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A woman discovers a neighbor in self bondage.
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My name is Mary.

Stella, my neighbor, three houses down in the suburb where we live, gave me her key something like two years ago. I exchanged one with her at the same time, as a sign of trust. A handshake kind of thing, just so there would be someone in the area who would have a key, in case of emergency; like if you are on vacation and need someone to check the gas for a leak, or just someone you could call to feed your cat or something. I should explain that our subdivision backs up to a big state forest preserve, so the houses in our area are pretty isolated, and no one can build around the neighborhood. Mary's house, especially, is at the end of the cul-de-sac and has a lot that is surrounded on three sides by woods where nobody ever goes. I imagine it made her feel more secure to know that someone nearby could check on her house, if necessary. She has lived alone since we moved in five years ago. She told me once that she was a teacher, elementary school, if I recall. She also told me she is getting close to retirement age. She mentioned it maybe a year ago, but I have not been keeping close tabs, so I do not know if she had quit working or not. She is in her late forties, and probably could take her pension and quit working if she wanted. I assumed she had some other source of money coming in as a teacher's pension would not be enormous. Probably her husband had left her some investments or insurance or other means in the will, when he passed away about six years ago.

To be frank, I put the key in a drawer at home and forgot about it.

Until Tuesday.

I was baking a big cake. I needed some baking powder and realized I was fresh out. My own car was in the shop. My husband had taken his to work. The nearest grocery store was five miles away. I was banging through cupboards looking to see if I had something, anything, that would do the same job as baking soda when I happened to see her key in the drawer. I remembered Mary had a pantry off her kitchen that had been well stocked looking the last time I had gone over for a barbeque last July. I grabbed my phone and called her, but she did not answer, the phone going straight to voice mail. I figured she was possibly at work, if she was still doing that, or shopping or some other errand. I think I mentally shrugged and grabbing the key, went jogging over to her house and let myself in. It felt weird just going in like that, but I figured I'd grab the baking soda from her stocks and just knock on her door later and tell her I took it and return it after I went to the store and bought a replacement box tomorrow.

I went in the back door and, after sixty seconds, spotted the soda on a shelf. As I stepped out of the pantry, I heard it. A faint cry. Distant, but just barely audible in the house. I already mentioned that the house was isolated. I was certain no one else would hear it outside. I stopped. Then heard it again. I walked over to the hallway off the kitchen and paused, listening. Then I heard it more clearly.

"! Help!" I knew the voice. It was Mary's. I suddenly realized her car had been in the driveway when I came, so she must actually be home. I then instantly thought she must be hurt or something. I went to a door a bit down the hall.

"Oh! Someone! I'm... I'm..." I was only half alarmed so far. Thinking maybe she had locked herself in a room or some such, but realized she definitely could be hurt a moment later.

I opened the door. I knew what it was, in general. Stella's house had a big, wide basement kind of living room down there. What we used to call a rumpus room. It had a fireplace, was carpeted and insulated well. I think she had a pool table at one end, a big TV, a couple of couches and chairs and if memory served me right, some kind of massive coffee table. I remembered the table only because I had thought it looked really blocky when I had seen it. There was nothing graceful about it. Nothing elegant. Not art Nouveau or even Danish modern. Just a big hunk of a thing made of inelegant timbers and planks. I remembered all this in a rush, since I had been down there last summer for a few minutes while she fetched a croquet set from a closet for kids outside at the barbecue, that I helped tote back up for the party.

As I opened the door, I started down without hesitation. The lights were on.

In most houses this would have made a creaking and clumping sound on wooden stairs, but for some reason whoever built the place had actually poured concrete stairs down to the cellar and with the carpet on them I did not make a sound as I started down.

I was halfway down when I heard her clear as day.

"Oh, somebody! Help! They have me! They have me so helpless!" I stopped dead. Perhaps some home invaders or burglar had broken in! I pulled my cell phone out, and activated the screen so that the 911 button was ready. I wasn't planning on going down there until I knew if there were guys holding her or something. On the other hand, I hesitated. I am a responsible person. Not like those idiots on YouTube or TV who call in the cops while drunk or stupid. Where I was raised, you don't call 911 unless you are absolutely certain something bad is really going on.

"Help!" Stella yelled. "They have me tied up! They are going to... to come back and rape me! Take me!"

I caught the 'come back' part of this and realized that perhaps whoever was molesting her had left for a while and I might have a window of opportunity to help her. Get her out of there.

I started down the steps ever so slowly. Nervous. There was a kind of false wall along one side of the stairs and arrived at the bottom, level with the basement floor at the end. I tiptoed down. I could hear Stella grunting and some rustling sounds. I heard her groan. I kept my thumb on the dial button for the police as I peeked around the final corner and into the basement.

I glanced around and could see no one but Mary.

Mary was certainly there. I started suddenly when I looked more closely and realized she lay face down the carpet kind beside that big coffee table.

She was naked. Starkers.

I stared at her in astonishment and embarrassment at seeing my neighbor nude. Her buttocks poking up in the air. I was all ready to bring in the cops then, but some corner of my mind analyzed the scene and I hesitated again because I slowly realized something about it was off.

Sure, Mary was tied up. Mary's hands were handcuffed behind her back and tied to a rope that went around her waist, knotted under her belly as she lay face down. She was tugging and pulling on the cuffs. Each of her ankles was tied by a short length of rope to the same cord around her waist, letting her kick her legs a bit, but not fully straighten them. There was something wrapped around her head too, I could not see it well from that angle, but it was almost certainly a blindfold of some kind.

"Oh. I'm helpless." She rattled the cuffs. "Tied up. Naked! Help me!"

Then, the oddity that had struck me became clear. It was a bulge of plastic between her round thighs. I moved a step closer and could see it was one of those bulbous headed vibrator things. It was literally tied to her thigh. It was buzzing away, and though Mary was struggling to free herself from the bondage, she was also working her hips around. A lot. After a few seconds watching, it was obvious she was humping up and down and wiggling side to side as she twisted about on her belly and panted.

Then I got it.

It was the panting that finally penetrated my shocked brain.

She was panting pretty hard. Really hard. Some atavistic corner of my mind knew what the kind of breathing meant.

Then she groaned.

"Ah! I am cuffed. Helpless. In bondage. Oh... they are touching me. Touching my... my... my cunt!" She yelled. She was breathing through her mouth as she said it. Short on oxygen from breathing so hard.

I took yet another step forward. Still not completely certain in my rational mind, then I saw the old suitcase on the floor next to the couch. One of those ancient American Tourister bags. One of the tough, hard plastic ones made back in the 60s and 70s to be indestructible. The kind nobody wants or uses anymore for travel, as they had no wheels and only the one handle. It lay wide open. I could see inside it now. I stepped still closer trying to get my head around what I was seeing.

"Please!" Mary cried, rolling her hips about and up and down. Clearly trying to get her labia and clitoris into closer contact with the vibrating head of toy, which was making a grinding sound each time she pressed her weight more on it.

I was busy staring into the luggage though. It clearly contained a heap of lengths of various types of rope, pieces of chain with padlocks on them, two or three sex toys of various colors, a couple leather-looking items I could not immediately identify and something right on top what was absolutely and clearly a ball gag. I stared at the pile even as Mary yelled out again.

"Please! They've tied me up. They are teasing me. I'm Naked! Stripped! I've got to get free." She began to writhe all the harder on her belly.

Then I saw the absolute clincher that there was no one coming. Lying on the carpet near her was a little key. A handcuff key. I am not completely clueless. I have heard of bondage. My husband has tied me up a half dozen times over the course of our marriage. I remembered even hearing about self-bondage in some sex manual we owned. But to walk in on it! Unsuspecting. To see it suddenly revealed! It was a shock to my system. My neighbor had tied herself up. She was clearly trying to get herself off on the vibrating toy.

It penetrated fully. There were no men coming. Not even a boyfriend who was helping her. No home invaders. No intruders of any kind. This was all Mary's doing.

A part of me wanted to turn quietly and sneak out. This was a private act after all.

Another part of me though, felt the oddest sensation. I shuddered. Watching her. Listening to her cry out. I felt a rush of heat into my loins. I could almost physically feel my clit stir looking at her.

Even after that thrill, I almost still turned and left anyway.

Mary clinched what happened next though.

"Oh! OH! Yes! Yes!" She cried out, mouthing the fantasy running through her head. "There! Touch me there your cruel bastards!"

Her hips rolled in circles over that vibrator.

She was getting really excited. I could see it. I could even smell it a little bit.

Almost unable to stop myself, driven by some kind of feelings I could never define, but which I obeyed, I stepped over and picked up the handcuff key and weighed it in my hand, staring down at her. She still did not know I was there. She was busy. Busy writhing about. Thrusting her hips up and down forcefully. Giving little moans.

I knew that motion. It was the same motion I did when I am really close to coming.

Something...well... something just seemed to snap in me then. Inside my head. I was in a single moment totally turned on. Heat poured into my own loins. I would almost feel my clit harden. I watched Mary's ass squeezing frantically. Clenching. Unclenching. Clenching. At that instant it was sexy as hell. A woman's bottom, but a human bottom too. Its cheeks squeezing. Its round buttocks rolling. The smell of her reached my nose. I followed my nose. I half knelt beside her. Following that scent in some undefinable way. I was looking down between her legs. Seeing her labia spreading across the nubbins on the head of the toy. I admit it. I stared. At her vulva, mashing against the vibrator's bulbous head. Another woman's vulva. It was something I had only imagined in a few fantasies and a couple of films I had watched on XHamster. Heat filled my crotch now. I really had never imagined anything like this in my own fantasies. My hovering over another woman. Another woman! Bound. Helpless. Masturbating. Close to coming. I had imagined myself being like that, never another person being there. I reached between her legs. I flicked the off switch on the toy.

She froze. Her hips humping up and down for several seconds. Clearly close to coming. I stood. She must have detected my clothes rustling a bit or something.

"Who's there! She suddenly shrieked. She kept turning her head about wildly. The blindfold over her eyes came into view and was still in place. It surprised me. It was a pair of panties! The seat of them pulled backwards over her head. The seat covering her eyes. Another pair had been pulled down so the elastic snugged the panty to her head and pressed in on her eyes. Yet another pair had been pulled down in a tangle of material that covered the first pair. I am sure that she could not see through three pairs of panty material.

She confirmed it.

"Is someone there. Is anyone there!" She shouted.

I stared at here as she wriggled about. This time really trying to escape. She lifted her chin up in the air and writhed herself sideways across the carpet. Half rolling on her side. Her fingers in the cuffs scrabbling the rug, right where the key would have been. Her fingers questing, feeling, searching for the key. I put it on the mantle and kicked off my flats. I circled her, staring. Almost without volition I pulled my top up and off. Then I unsnapped my pants and unzipped them. Her hands were searching for that key.

She could not find it and suddenly she sobbed. Tears mostly of frustration, but also fear at being seen this way. I could imagine it. Fear of being found out. I slid my jeans down my legs and sitting on the couch arm I pulled them completely off me.

"Oh! HELP! HELP! HELP ME!" She screamed now in real earnest. Every 'help' sent a bolt right through my vulva. Almost like a penis penetrating me. My labia were moist. I leaned back on the couch back and dragged my fingers across the crotch of my panties. I caressed my clit through the material. I began to masturbate myself right through my underpants.

She was yanking and pulling on the cuffs and the tie on her waist. Her legs kicking in their short tethers. Her head up and questing for a clue, any clue about what was going outside her panty blindfold.

Suddenly she stopped stone still.

My pussy had begun to make wet sounds as I played with myself. This was crazy. I felt completely out of control, but I was masturbating, staring at my helpless nude neighbor. Another woman! I played with myself harder. I was totally and completely turned on and letting myself fall into the moment.

Her face was towards me now. She had heard the sounds. Isolated their direction.

"Hello!" She said sniffling. She was blushing so incredibly cutely. Red as a beet. She could sense someone was near. Her voice quavered. On the edge of further tears. Embarrassed at being seen this way. Frightened at being discovered by someone she did not know. "Hello! Oh! Please! Say something! Answer me! Please! You've just got to let me go!" She rattled the handcuffs.

I was breathing hard myself now. I thought about this one last time. The notion of another woman turning me on this way. Tied. Bound. Helpless. Each of those word flowed through my mind. Each time they did, it was like that big penis going in and out of me. My own hips were working up and down. It drove me mad. I was going to play this out. Woman or no.

"Hello, Mary!" I said.

She whimpered. A shiver that ran down her throat and through her belly. Confirmation at last the someone was there. Looking at her. Seeing her as she was. She blubbered and tugged at her bonds. I started rolling my clit around in circles and humping my hips skyward. I was getting really close to coming. It had only been a couple minutes and I was just about to go over the edge. I could barely think straight.

It took Mary a while, but then she froze as her crazed brain processed my voice.

"Stella?" She said, incredulity in her voice. "Stell... you've got to... untie me. Please...." She finished weakly. I could almost hear her thoughts racing. She wanted to deny this was self-bondage. To blame it on home invaders. But then she realized I was on or near the couch. I could clearly see her suitcase, full of bondage and sex equipment. It was too much for her fragile little self. She was brittle with fear and I guess self-loathing or something at being caught this way like a child masturbating. "Stella!" She cried and then began to tug and pull on her bonds. "Please! Let me go!"

I smiled.

Even though I was close to coming, I took my hand away from my crotch deliberately and stood. I stepped over and reaching between her thighs, turned the vibrator back on. She stiffened and cried out. A mindless "OH!" Then another. Then another.

I cannot say. I was not inside her head. But it seemed to me that her fantasy was coming true on some level.

I knelt then by her head and slowly began to pull off first one, then a second and finally the third pair of panties blindfolding her. She blinked, at the light. Then she saw me for the first time and went rigid in her cuffs and ropes. Staring at me. In shock, I think. Another woman kneeling by her wearing only panties and a bra. Her neighbor. Her keyholder. Suddenly that word took on a whole new meaning.

"Stella!" She cried. "Why are you..." She could not finish the thought. Her clit was pressing up against the head of that vibrator. Its tension as it stared at a half-naked woman, another woman, beside her. Grinning at her helplessness. In control while she had surrendered hers. "Stella..." She panted. "You have to let me go. Uncuff me! Please! Now!" Her eyelids drooped a couple times though as the vibrator tickled her clit.

I grinned even more widely at that.

"Now why would I want to do that?" I asked. I stepped sideways on my knees. Reaching between her thighs, I grasped the handle of the toy. I began to press it hard between her labia, then stroked it up and down. Flicking it over her hard little clitoris which was standing out a bit. "Uh.... Uh..... Uhhhhh. Please! No! Stella.. STOP! Please!" She panted. I watched her tugging on her bonds, and her hips rolling helplessly. She liked the feeling. I kept it up.

I got a series of sounds out of then. Moans, groans interspersed with "NO! Don't... Stop! Please... Don't... OH! STELLA! No! No!" She turned her face up toward me. Craning it to the side and up. Her face a study in helpless tragedy at being tied and helpless while someone else, not a fantasy man, but a neighbor woman played with her. I took her to edge and then backed off three times. She was groaning and writhing in such a pretty way that I finally took pity on her and pushed the head of the toy hard to spread her labia, both the inner and outer sets, wide. She was riding her own lubrication over the smooth head and nubs of the toy. Humping. Humping. She began to pant helplessly, and cry out. "NO! YOU MUSN"T! STELLA! LET ME GO! I am HELPLESS! OH! OH! You are...are PLAYING WITH ME. FUCKING ME..." I waited until she was approaching her final hump to a cum before I told her.

"If you come. You will have to eat me out!" I said. She froze a tiny bit when I said it, but it was far too late and she came screaming, straining at her cuffs and ropes then. Her whole body was wriggling about and straining at her bonds.

I would like to deny it, but it was sexy as hell to see that.

Afterward I sat in front of her face, legs spread and pulled my panty crotch to one side. She lay there, shaking her head in denial as I moved my vulva closer and closer to her face. I did not speak, but she kept crying out and yelling for help as I inched my wetness toward her mouth. I noticed at the end, that she kind of darted her head in and began to lick though without more prodding. I had left her vibrator on medium. As I came, I could see her humping her pussy up and down hard on that toy and she came again immediately after I did on her mouth.


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