flopped onto the bed and let the crutch fall to the floor beside him.

"Are you going to help me undress?"

He had a look on his face of a man with impure thoughts.

"Fuck off!" I swore again, with feigned venom, and began laughing myself. "You'd pay a fortune for a carer to do this and there'd be no 'extras!"

His face pulled a grimace, and he pretended to cry out, "Boohoo."

"Your pyjamas are there, you can get to the en-suite to use the loo, I'll wait in your spare room until you're back in bed."

This had all come about after Andy had broken his leg slipping on the second to last stair a few weeks previously. A rather innocuous accident at first, but it became more complicated after the pinning operation had to be 'redone.'

At the same time June's mother had just come out of hospital up north, after a hip operation. It never rains, but it pours.

Enter neighbour Kate, full of good intentions.

"You go and see her, I can pop in and sort Andy out, it's no trouble," I suggested, "you've done stuff for me over the years."

June had looked dubious, however Andy had intervened and insisted, thanking me for the offer.

"Look you can leave me ready meals, I can use the microwave and get by with Kate's help, at least until you know what's what with your mum."

After a lot of consternation June gave in and told me to come back later after she'd got everything together.

She left late that afternoon and after I'd found out from her where everything was she told me she was hoping to be gone for only one night.

Waiting in the spare room I heard the clunk of Andy's crutch as he clattered about in the bathroom.

"You okay?" I shouted.

"Yes," came the reply and after a few minutes I heard him call out again, "I'm in bed now, come and join me!"

I re-entered the bedroom and saw his saucy grin and him sitting up leaning against the propped up pillows.

"You can stop all those innuendos, if I tell June that you were this naughty she'd be plastering your balls instead of your leg!"

"You're such a spoilsport Kate, while the cat's away...."

"Huh!" I responded in the only way I could.

I must have blushed because I felt a strange flutter in my chest. Andy was an attractive guy, I'd been without any intimacy for a long, long time. A woman can't survive on batteries for ever.

"Now, have you got everything before I go... tv remote, iPad, phone, magazines, drink? You've got my mobile number, if you need me just phone or message. I'll be back in the morning about eight, is that okay?"

"Yes, thanks Kate, I'll phone June as soon as you've gone, I'll see you in the morning."

I left, taking the spare front door key with me. It was ten thirty and I went straight up to bed. As I lay there thinking how good it might have been to have even a man with a broken leg next to me, I got a text from June.

'Thanks ever so much for doing this. I hope Andy wasn't too helpless. Mum is not good, however I'll see what she's like in the morning, thanks again.'

I set my alarm for seven and fell fast asleep.

Next day it took me a moment to wake up completely. The alarm was sounding and when I switched it off I saw a text message on my phone. It was from Andy and for a dreadful moment I thought I might have missed some emergency in the night. However it had only been sent twenty minutes before.

'Slept well Kate but I could do with a cuppa!' It was accompanied by a winking emoji.

I replied, 'Cheeky sod, I'm not your wife! Bloody well wait, I'll be there soon.'

I chuckled as I went into the shower and felt the blast of hot water on my body. I'd got into the habit of using the shower head to relieve me of my frustrations, but I resisted and thought what Andy might think if he knew what I did next door. Random thoughts which made me feel a bit at odds with myself.

"I'm here, are you decent?" I shouted up the stairs.

I heard a vague grunt, and by the time I got to the bedroom Andy was properly awake.

"Sorry I must have dropped off again," he said.

I went to the window and opened the top opening to get some fresh air in.

"Did you have to get up at all in the night?" I asked.

"Once, I needed a pee, but I managed."

"Good, I'll go and make you that cup of tea, do you need anything else?"

"I might need a bed bath nurse?"

Andy's reference played on the fact that when I'd left school I'd begun to train as a nurse. It hadn't worked out and I'd left that course to do a degree in hospitality.

"Sod off!" I retorted, "I warned you last night about your behaviour. You're in no position to demand anything!"

I hurried downstairs and set about getting a simple breakfast, together with a cup of tea. The tray contained some yoghurt, some buttered toast and a pot of marmalade.

"I hope you like marmalade, hard luck if you don't," I remarked as I brought it to the bedside.

I placed the tray on a table while I went to the bed to rearrange the pillows.

"Sit forward while I fix these."

As I did so the duvet shifted and Andy pushed himself back revealing a pretty obvious erection making a 'tent' in his pyjama trousers. He made no attempt to hide it, in fact he held his arms wide apart to display it.

I couldn't ignore it, maybe I should have.

"Andy... please! You need a bloody cold shower! Cover yourself up!"

He chuckled and compounded the situation by gathering the fabric around the base with one hand, making it stand up even more clearly.

"It needs attention Kate," he said it almost casually, waiting for my reaction.

My face was bright red and my left arm was trapped between his back and the pillows.

"Andy... behave! Give me my arm back."

My mouth must have dropped open as he kept my arm trapped and pulled his waistband down, allowing his stiff cock to flip out.

"Jesus Andy, for fuck's sake, what are you doing?"

As he moved I withdrew my arm only to find it grabbed and my hand thrust down onto his cock. It felt hot, it felt hard, and I remembered how my ex's felt like that early in the morning. There was even a tiny droplet of pre cum glistening on the head which I couldn't avoid touching.

The moment I hesitated was my downfall. Instead of snatching my hand away my fingers seemed to wrap around it slightly, just like a baby's fingers clasp instinctively around its mother's.

Immediately Andy's hand closed over mine sandwiching my fingers against the head of his cock, and at the same moment he let out a sigh.

"Andy... fuck!... just let go!... Jesus this is crazy... my god, stop it!"

My second mistake was to sit myself down on the edge of the mattress next to him. In a panic I drew a deep breath and tried to reason, all the while my fingers were feeling this cock seemingly grow. It wasn't actually growing anymore, it was already thoroughly engorged, but it grew in my mind.

Andy took his hand off mine and I lifted my fingers away. I saw the trace of pre cum on my finger tips and wiped them quickly on the bed sheet. He looked at me with eyes like a kid whose mum had scolded him.

"I'm sorry Kate, I shouldn't have done that, I just felt very horny and you know I've always fancied you."

My heart skipped a beat, and my face flushed again. The feeling was mutual, but I'd never betray a friend or that's what I'd thought. I was reminded of all those times at parties, or in June and Andy's kitchen drinking coffee, when we rather shamelessly flirted.

"Stop it Andy."

My quiet voice and tone gave away my own feelings. He must have thought for a moment that I was continuing to admonish him, his face full of guilt as he looked at me. His expression changed completely when I added, "I've had those feelings too," and at the same time my fingers wrapped around his cock once again.

It was a though a veil had been lifted from him as my fingers slid slowly down his shaft then back up again as he gave a sort of gasp.

"Oh god, Kate!"

In that moment, all logic, all common sense disappeared and I leaned forwards. I'd not done this for a very long time and it was something I so enjoyed with John, my ex.

My tongue ran its way completely from underneath the head of Andy's cock, over the top, before I took the complete head into my mouth. The sound of Andy's moan of ecstasy and the gentle feeling of his hand briefly resting on my hair was thrilling to me and I'd already decided there could be no way back. This was a journey to be finished in the way I remembered.

"Oh god Kate... oh my..."

There was no clarity in Andy's words, just sounds of pure pleasure.

My fingers clasped around the base of his cock and I took him further into my mouth. I didn't gag, I just pushed down until it reached as far as I wanted. My tongue pressed in on it, enclosing it in a warm, wet sheath. Slowly I lifted up, squeezing it as it became covered in my saliva.

In a moment I was going down again, and Andy was groaning again. I think he said something like, "Jesus Kate, that feels..."

Again he didn't finish the sentence and Jesus was mentioned not for the first time.

When I lifted up this time I swirled my tongue around the head and then back down again. I let some saliva run down the shaft to lubricate my fingers as they began to massage the lower end.

I wanted to pleasure him, but this whole thing was so unexpected and deliciously illicit, when he groaned again I knew it wouldn't last long.

Andy's breathing had become erratic, I could hear him panting and I knew he couldn't hold on.

"Fuck Kate, I'm gonna cum, I'm sorry," he cried out in a sort of panic.

I sensed it too and the head of his cock seemed to swell, then it jerked and I pushed down, feeling the first spurt of semen shoot to the back of my mouth. He jerked again, and again, rapidly emptying himself onto my tongue. All the while I was attempting to swallow. Conspicuously a little of it dribbled out of the side of my mouth like some explicit porn film. Andy must have been holding on without cumming for days.

Slowly everything relaxed. I stopped sucking. Andy was breathing heavily and as I lifted my head up I ran a finger along my chin to sweep up the semen that had escaped. Lasciviously I licked it up and caught Andy's eye.

"June must never know about this Andy, I mean it!"

My voice was edgy and Andy could barely speak. He looked down at his shrinking cock, a small amount of semen still leaking out.

"No... I won't ever say a thing, not a word." He seemed totally at a loss.

Then he reached out and stroked my cheek. In any other circumstance we might have kissed, but that would have compounded the treachery. I stood up.

In a much quieter voice I said, "You need to ring your wife and make sure her mum's okay, eat that toast and I'll go downstairs and wash up the stuff in the kitchen. You need to wash and get dressed, I'll bring a bowl of water up in a bit."

I turned and went, not waiting for any reply. As I walked downstairs I was trembling, the taste of Andy's spunk still on my lips.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I whispered to myself in the kitchen. I washed the dishes, tidied the breakfast bar, and went into the lounge to plump up the cushions on the sofa where Andy sat.

Gradually I composed myself before going back upstairs carrying a plastic bowl. I heard Andy speaking and waited until he'd finished before entering the bedroom. It actually smelt of sex.

I opened the window wider and began a list of instructions.

"I'm not discussing anything Andy, we need to get you washed and dressed. I'll fill this bowl and you can sit there and wash your face. Do you use an electric razor?"

He nodded and I continued.

"You tell me what you want to wear and where it is and then I'll leave you to it. You're not completely helpless, but if you do need help, I'll be downstairs."

Andy knew to keep quiet after what had happened. He had that hangdog expression again. Filling the bowl, getting his razor and a set of clothes I retreated.

"June said she'll be back late this afternoon so I've only got to survive until then."

If it was an attempt at humour it failed and I gave him a black look. I waited downstairs until he called out, "I'm done Kate!"

I went back up and took the bowl to empty it. Andy was sitting on the side of the bed.

"I'll help you downstairs only if you behave, if not you can stay up here all day until June gets home."

I must have sounded quite stern.

"You're such a misery guts Kate, it was you who sucked me off."

"Shut up! I'm not discussing it, it never happened as far as I'm concerned, now come on if you want some help."

Andy hauled himself up onto his crutches and I went to the top of the stairs and waited. I took one crutch and he used the other, holding onto the banister taking one stair at a time. I was just in front of him in case he stumbled, although I would probably have fallen down the stairs with him if the worst had happened.

We got to the bottom and I handed him the second crutch. We moved into the lounge and he flopped down onto the sofa. I put the stool under his plastered leg and I asked him if he wanted a drink before I left. There was not a lot said.

I made him a coffee and by the time I'd brought it to him he'd turned on the tv. I pulled the curtains fully open, passed him a book he wanted, and adjusted the stool which was not quite in the right place.

"You do have the most wonderful ass Kate," he suddenly said, breaking the silence, as I bent over to reposition it.

"Huh!" I got angry again. "That's as maybe. I can't imagine you saying that in front of June, now stop it! I'm going before you get carried away to fantasy land."

I couldn't resist the temptation to say, "Have you got some tissues if you have a wank?"

I regretted saying it as soon as it had left my mouth and I avoided eye contact as I left.

"You could stop and help."

The words faded as I slammed the front door behind me, my own thoughts swirling in my head.

"Thanks again Kate," June had phoned me that lunchtime before she left to come home, "you've been a real godsend."

I told her not to be so silly, it was the neighbourly thing to do, and then she asked another favour.

"Mum's got some help in the week and my sister's helping out next weekend, but I need to go back for a couple of days on Monday week, you couldn't pop in to Andy again? He'll be out of plaster by then, but I think they'll put a boot on him after that. He'll be more mobile and won't need as much fuss?"

I found myself agreeing and to my shame I felt excited.

"Of course, I'd be happy to."

And so it transpired. I saw both of them on the Sunday afternoon before June left and Andy was indeed more mobile. He only used one crutch and was able to go up and down stairs on his own. I told him I'd pop in later that evening to make sure everything was ok.

"You're so good Kate, I'm so glad he's got you," June said as I left.

The guilt almost overwhelmed me and I turned away to avoid my blushes being seen.

"Don't be silly, it's nothing," I replied, and quickly went home until that evening.

I texted Andy about seven 'o clock.

'I'm just about to drop in. You ok? You need anything bringing in?'

The reply simply said, 'Just yourself.' which was the usual sarcasm to be expected.

When I unlocked the front door and shouted, I was greeted by Andy coming through the doorway to the lounge in his surgical boot.

"Shouldn't you be using a crutch?" I asked.

"No, it's okay, I can cover short distances without it," he replied, beaming across his face, "I'm faster on my feet now."

The innuendo wasn't wasted and I hit back with, " Then you don't need me, you can do everything for yourself."

He chuckled, "Come on in, you can open some wine."

I followed him back into the lounge as he hopped to the sofa.

"There's a bottle of Sauvignon in the fridge, it's got a screw top, the glasses are in the cupboard above the coffee machine."

I half snorted.

"I'll only have a half glass, and so will you, I'm not letting you get me drunk and I'm only stopping to see you get upstairs."

I went into the kitchen, got the bottle out of the fridge bringing it, with two glasses, into the lounge. I poured the wine and sat down opposite Andy on the other side of the footstool.

"You look nice tonight Kate."

I found myself pulling a face and then I realised I'd actually made an effort to look good. I'd put on a rather fitted t-shirt that dipped at the neck and a skirt that just about covered my knees. I'd also put on more make up than usual. My subconscious had been at work and I felt a silly thrill run up my spine.

I uttered a loud groan, "Is this a chat up line Andy? or do you say that to June on a Sunday evening?"

Andy's face looked suitably admonished and he replied, "No, I can't say that I do, but you know how it is when you're married."

"I do, and maybe if John had said that to me a bit more he might not have run off with his secretary."

He realised what he'd said and apologised straightaway.

"God I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... you know, bring up all that stuff again."

It was my turn to laugh.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm over it now, water under the bridge."

There was an awkward silence, then we both spoke at once.

"I've not thought about men that much," I lied and at exactly the same moment Andy said, "Do you miss a man about the house?"

We both dissolved in a fit of giggles. I must have blushed because our previous indiscretion belied that thought. We made eye contact for a brief moment and then I looked away, my heart beating a little faster.

"More wine?" suggested Andy.

"I said I wouldn't didn't I," I replied, "but go on just another small glass."

The bottle was just out of reach of Andy so I got up and putting my glass down on the table I picked up the bottle and began to fill the glass he was holding towards me.

By accident my knee bumped against his and I instinctively moved my foot away. However Andy's good leg followed me and pressed up against me again as I poured. I dare not have moved much more for fear of spilling the wine so when I'd finished I stood there for a moment and looked down at him with my leg up against his.

"You know, you're an absolute sod, stop it."

I said it quietly, without any anger, in fact in a very resigned way. Then I did step away and poured my own glass.

His reply was obvious. "I know, but ever since the other week..."

"Yes, well we said that was a one off, and it was, never to be mentioned again."

I changed the subject very quickly and after almost another hour we'd finished off the bottle.


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