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Kalpana & "Sir" Ch. 07

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Kalpana meets Swati.
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Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/21/2009
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This story is about an extramarital liaison between two consenting adults. There is no cheating involved, at least on the woman's part. Her husband knows about it; indeed initially he has instigated her and she has continued it with his passive acquiescence, if not his active encouragement. Those who are offended by this situation need not read further. This is a work of fiction based on facts. I leave it to my readers to sift fact from fiction.

I would like to tell my readers that those searching for quick, fast and furious action will probably be better off looking elsewhere but I hope that those who want to read a good story will find this one rewarding.

Although I have tried to make this story self-contained as far as possible, I request you to read my Swati series to better appreciate it. To summarize: Swati is Shyam's childhood friend and is a few years older than him. She seduced Shyam when he was just nineteen and was his first lover. Their affair continued off and on for several years until he got married. They have kept in touch long after the affair amicably ended.

Conversations that took place in Hindi are recorded in italics followed immediately with an English translation. Those familiar with Hindi may find it rewarding to read the original. Others can conveniently skip those parts.

Your vote and constructive feedback is appreciated.

I urge my readers to read Ch. 01 to Ch. 06 for the sake of continuity.


It was mid-morning on a Friday, several days after Shyam and Kalpana's last meeting in Alibaug. Her hubby Kapil wasn't yet back in town. His out station assignment had gotten extended by a week.

"Oh hello, Shyam! What a pleasant surprise!"

Shyam and Kalpana were sitting in the coffee shop of a downtown luxury hotel discussing the action plans of their marketing project when they were suddenly interrupted by a clear, high voice calling out to him. A smile broke out on his face as he rose to greet the owner of the voice.

"Swati! You look great! As ever!"

"You too!" Swati hugged Shyam and they rubbed cheeks and exchanged air kisses, while Kalpana looked on with an amused expression.

"Meet Kalpana, my business associate. And this is Swati, my childhood friend!" Shyam did the introductions and Swati graciously accepted his invitation to have a cup of coffee. The two women surreptitiously sized each other up while Shyam and Swati exchanged pleasantries.

Her observant eye caught Kalpana's dreamy sidelong glances at him even as Swati and Shyam chatted. She knew immediately that Kalpana was smitten by Shyam. She also noted from the sindoor in her hair parting and the mangalsutra worn around her neck that Kalpana was married.

"Hmm... how interesting!" Swati mused. But she couldn't be sure how much Shyam was into Kalpana. His bland, affable manner revealed nothing. Her protective, almost maternal instincts towards Shyam were immediately awakened. Although they had long ago ceased to be lovers, Swati continued to take an interest in Shyam's life. While Shyam was the last person to kiss and tell, he hadn't been able to hide many of his dalliances from her sharp eye and probing mind. She not only knew about his (s)exploits, she took pride in his many conquests, just like a mother or a coach would take pride in her ward bringing trophies home.

So, while ostensibly showing interest in the marketing project being discussed between Shyam and Kalpana, Swati set about unobtrusively to scrutinize her. It was obvious to her that Kalpana was infatuated with Shyam; but what kind of an animal was this young woman? Was she a mere gold digger trying to further her career by becoming intimate with him? Or was she perhaps an unstable, obsessive type who could lose her balance and thereby pose a threat to him? Above all, was she hot enough to sustain her Shyam's interest? She wasn't surprised at Kalpana's married status; she knew Shyam's penchant for married lovers. Nor was she shocked that Kalpana appeared to be young enough to be his daughter. She knew first-hand how irresistible Shyam was to women of all ages...

Swati noted Kalpana's down to earth attitude, self-confidence, articulateness and easy familiarity with facts and figures, all indicators of a sharp, lively intelligence. She also noted Kalpana's attractive features and well-endowed womanly attributes, well concealed as they were by her crisply ironed sari wrapped securely around her shoulders. No doubt Kalpana was dressing to please Shyam, Swati thought, knowing how much he appreciated sari clad women. She could see that Kalpana was just the kind of woman Shyam would be attracted to.

"Hmm... Not bad! " Swati mused. She found herself warming up to Kalpana. "Are they doing it?" She wondered. "Must find out!"

On her part, Kalpana had to acknowledge that Swati did indeed look great. Although she was in her sixties, the years had been kind to her (aided perhaps by the skills of an expensive plastic surgeon). Except for crows' feet at the corners of her eyes, her face was almost unlined and her complexion was clear; her eyes sparkled and she had a ready laugh, sounding like the tinkling of a bell. She wore an off-white handloom silk sari and an expensive pearl necklace that complemented her almost fully white hair, cut fashionably short. She wore no obvious makeup. She looked every inch the patrician, wealthy, successful businesswoman that she was. Kalpana too took an instant liking for Swati.

"Come, give me company while I powder my nose!" Swati invited.

Both women rose and proceeded to the ladies room, chatting amiably. Kalpana felt very comfortable in Swati's company. She told Swati about her education and career and was soon sharing titbits about her family. Swati too talked about her business and her family. She reminisced about her childhood memories of Shyam and about how she had witnessed him grow from strength to strength. On her part Kalpana described in glowing terms her association with Shyam.

"Is he a hard boss?" Swati enquired innocently. Kalpana's heart skipped a beat as the word "hard" conjured up some very graphic images.

"Not at all! Although Sir is very demanding, he is also very kind and considerate!" Kalpana responded after the briefest hesitation. Swati didn't miss the hesitation and the quick blush spreading on Kalpana's face. She was now certain that they were indeed having an affair. She was determined to probe deeper.

"Kalpana dear, I'm rather busy today, but I would love to have lunch with you tomorrow." Swati invited and Kalpana accepted. They returned to the coffee shop and joined Shyam just as he finished a long call and called for the check.

"I have to go now Shyam, but we must meet while I am in Mumbai. Do call me soon!" Swati placed a restraining hand on his shoulder as he started to rise to say goodbye. She then leaned forward and lightly kissed his lips. The kiss lasted just a little longer than the casual kisses that are often exchanged between high society men and women.

Kalpana's heart sank and the pit of her stomach knotted as she witnessed Swati kissing Shyam on his lips. Kalpana had become used to seeing cosmopolitan, upper class men and women in Mumbai casually hugging and exchanging air kisses and occasionally even locking lips. Although she knew that such public displays of affection didn't necessarily signify anything deeper, she nevertheless cringed inwardly whenever she witnessed them. And now, the brazen display of intimacy between Swati and Shyam left her aghast. Although Swati's kiss had been completely spontaneous, she did notice the look of utter consternation on Kalpana's face.

"Ciao! See you tomorrow!" Swati trilled, with a knowing smile on her face and then walked briskly away on her errand.

Spontaneous or deliberate, Swati's little kiss confirmed to Kalpana that there was indeed more than just friendship between Swati and her "Sir". She was taken aback by her own visceral reaction. She knew very well that Shyam was a worldly man; she was well aware of his reputation as a womanizer. She also knew that she had no rights over him; being married, he belonged to his wife, not to her. And yet, she couldn't suppress the sharp stab of jealousy and insecurity that pierced her heart.

Unlike many men, Shyam had very sensitive antennae when it came to detecting women's moods and emotions. He immediately sensed Kalpana's turmoil, much as she tried to conceal it. He was simultaneously amused as well as concerned for her. He also felt a little uneasy; Kalpana's twinge of jealousy did not bode well for the future of their relationship. But above all, he felt a surge of pride that a hot young woman, half his age and married to another man should be so possessive about him. He also understood that Kalpana needed to be reassured.

"Swati is my childhood friend. Long ago, we were lovers. In fact, she was my first lover. But now, we are just good friends. Does that upset you?" Shyam asked, looking into Kalpana's eyes. She averted her eyes and remained silent. She was stunned by his directness but was nevertheless relieved that the matter was now out in the open.

"Kalpana, you are my lover now!" He whispered in her ear. A surge of happiness and pride coursed through her as she heard him describe her thus. She was not just a use-and-discard fuck-toy after all! She also felt an odd thrill that she belonged to a long line of women whom "Sir" had favoured with his attentions. She felt proud, almost honoured to be part of this privileged sorority.

"Yes... I... I was upset when I saw Swati Madam ki... kiss you... But now I am OK." She gathered her thoughts and responded after a long silence. She blushed, looking down.

"Yes, that was very naughty of her. I think she did it just to tease you!" Then he held her by her chin, raised her face and swooped down to plant a quick but intimate kiss on her lips.

"There! You are even now!" He exclaimed. Although it had hardly lasted a second, that kiss turned her topsy-turvy. She was simultaneously aghast at this public display of affection, thrilled at his affirmation of their intimacy, ashamed to be made a spectacle of and afraid that someone known to her hubby might have seen the act.

"Please nahi Sir! Yeh aapne kya kar diya!"

"Please don't, Sir! Look what you've done!" She protested in a feeble voice. However, she could not control her body's reaction to his kiss. She felt a surge of arousal. Her breath caught, nipples stiffened, and pussy gushed slippery fluid and moistened her panties. She broke into a sweat and clasped her hands tightly together in her lap, to stop them from trembling. She couldn't dare to look up.

His observant eye didn't miss her reaction to his quick kiss. He could almost smell her arousal, and his cock stiffened in response. He simply ignored her verbal protests. Being as always a man of action, a plan quickly crystallized in his mind. He called the hotel reception and wondered whether he could use his usual suite for a few hours. Being a powerful and influential man and a long standing patron of the hotel, he could always count on their utmost efforts to satisfy his sometimes quirky requests.

Their meeting that day was to be a strictly business affair. No hanky-panky had been planned. Kalpana was panic stricken as she heard Shyam talking to the hotel reception. She understood exactly what "Sir" had in mind. First the public kiss and now he was going to fuck her! She suddenly felt ashamed as she pictured herself walking with "Sir" to the elevators. The whole coffee shop would know what "Sir" was going to do to her, having witnessed their public kiss. And yet, underlying the fear and shame, she could not deny feeling a thrill as she imagined a dozen pairs of eyes looking at them with knowing smiles.

"Nahi Sir! Aisa mat kijiye. Mujhe ab jaane dijiye."

"No Sir! Please don't do this. Let me go now." She protested feebly. Her protests fell on deaf ears. Yet, she couldn't summon up the will to simply get up and walk away.

"I am very sorry Sir. Your usual suite is occupied. Would another suite be OK?" The girl at the reception called back shortly, naming a suite usually reserved for visiting high dignitaries. Upon getting his assent, she promised to have it ready for use in twenty minutes.

"You are so hot and sexy! Do you want to feel how hard you've made me?" His voice was low. She immediately shrank back, afraid that he might pull her hand on to his crotch.

"Don't worry! I'll never make you do anything you don't want to. But if you do want to do it, I won't stop you either!" He chuckled under his breath. She blushed as she remembered when once she had put her hand in his lap while they had been sitting in a restaurant.

"Sir, aap please mujhe jaane dijiye. Main sharam se mar jaungi!"

"Sir, please let me go. I'll die of shame." She entreated, to no avail.

As they waited, he described in a low voice, using explicit language what he intended to do to her as soon as they were alone. Her ears burned in embarrassment as she listened to his crude language. "Why am I still sitting here and letting a "paraya mard" (forbidden / illicit man) take such liberties with me when even my hubby has never talked to me thus?" She asked herself. And yet she couldn't deny the exponential rise in her sexual arousal as her body responded to his whispered words and the manly scent of his body as she sat close to him. "You need his cock in your cunt right now!" The Devil whispered in her ear as she pressed her hand on her wildly fluttering heart...

As soon as he got a confirmation that their suite was ready, Shyam wrote down the number of the suite on a card and gave it to her. "I am going up to the suite. Why don't you take a stroll in the shopping arcade and then come up in a quarter hour?" He suggested as he helped her out of her seat. He knew she would be embarrassed if they were seen walking out together by the people in the coffee shop.

"What a hot little wench!" He mused as he walked away. "Isn't she a bit of an exhibitionist?" He wondered, recalling how she had responded in the past when he had fondled her breasts in a restaurant, or when he had stroked her naughty nipple at an open beach as it poked out of her thin blouse, made translucent by her sweat... On both the occasions, although there was no way anybody could have actually seen their love play, he had stopped as soon as she had told him to. But the mere possibility of discovery had been enough to ignite her passion and boost her arousal sky high! The sex they had had thereafter had been amazing! And today, after seeing her hair-trigger response to his fleeting kiss in public, he just couldn't wait to meet her in his suite.


Kalpana shook her head in anger and disbelief as she watched him walk away. "What an arrogant bastard! How dare he expect me to follow him whenever he crooks his finger! Like an obedient bitch!!" Her anger flared as her arousal waned. He was no longer near her to keep it stoked. She was angry with "Sir" for treating her like his plaything, available at his beck and call. But more than that she was angry with herself. "Why have I let him dominate me so? He keeps popping up into my thoughts all the time! Why have I let him hold such power over me? I have to shake off his hold and breathe free!" She kept thinking as she repeatedly splashed cold water on her face in the ladies room. "Must go home." She decided. She stepped out of the hotel and started walking towards Churchgate station, a good twenty minutes away. "A walk in the hot Mumbai sun will clear my head." She thought.

As she walked at a brisk pace in the hot and humid Mumbai air, she soon started sweating profusely. Memories of her association with Shyam welled up before her mind's eye and her pace gradually slowed to a stroll. She remembered the long hours she'd spent with him in the Trident office. She acknowledged how much she'd learnt from him professionally, during their long interactions late in the evenings. She remembered his glances at her: they had never felt intrusive, instead they'd felt more like gentle caresses. She recalled how much she used to look forward to meeting him and how she used to freshen up her makeup and spritz eau de cologne on her clothes, just to make herself more attractive for him. She had to admit that there was truth in her hubby's observation that she was perhaps falling for "Sir", although at that time she had angrily denied it. She also recalled many incidents that demonstrated how considerate he always was...

And the sex! It had always been mind-blowing! Her heart somersaulted as she recalled the many passion filled hours she had spent in his arms... He had always ensured that she climaxed at least once, even while he used her to satisfy his own cravings, kinky as they sometimes were. Even her hubby had sometimes left her high and dry, although they had generally had a pretty decent sex life. But sex with "Sir" had been on a different plane altogether! Although initially he had used a bit of coercion, she had forgiven him, knowing that he had done it only to break through her resistance and shake her out of her ambivalence - a part of her was wildly attracted to him while another part simultaneously tried to distance herself from him, in an effort to preserve her virtue. On her own, she would never have been able to confront her ambivalence and make a hard choice. She accepted that she had no regrets for what they had experienced together and for that, he deserved the credit. Although she would never admit it even to herself, the fact was that her submission to his will relieved her of the burden of responsibility for her affair and salved her conscience, thus freeing her to enjoy the carnal pleasures he so generously shared with her, without any guilt! Her anger slowly subsided and she gradually regained her equilibrium. While she was still firm in her resolve to break off their affair, she realized that it would be extremely rude and churlish if she were just to walk out on him. At the very least, she owed him an explanation and a decent goodbye...

All of a sudden she realized that she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going. Lost in her thoughts, she had missed a couple of turns and walked rather far from Churchgate. She hailed a taxi.

"Kahan jana hai madam?"

"Where to, madam?" The cabbie asked.

"Hotel XXX." She responded unthinkingly. She could very well have conveyed her farewell message over the phone and gone home, but her subconscious mind had already decided to meet him face to face. More than an hour had passed since Shyam had taken her leave in the coffee shop. Her pulse started racing as the cab approached the hotel...


Shyam could imagine what must have been going through Kalpana's mind. So he was not too surprised at her tardiness. He made good use of his time, making several business calls and applying his mind to the many issues that needed his attention. He never had a doubt that she would show up eventually. Even so, his heartbeat quickened and he felt arousal course through his loins when he heard a timid knock on the door.

"Ah! You must've been out in the sun!" He greeted her as he took in her visage. "Do come in!"

In her rush to meet "Sir", she hadn't even stopped by in the ladies room to freshen up. She was sweating profusely. Rivulets of sweat trickled down her face, down her throat and under her pallu. Strands of her dishevelled hair stuck wetly to her forehead and cheek. The heat of the sun had reddened her face and she was panting. Her eyes had a peculiarly intense look in them. He on the other hand was cool as a cucumber. His sensitive nostrils flared as they picked up the feminine scent of her sweaty body. He offered her a cold glass of water and watched her gulp it down thirstily. She looked so attractive, sexy and vulnerable that he forgave her for the delay, forgetting the little annoyance that she had caused him. While still firm on her resolve to tell him her decision to end their affair, she couldn't suppress an involuntary shiver of excitement and fear as he loomed over her.


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