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Katy's Body Pt. 21

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Katy turns her vacation into public humiliation in a bar.
10.5k words

Part 21 of the 34 part series

Updated 05/11/2024
Created 12/02/2022
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Chapter 21: Katy's vacation in the Philippines

*With thanks to my editor - Chris6160

My husband and I fancied a longer than usual vacation and decided to return to the Philippines. Over a few days we made our way to Sabang beach on the island of Mindoro, staying in a dive resort. The first few days were exactly how they should be - lazy, unhurried and sun soaked. It was also a romantic time for both of us, a time of renewal of both our love and our lust for each other. However, this story has never been about that part of our lives which forms a loving, respectful and equal relationship. It has not even been about those times when I have been his personal and private slave. This account has been about the adventures; the use, abuse and humiliation of my body when he has chosen to share it with others. That is not to say it has been imposed upon me. Most of the adventures were at my instigation.

My husband has always wanted to share my enslaved body with others; to see it exhibited, enjoyed and abused by other sadists. He has a hunger to see my sexy naked body humiliated and in pain. But it would be a gross misrepresentation to pretend that I was passive in this process. In fact, despite my submissive role I would always find a way to make it clear to him that I wanted a new adventure. He was also well aware of my submissive fantasies, so it was always possible to let him use his demonic imagination to work out a way to make a fantasy become true. This vacation was one of the rare occasions when he had no role in setting up the adventure. It was wholly brought about by my own feminine guile and in a manner that did not compromise my status as a submissive,

We had not brought much in the way of BDSM gear with us, not wanting a Customs officer to haul out bondage gear or punishment toys. In consequence the first few days of our stay were romantic, loving and vanilla, The laziness of hanging around bars, the beach and the pool had been wonderful but I was becoming bored. Once bored, my mind inevitably turns to sexual fantasies and, in consequence, I found myself becoming increasingly sexually charged. It started with my exhibitionism. It was no longer a desire to show off my sexy body but a need. I was becoming desperate for the feeling that some women complain of - to have my body objectivised as a commodity for men's lust. I wanted to men to desire my sexy body, to fantasise about what they would like to do with it. Any exhibitionist's ultimate goal is to create a situation where admirers would be prompted to go forth and masturbate.

One reason for taking the vacation was that my husband was in need of much rest and it was not easy to persuade him away from lying around sipping beer. In consequence, my fantasies began to extend beyond basic exhibitionism. I began to imagine my body being offered restrained and helpless to a stranger to use as he pleased. I was so turned on, so excited by the idea that I had to find a way to distract my thoughts from adding more detail. Not only were my thoughts increasingly dominated by sexual fantasies but these fantasies were more and more focused on my body being the submissive property of someone. I found myself becoming increasingly impatient and, consequently, testy and irritable with my husband's inactivity.

In desperation and in frustration I hatched a plan. Some distance along the beach from where we were staying was a floating bar about 100 yards offshore. Customers were rowed out to the bar from the beach. The beach itself was always quiet but the floating bar seemed from a distance to be much livelier. I sniffed a potential opportunity for some decent exhibitionism and flirtation. I persuaded my husband that we should spend the next day there,

The next morning I awoke early, feeling not just horny but desperate. I looked at my body in the mirror and imagined it being ogled by men. I didn't have the courage to be fully naked in the floating bar and, in any case, it was probably not permitted. I did, however, have a plan to show off as much of my body in a way that would stimulate male desires. I woke my husband to ask which bikini I should wear to the floating bar. I tried on a couple but this was a mere pretence. I pulled out my white bikini, just as I had intended all along.

"I think that I will wear this one."

He looked at me, gave me one of his wicked smiles:

"Oh yes, please do."

I knew that, whilst dry, the thin white fabric would seem to cover the key parts of my body but, once wet, it would offer a clear view of my tits and pussy. I had no fear or shame, only a deep, sexy longing for it to be shown and appreciated. I wanted to see the lust in the eyes of the men. I wanted them to think of it as a sexy and sexual commodity, desired only for sexual use. I did not and still do not care that they would have little interest in me as a person; I wanted my subservient flesh to drive their sexual lusts without much regard to my wider humanity.

Inside I was impatient to board the floating bar and start the exhibitionism. However, I had a plan for maximum effect. Once on board I alternated between drinking at the bar and sunbathing on the deck, all the time keeping the bikini dry. This enabled me to blend in with the other customers without, so far, drawing too much attention. The customers were predominantly male and I could tell my presence had very much been noted from the not too subtle glances. Nonetheless I wanted time to be confident that my white bikini would not seem abnormal until the right moment.

My husband and I struck up conversation with the other customers. We engaged one particular guy in conversation in the bar area, a Scot called Billy. At one end of the floating platform was the bar, with seats and steps to allow people to sunbathe on the roof. The other end was flat for sunbathing with steps leading up for swimmers to climb back on board from a swim. To the left were steps leading up to a diving platform. My immediate plan was fixed.

"I'm hot. I fancy that beautiful clear water for a long cool down."

I climbed up the steps to the diving platform and jumped. The feel of the water on my skin was itself a sensual experience but I had, other much sexier games in mind. I swam directly to the steps to climb back on board. Slowly I climbed back onto the platform with water running down, whilst the wetness added a gloss to my skin. All this was clearly visible to those in the bar. I pretended to be wholly unaware that my bikini was now transparent and walked calmly over to the diving platform and jumped in a second time. I repeated the performance, seemingly unaware of the attention being paid to my body. I again slowly climbed back onto the platform. Again I pretended to be oblivious and walked again to the diving platform. This time there was a young man ahead of me. He stood back to let me go first, feigning politeness. I accepted with a smile, as if I hadn't realised that he would follow me up the steps for a good view of my pussy.

This time, after climbing back on board I walked slowly back to the bar area. This was exhibitionism at its finest for me. I could pretend to be unaware that I was shamelessly exhibiting a clear view of all of my body. I looked at the male faces, noting that each pair of eyes were fixed on my groin. I smiled sexily but I doubt many were watching my face. I wrapped a towel around my body and sat down. Any exhibitionist, such as myself, is ultimately sexually aroused by creating sexual desire in others. This was no exception. As far as I could see I had succeeded. From my position it was difficult to see but I felt sure that there were plenty of bulges in swim shorts. Making men lust after my body was at the heart of my sexual desires. My own sexual arousal was driven by exhibitionism - the thought that my body and its treatment was generating powerful desires in men.

The first stage of my plan - to create an initial sexual desire in the male customers - was now in place. The next step was to find one man or a group of men who I could entice to act on their desire for my body. As more beer and cocktails were consumed social barriers were eroded and the six or seven who had remained in the bar area gradually morphed into a congenial, high spirited group, in which I was the only female. Billy was by far the most attentive.

My bikini had dried and ceased being transparent so my towel could be discarded. The music in the bar changed to slower, more romantic songs. A young man asked me for a dance, a further opportunity to use my body to tease which I readily accepted. Past experience of slow dancing with no or minimal clothing had taught me to hold my dance partner very close. Dancing with groin rubbing against groin is very sexy for both parties but I also used it as a technique to prevent a pussy grab by a drunken dance partner. Much swimwear is made of a silky nylon fabric, the feel of which I find sexually arousing in the first place. As my groin rubbed across and around my partner's groin his hard penis rubbing against my vulva through the silky fabric was driving my desire to higher and higher levels. Knowing that we were being watched pushed it further. If I simply went with the flow I could easily have reached climax but this was not the time for a public orgasm.

From the start my partner's hands had been firmly on my ass but as the dance continued he slid his hands inside the bikini bottoms to make contact with the bare skin of my rear. I made no attempt to resist, enjoying the direct contact and the likely effect on those watching. We had both been focused on the eroticism of the dance, too overtaken by lust to speak, but finally he whispered in my ear:

"Can I fuck you?"

"Perhaps, but not now"

As the dance finished there was a ripple of applause. We re-joined the alcohol fuelled merriment at the bar. I resumed conversation with Billy. I learned that he visited Sabang Beach frequently but was based in Manila as joint owner of a bar. Given my previous performance in a Manila bar (see part 4 of the story) I immediately saw an opportunity for an adventure and focused my attention on Billy. He, in turn, started to offer me compliments.

"The sight of your gorgeous body emerging from the sea, glistening with water was so incredibly sexy. I cannot erase the memory and don't want too. In fact, may I ask you a small favour?"

"Yes, of course"

"Would you go for another swim and allow me to take a video of you emerging from the water? Might I also take a few still shots of your body when it is still wet?"

I agreed to both, trying to act casual and not to show my enthusiasm for another chance to show off my body. My willingness to comply seemed to increase his confidence and he asked if my husband and I would visit him in his bar before we left. I knew, from the location, that it was almost certainly one of those bars with scantily clad local "bar girls." Without consulting my husband I promised that we would. This was too good an opportunity for me to show off my body in humiliating circumstances and I was impatient to bring it about. This seemed to give him yet more confidence to make requests.

"Would you and your my husband like to join me for dinner this evening? We could use the occasion to discuss your visit to our bar in Manila."

Again, I accepted immediately without referring to my husband.

"There is one further request which I hope that you don't mind. I would love a photo of your body completely naked. I can't take it here in the bar but perhaps your husband would be kind enough to take one at a quiet spot on the beach on the way back to your hotel. Send it to me by WhatsApp as soon as you can."

"No problem, it will be done."

My husband had been looking thoughtful, as if a little displeased. I asked him what he thought.

"I can see what you are up to. Yor are trying to create an opportunity to put in a performance at a Manila club again. It is an idea that I completely support. I would love to watch that sexy body being humiliated in public again. You have forgotten that your body is not your property to offer to others. It is mine."

"Master, I am sorry," I said whilst rubbing my sexy naked body against him.

"Well, you understand that your body will need to be punished for your impudence. I don't propose to punish it myself but I will insist that your forthcoming performance includes some cruel treatment of your body. I will be watching to ensure that it is sufficiently painful."

"Yes Master, please do arrange for my body to be punished as you wish."

You might think that the prospect of a session of exhibitionism, humiliation and pain was now a near certainty would be enough for me to relax but inner passions are anything but rational. It had been a long, long time since my last adventure. I was both impatient and desperate for it to happen as soon as possible. As you will know from earlier parts of this story that I found submission to be an incredible liberation of my sexuality - a rebirth away from the crushing inhibitions brought about by a strict upbringing. The change had been so fulfilling and so profound that I considered it my destiny to be a submissive. I found it hard to be denied my destiny.

I dressed carefully for dinner with Billy. I knew that there were certain unspoken standards in Filipino restaurants and that these standards were a little more relaxed in tourist locations. I tried to choose an outfit which covered enough to be acceptable but would be provocative enough to whet Billy's appetite,

When we arrived, Billy was already waiting.

"Wow! You are so beautiful and incredibly sexy too."

Initially the focus was on ordering drinks and food. Once we were settled Billy spoke.

"I hope that you don't mind but I shared the video and photos I took on the floating bar and the nude on the beach shot with my business partner in Manila. We would like to extend our invitation to visit our bar and wondered if we could persuade you to find a way to use that incredibly sexy body to help entertain our customers. What do you say?"

I looked to my husband to reply, remembering my status as his slave. Billy looked initially startled and simultaneously very interested when my husband explained our relationship. To date he would have seen us as a slightly naughty vanilla couple. As I listened, I felt more and more aroused. The idea this might lead to Billy being able to use my subservient body to please his customers was exactly the outcome that I had been seeking to bring about.

He asked Billy to explain the broad outline of the proposal.

"I had in mind hiring Katy to work as a hostess in our bar for one, possibly, two nights. She would greet customers on arrival, and customers could pay for her to sit and take a drink with her naked body. Our bar girls are not permitted to have sex with customers on the premises, we could be closed if deemed a brothel. Customers can pay the girl directly for sex off the premises. Even if Katy wanted to do that, I would insist that she did not. Her body is so exceptionally sexy and a non-Filipino girl is a rarity that we would try to attract a large number of men who would expect to be able to see her. It would be better for her to stay and entertain to build up desires for our customers to take one of the bar girls home."

My husband asked if anything else would be required.

"We would also want her to perform on stage. It is not a requirement but it would be very welcome if Katy could also provide some kind of stage performance. Finally, there is a small downstairs bar where customers take girls for a personal lap dance and groping. We would want to be able to use Katy's body to offer similar services to a few select customers."

My husband replied.

"Katy is a consensual slave. She is not a professional sex worker so there must be no payment. She will do it because she has chosen to allow her body to be exhibited and used and because she finds it sexy. As the owner of her body I will lend my property to you for the evening. Personally, I find it very sexy to watch her body being used , humiliated and abused. I can guarantee that she will adore her body being the centre of attention."

He went on to describe in full my earlier appearance in a Manila bar (instalment 4) and a little of some of my other adventures. Billy was visibly aroused. As for myself there were too many images in my mind, too many possibly scenarios that matched my fantasies for me to think coherently. As the conversation continued I simply couldn't wait for it to happen and happen soon.

Billy again spoke.

"I hadn't thought about the BDSM aspects as I had no idea that Katy would be offered as a slave. I know from our girls that some of our customers are into BDSM. Might we please include some suggestion that there may be BDSM possibilities in our publicity? We are planning to advertise Katy's visit intensively."

My husband agreed.

"How soon do you want to do this? We are not due to return to Manila for 10 days."

My heart sank. I needed my body to be exhibited, humiliated and abused right now. I couldn't wait that long. I couldn't help again subverting my submissive role.

"No, please make it as soon as possible."

My husband looked startled but Billy spoke.

"Come to Manila tomorrow and we will arrange it all for the following evening. Take the ferry across to Batangas tomorrow morning. We will have a car waiting for you and a hotel room booked for both of you in Manila. After your arrival we can plan the full details."

"Bring high heeled shoes and boots (if you have them) and stockings. No clothing at all unless it is see-through. Katy's body from the pussy up will need to be naked and in view the whole time, even if see-through material. She is even sexier naked than dressed. I like the idea of including some BDSM. Should I get some suitable gear if I can?"

"Yes please," I said, again subverting my husband's authority in my enthusiasm.

We returned to our hotel room to pack. I was obsessed with the thoughts of what was to come - to have my naked flesh shown to appreciative strangers, fondled and abused. I found it hard to concentrate on anything else as my sexual imagination went into overdrive. I had to do something immediately to provide some release from the sexual longing. I tried to persuade my husband to inflict the punishment that I was owed with his belt . My impatience increased when he felt that it would be undesirable to start the evening in the bar with existing red marks. I settled for some frenzied lovemaking.

For the whole journey to Manila I was both impatient and incredibly horny. It further increased my sexual arousal and desperation to proceed to think of my body as a valuable commodity to be used for the pleasure of sadistic males. The thought that my body had been considered sexy enough to entertain numerous males was a source of pride to me. I liked to think of my body as somehow separate from my inner self, a sort of sex object to be used for the pleasure of sadists, with its pain and humiliation being sacrificed for my strongest inner desires. I consider myself fearless once I have the security of my body being another's property with no right to dispute or disobey. Nonetheless I truly and deeply I would have loved to be taken all the way to Manila, naked with wrists cuffed behind my back and pulled by pussy leash in public. To do that in reality would have exceeded my own courage levels by some margin. It didn't prevent me sharing the thought with my husband who simply pointed out that we didn't have the gear with us.

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