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Karen Ch. 01: His New Girlfriend?

Story Info
She chooses Ken to develop her tease and denial skills.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2014
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Thank you to tangentjoker and to my wife for editing this story.


The stories about Karen aren't one story in several parts. Each story is a story into itself. So don't be afraid to begin with a later story if you don't want to read the early ones. But, nevertheless, it is not a bad idea to read the stories in order they have been released.

Karen is a beautiful woman at the age of 19. She has decided to use her beauty and her sex appeal to her advantage.

In the first stories, she trains herself. Later on she uses her seductive skills on different men. Sometimes to get benefits, sometimes because she like challenges.

If you like the idea of these stories, you can make suggestions of future story plots and persons you want to see Karen with. If I like your ideas, perhaps I'll try to write them down as stories.


She was the most beautiful woman in high school, Ken thought. He was drooling over her since the first time he had seen her. She had an angelic face, long legs, firm, flat tummy, and her breasts had just the right size. They were not too big, but not small. In reality, he hadn't seen her breasts but he had a good imagination. She was a very popular girl at school.

On the other side, Ken wasn't popular. He was nerdy, skinny and when in company, he nearly never said a word. He hadn't thought that this pretty woman had even recognized him. When he greeted her, she hadn't greeted him back. It seemed that he was invisible to her.

He often tried to be near her. So even if she didn't see him, he got a lot to see and to dream about. For him, she was incredibly sexy. He liked very much that she was self-confident and seemed to know that she was a beauty. She mostly wore sexy clothes: belly tops, hot pants or short skirts or tops with plunging necklines or sleeveless tops. She looked great in everything she wore, Ken thought. He, however, was not in her league and so it was no wonder to him that she didn't notice him.

He was caught off guard, one day, when she spoke to him in the hall.

"Hi, Ken. How are you?" she asked while she placed herself in front of him.

"Uhhh, I'm fine! Thank you!" Ken answered.

She stepped up to Ken until she was very close to him. Ken could smell her perfume. She was a couple of inches taller than he. Ken was intimidated by this.

Karen examined him carefully.

"Are you okay? You seem to be nervous," Karen detected.

Ken begun to sweat as he said, "Y-yes. Everything is okay."

With an amused smile on her face she observed Ken's face.

"It's hot in here, isn't it? I wanted to ask you: What are you doing this afternoon?" Karen asked with a probing look at her face.

"I, I don't know. I, I, umm, p-p-perhaps homework?" Ken stammered.

"I want to meet you this afternoon. I'll see you at 2 pm at my house, okay?" Karen asked.

"Oh, okay!" Ken replied.

Karen stood closely to Ken a few moments longer, with her hands on her hips, without saying a word. Ken felt like shrinking in front of her chest. Then, finally, Karen turned to go.

"See you!"

Ken hadn't had time to really realize what had just happened. His brain was spinning. What has just happened? He just kept standing at the same place. In recollection, he gasped and his cock got hard. What did she want from him? He flew to the restroom to wait for his now obvious erection to subside. It took a bit of time until he left the restroom. He tried to catch a view of her again, the whole morning, but he didn't see her again.


Nervously he arrived at her place. He was 10 minutes early and he went back and forth on the nearby sidewalk before he went to the door and rang the bell.

For a long time nothing happened. It was still quiet behind the front door. Perhaps she was kidding him. He wouldn't be very surprised. He couldn't imagine why she wanted to meet him. Ken's anger began to grow. How foolish it was that he was here! How could he think about a meeting with Karen? She was obviously kidding him.

Before he turned to leave, he decided to ring the doorbell again.

Just before he rang, he heard her voice from inside the house: "Sorry. Just one moment, please. I just came out of the shower and I'm naked and wet at the moment. I'm just going to dress."

The picture of a wet and naked Karen caused his cock to jump to an erection. Damn, he thought. How could he have a normal meeting with her, when his cock had a life of his own? He tried to calm down and tried to think of some boring things, like his algebra housework. Of course, it worked a little bit.

Several minutes later, she opened the door.

She wore a white sleeved blouse, shorts and was barefoot. Her long blond hair was still wet. He tried to suppress the image of Karen in the shower again. Perhaps he hadn't tried hard enough or it was too hard an image to suppress. In fact, he imagined her naked body the whole time.

"Come in," Karen said.

While he followed her to the living room, he had to admire her firm ass. He was already hard, again, when they arrived in the living room.

"Sit down," Karen ordered. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Uhhhhh, perhaps a water or something," Ken replied.

"Okay then, perhaps I'll bring you a water," Karen chuckled and sat down in front of him. With an interested smile on her face, she examined Ken from tip to toe. She rested her look for a moment at his crotch. He felt naked and, against his will, his erection grew to a full hard on.

"That is nice. You have a visible indicator that you find me sexy."

Ken blushed and lowered his head. "Err, I, I'm sorry. I, I don't want to offend you. It's because..." He fell silent and blushed even more. After a moment of uncomfortable silence he tried again.

"It's... ahem. You are such a beautiful girl. I've always admired your body, and now you are so close to me... I couldn't hope. I think, I, I, I am not able to do anything about this." His face became redder during this confession.

"That is not a shame! I am sexy, and I know that you find me hot. That is how it should be and I like that you are attracted to me. I like that your tool is reacting to me. That's the reason I have asked you to meet me!" She looked in his eyes.

"What?" Ken didn't understood a word she'd just said.

"Ken, do you have a girlfriend?" Karen asked.


"Ken, did you ever have a girlfriend before?"

"I, errr, I... uhhh, no!"

"Do you want to have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, I, yes, I guess..."

"You guess?"

"Yes, I want to have a girlfriend," Ken replied shyly.

"Do you sometimes dream of me as your girlfriend?"

"I, I, ehhhhhhh..."

"Do you?" Karen insisted.

"Yes," Ken responded.

"That will never happen!" Karen said as she smiled at him.

Ken looked fuddled. Had she ordered him to come here simply to frustrate him?

"I know, Ken. You are a little bit nerdy. Girls aren't interested in nerdy guys. What do you think?"

"Ehhhh, I..." He looked to the floor and blushed. "I think you are right!"

"Ken, you don't know how to deal with girls. You are clumsy and awkward. I think you don't have a chance to get a girlfriend. But, maybe, I can help you - and you can help me. I want to make a deal with you!"

Ken was suspicious and stood up. "W-w-what k-kind of deal?"

"Sit down," she ordered. Ken sat down on the couch.

"I'm not attracted to you, but it's fine that you find me sexy. I mostly get what I want. I'm able to twist most men around my little finger. That's how it should be. But I'm far from perfect. I have to train my skills. And I want to train with you. You could be my training partner. What you will get is a lot of arousal and, perhaps, some sexual experience with me."

Ken was speechless and didn't now how to answer. He also didn't know what to think.

"But why, ummmm, you are... I don't know what you want from me."

Karen chuckled and said, "I want to train with you!"

She neared herself to Ken and put a hand on his left knee.

"I want to have control over men and I'm sure you can help me. There are a lot of routines I have to practice. There are a lot of things I have to try out and lot of things I have to learn."

"I, I, I don't know." Ken was confused.

"Perhaps I should explain the first lesson, and you can decide later. My first lesson will be to get to learn more about your state of arousal. My aim is to know exactly how aroused a man is. I want to know how far he is from getting an orgasm. I want to bring him to an orgasm when I want it. I also want to know when I have to stop at the very last second to get him frustrated and hornier as a man would think is possible and to get him to beg for release. I want to get full control of his arousal. Do you want to be my training partner?"

Ken was nervous. Did it really count, that she doesn't love him, if he gets sex?

Karen continued, "Today, I want to take you to the edge of your orgasm several times. I want to learn how to stop teasing you at the very last moment. Your reward will be a lot of arousal and, of course, I will grant you release at the end of this lesson."

Karen moved her hand up forward on Ken's leg.

"Don't you want to get sexual experience, too? Shall we do this today? What do you think, Ken?"

A gentle moan left Ken's mouth. If he had ever thought about leaving her house or this situation, he just now melted away.

"Okay!" he agreed.

Karen's hand stopped. She grabbed his hair with her other hand and pulled his head back, and kissed him. He trembled even more and his breath began to get heavy. She broke the kiss but kept her hand in his hair, still holding his head back. Her other hand opened his zipper. She slid his pants down and his cock sprang out. She grabbed tightly around the cock, but didn't move her hand.

She kissed him again. Without even noticing it, he began to hump his pelvis.

"Don't move!" she ordered.

He stopped his movement. She kissed him again. His legs trembled. She released her kiss and her hand left his cock.

She looked him in his eyes.

"Although you are clumsy, Ken, you are sweet. But I don't love you. I want to train with you. I'll start with giving you a hand job. You won't be the only one I'll play with. I'm interested in different men. You agree, don't you?" She looked deep in his eyes, while she talked to him.

Ken nodded.

"It will be hard for you, but I hope it will be very erotic for you, too. It'll be hot and sexy. I'll try to control you and enslave you. But you can be assured that I'll try not to cause permanent damage -- not physically nor mentally."

She tapped with her index-finger on the tip of his cock. It bounced up. Karen chuckled.

"If you agree now, I will decide how long I will play with you and how often. You can beg me to stop, but I'll decide if I give you release. When you agree, you agree for the whole training program, not only for tonight. Even I don't know how many lessons it will be. That depends of the progress I make."

In Ken's opinion this sounded crazy. He couldn't believe that she could think what she just said.

Her fingers of her right hand formed a ring around his cock. She again looked into his eyes without touching him. Ken watched in awe and gazed at his cock beginning to twitch.

"Do we have a deal?" Karen insisted, "Your cock wants it, don't you see?"

"Uhhhh, yes," Ken replied.

"Yes, I can train with you? I will give you a hand job. We'll begin my training right here, if you agree," Karen explained.

"Oooooooh, yes, Karen. You make me so hot. You are incredible!"

"Thank you very much!"

Karen's hand left his cock. She grabbed his hair again and, once again, kissed him. Then she opened his shoelaces and removed his shoes. She then stripped his socks off and massaged his feet for a moment. Her hands glided up his body. They found the skin of his belly under his T-Shirt and caressed it.

After stripping his T-Shirt off his upper body, she ordered: "Stand up!"

Ken stood up and she removed his pants and his shorts.

He sat down again and Karen parted his knees. Ken felt really exposed.

"Now you get a hand job from these sexy hands!" Karen rubbed her hands together. "But you have to tell me when you are really close to spurting your load! Okay?"

"Okay!" Ken replied and his voice was shivering.

"I will be angry if you don't tell me! Is that clear? You don't want to make me angry, do you?"

"No! I don't," Ken replied.

"What are you going to do?" Karen asked.

"I, I, I will tell you when I am on the edge of cumming!"

"Look at your cock!" Karen demanded.

Ken's cock stood out in the air.

"That's what I call a hard on!" Karen purred.

She formed an "O" with her right hand and put it over his cock without touching him again.

"Don't move!" she ordered.

Ken sit still. With bafflement, he saw his cock tremble between Karen's fingers even more than before. It came in contact with Karen's fingers from time to time.

Karen chuckled.

"It has a will of its own!"

She slowly closed her fingers around his cock until she had a grip on it.

"That's fantastic! I can feel your heart pumping blood through your cock."

She tightened her grip and loosened it in a slow rhythm. A deep growl escaped his mouth and he began to shiver over his whole body.

"I think your cock likes me!"

Karen began to pump her hand up and down his cock.

"You will tell me when you are about to cum! Okay?" Karen commanded.

"Y... y-yes," Ken stammered.

"Say, 'Yes, lovely Karen.'"

"Y... y-yes, lovely Karen!" he whispered.

"Hmmmmmm," Karen purred again and her hand pumping his cock got faster. She slowed the movement again and stroked only his knob with her thumb. Ken squeaked. After a while, she continued with slow steady strokes that brought him stroke for stroke near a mind blowing orgasm.

"Do you remember to inform me when you are close?" Karen asked.

Ken gulped. "Y-Yes!"

It didn't take long before Ken was on the edge.

"I, I-I-I-I, ha, I, I'm going to..."

Karen's hand left his cock.

"Nooooo!" Ken shouted in frustration. Then he remembered that this was the aim of Karen's training today.

Karen had an mischievous smile on her face.

"You will cum, but not so fast boy! Thank you. Calm down, horny boy."

After a minute he caught his breath.

"Are you ready to continue?" Karen asked.

"Yes," Ken replied.

"Shall I continue? I'm letting you know that you won't get to cum, okay? Shall we go on?"

"Yes, I'm ready!" Ken replied.

"Then asked me nicely!" Karen replied.

"Please, touch my cock again."

"Perhaps later. Why do you want it?"

"Ooh, Karen, don't play with me in such a cruel way. I'm so horny now. You are such a sexy woman."

"Tell me why you think I'm sexy. Perhaps it will please me," Karen demanded.

"You have such an angelic face. You have such long legs. You ooze sexuality. You have me on the hook. You are so pretty!"

Karen's smile broadened. "Yes, I'm pleased! Good boy!"

She gripped his shaft again and opened and closed her hand in a fast rhythm. You will tell me again, when you are on the brink, okay?"

"Ummm, what, you, I." Ken couldn't think clearly in response to her stimulation.

Karen gripped his balls and squeezed them a bit. "Okay?"

"O... okay," Ken replied.

"Okay, who? How do you address me correctly?" Karen asked sweetly.

Ken was confused.

"Yes, K-Karen."

"Who?" She increased the pressure on his balls.

"Yes, lovely Karen!" Ken spouted out.

"Wonderful!" Karen was pleased. She began gyrating the top of his cock with her index finger. It felt numb and sensitive at the same time. He pressed his hip forward.

"Your cock seems eager!" Karen giggled. Now she stroked her finger about the whole length of the upper side of his cock.

"Do you think I can make you cum this way?" she asked curiously.

"I, I, don't know," Ken answered breathing heavily.

"And that way?" Karen added her thumb on the underside of his cock.

"Oh my god, yes!" He spasmed a bit.

Karen stopped. "You know what you've promised?"

"I, I will tell you when I am about to cum." Ken shivered in his seat.

Karen moved her fingers at a slow, steady, pace and watched Ken's face. She felt that every stroke brought him closer to his orgasm. She watched his face, felt his growing excitement, and felt how close he got. She slowed the speed of her wanking even more.

"Nooooooo, I, Uhhhhh, Karen, I, pleeaase, K-Karen, l-l-lovely Karen," Ken stammered.

"Is there a problem, Ken?" Karen beamed.

"It's, oh, your hand is so... I, I, haven't felt anything like that before, but..."

"You are allowed to speak, Ken." Karen smiled, and stopped the movement of her hand.

"Aaargh," Ken mumbled. "I, I want to cum so bad, Karen, lovely Karen. I, I beg you to make me cum. Please, don't stop, don't play with me this way. I ask, if I may, that you make me cum, lovely Karen?"

Karen was pleased with Kens pleading.

"Don't worry. I'll make you cum like you've never cum before. I guess! But you promised to tell me just before you are going to cum. I'll let you cum, but not this time. Is that clear? Do you remember your promise?"

Karen continued with her slow wanking.

"Yes, yes, yes, lovely Karen! Everything," Ken coughed.

I didn't take long and Ken was on the brink of cumming again.

"I'm about to c-c-cuuuuummmm!" Ken shouted out.

"No!" Karen removed her hand.

Ken raised his hips, instinctively tried to touch her hand with his cock again. "Nooooooo!"

Karen chuckled: "Sit, Ken, sit. Don't move."

In frustration, Ken sank back in his seat.

"Good boy!" Karen patted his neck.

"Listen to me, boy! The next time, you don't have to tell me when you are close to cumming. On the contrary, I don't want you to show me when you are on the brink. When I think you are on the edge, I will stop. If I've missed the point, you will cum. If I stop before you at the brink, inform me and I will make you cum after my mistake like you want it. Okay?"

Ken nodded.

"Then try to deceive me."

Karen smiled and began wanking his prick again. Moving quickly at first, she slowed the pace eventually. Ken began to whimper and to beg. He tried to increase the pressure of her hand by jerking his pelvis against her hand. Karen caught his movement and it had no effect.

"Try to deceive me!" Karen said again.

Ken coughed and tried to find his breath. Then he tried to stay calm and not to show his desperation. To his own surprise he was able to act cool.

"Now you seem to be a real challenge," Karen asserted and moved her hand a little bit faster.

During the wanking, she grabbed his hair, pulled his head back and kissed him passionately. His pelvis began moving in the pace of her expert wanking. She slowed her movements again. He tried to hump the touching of her index finger and thumb. She opened the distance between the fingers a little bit, but didn't compensate for his movement. Ken's breath went faster and harder.

"Nnnnnnnghhhh," a deep grumble left his mouth.

"Not close enough," Karen determined. Suddenly Karen tightened her hand around his cock.

Ken screamed loudly. Karen sped up her wanking.

Ken bucked like a wild horse against her hand.

Karen kissed the top of his dick, removed her hand and sprang back.

Ken grumbled, spasmed, winced in his seat, and grumbled deeply.

"Noooooooooooo!" he shouted.

Karen watched him buck for about a minute before his movements slowed down. His cock was full of precum but not a drop of cum had left it.

"Fantastic!" Karen laughed in amazement.

"Now, calm down when you are able to!"

Interested, she watched his balls. The color seamed not to be so natural. It was a little bit purple.

"Now beg me!"

"Karen, ummmmm, lovely Karen. I am so desperate to cum. Please don't make it more difficult. Please, I have to cum so badly. I'm so needy to cum. I can't think clearly. I am full of desire. Please, don't be cruel to me. Make me cum or, perhaps, allow me to cum at my own hand."


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