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Kidnapped At The Farm


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What makes this feel so much more embarrassing is that the farmer isn't even looking at me, but at his cell as he reads his emails or whatever. The guards look at me, but there's no hint of any sexual thrill. They look more like they are ready to pounce if I dare try anything. It's as if they consider me so low that there's nothing they want from me, not even to see me get naked.

I feel my breathing pick up as I feel the warm air on my bare legs. Most of my increased breathing is from fear, but there's something else I'm feeling. I don't want to believe it, but I think I'm aroused. I've never felt this weak before. I've never felt someone able to control me like this. I truly feel like I have no choice or control at all.

Now my hands are at the bottom of my blouse as I am aware that my nipples have harden due to this arousal. I lift the blouse up slowly, showing off my flat and toned stomach from years of working on the farm. As I lift, my black lace bra comes into view, as I thought it would help me feel professional instead of wearing a normal sports bra. A moment later, my nicest top is peeled off my head completely, where I drop it on the ground to join my skirt.

Without any fanfare or pleading, I reach behind me and unclasp my bra. It slides down and I use my left arm to cover my breasts. I've never had large breasts as I'm a B cup but every guy I've ever been with loves them. I've never minded showing them off, except now. Now I plan to hide them as much as I can.

Shaking badly now, I use my free hand to hook my thumb into the waistband of my panties. Then I pull down, feeling my panties slide down my hips, exposing my precious womanhood, if just for a moment as I cup my womanhood with my free hand. My face reddens even more as I cup my womanhood at the thought that these bastards saw it. They saw my most secret place.

Looking and feeling stupid, I step out of my panties to stand in front of them, completely naked, with me trying to cover myself. Humiliation doesn't describe how I feel. It's so much more than. It's fear, terror, humiliation and more than anything, anger. In a way, I'm surprised I haven't mentally broke at all that I feel, especially as I feel that dark arousal building.

"Now you look the way most people already see you," the farmer says cruelly, making my face flush. He says it to be cruel as there's no reason to say it otherwise. He knows he is in charge. I actually consider punching him in the face, but at this point it could very well cost my life.

"I mean, look at you," he says, lowering his cell to look at me. Now the warm and friendly expression he had is gone. Instead there is a stern and powerful man looking at me as if I'm a bug.

"The strong woman that was going to take us down or go down fighting is now naked like a public I might add. Heck, I may put the security camera footage on the dark web just so others can laugh at you too," he says and laughs at me.

These strong and mean words break through all my emotions and I nearly break down crying. But not from what he said, but from the fact I almost orgasmed. It just races up and I felt a blinding white emotion as my arousal burst like a firecracker. The way I feel at the moment at being naked and only having my hands to cover myself as he derates incredibly intoxicating to me, sexually. And I hate myself for it, especially as I've never felt the urge to touch myself like I feel right now.

"Now, since I had to repeat myself earlier..." the farmer says as he looks directly at me. In that look of his it's clear he doesn't see me as a person. He sees me as livestock and nothing more. That's why he was so friendly before because he knew there was nothing I could do or say that would affect him in any meaningful way.

"...You will receive punishment. Pick up your panties," he orders. To this I bite my lip as my body still shakes from damn near climaxing a few moments before. As if I'm in someone else's life, I tell myself I'm going to have to do it, or I'll feel extreme pain or worse.

Slowly I bend my knees to lower myself down, figuring there's no point in drawing this out. I have to let go of my breasts to grab my panties, letting them see my jiggling breasts but only for a second as I grab my panties and recover my chest.

"As punishment, put them over your face. You will wear them like a mask to show that you are so stupid that you don't even know how to wear your panties correctly," he states in that stern tone. I gape at him, completely in disbelief. He can't be serious. I mean, that's just cruel. But when a guard takes a step towards me, I know I better do it.

Fighting the urge to sob, I'm forced to remove both hands to expose my naked body as I hold my panties with both hands. My body trembles badly now, but I know it isn't just from my fear. I've never felt this hot before. I never knew fear and humiliation would affect my body like this to the point I knew I could orgasm without even being touched.

I grab the waistband of my panties and pull to stretch them out. With a very red face I lift them and bring them to the top of my head. Now I pull them down on my head as if they are a hat or headband. I pull until only the left side of face can be seen via one of the leg holes as I pull my panties over my face, leaving me only able to see through one eye. Once I do this, I go back to covering my naked body.

Then I hear laughter. It's the farmer. He's laughing, his entire body moving from it, making the humiliation I feel even stronger. It hits hard and I get another white flash where I almost orgasm. I fight it hard as if he knew what I am feeling, it really would break me.

"Yes," the farmer says, but says it in a way that implies he's answering a question. He keeps chuckling as he looks at me.

"The answer is yes. You look as stupid as you feel," he states very cruelly. I know I shouldn't care. I know I should tell him 'fuck you.' But that snide comment really hits, just like his laughter, making me wetter than I have been in ages.

"Now, the first part of a new cow's arrival is called The Introduction," the farmer starts to explain after he stops laughing. He sounds more serious now, like he knows he needs to get back to business. I open my mouth to tell him "I don't give a shit," but it hits me what he's really doing, which is to torture me. He's going to tell me exactly what is about to happen so I can fret over it.

"The point of The Introduction is to humiliate you and get you used to having your tits, pussy and ass out for everyone to see. Not to mention getting you used to being inspected and sexually used," he explains calmly.

"You will follow behind as I walk. If anyone wishes to inspect you, they have that power, regardless of position. They could be a farmer, a farm hand, a technician, even a custodian. But at all times you will do as I tell you, or face more punishment," he keeps on explaining. The more he talks, the more I seem to go into a daze with what he is saying. I mean, this just can't be happening.

"Now my little bitchy moo-cow, follow me," he says with a smirk. Then he turns and heads towards the gate. He does this so fast that I have to jog a bit to catch up. When he reaches the gate, the guard in the booth does whatever and I hear the gate begin to open.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you that you need to keep your hands behind your head?" the farmer comments, not even turning back to look at me. At the thought of not being able to cover myself, I consider trying to run, but one guard is now directly behind me as if knowing I would try.

With no other options, I'm forced to let go of my naked body and put my hands behind my head so every part of me is now open and exposed. This makes me sway again as I fight to hold back the orgasm. As I interlock my fingers behind my head, I almost start to pant from the feeling.

As the gate opens, I stand there, feeling more exposed than I have ever been. I've been naked with plenty of lovers and even on a few dares with friends, but this...this is true naked. Like my freaking heart and soul can be seen. And once there's enough space from the open gate, the farmer starts to walk. Feeling in a daze, I follow behind him, finally able to see what I've wanted to see for so long. looks like a farm. A normal, large sized farm. There's the main paved path that we are on, and on the left side of the path, I see a huge pen over bare grass where several horses trot about. To the right of the path, there's a gated field where tons of cows are grazing. In the distance I see several large buildings, as well as many barns, a silo and many other normal farm attributes. And as I thought, there is a guard booth on the other side, with two guards much like before.

Now I see all the people. So many people working here. There's at least 5 people tending to the horses, with one of them actually riding one. Others are petting, grooming or feeding the horses. There's people on the paved path in front of us walking to wherever, with another one sweeping it as well as a lot of people tending the cows in the field. But all of them, no matter where they are turn to look at me.

As if to make sure they know I'm the prisoner, the guard kneels behind me and swiftly attaches cuffs to my ankles. Looking down I find that the two cuffs are connected by a chain. The cuffs themselves look to be held by a combination lock, which means they are not coming off any time soon, but the length of chain connecting them isn't very long, which means I'll have to take short steps.

My face burns red as at least 20 strangers are seeing me like this. Seeing me naked, my own panties on my head with my hands behind my head. Seeing my bare breasts, my shaved womanhood and my firm ass. They aren't seeing the strong and kickass farm girl, but a stupid and humiliated little girl that got herself caught.

The farmer keeps walking and I follow behind him, my bare feet feeling the pavement under me as I have to take lots of small steps. As I walk, I look at the ground to try and not look at any of the men or women looking at me. I do have to do a double take when I notice they have females WORKING here. Several in fact. How in the hell can they work here? Don't they know how horrible this would be?

"Nice animal," a female voice calls out to the farmer from the distance. At this I turn to glare at her as she tends to one of the horses, thinking I could kill her. Normally I would praise another farm girl, even though I know I am better, because we need to stick together in a male dominated world, but fuck her. Fuck her, even if the horses here look healthy.

"She's going to be a workhorse, that's for sure," the farmer calls back, giving a thumbs up. She gives the same back to him, and I really consider punching the back of his head. But as if reading my mind, I hear footsteps behind me, and notice one of the guards is following behind. This basically kills my idea as I doubt I would even get a single punch in.

My small boobs jiggle and shake as I take all these small steps, hearing the clanking of the chain as I walk. I keep doing this as he parades me down the path, making me walk past so many people.

"Here," the farmer says and stops suddenly. I then notice he's pointing to the spot right next to him. Sighing I figure he is telling me to stand there, as if I was a dog or something. With my small steps, I move to where he points.

"Look her in the eyes, stick your tits out and spread your legs. You will do this any time anyone inspects you," the farmer then states in a serious tone. At this I spot a middle-aged woman approaching. She greets him, to which he explains how I'm the newest livestock to her.

The woman steps up to me and it's clear she means to inspect me like an animal. I keep repeating in my head that I hope she doesn't touch me as at the moment, I feel the smallest of touches could send me over the edge and make me cum. This dark feeling is just to strong and I know that a female doing this will make it worse.

Doing as I am told I look at her with my one free eye. My legs part as far as the chain will allow and feeling like a whore, I stick my breasts out to her. The woman never looks me in the eye. Instead she uses her hand to grab my chin and make me open my mouth. After she looks down at my body, checking it.

"Turn around," the farmer barks. Sighing, I slowly turn around to show her my bare backside. To my horror, the woman grabs a handful of my ass for a moment. Unable to help it, I yelp and step forward, which causes laughter from the pair of them.

"Not bad. Seen better, but seen worse too. Think her selling point will be that firm ass of hers," the woman tells the Head Farmer as I face away from them. They then take about my ass as if I'm not there. Saying that it is firm and that they could market it as a specialty service if anyone wants to use it. As they go on and on, I begin to wonder if they are serious and are saying this just to scare me because I've never done anything...there.

"Not much brains on her through. I mean, look how she wears her panties," The farmer then says to which the woman laughs. They then discuss meeting up for lunch as if this is a normal business interaction.

"Hey, John, you like the new animal? Don't just stand there, turn around so he can see," the head farmer says and open palm slaps my ass, making me yelp again. Again the urge to cum flares at this horrible treatment. It's so strong that as I turn I try to press my thighs together for just a tiny bit of release.

A much older man who was sweeping the pavement is walking over. This man has to be at least 65, maybe even 75 as he's shrunken and wears one of those janitor work overall one-piece outfits. The old creepy bastard looks my naked body up and down repeatedly.

"B-Blanca?" the old janitor asks. At the sound of my name I truly look at him. Oh dear me. That's John. I had him fired over what, 5 months ago? He was hired to help clean up the stables, but he was so damn slow and old.

"Oh, you know her? How serendipitous," the head farmer laughs. He puts his arm around John as if they are best friends and the pair two look at me. The head farmer looks like he's having the time of his life now.

"She...she got me fired from my last job...before I came here," the old man says in that old man quivering tone. I'm still horribly shocked that he's here. That he's seeing me like this. That this old, ugly and unimportant man is seeing everything on me...and with my panties on my head.

"What a bitch. Well John, how about we give you a bonus for being a great employee? Go ahead and touch wherever you want to on the bitch," the farmer says, again acting as if they are best friends.

"Like Hell you wi-" I start but the guard behind me clears his throat. Then I hear the unmistakable sound of a weapon being pulled out from his belt. This instantly makes me stop.

"Go ahead John, I insist. You do a great job here so you should get a reward," the head farmer says and the old man jumps at the chance. He moves forward so he's standing directly in front of me. Never before have I wanted to back away from anyone like I want to now. He's just so...old and gross.

"I'm not going to repeat myself cow. You know how to properly stand for inspection," the head farmer warns. At this, I feel the hardened stone face express I have been wearing break to which I almost sob. And then...for this old creepy man, I stand up straight and look him in the eyes. My legs part and I stick my boobs out for him, my lips in a frown.

His hands move forward, going for one place and one place only; my pussy. In reaction I have to close my eyes as he cups my special place. His hand holds my pussy, and there's no hiding that I'm wet. This old creepy fuck knows what I didn't want anyone to know.

His old fingers now trace my lips as he moves them upward until he finds my clit. He places two fingers on it, presses down and attempts to rub.

I try to go to a happy place, but he rubs my clit in a very unique way. He keeps rubbing, only pausing to rub a finger up and over my slit, but never pokes inside for some reason. He just keeps rubbing my clit in that special way.

Then it happens. I cum. And I can't even hide it. My body is too hot and worked up to do anything about it. My mouth drops open and I moan like a whore as this old man rubs my clit. I cum and cum hard. Feeling tears fall at the humiliation, I rock my hips as he rubs, leaning into the orgasm.

Moan after moan comes out, as I feel my own juices slowly move down my leg. My eyes are still closed as I can't dare look at him as he violates me like this. I can't look at him and know that an old man made me cum. That the old creepy bastard I got fired got to do this to me.

"Damn John, you turned the bitch out with just two fingers!" The head farmer exclaims in the darkness. My chest heaves as wave after wave of dark pleasure moves over me, rippling along. As my chest heaves, I keep rocking my hips, pressing harder against his fingers as they keep rubbing.

Finally I stop cumming. The waves stop and I'm left to stand there, feeling like a puddle of goo. I open my eyes to see the old man looking at my pussy, having a look that seems to show how proud he is of himself. At this, I do start to cry as the old man keeps rubbing my clit, to which I admit feels good. Tear after tear falls as I feel myself start to break down as I've been so horribly humiliated.

"Tell you what John, once your shift is over, go to Barn F...for a surprise," the farmer tells John and pats him on the back again. The old man lights up at this and finally removes his fingers from my clit. A fresh wave of tears fall at this, as it can only mean he's going to allow this old man to fuck me.

I cry as I stand there, my own tears falling off my cheeks and onto my chest. I keep crying and barely notice that the Head Farmer has started to walk off, implying that this brief moment of violation is over.

Now saying anything, I begin to walk in those short steps, feeling my tits jiggle, which seems to show off how hard my nipples are now. I was just sexually assaulted by an old man. He touched where he never should have. The fucking janitor made me cum. And instead of slapping him or pushing him away, I kept my hands behind my head the entire time.

We keep walking and the farmer ignores my cries. He acts as if everything is normal going so far as to start telling me the purpose of each building like this is a tour. He points out where the building where the real cows are milked, the building where they sleep, the building where their milk is bottled and others. And of-course we walk past more people. Many just give me a glance, but a few stop and stare. One even drops what he was holding.

He allows two more to "inspect" me. By the time of the second inspection, at least 20 minutes had past since I came and I stopped crying. Only thankfully, neither touches me. They just looked me over with large smiles on their faces. Both very clearly had bulges in their pants.

We reach a sort of crossroads now. There's the paved path we are on, then another that is going to the sides. The farmer doesn't say anything to this, but I can tell things are different on this side. The buildings are different and there are not as many people walking around here.

"Here's the good part," the farmer comments, as we approach something of a mega stable that is built on top of the paved path. It stands on top like a carport sort of building but it is huge. Much bigger than anyone's house I've ever been in.

"You sick bastard," I tell him as I see this place is filled with small singular stables against the wall...all filled with women. In each small stall is an adult woman, naked. Each one is bent over and secured to some sort of metal rig so they can't move. A few are in a different position, where they are standing with their hands secured overhead to which it looks like they are hanging.

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