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Kelly's Interview

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Mid 20s female learns new talents to make a living.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/17/2017
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Kelly Douglass sat in the waiting room looking at the clock nervously. It was almost nine, time for her interview with the representative of "Eros Modeling." Kelly had been waiting for the last half hour. She'd arrived a full hour early in hopes of making a good impression, but so far it didn't seem to get noticed by anyone except Sylvia, the receptionist, who simply told her to wait and went back to typing at her computer and answering the occasional phone call.

Kelly let her grey blue eyes wander around the room yet again. It was a dull yellow painted room, grey carpet, the red clock on the wall, some pictures of attractive people in their 20s on the wall and Sylvia at her desk. Kelly noted Sylvia was a blonde with a voluptuous build with. She wore a mint green dress and her blouse revealed quite a bit of her generous breasts.

Kelly reminded herself that she needed to focus on the job, she needed this job or any job really. Kelly was twenty-six and had no work experience. She'd been dating the same guy, Jake, since college and figured his future as an attorney would be her support.

Kelly recently discovered that Jake had been cheating on her and now Kelly's world was turned upside down. She still didn't understand how she could be cheated on. Kelly was often hit on and pursued. Many liked her white alabaster skin tone, lightly curly brown hair that reached to the bottom of her shoulder blades, and blue eyes. She was 5'5" tall, had natural 36 C breasts, and a toned body from regular trips to the gym. She'd even tried learning tricks in the bedroom to keep Jake interested and she'd thought it worked until she caught Jake banging some girl that looked like she was fresh out of high school in their apartment.

Now Kelly had to come up with a back up plan. Kelly still lived with Jake and Jake claimed he was sorry, but she needed to find a way out and soon. She'd looked into various jobs and was either written off as too inexperienced or the pay wasn't right for her needs. Recently she'd seen an ad off the internet for models ages 18-30 for "Eros Modeling." Kelly figured she was was in the age range and attractive, so she'd give it a shot, the worst they could say was "no," right?

Kelly called the number and had the appointment set up two days later. During that time Kelly prepared herself. She decided she needed this job both financially and for her self esteem so she could tell herself she'd supported herself on her own. She decided she needed to show confidence, enthusiasm, that she was a team player, and that she was a "go getter" because that's what she figured employers valued.

Kelly searched the internet for what models should wear to interviews and selected a short skirt that was about two inches above the knee, black stockings, high heels, and a light grey v-neck that hugged to her form nicely while presenting just enough cleavage of her breasts to call attention but leave the imagination to run wild. She tied her hair back and applied makeup. She took particular focus in accentuating her almond shaped eyes and making her thin lips look fuller and pouty with some red lipstick.

Kelly's mental replaying of her planning for the interview was interrupted wehn the phone on Sylvia's desk rang. Kelly continued running through possible questions and answers for the interview as Sylvia spoke to the caller. Syliva looked up from her computer and reached for the phone at her desk. Sylvia sat a little straighter and brushed one lock of blond hair with her free hand as she began to speak, "Yes, Mr. Clemens, she's here."

Kelly noted that Sylvia was probably in her mid forties and was more "full bodied" than Kelly. Kelly couldn't help compare herself to Sylvia. Kelly hoped that her appearance in comparison to the receptionist was a good omen for her chances of being hired.

"Miss Douglass, Mr. Clemens will see you now. He's in the third room on the right." Kelly stood from her chair, legs a little shaky, and walked to the door. Sylvia smiled and said, "Good luck sweety, relax and you'll do fine." and winked.

* * *

Kelly walked down the hall until she found the room third door on the right and she knocked. "Come on in!" yelled a man's voice. Kelly opened the door and entered the room.

The room was painted white, with the same grey carpet, more models pictured on the wall, and some strange asian looking statues in each corner, maybe samurais Kelly thought . . . if that was right? The only other object in the room was a desk with Kelly's possible future employer sitting behind it typing at his computer.

Mr. Clemens was a stocky balding white male in a grey blue suit. Kelly guessed he was probably in his forties or fifties. He was working away at his computer while gesturing for Kelly to enter with his hand. Mr. Clemens looked over, smiled and said "Please take a seat, I just have to send this message to one of my performers, scheduling issues and all that." The man typed a few more entries into the computer and then sent his message.

Mr. Clemens rested back in his chair and turned as he spoke, "Kelly, is it? You may call me Ray, Raymond Clemens. Please take a seat and let's begin. I'm very busy as I am sure you are also."

Kelly smiled and sat down while wishing she really was busy. Mr. Clemens looked over some papers, "I have your application but I can't seem to find a resume. Did you bring one with you?"

Kelly winced, "Actually, Mr. Clemens, I don't have a resume. I've never had a job."

Ray frowned and furrowed his brow in thought and he looked her up and down. "Hmm, well I admit you are very attractive . . . but we usually prefer some experience in modeling or acting or at least for someone . . . " he looked over her application, " of your age that is. It says here you are twenty-six, is that correct?"

Kelly felt a shiver of fear run down her back, this was going badly and fast. "Yes," she replied. "But your ad said you were looking for models 18-30. I fall in the middle of that, surely there has to be roles for me."

Ray offered a sympathetic look, "Yes, I know the ad says that but . . . we primarily higher models under 23 or so. Older models have to be . . . very exceptional."

Kelly felt two emotions wrestling within her, fear that she wouldn't get the job and anger that she'd felt misled by the ad. "I'm sorry, but I'm a little surprised that the ad should basically have said 18-23 instead of 18-30. This is a bit of a shock. The ad also said the job paid in the hundreds per session, was that true?"

Ray smiled, "Yes that was 100% accurate the rates do pay in the hundreds based on the models marketability and versatility."

Kelly felt her anger giving away to the fear, so the money is real . . . I just have to get the job. But how? "Please Mr. Clemens, please you have to give me a chance. How can I prove to you that I am exceptional and can get the job done?"

Ray looked truly saddened, "I'm sorry Miss Douglass, but I just don't think you are what Eros is looking for."

Kelly hadn't realized she'd pinned so much hope on this interview and felt so sure that she'd get it until now . . . now that she could see that she would not get the job. Kelly began to cry, "Please Mr. Clemens, please, I need this job. My boyfriend cheated on me, it's over. I need to leave him but I can't support myself. I don't know what to do!"

Ray rushed from his desk and reached for Kelly, "Miss Douglass, calm down please." Kelly rose from the chair as Ray approached. Ray was shorter than Kelly and his rush towards her brought his face into contact with Kelly's generous breasts. Kelly backed up suddenly in shock, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for . . . "

Ray backed away and smiled "It's OK, really, I understand and that also proves my point."

Kelly was confused and sniffled as she tried getting herself under control while also processing that her breasts had just come into contact with this virtual stranger's face, "What point? What do you mean?"

Ray looked up at her, "That you aren't . . . exceptional." We need our models to be more . . . free spirited."

Kelly calmed as Ray's hints registered. "Are you saying that your models get felt up?"

Ray shrugged, "Yes, now you understand. We also have them pose nude and with actors of both sexes at times in suggestive manners that require contact between models. Like I said, I don't think you're what we are looking for."

Kelly though this over, "I've got no problem with contact if I'm clothed and probably not if it's nude as long as it's professional."

Ray acted insulted, "My dear, we at Eros are all professional all the time. We do clothed modeling as well as nude, but the nude photos pay better.

Kelly feared her offense toward the company had dug her professional career even sooner than it was headed. Kelly remembered her options and decided she wouldn't lose this opportunity so easily. "It doesn't matter if it's lower pay, I can do that and maybe as I get better I can try nude shots? Please, Mr. Clemens, give me a shot."

Ray walked back to his desk and sat down while in thought. He looked Kelly up and down again. He settled on her breasts. "Well, if you really are serious about wanting this job . . . I could talk to one of our photographers and see if he'd get you some professional shoots, but you'd have to prove yourself to be exceptional.

Kelly felt a surge of hope, she didn't particularly like how the small man was looking at her breasts, but she wore the top for a reason and felt vindicated that her looks and determination were prevailing. "What can I do?"

Ray continued to leer at Kelly's breasts. "Well, we have no camera men here, but you still need to prove you can pose in little clothing. Strip down to your underwear. It will show me you aren't going to be camera shy, you'd be surprised how many would be models chicken out one the first day of shoots. That kind of complications cost the company money. Also, I know this a pretty nerve racking situation, if you need to take the edge off I can give you a shot of something to drink. You wouldn't be the first model that needs a little liquid courage to get going."

Kelly was stunned, "Really? Right now?" Even as she said it she couldn't deny that what the man had said made sense. Besides, being in her underwear was a lot like being in a bikini and that wasn't a big deal. She'd also get a chance to show off her body which should only help her.

Kelly embraced opportunity and nodded, "OK." She kicked off her shoes, pulled her top off, and slipped out of her skirt.

Ray walked around Kelly while admiring her body. "Your body is lovely Kelly. I can see you take care of yourself, that's good for us to considering with long term thinking. Many young models start off well but go down hill due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Oh, and I'm going to need you to take the stockings off too, there could be blemishes or tattoos or something.

Kelly put one of her slender legs on the chair near her and started to unroll each stocking one by one while making an effort to appear seductive. Kelly was standing before this virtual stranger in only her matching pink bra and panties. She couldn't believe it and was so nervous she felt a little shaky.

"Good Kelly, the legs are great. You're doing wonderfully and I can tell you are really putting forth the effort. I need you to walk back and forth in the room, act like you're on a runway or something. I want to see confidence."

Kelly liked the sound of this. She walked from one corner of the room to the other. She pretended the statues were real people in an audience as she strutted her stuff.

"Wonderful, wonderful Kelly," Ray spoke as he get his eyes glued her to her near naked body. "Now I have a more personal question. It's hard to ask, so I will be blunt, are your tits real?"

Kelly was more insulted than shocked by the question. "My breasts are all natural, I've never had any work done at all!"

Ray looked at Kelly with skepticism, "Miss Douglass, you wouldn't be the first to lie about that. It's very important her at Eros that are models are natural. It pains me to say it, but I am going to need to see your breasts myself."

Kelly was stunned, she'd never shown her breasts to a stranger before. She hadn't shown them to anyone since Jake since they met in high school. But Kelly also saw the value in what the man had said. Kelly gulped, "OK, Mr. Clemens, I understand. Also, I think I'll take you up on that shot."

Ray smiled and reached into his desk drawer. He brought out a bottle of some type of whiskey and poured a shot while speaking,

Kelly threw back the shot, whiskey wasn't her usual drink in fact she rarely drank, but just then it felt necessary. Kelly felt the warmth of the whiskey pour down her throat and into her stomach. It burned but felt calming.

Ray stood before her waiting. Kelly remembered what the shot was for and decided it was now or never. She thought she'd be a little seductive, "Could you unzip me Mr. Clemens?"

Ray replied, "Absolutely." and went to unzip Kelly's pink bra. Kelly undid her hair band and placed her brown curly hair so it rested in two parts on her chest, each part covering a breast. Then she slipped her bra out from underneath her.

Ray breathed in deep as he took in the sight of this woman's large ivory melons jutting forward pushing her brown curly hair up while her pink nipples could be seen peeking from under her hair. Ray slowly stepped toward Kelly and brushed the hair back over her shoulders. Kelly had wonderful pink areolas a little larger than a quarter coin with lovely pink nipples like small gumdrops. Ray slowly reached forward, saw Kelly had no effort to back away, and slowly lifted each orb with each of his hands. "Wow, Kelly, these are fantastic and you weren't lying . . . they are all real." The man cupped and lightly squeezed each breast.

Kelly was not attracted to this short, fat, older man, but it did feel good to have her breasts squeezed and lifted as he inspected them. It had been a while since she had been felt up since she and Jake weren't fooling around anymore. Kelly felt her nipples stiffen as blood rushed to them.

Ray chuckled, "Well look, the girls are waking up, maybe you are what Eros is looking for." He gave a light squeeze and slight twist to each nipple. "I love how women with your skin tone look when aroused, the beautiful pink nipples . . . you look stunning. Now all we need to see is the pussy."

Kelly winced at the name but wasn't shocked, she had a feeling this request was coming. She slipped her pink panties of off her, still feeling the adrenaline of being so nervous before a stranger but also feeling confident that this was almost behind her.

Ray held Kelly gently by the waist and turned from her lower front and and lower rear. "Your ass is solid. You could use some trimming up around your pussy, but we have stylists for that sort of thing if you make it into that kind of work."

Kelly felt the need to apologize, "I'm sorry, I didn't know this is where they interview would go, I would have groomed better, I usually do."

Ray dismissed her shame, "It's ok, really it's just that we will make it look better for the camera. Kelly, please parade around the room again like before. I want to see how your confidence handles being in the nude."

Kelly repeated her strutting, her breasts swanging and giggling and she walked boldly and twisted from one corner of the room to the next. Maybe it was the whiskey in her but she even shaked her breasts at one of the statutes near Ray, just to show she coud be daring.

Ray whistled, "I definitely want to get you some work, but first we'd need to get a professional series of shoots so we can decide where best to use you.

Kelly was relieved, "That sounds great! When can I come in for the shoots?"

Ray raised his hands up in warning, "Now hold up, I can schedule a time but I have to warn you that usually our schedule won't free up for a few weeks and even then it's not necessarily guaranteed you'll get work."

Kelly refused to take "no" for an answer. "Look, you said my body looks great, there has to be someway to get this process rolling faster. I know I can do this!"

Ray reached for the bottle and poured a shot of whiskey for himself and downed it, he poured another one and gestured to it for Kelly. Kelly stood waiting while the man thought. She didn't move for the whiskey since the one shot she did was still doing a number on her. She still felt a bit aroused from having had sensitive breasts being pawed at and the series of emotions she'd felt over the last few weeks and minutes left her feeling . . . off balanced.

Ray stood before her with his face level with Kelly's breasts. "Well, Kelly . . . I guess I could pull some strings and see if I could get some of the talent to work later or earlier in their days . . . you know, make time for you . . . but that would be doing you an awfully big favor."

Kelly's hopes rose the highest they'd been in the interview and so did her breasts as she nearly jumped at the offer, "Yes, please! I'd owe you, I promise I'd do whatever you wanted.!"

Ray smiled but it was a cautious one. "I know you say that, but I don't think you mean it. The favor I'd expect may seem a bit much. You see, you and your body . . . you've gotten me . . . stirred up." Ray gestured to his crotch and for the first time Kelly noticed his penis poking from under his pants. Kelly had been so nervous and preoccupied with herself that she hadn't noticed Ray's arousal.

Kelly thought again of how unattractive this man was, but she also knew she needed him. "Ugh, what do you mean? I won't have sex with you if that's what your asking, I'm not a hooker."

Ray looked shocked and maybe even hurt, "Oh no, no no, I never thought that. But maybe you could . . . give me a hand so to speak?"

Kelly thought this over, she was disgusted but had to admit that a hand job was not much. It wasn't like others would know about it or see it. Kelly reached for the whiskey and downed her second shot, "Fine, but then I get the shoot." It wasn't a question.

Ray's face lit up in a smile, "Excellent! Now we are doing each other a big favor! Once I cum, your shoot is as good as guaranteed" Ray took his business jacket off and hung it on the chair as he began to make himself more comfortable.

Kelly was still processing the new shot's warmth going through her body as she looked up and saw the man sitting in his chair waiting expectantly for her. He'd already lowered his pants and underwear and he'd stripped down to an undershirt. Kelly was thankful that he'd left the shirt on which even still did little to conceal his gut. Underneath the gut was Ray's stiffening cock, waiting.

Kelly felt as if she were outside her body watching someone that looked like her as she made herself move forward to kneel before the man. She reached for Ray's cock with one hand and his scrotum with her other. Ray was extremely hair, the nerve of him criticizing her bush! She began stroking Ray's cock and gently kneading his sack. She noted that Ray's uncircumsized cock was fully erect but was only about 5 inches, but the girth of Ray's penis was surprisingly big at what almost looked as thick as a soda can.

Kelly continued to stroke the foreskin back and forth along Ray's penis as he rested his head back and sighed. Kelly cradled Ray's balls and noted that his sack was unusually large and felt almost bloated, like maybe he hadn't had a released in a long time.

Kelly started to enjoy that she had this man at her mercy and also thought that playing dirty may get her through the process sooner. "Mr. Clemmens," she whispered "how long has it been since you came, you look like you're ready to burst?"


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