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Kat Ch. 03

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Kat has a surprising revelation.
11.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 11/21/2010
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Thank you to my beta readers leftyloo and lacerval and my editor drbob, their insights are always invaluable.

This is the final chapter of Kat. You may want to go back and refresh your memory because it has been nearly four years since Chapter 2. I have struggled with this chapter. I don't want to use the term writer's block, but...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this.


I was still smiling about Daddy's reactions to Momma and me when I got out to my car. Momma and Daddy bought me a sweet three-year-old Mini-Cooper for graduation. It's a red convertible with white racing stripes, a killer music system and a six-speed transmission. Daddy taught me to drive a standard transmission right after I got my license, so the manual was not a problem; in fact, it was one of my favorite features of the car. I loved my car; it fit me. Momma's car was, well, a Mom's car. It was nice, I guess, but I felt like a Mom driving it. Daddy drove a pickup truck and I could barely see over the wheel. My Mini though, was perfect.

I giggled, it sounded like I was Goldilocks. 'My car was juuust right.'

I put the top down, put Adele on the IPod, and took off for Jilly's house. I had talked to her before I left Daddy in Momma's clutches and she was expecting me. I didn't know what we were going to do today, but it really didn't matter. I just wanted to see my friend and maybe tell her about the night and morning that Momma and I shared.

I knew she'd want all the dirty details and I wasn't certain that I wanted to share them. Last night and this morning were nearly perfect. Just remembering made my panties dampen with excitement. The sex with Jilly and Ari yesterday was special, as always, but last night and this morning with Momma was extra-special.

I turned on Jillian's street and saw Ari getting out of her beautiful old Mustang, a perfectly restored 1965 red convertible that had been her dad's first car. He and Ari had lovingly restored it to showroom condition.

Ari had five sisters, no brothers and she had always been a tomboy, so she had started hanging out in the garage with him while he was working on the car. Soon, he started teaching her about the car and soon after that, she was helping with the work. If she wasn't with us, she was up to her elbows in grease. Sometimes Jilly and I would go visit and she would chase us around the yard with greasy hands, we'd be shrieking and laughing. She never touched us and ruined our clothes, though we were never completely sure that she wouldn't. Jilly and I were every bit the girly girls that Ari wasn't. It wasn't as though Ari was butch or anything; we just were more into girly things than she was.

The day of graduation, he gave her the keys and the title and it was the only time I ever saw Arianna cry. She never expected him to give her the car, she had just enjoyed being with her dad and working on the car. She adored him and the car. We never let her drive anywhere because we would have to park eight miles from the door no matter where we went. She would park crosswise in the spaces because she didn't want people touching her car. I loved my car, but I wasn't a fanatic like she was, so I'd usually drive.

I carefully pulled in next to her car in the driveway, keeping the proper distance away, under Ari's watchful, suspicious eye. She stood there intently watching until I had gotten out and was clear of her pride and joy. She then bounded over to me and about swallowed me completely in a hug. She pulled my face right into her chest, between her big boobs.

"Tell me!" she squealed, "Tell me, tell me, tell me! Tell me about you and your Mom! Don't hold anything back." Her voice changed to a growl, "Tell me now!"

It was vintage Ari; she wouldn't allow you to keep anything secret. I was laughing into her cleavage and suffocating, so I did the one thing she hates more than anything else; I blew raspberries into her chest. She let me go as if I were a snake, a horrified and disgusted look on her face.

The look on her face made me laugh harder and the look changed to something that did not bode well for me... evil vengeance. I took off for the door laughing, screaming for Jilly to let me in and thankfully the door opened as I reached the porch and I flew through it, Ari roaring right on my heels.

From experience, Jilly knew exactly what had turned Ari into a raging maniac and she joined me in raucous laughter. Ari stopped chasing me, turned with her hands on her hips, chest heaving and glared at Jilly. I was hiding in the kitchen and peered out as Jilly stood and laughed at Ari.

"Blow raspberries on those beautiful boobs, did she?" Jilly asked through her laughter. "What's the matter? Did it make those big, fat, nipples tremble? It made you wet and made you mad, didn't it?"

I snickered behind Ari and she spun to glare at me, too. I could see that Jilly had been right; Ari's nipples were standing out on those magnificent breasts and were threatening to rip through the silky fabric of her taupe camisole. Jilly made a noise behind Ari and Ari slowly turned her head back to see what Jilly was doing.

Suddenly, it got quiet and the atmosphere in the room changed. I glanced over at Jilly and she was staring at Ari's ass, encased in a pair of dark red, shiny, silky shorts that looked painted on her. I looked back at Ari and the shorts clearly showed the little cleft of her pussy and I whimpered as I remembered what was under there and the exquisite flavor of her womanhood.

Involuntarily, I took a step back as I wanted to stay true to Momma, but was feeling very aroused at the sight of Ari and the memories of our times together. Ari's head snapped around at my movement and her eyes narrowed as I backed further into the kitchen, perhaps sensing my desire and my hesitation. I felt like prey under her gaze and I continued to creep further back into the kitchen. Jilly must have sensed my indecision and stepped quickly up behind Ari, cupping Ari's breasts, startling her.

"Arianna, baby," Jilly whispered, "you gorgeous woman, you look so hot today, you're making me horny. Wanna play? Mom and Dad won't be home until tomorrow night."

I stood frozen in the kitchen, watching the scene play out. Ari's head lolled back and her cheek caressed Jilly's as she moaned a little. Jilly's fingers danced over Ari's boobs and her thick, hard nipples. Jilly became more aggressive as she pulled and twisted the thick knobs. Ari's head wobbled from side to side as a long, low moan escaped her lips.

Jilly withdrew her hands from Ari's magnificent mounds to a growl of protest. The growl morphed into a moan of pleasure as Jilly's hands slipped up to the neck of the camisole, pulling it down to expose the beautiful expanse of olive skin that comprised Ari's breasts. Jilly grasped the wondrously naked nipples and gently pulled them away from Ari's chest, making the big boobs seem bigger, longer and somehow fuller. Jilly looked me in the eyes as she played with Ari and I wanted to look elsewhere, but couldn't pry my eyes away. Jilly let loose of the nipples and the glorious boobs bounced, seemingly in slow motion, back to Ari's chest. I couldn't peel my eyes off of the two of them; they were so dazzling together. Ari's dark skin and hair contrasted beautifully with Jilly's white blonde hair and milky white skin.

I watched with growing jealousy as Jilly's lips started at Ari's ear and started down her smooth jaw to Ari's long and even smoother neck. Ari continued to moan and it finally turned into a little, soft, howl. Jilly took a small step backward, pausing for Ari to follow. Ari hesitated before following with her own small step. Jilly whispered into Ari's ear and Ari gasped, hesitated and then, finally, nodded. Jilly's hands, which had been playing with Ari's boobs, slipped down to the hem of Ari's camisole and began tugging upward.

Ari shifted her weight forward and made room for Jilly to pull the camisole over her head and off. Jilly pulled it off and casually tossed the silky lingerie to me. I caught it, amazed at the residual warmth from Ari's body. I raised it, gently caressed my face with it and reveled in Ari's unique scent. Suddenly, I realized that Ari was standing there, nearly nude, except for the tight, silky shorts and it looked as if Jilly was also going to remove those.

Jilly's hands slithered down towards the juncture of Ari's legs, stroking the smooth skin as she went. Ari's head had fallen back and her cheek was, once again, gently, lovingly, nuzzling against Jilly's. Ari lightly moaned as Jilly's hands played between the waistband of the shorts and the plainly visible, growing, wet spot on Ari's red shorts. Ari reached behind her back and, though I couldn't see anything, I assumed she had begun tugging at Jilly's beige and coral, muslin shirt. As Jilly stepped back, I realized that the sheer muslin did little to hide Jilly's body, including, no, especially, the tiny breasts and the raised, long, pink nipples.

Ari stopped and looked at me for a long moment and she let go of Jilly's shirt. I held my breath as Ari then slowly turned around and clasped the hem of the pretty shirt. She briefly stopped and looked over her shoulder at me, almost as though she wanted to be certain that I was watching, and then started to draw the shirt up and over Jilly's head. Briefly, I glimpsed Jilly's uncovered left nipple, before Ari turned back to face Jilly and Jilly almost completely disappeared behind Ari. All I could see of Jilly was her hands above Ari's head as Ari finished pulling the shirt from Jilly's body.

Ari turned her head, once more, to look at me as she tossed Jilly's shirt to me, just as Jilly had done moments before. Jilly's shirt was warm from her body, as well and Jilly's light, delicate, feminine scent enveloped me as I luxuriated in the soft muslin and smooth silk of Ari's cami against my face.

Suddenly, all I could think of was Jilly's soft lips, how they felt on mine, how they tasted when we kissed and how I wanted to be kissing her, now. I wanted to be Ari, holding Jilly, kissing her, loving her. The jealousy surged in me, suddenly, powerfully, surprisingly and I didn't know what to make of it. I wanted Momma, but I wanted Jilly, too. I was in turmoil, my desires driving me, but in many directions. My memories of Ari wove in between the competing images of Momma and Jilly. I was turning into a confused mess. I wanted Momma; I wanted Jilly; I wanted Ari; I wasn't sure what I wanted.

My eyes were closed and Ari's voice startled me out of my reverie. "Kat?" She asked softly. "Is this what you did with your Mom last night? Did you undress her? Or was she waiting for you, naked, pussy wet and throbbing?"

I was speechless. Somehow, Ari had tapped into my unease and brought Momma back to the forefront of my thoughts. I opened my eyes to slits. They had turned so they were sideways to me, Jilly's perfect little breasts crushed against Ari's pooch of a tummy. Jilly's head was resting on Ari's breast and they were both watching me. I still felt like prey, only now, they were both predators.

"Katarina?" Jilly's light melodic voice interrupted my thoughts. (Jilly only called me Katarina when we were alone and being very intimate. She was the only person that called me by my given name anymore; everyone called me Kat. I loved it when she did that, it made me feel loved and special. Normally, I tingled all over when she said it, but now I was confused as to why she would do it in front of Ari. I was a little hurt that she was sharing something that belonged to just the two of us. Something snapped within me, clarity beginning to fill me.) I refused to look at her, my eyes filling with tears.

"Katarina?" Jilly repeated, softly. "Baby, look at me."

I shook my head and shrank further back into the kitchen, trying to hide, my mood broken and tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't understand why Jilly was calling me Katarina in front of Ari, but I was beginning to understand why I felt such jealousy at seeing her with Ari and why I was crying.

Jilly stepped away from Ari and I backed into the refrigerator with a bump, startling myself. Jilly kept coming and I was huddled against the appliance, shivering. Jilly approached me hesitantly, and touched my shoulder softly.

"Kat?" Jilly's voice cracked a little, I think she realized that she had screwed up.

"Kat, I'm sorry..." Jilly hesitated, clearly unsure of with to do with me.

"No," I whispered, "it's not you..."

"Then what is it baby?" Jilly asked as she drew me into her arms.

"I, I, I..." I trailed off, not certain what to say.

Jilly held me tight, kissing the top of my head. "Come on baby, you can tell me."

"I'm so confused," I whispered faintly. "After wanting Momma for so long, I finally have her, b-b-but, I, I, I w-w-want y-y-you, t-t-too." I stammered finishing my sentence, more confused by the heat I was getting from Jilly's body. "I-I-I f-f-feel, I-I d-don't know, I feel like I'm cheating... cheating on you, cheating on Momma, ch-cheating myself, if that makes any sense."

Jilly loosened her grip, momentarily, to kiss me on the forehead. "I love you, baby, I always have. You know that, right?" She hugged me tightly to her body, again.

"Uh-huh." I murmured.

She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "No, I'm not sure you do. I'm in love with you Katarina. That's the reason I kissed you in the woods, that's the reason I seduced you in the first place."

I pulled away, stunned. "I-I-I..."

She put her finger to my lips. "Shhhh, don't say anything. I encouraged you to be with your Mom, because I knew you and I didn't stand a chance otherwise. Even if we had gotten together, long-term, you would always be pining for her and it would affect us. I needed you, no; I need you to resolve this in your mind, your heart, so that I can have a chance with you, so we have a chance."

I was speechless; I stood staring at her with tear-filled eyes and an open mouth. Ari giggled in the background at the deer-in-the-headlights look on my face.

"Look sweetie, I watched my sister destroy her marriage by having an affair with a guy she had pined for all though high school and college." Jilly explained softly, after drawing me back into her arms. "She loved her husband, but couldn't shake the feeling that she was missing something. She had gone out with the dickhead a couple of times in high school, but he dumped her because she wouldn't put out for him, she hadn't felt ready. Anyway, they ran into each other shortly after she had gotten married. He hit on her, hard, and she fell for it. They snuck around and had sex a couple of times. Evidently the sex was nothing like she had been fantasizing about, plus she realized that she truly loved her husband, felt really guilty about cheating, and so she dumped the dickhead. Well, it bruised his little ego and he started talking about their affair to all his buddies, some of whom knew my brother-in-law. When my brother-in-law found out, he threw her out and refuses to have anything to do with her. She's devastated, he's devastated and it was all over a pointless affair caused by unrealized fantasies."

"I know it's not exactly the same as us, sweetie, but I'm afraid the results would have been the same. If you didn't fuck your Mom, you'd always wonder. I'm telling you here and now, you need to go back to your Mom, fuck her brains out to your heart's content, and then decide who and what you want. I'll be here." She pushed away from me to look me in the eyes and grinned, "I'll be fucking Ari, but I'll be here."

I must have looked hurt, and Jilly said, "No, you don't get to have it both ways. You don't get to fuck your Mom and expect me to wait here patiently, celibate. That's not gonna happen. The other thing that's gonna happen, now that I've laid my heart open to you, is that you, Ari and I will not be together anymore. I've participated in our little threesomes because that's what you wanted, not because I wanted to share you. I've died a little every time you and Ari have been together, but that's the price I paid so you and I could be together, but no more. If you come back to me, you're mine and only mine. Not your Mom's, not Ari's, just mine. Katarina Alexandra McCutcheon I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but only if we're truly together. You'll be only mine and I'll be only yours. That's the way it's supposed to be and that's the way it has to be."

She kissed me and walked back into Ari's waiting arms. "Ari knows all of this, and she accepts it for what it is, she's got other lovers and she knows she's a shoulder for me to cry on, amongst other things. I'm sure she'll be here if you decide that you don't want me. (Ari nodded in agreement.) I don't want to move on, I won't want to move on if you decide you don't want me, but I will."

The tears were streaming down my face and I was stunned by the way my day had turned. I was sooo happy when I left Momma's arms and the house and now here I was, crying and not certain of what I wanted. A random thought fluttered across my brain; being an eighteen year old girl sucks!

Jilly said, "You know, Ari knows that she is a lesbian, she looks for girls to fuck. I've never considered myself a lesbian and neither do you. You've fucked me and Ari and your Mom. I know you've fucked a couple of guys because we've talked about it and I know that you liked it. I've fucked you and Ari, but I've never fucked a girl other than you and Ari. I've fucked guys and found it very appealing and could be with a guy for the rest of my life. But, the only thing that makes me fully, truly happy and content is when I'm with you."

Jilly and Ari walked up to me and wrapped me in their arms. "Sweetie, if you want to hang out, or go to the mall, or whatever, we can. Ari and I will get dressed; I just want to be here for you." Jilly whispered.

I shook my head, "No, I-I think I wanna go h-h-home and s-s-see my Mom."

Jilly looked sad, but said, "OK, sweetie, just know that I'm here for you."

I broke free from them and fled out the front door. I started the car and heard Adele singing about love and nearly broke the on/off button by slamming my fist into it. I sat for a few minutes until I calmed myself down enough to drive. I drove home and was surprised to find that Daddy's truck was gone. I parked in the garage and ran into the house.



"Momma? Momma, are you home?" From the patio by the pool, I woke up as I heard Kat's voice from the kitchen. She sounded a little sad, not the happy girl that left a little while ago.

"I'm out here, honey." I called to her.

Kat flew through the door and into my arms, throwing herself at me. She was crying and buried her face in my neck. She lay still for a moment before she jerked, obviously in response to something that surprised her.

She sat up, the tears shining on her face, blinking. "Mom? Momma? Momma, you're naked! Momma, what the hell?"

Her reaction struck me as really funny and I started to laugh. Her face crumbled and the tears burst from her again.

"Ohhh Honey," I said softly, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you."

She looked at me for a few moments with a very confused expression on her face and then collapsed into my arms, the tears flowing freely. I held her as her body was wracked with tears and heartbreaking sobs. She cried for a long, long time.

"Kat?" I said softly as her crying slowed and her body calmed. "Baby, what's wrong?"

She tried to speak and her breath hitched in her chest. She paused and then tried again. "I s-s-saw Arianna and J-J-Jilly t-t-today." She paused and I felt tears falling from her cheeks onto my shoulders.

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