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Kari, Tiffany and Mistress Suzy Ch. 02

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Kari comes to believe that she's a cum slut.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/03/2014
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At six a.m. Monday morning after Tiffany and Suzy began training Kari they woke her up gently. The two young women quietly removed the restraints. The behavior is so odd after the abuse that Kari is speechless.

Suzy begins saying, "That was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed it, too. Watching those dudes fuck you like that was so hot I brought myself to three orgasms thinking about it."

Tiff remains silent. Kari senses that she doesn't quite agree with what Suzy is doing but is going along anyway. All Kari can think about is how they are going to torture her if she says the wrong thing. "Yes, Mistress Suzy."

Suzy looks at Tiff and smiles. "Great," she says. "It's over now," saying that she steps behind Kari and unlocks the collar. "I'm going to put this right here," she lays the symbol of her authority on the coffee table where they first showed her the toys.

Kari, still naked but totally free, watches her roommates. Terror and relief fight for supremacy inside. She glances back and forth between them looking for some clue as to their true intentions.

Suzy recognizes the anxiety in her friend. "It's really over, honey. We're not going to do anything else to you." She pauses for effect before continuing, "Unless you want us to." They all look at each other in a kind of Mexican stand-off of wills.

Tiffany continues, "Right, anytime you want to try this again all you have to do is put the collar back on yourself. "

"Of course, if you willingly put it back on you can never take it off again on your own," Suzy adds.

"What do you mean," Kari finally asks?

Tiffany spells out the situation for her frightened roomie, "If you put the collar back on yourself then you are agreeing to become Suzy's property permanently for her to use however she chooses until she sets you free."

"I'd never agree to something like that!"

"Of course not, honey," Suzy soothes. "But just in case, we'll leave this right here if you change your mind."

No more is said on the subject that day. They each go to class. Kari finds that none of her clothes remain and resorts to wearing a blouse and skirt that Tiff provides. There isn't any underwear to go with it. Walking between classes she feels every cool spring breeze brush across her now hairless pussy. By the third class of the day juice has slicked the inside of her thighs. It's so erotic her pussy heats even more.

Throughout the day Kari notices people shooting her quick glances or openly leering. Sometimes there is whispering behind her when she enters the room, other times talking ceases. The unusual attention heightens her sense of impropriety. The heat between her legs increases.

Following her third class she heads to her favorite off campus coffee shop for some hot joe while she works on her English Lit paper. She's so engrossed in the work she doesn't notice Kevin's approach until he speaks. She and Kevin started dating right after the first football game when they met at an after party. Like her, he is a freshman. They have seen each other frequently, Friday nights, football games on Saturday, a movie now and then and they study together. She'd started to think of him as her boyfriend and she knows he has told his friends she's his girl. Looking at him over her laptop Kari suddenly wonders who Tiff sent the pics to.

"I said, 'Are you avoiding me?'" Kevin is a wiry fresh-faced kid just starting to fill out. He and Kari have messed around a little in his car and at her house. He'd been thinking that they might really have a thing going between them. "First you send me that freaky pic and then you won't answer when I call. You've been MIA all weekend. What the fuck is going on?"

Kari pales trying to think of some way to avoid telling him what happened to her the last four days. The memory of the movers fucking her chained body pops to the mind sending an instant charge to her already sensitive clit. She feels the juices gathering between her folds. "I was really busy. Umm..."

"And the picture?"

"Look, I'm...I'm trying to finish this paper for class. Can we...," Kari tries to deflect. Unfortunately, she is interrupted by two pimply-faced boys who lean over Kevin's shoulder ogling her.

"Hey, are you the girl in the...," to Kevin, "is she the one you...you dog...how was it cumming over...," back toward Kari, "can we get a shot at your..."

The remarks and suggestions overwhelm her in their suddenness. Humiliated she shrinks away from their bold familiarity. Then she latches on to one of the remarks. "Did you show them the pic?"

"Fuck yeah," they chime together. The tall one continues, "...and we've been reposting it. You are one famous chick."

No wonder everyone in her classes stared at her. And talked about her. Kari stares at Kevin and the snide shit-eating grin plastered across his face. She thought they had something together. She thought that he really liked her. Now, looking in his eyes she sees only disdain and a hunger for what he thinks she is willing to do. His next words stab at her heart.

"It looked to me like you wanted people to know what you like to do. I was thinking we could head to my dorm and, you know, I mean if you like it freaky and all, all four of us could go," Kevin suggests.

Kari closes her laptop; her work unsaved, and gathers her things. "No, I...I don't do that...no," she stammers. Clutching everything to her chest for protection she stands and turns away.

Kevin doesn't take the rejection well. "What the fuck, bitch," she exclaims too loudly? "You'll be somebody's fuck toy but you're now too innocent for me. I hope you fucking catch a disease, you bitch."

Everyone in the shop turns to look not at the speaker but at Kari. She desperately wants to hide from the scrutiny, hide from the accusing stares. The feelings of shame she felt at Suzy and Tiff's hands are nothing compared to the utter humiliation caused by Kevin's objectification. She means no more to him than a place to get his rocks off and when denied he scorns her. Tears fill her eyes, cheeks beet red she stumbles past the curious and judgmental thoroughly mortified. At the corner she grabs the bus paying the fare then heads for an empty seat.

Alone with her thoughts Kari begins to feel the isolation. Her phone rings. The smiling face of Kevin on the screen mocks her. His words repeat the accusations in her mind. Less than a week earlier she was good, chaste, innocent. Her thoughts churn over how quickly her life turned upside down. The worst part is despite the abuse and provocation she still felt a surge of desire in her belly at the thought of taking them all. In the isolation of the bus images flash through her mind's eye of what it would be like to have three at once. A shudder of revulsion runs down her spine. And of desire. The more she tries to push the memories of two at once, of the massive orgasm exploding from her clit when that big dick entered her, her hunger for more in her belly the more they fill her mind. Juice seeps from her cunt soaking the skirt separating her from the hard seat.

She's first back to the house. Everything looks normal except her empty bedroom. On her phone is a dozen missed messages from Kevin and other unrecognized numbers. She deletes the messages unheard. The collar rests on the table mocking her. Kari sits and cries.

In the morning Kari wakes on the couch after crying herself to sleep. The first thing she sees is the collar. At the sight a surge of excitement tickles her insides. She hurriedly pushes the thoughts that rise unbidden down. Both Tiff and Suzy's doors are closed. Hers stands open where she can see the restraints and the mat. She hurries to the bathroom. Still without any clothes of her own she hangs the blouse and skirt to steam as she showers. A new day gives her new strength. Under the water Kari makes plans to shop for new clothes after class. The unexpected opportunity to redefine her personal style lightens her mood. Armed with a plan she heads to class ignoring the pangs from her stomach.

Unfortunately for Kari her fellow students do not realize she has a plan. Instead she receives more of the same as yesterday. Crude and suggestive remarks follow her through the halls. In the first class she finds an obscene picture in her seat. After class she skips the Young Democrats meeting to head home shopping completely forgotten. At the house she finds dozens of e-mails most asking for a hook-up. Her Facebook account is flooded with messages. The least asking her to perform some sexually deviant act, the worst are calling her whore and slut. By the time Tiff gets home she's crying again.

Kari is hesitant to confide in Tiffany due to the aggressive manner she took in the training but to her surprise the older girl draws Kari into her arms. All the changes and the abuse and trauma overcome her. She cries once again clutching her friend in desperation. Tiffany holds her like a child. Over the next hour Kari relates the treatment she has received over the last two days. When Suzy gets home Tiff fills her in. Likewise, Suzy is sympathetic and consoling to Kari. For the rest of the evening they laugh and share like before. For a time Kari forgets her troubles pushing the events of the last six days into a compartment. The reality though is not far away as she discovers when her girlfriends head to bed and she is again left with the mat in her room turned torture chamber or the couch. The last thing she sees is as she closes her eyes is the collar.

That night she dreams of being surrounded in her classroom. The boys paw and tear at her clothes and flesh. Around and around she turns looking for an exit only to be turned back by the girls screaming obscenities. On the desk her teacher directs the men to punish her. The scene is so powerful she jerks awake. She's panting so hard it is several moments before she realizes her hand is on her pussy with a finger inside. Revolted at herself she tries to go back to sleep.

On Wednesday her tormentors become embolden by her lack of effective resistance. She finds herself groped in the halls. One hand gooses her so hard the skirt is left wedged in the crease of her ass. Sniggers surround her at every turn. Still Kari takes heart in that nothing she is experiencing is as painful or humiliating as what she went through on the weekend. The thought gives her courage and with courage comes a new sense of excitement. Her nipples stiffen as much from that as the uninvited pinching. In a way the harder the treatment the more confidence she feels and the more aroused she becomes. By her third class she sits erect and undaunted. Three day old clothes and still no underwear no longer intimidate her.

Unexpectedly the professor hands her a note for a conference after class. Momentarily the fear resurfaces but she steels herself and heads over to his office. Images form her dream of a teacher directing the assault on her cause her to wonder what he might have in mind. Part of her wonders if she wants him to try something. By the time she's seated her bare bottom on the hard wooden office chair she is concentrating more on his crotch than the reason he summoned her. Professor Daniel Fletcher is twenty-eight years old, medium height with a runner's body. His sandy blond hair is tasseled from scratching at it while he thinks. He likes to wear jeans with his dress shirts. Kari stops herself before she licks her lips.

Part of her wonders if she is truly a slut as the others say. All she can think about is how big his cock is inside the jeans. She hasn't cum sense Sunday and that had been the biggest of her life. She stops this train of thought abruptly chiding herself that she's not an animal only following instinct. She forces herself to concentrate on his words.

"Kari, I can't help noticing that you are the center of attention in class and that it might be hurtful for you." His earnest concern is written on his handsome face.

"It's nothing," Kari deflects.

"Are you certain?" Professor Fletcher searches her eyes for some clue before continuing, "The University has a very strict policy against bullying. I can put you in contact with a counselor or the proper authorities if you want."

Kari hadn't expected this. "No, Thank you, it was just a," she pauses searching for what to call it before settling on, "...a prank that got out of hand. Thank you, I can handle it on my own." She leaves his office. It hadn't been a prank at all. As horrible as the training had been the aftermath of the pictures is worse.

Back at the house Kari sorts through her mail. She selects and opens a pretty pink envelope with Delta Ki embossed on it. She had rushed in the fall and been accepted fulfilling her first goal at college, to be a Delta Ki like her mom. In one sentence that joy is ripped away from her:

Due to your failure to maintain the high standards of behavior expected of Delta Ki members your membership in this sorority has been terminated by majority vote in special session.

Hand scrawled at the bottom is a personal P.S:

There's no place for deviants like you here.

Barely able to hold back another torrent of tears at this latest rejection she opens an official correspondence from the university. Inside is a notification that her application to the education program is on hold pending review and a scheduled meeting with the department chair to determine her suitability as a scholarship recipient. And with that another piece of her life crumbles into ruins.

She sees through tear blurred eyes the collar lying on the table. The little lock on the back is open. In a futile burst of resistance she snatches up the hateful thing and throws it into the trash. Emotionally exhausted from even this small effort Kari collapses on the couch weeping.

Unknown to Kari her roommates have been conducting a sabotage campaign. They have systematically sent pictures of her restrained and fucked by two guys to each of her classmates, teachers, acquaintances, associates and colleagues. Each message is accompanied with a note telling them that she likes it rough and being forced. Though Kari keeps thinking she can handle what she believes is only a transitory period of infamy she is actually only beginning a calculated siege of humiliation.

"Wake up, Honey," Suzy gently coaxes her friend. The ebon beauty is looking country in a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top. "Kari, are you alright? You've been sleeping out on the couch every day this week." Suzy is hardly surprised at that as she had previously had all the furniture removed from the girl's room. Her overtures of compassion as well as Tiff's are as false as her eyelashes. This is more of her plan to guide Kari into believing only she cares about her and can fix her problem.

"Oh, Suzy, everyone is being so mean to me," the helpless girl cries.

Suzy puts her arm around Kari, "That's so sad," using her most sympathetic voice, "tell me what is happening to you." The question is more to ascertain the effectiveness of her strategy than any real concern for Kari's wellbeing. Kari recounts all of the taunts and physical bullying that has gone on since Monday. Emotionally the past three days have been the longest of her life.

"Well, what did you expect to happen when you go around acting like a slut," Suzy asks calmly.

Kari looks in disbelief at Suzy. Her mind churns trying to reconcile the tender treatment with the callous words and fails. Instead she pulls away from the older girl a new set of sobs starting to rack her tight young body. The short black skirt highlights her smooth pink legs and narrow waist. The thin white blouse has spent more time revealing her firm high breasts than concealing them. And braless, the cotton material has kept her nipples constantly hard.

Suzy stares back at Kari taking in the whole schoolgirl nymph look appreciatively. "You can't be surprised. You go around looking like an escapee from a hentai video and you're wondering why people think you're easy?"

Kari just sits stunned.

"Come on, girl, everyone can tell you aren't wearing any underwear and you're in a constant state of arousal. I can smell you now."

Suzy's words hit home with Kari. She's been so caught up in how unfair her situation is that she hasn't given any thought as to how she looks. The fact that she no longer owns any clothes of her own and these are the only two articles that she possesses and they're borrowed at that doesn't occur to her. Now she takes stock and is humiliated to discover that she is indeed juicing. Memory triggers with the awareness bringing up images of cock in her face and a sensation of being filled. Involuntarily she licks her lips.

"See what I mean, you're thinking of fucking right now." Suzy can't believe how right Tiff had been about Kari's response to the manipulations. Gloating inside she carries on, "You got to get ahold of yourself, girl. I'd like to help, I could probably fix things so it isn't bad for you any longer, but you got to want it." Saying that she glances meaningfully at the coffee table and the collar Kari had so recently disposed of lying in its familiar spot.

"Jevon is taking me to the rodeo tonight and then we're coming back here." Kari's blank look makes Suzy explain, "You know, he and I are going to my room, we agreed that the others wouldn't be around or would stay out of sight when we have a guy over."

"Right," Kari stammers remembering.

"Great, I got to get ready. Let me know if you want me to fix things for you, girlfriend," she kisses Kari on her cheek with a little more force and linger than is customary for friends before heading to her room.

Kari agonizes over the knowledge that she is actually excited by the abuse she is receiving. Her body is undeniably excited. Truthfully, she can't remember not being moist down there since her ordeal began, what kind of person gets excited by being tortured and forced to suck cock she thinks. The implications for her are un-nerving. Her breath catches in her throat as she realizes that she's rubbing her clit as she thinks. She rearranges her skirt just in time as Suzy bounces out of her room wearing denim pants that look painted on, a button-up shirt open and untucked over her tank top and a beat up straw cowboy hat.

Suzy blows Kari a kiss on her way out the door. Alone and uncertain Kari ponders her situation. Her whole life she has always tried to do what's right. In high school she worked hard, got straight A's, volunteered with the elderly and even served on a campaign for a local official. But despite her every effort she can't seem to regain control of her life. Flustered she heads for the shower.

As she waits for the water to heat she examines herself in the mirror. Wavy strawberry blonde hair frames a round friendly face. Though she's never thought of herself as a great beauty she certainly is pretty with a short narrow nose, bright blue eyes and wide mouth made for smiling. And for sucking cock, a thought jumps out in her mind. She pushes that kind of thinking back down. Her breasts are full round and high. She caresses each from underneath brushing each stiff and slightly tender nipple as she does so.

Her self-examination continues down her flat stomach to the smooth mound above her hooded clit. With tentative fingers she presses the hard hidden nub. In response she feels the heat rise in her pussy. She spreads her legs slightly to gain access and sees that her labia, always large, are parted and glistening with dew. Kari remembers how nice the Big Guys cock felt going in. Of their own accord she pushes two fingers inside. The resultant mini orgasm bends her knees and she grabs the sink for support. "Damn," she mutters, "I do want to fuck."

Kari steps into the steam filled shower stall. The hot water feels good and for the first time in more than a week she feels at peace. A large handful of Herbal Essence goes into her hair which she works to a lather. With suds in her hair she grabs the body wash and begins on her skin. Starting with first one small foot on the shower seat then the next she soaps up getting between each toe. She skips past her waist and butt to move on to her chest and arms. The slippery cleanser encourages her to slowly caress her own breasts.


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