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Kelsey's World Ch. 01


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"Here you go, Sweetheart," Bobby said, holding the keys out toward her. Instead of taking them she lunged at him and embraced him.

"I love you, Daddy," she said. She planted a wet kiss on his lips. They lingered there for a moment, with Bobby's arms wrapped around Kelsey's warm flesh. Kelsey's mouth opened and her tongue got involved. It was instinct really, nothing she wouldn't have done kissing any handsome man.

"Your father had it put together," Kay said, her face glowing with the joy of the moment. "He picked the wheels and the bumpers, and that cute little bikini-top thingie."

Kelsey let go of her dad and embraced Kay, planting little peck-like kisses all over her face and neck before squeezing her tight.

"Oh my God, this is the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me. I love you guys so much."

"I gotta go to work, Sweetheart," Bobby said. "If you want the doors or the top it's all over there. Be careful. No texting or distracted driving, right?"

"Okay, Daddy."

Kelsey stepped up into her new ride and put her hands on the steering wheel. Her smile was contagious.

"If you drive it around looking like that you'll be causing accidents," Bobby said, admiring his little naked redhead. "Damn, you look good in that thing."

"Do I, Daddy?" Kelsey asked, her smile and pale blue eyes beaming.

"Take me for a ride, Honey," Kay said as she climbed into the passenger seat for her imaginary outing.

"Damn!" Bobby said. Two little naked redheads in a bright red Jeep. And they were both his.

At noontime Kay was ready for a break from gardening. Kelsey was over by the barn. She'd pulled the Jeep out into the sunshine, learning how to attach the doors and the soft top panels. She was bent over in a provocative fashion, legs spread apart a bit when Raymond drove in the gravel driveway in his old Toyota. His body froze up and the car coasted to a stop when he saw all the sights — Kay, with her big tits glistening, waving hello as she wiped sweat from her brow, and Kelsey's stunning little ass and pussy, right there in the noonday sun, bent over a shiny new ride. It was a summertime scene that outdid any of the dreams he'd had recently.

"Hi Raymond!" Kelsey yelled. She ran to him and hugged him tight. "How was your graduation?"

"Oh...good...yeah," he said, having trouble getting his bearings again in the magical land of naked redheads.

"Welcome home, Raymond," Kay said. "I'm pretty sweaty. You mind a hug?"

"Are you kidding?" Raymond said. Kelsey let go of him so Kay could do the deed. She gave him a full body hug, delighting in the feel of the hard lump in his pants against her belly. "I'm so glad you kids are gonna be around this summer."

"Ray won't be here long, Mom," Kelsey said. "He starts a job in Brooklyn in two weeks."

"Three," Ray said, milking his hug with Kay for all it was worth. "They're renovating the building so I have an extra week." The red Jeep caught his eye again when Kay let him loose. "Kelsey...what the hell! Don't tell me that's yours!"

"Mom and Daddy bought it for me. Isn't it killer?"

She and Ray walked over to it. Kay headed into the house to clean up.

"Help me get this off," Kelsey said, unsnapping the top material. "I was just seeing how it fit. Wanna go for a ride?"

"Of course!"

They folded up the top panels and carried the doors into the barn.

"Be right back!" Kelsey said as she scampered away. Raymond's eyes followed her, mostly concentrating on what was just below her hourglass waist.

A few minutes later she emerged from the house in a little chartreuse-green bikini, one with stings to hold it together. The top was unfastened, hanging all stringy in front of her bouncing tits.

"Tie me up," she said as she turned her back to her old friend. She held her long red hair out of Raymond's way with one hand, and held her phone with the other. "Tuck my tits in," she said as Ray fumbled around with the bits of florescent colored fabric and string. His hands were sweaty as he worked. It always took him a while to get used to being around Kelsey again.

Kelsey climbed into the Jeep and sat down. As soon as her skin hit vinyl she yelped and shot out of the seat like a scalded cat.

"Fuck that's hot!" she said, rubbing the back of her legs. "Hang on." She ran into the house and came back with two beach towels. "Take your shirt off. You can't be drivin' around all dressed when I'm not."

She arranged the towels on the seats while Raymond reluctantly stripped down to just his shorts and sneakers.

"Holy shit!" Kelsey giggled. "You're white as fuck! I was gonna take off this little top shade thing, but I guess we'll need it so you don't burn." They both climbed in and sat down. Raymond carefully rolled his shirt and tucked it under the front of the seat.

"Ready, Freddie?" Kelsey asked. Her hand was poised on the key and there was a big smile on her face.

"Ready, Bettie," Raymond smiled.

Kelsey turned the key and the Jeep rumbled to life. Kay smiled in the upstairs window as they drove away.

The next day Brie arrived home. Her father was on an extended business trip, so she and her college roommate Charity rented a car with his credit card, loaded up their things and drove home.

Charity was a plain looking girl, with nondescript mid-length sandy-brown hair and sad eyes that made her look older than her twenty-two years. Her clothing choices were plain too — cotton ginghams and poplin mostly, a terrycloth jumper that Brie hated, and lots of corduroy in the colder weather, mostly browns and grays. She wore sneakers on her feet in the summer — sandals were a bit too risqué. She had a cute body, but it was hard to find under all the plain-jane clothes.

She loved Brie's house, a sprawling, modern log home that sat at the top of a rise with a long view in all directions. Brie gave her the guest room next to hers, and even before they were unpacked the liquor cabinet was open and Brie was mixing up two bourbon and Cokes.

Charity liked to drink. It was something she learned at college. It's hard to have much fun at a strict Christian school, but alcohol was something that could be smuggled in and hidden. As long as you didn't have a party and kept things quiet you could get a nice buzz in your dorm room. Brie, frustrated with the lack of sexual opportunities, took advantage of the bottle, and Charity eventually joined her. It wasn't quite like pulling teeth — Brie didn't have to beg or anything — but Charity didn't take to liquor right off the bat. Her ultra-strict Pentecostal parents would have flogged her but good if she'd shown a taste for the Devil's brew, but Brie slowly wore her down. There was no effort involved on Brie's part really, she just drank a little herself, and eventually Charity saw that it wasn't the end of the world. It actually looked like it might be fun.

So that's how it started. Bourbon and Coke was what Brie drank in her formative years at the pool party orgies she and Kelsey threw, so that's what she drank at college, and that's what Charity acquired a taste for.

"Wow, that's smoky," Charity said when she tasted the drink Brie had made with her father's expensive bourbon. Brie smiled.

"It's hilarious you can taste that through the Coke flavor," Brie said. "We should start drinking it straight. I've never seen adults mixing it with Coke."

"Really?" Charity said, her eyes big with uncertainty.

"We're college graduates. We can drink a little bourbon," Brie said. "Right?"

"Right," Charity said. It felt like a big deal. A right of passage. Little did she know there would be much bigger rights of passage right around the corner.

Brie got a text from Kelsey, wondering if she'd arrived home.

Yes, come over, she texted back.

Okay. I'll stop and get Raymond.

Brie wondered what she meant, because Kelsey had almost always arrived by bicycle.

"My friend Kel's coming over," Brie said.

Charity was silent. She knew about Kelsey. The porn, and the nudism at her house and......the porn. She suddenly realized that meeting Brie's wild-child friend was inevitable. She just hoped that it would be a quick meeting. Some pleasantries about school, and move on. The girls were sipping their first straight bourbon — on the rocks to mellow it a bit — when Kelsey and Raymond arrived.

Brie was dumbstruck when the bright red Jeep drove up the long driveway. Kelsey was at the wheel in a tie-dyed string bikini, with Raymond riding shotgun, shirtless and smiling. It was just a quirk of fate that Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman was pumping out of the subwoofered stereo as they came to a stop.

"Holy shit!" Brie squealed. "Is it yours?"

"All fuckin' mine, Baby!" Kelsey said. She leaped from the doorless Jeep into Brie's arms. "Mom and Daddy are the best."

Brie had no reason to disagree. After all, it was Bobbie and Kay who had given her the best orgasm of her life, if you can quantify such things.

"They bought it for you?" Brie asked.

"Yup. They said it was the least they could do, because of all the money I earned to help pay for college. But oh my God, isn't it just killer? I still can't believe it."

They admired the new ride for a moment, as Raymond shyly eyed the new girl.

"You guys, this is Charity," Brie said.

"Hi, Charity!" Kelsey said brightly. "This is our Raymond."

"Hi," Charity said. It was a shy "Hi", barely audible, but Kelsey's nice smile put her at ease a little. She kept her distance from Raymond though — shirtless boys were something she'd never gotten used to.

Girls that looked like Kelsey weren't something she was used too either. How can a girl look like that, and how can girls who look like that walk around like that, all out there and just oozing sex appeal? Charity tried to look her over without being too blatant about it. The cinnamon-red hair was just amazing — long and wild from the windy ride, but shiny and nicely cut and somehow perfect. Kelsey was a tiny little thing, five feet tall at the most, with the kind of body girls and boys both dream about, for different reasons, or so Charity thought. And that bikini! It was insanely revealing and sexy, and yet she was driving around in it! In an open Jeep where you can see every bit of her! Charity couldn't quite believe Kelsey was real, but that was a fairly common first impression.

"So, you gonna live here for a while?" Kelsey asked, snapping Charity her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, for like a month I guess," Charity said. "My father has an office in London, so he and my mom are there for a while. I thought I might look for a job here, just to see..."

"Daddy got promoted, did I tell you?" Brie asked Kelsey. "So he'll be here even less than before. He liked the idea of Charity staying with me."

"Yeah, that's cool!" Kelsey said. "Oh my God, this summer's gonna kill. I can feel it."

"How long are you here for Ray?" Brie asked. She kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. "I figured you'd have a job already."

"I do. I've got three weeks."

"Raymond's gonna be all swanky, livin' down in Brooklyn," Kelsey said. "Williamsburg is it?"

"Yup. I've got a place lined up to live, with two other guys that work at the company. It's real expensive to live there."

"Fuck Ray, you'll be makin' ten times what the rest of us do pretty soon," Brie said. "You'll tell us if your roommates are cute, right? We'll all come down and party with you guys."

"So, you guys should talk to Olivia," Kelsey said to the girls. "You want teacher jobs, right?"

"Yeah. Who's Olivia?" Brie asked.

"Mrs. Bartlett. At the high school. You remember her, she's Principle Skyfe's secretary."

Brie looked confused. "You call her Olivia?"

"Yeah, she's...oh..." Kelsey paused when she realized Charity might be meeting her on a job interview. It wouldn't be right to blurt out that Olivia Bartlett and her husband Larry were wild swingers, and that Kelsey had fucked both of them, more than once. "She's a friend of my parents."

Brie knew the look in Kelsey's eyes and gave her a look right back, one of astonishment. Holy shit! was one of Brie's favorite things to say, and she was dying too say it, but she held her tongue.

"I'll have Mom call her and see if she knows anything about jobs," Kelsey said.

She smiled when she noticed Raymond sneaking looks at Charity. Kelsey knew all about the undressing her with your eyes thing, because she did it too. It was especially fun with plain looking girls and guys. Brie had undoubtedly seen what was under Charity's plain brown wrapper, but Kelsey and Raymond were both curious.

"We should swim. It's fuckin' hot out," Kelsey proclaimed.

All except Charity agreed. She was silent as she followed the group into the house. She followed Brie down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

"Are you wearing a two-piece?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, it's all I have," Brie said.

Charity didn't say anything. She went into her room, closed the door and thought about things. She'd normally wear a one-piece around a boy, but she'd brought two bathing suits with her, knowing Brie's house had a beautiful pool. Brie had told her it was nice and private and they'd be doing lots of sunning, so the last time she was home she'd purchased a boy-short bikini. It was daring, by Charity's standards. The top covered her breasts pretty well, and was lined, but it was quite form-fitting and showed some cleavage. The bottom piece was the real problem, on that day with Raymond there. It was made of a thin athletic type fabric that was skintight on Charity's slightly pear-shaped body. The coverage was good, being boy-shorts, but it didn't leave much to the imagination regarding her shape.

She fumbled around in her baggage, putting a few clothes away in the closet to kill some time. The one-piece and the two-piece were both laid out on the bed. The one-piece was particularly maternal, by the standards of the day at least. Made of thick material, with low-cut leg openings, it even had a ‘skirt' to cover the hind quarters. Charity tossed it into an empty dresser drawer and started to get ready.

"Don't lose your shorts ‘till she's in the water," Kelsey whispered in Raymond's ear when she saw Charity walk out onto the pool patio. "Cute suit!" she yelled.

"Oh. Thanks," Charity said. She blushed when everyone looked at her.

Raymond was surprised at Kelsey's request. He could tell Charity was conservative and shy, so he wasn't really planning on losing his shorts. He thought he'd just sit by the pool and watch the girls swim.

"Have a drink, Char," Brie said. A bottle of her father's expensive bourbon, one of his highball glasses, a bottle of Coke and a small cooler of ice was all laid out on a table under a big umbrella. Everyone but Charity already had already had a drink in their hand. She poured herself a strong one, at least a double shot on the rocks. No Coke.

"We had a little private drinking club at school, right Char?" Brie said as her roommate walked over to the group.

"Cool," Kelsey said. "Brie used to tell me how you helped keep her happy. I don't think I coulda went to that kinda school."

"I was pretty strict," Charity said. "I can't really picture you there."

Brie laughed. "Holy shit no! They woulda thrown you out Kel. Either that or the Sisters would have all ended up naked at a party."

Charity giggled. She was already getting the hang of the straight bourbon thing, and the buzz made her happy. For a minute there she completely forgot how her bathing suit made her look.

"Last one in's boring," Kelsey yelled as she cannonballed into the clear water. Brie followed, and Charity jumped in feet first. It was her first time in water wearing something so thin and revealing. She loved how it felt — naughty and...almost like skinny dipping.

"You're the boring one, Raymond," Kelsey yelled. "Get your ass in here."

He guzzled half his drink and stood up. Charity figured he had a bathing suit on under his shorts, but when he whisked them down his long legs there was nothing. Charity almost choked on her own saliva. It was her first look at the hidden part of a man, in the flesh anyway. She wanted to submerge, out of embarrassment, but she couldn't look away. Raymond was gangly, but attractive in a nerdy kind of way. She liked his long, darkly hairy legs, and she wondered why he didn't have much hair up higher, around his man parts. Would someone like him trim it, she wondered? Her mind flashed to her own hairy bush. She knew Brie was nearly cleanly shaven because she'd seen her. Raymond was in the water before Charity's mind could spin-out anymore.

"You've got some work to do to prove you're not boring, Mister," Kelsey said.

She submerged and came up next to Raymond, her wild red hair transformed into a sleek, close-to-the-head sheen. Charity was surprised to see Kelsey kiss him. It was a full-on open-mouthed affair, with Kelsey's jaw working as her tongue wrestled hard with Raymond's. They must be a couple, Charity thought, but it caught her off guard. They seemed like very different types of people.

She was surprised again when the water calmed enough to see where Kelsey's hand was — right on Raymond's manhood! When the steamy kiss ended Kelsey pushed off and floated away on her back. Somehow she'd untied her bikini top during the maneuver, and she tossed it up onto the patio. Her big tits were proud of the water above her gently moving body, topped by the most perfect hard nipples Charity had ever seen.

The surprises didn't end there. Brie took over for Kelsey, reaching through the gin clear water for hard cock. "Welcome home, Ray," she said before she kissed him.

Charity was stunned. The way they'd introduced him in the driveway suddenly made sense. Or did it? "This is our Raymond," Kelsey had said. Or did she? Our Raymond? Charity's head was so scrambled she couldn't think straight anymore.

"Char, wanna kiss?" Brie asked. "He's good."

Charity could tell Brie still had hold of Raymond's erection. There was no way she was going over there! She smiled a stupid looking smile and wiped the water off her face.

"Want this?" Kelsey asked from the pools edge. She was standing with two drinks in her hands. Her tits looked positively massive when she bent at the waist to give Charity her glass. Diamond-like drops of water dripped from her nipples. "We should get the plastic cups shouldn't we?" Kelsey asked Brie.

"Oh, yeah," Brie said. "I always forget."

Charity watched as Kelsey sashayed her topless self across the patio to the big french doors. Kelsey's ass was a thing of wonder — wiggling wantonly, barely concealed under the tiny, clingy wet bikini bottom. It was all more than poor Charity could take in at one time. She did the only thing she had any power to do — she drank the shot-and-a-half of ice-cold bourbon in one gulp.

"Wanna pour that in here?" Kelsey asked when she returned. Charity had tracked her jiggling tits all the way across the patio. Kelsey took the glass from the speechless girl. "Oh. There's nothing. I'll get you another. Just ice, right? You're hardcore."

Charity nodded, and almost giggled. Hardcore? She'd never been called that in her life. As she waited for Kelsey to return she noticed Raymond had floated away on his own.

"Sorry about this," Brie said quietly, startling Charity with her nearness. "You okay?"

Charity lied a little, with help from the bourbon. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"I should have told you, but, I didn't really now how," Brie said. "You've talked about sluts before, and how you don't really like them..."

"Yeah, but...I didn't mean you," Charity said in a near whisper.

"Good," Brie said. "I hope you like Kelsey too, and the rest of my friends. We just like having fun. With my dad away there'll be lots of it. Raymond would be a nice way for you to...start." Brie was choosing her words carefully. "He's really nice. Today's actually kinda perfect, with just the four of us here. You could kind know...explore, if you want."


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