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Kim's Nightmare Ch. 01

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Never talk to strangers.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/31/2011
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Chapter 01: How it Began

"Excuse us, miss."

Kim turned from her lunchtime walk from the bank. She saw a middle-aged man lean out of the passenger side window of the Honda van.

"Can you tell us how to get to the Shoreway from here," the man asked politely, holding what appeared to be a set of directions.

Kim walked to the window to point to the road a few blocks back they must have missed. Just then the side door rolled open and another man jumped out and pushed her in. In less than a minute from when the van had stopped it pulled away slowly -- with Kim being pushed down onto the floor.

Her scream was met with a foot pressing hard on the back of her neck.

"Keep her quiet," the driver commanded. The foot pressed harder, smothering her screams into the carpeted floor board.

"What are you doing?" they heard her scream. "Let me go!"

"Be quiet and enjoy the ride," the voice from the driver's seat replied.

She pushed herself up, but the man on the other side of the middle seat reached down and shoved her back onto the floor. The man on her side plopped into the seat and used his legs to keep her in the tight space between the seats.

"What do you want?" she screamed in fear.

"You," the driver replied. Then there were no more sounds from the four men while the van drove south. After a time they pulled her up from the floor and shoved her between them on the middle seat. She screamed for help, but the windows were so dark-tinted no one could see inside. Silently, the man on her left slapped a short length of duct tape over her mouth, cutting off her screams.

Half an hour later the van pulled far up a long dark driveway. The sliding door opened and Kim was manhandled through the side door of a house. Two men held her arms and propelled her into what must have been the living room. A third man slowly pulled the duct tape from her mouth.

"Scream all you want, lady," the driver smiled. "There ain't no one around her gonna care."

"What do you want?" she repeated. "Look, I'll give you all my money just let me go."

The driver laughed. "We don't want your money."

"What do you want?" she asked in panic.

"We want your hubby to do us a favor."

Kim suddenly understood she was not pulled from the street at random -- these men knew her husband was a judge!

"Little lady is upset," the driver cooed. "Go get her a drink."

"No thank you," Kim replied firmly as one of the men went to the kitchen.

"I said a drink," the driver replied. "You too good to drink with us?"

"I don't' drink," the recovering alcoholic replied.

"Today you do," was the response.

The man returned with a tall glass.

"No," she replied. "Just let me go."

"Drink," the driver demanded.

Afraid to defy them she took a small sip of what turned out to be a very strong gin and tonic.

"Come on, baby," the driver said soothingly. "If we just wanted to fuck you you'd be oozin cum already."

Kim's fear rose at the vulgar remark.

"Have a seat." The driver pointed to the couch.

Instead, Kim ran to the front door. She reached the door but could not figure out the laugh. Then she heard a voice behind her.

"Can't have this, baby," the voice laughed. She screamed as she was turned around by hands that grabbed her shoulders.

"We're gonna have to take your clothes now," the driver smiled. "You won't want to try to run outside naked in this neighborhood." He moved behind her and moved his arms around her middle, holding her tight.

"It's your own fault," he smirked. She started to struggle as she felt his hand move to the top button of her gray blouse. The arm around her stomach held her tighter.

She began to kick back at him as she felt him undo the top blouse button.

"Knock it off!" he demanded and kneed her in the back. Momentarily stunned, she drooped slightly and he succeeded in opening the second button. The hand pulled her middle tight against his body and he moved down to quickly slip out the third button. She tried to stomp on his foot with her heel as her husband had taught her, but the driver was too quick. Using his own feet he managed to kick off her heels. Her barefooted kicks against his shins did nothing, and he pulled free the fourth button. She tried to hit him but in the position her arms could not reach him. She screamed again as he pulled her blouse out of her black slacks and slid open the last button.

He yanked her blouse down her arms, immobilizing her swinging arms, and reached around to the slide of her slacks.

"No!" she screamed.

"Don't worry, baby," the voice cooed. "I told you we ain't gonna fuck you." She struggled vainly he popped the slide open. "At least not if hubby does what he has to do," the voice said coldly as he yanked her opened slacks down her hips revealing her black lace bikini panties.

"There, that does it," the driver laughed. Then he pulled up on the underside of her right knee, then her left, pulling her legs out of the pants bunched around her ankles.

"Sit your ass down and have that drink!" the voice demanded. She covered her bra-encased breasts and walked nearly naked to the couch. She did not want to touch the drink, she knew what any alcohol could do to her, and the drink was very strong. But she saw pure evil in the driver's eyes. She lifted the glass and took another small sip.

"I'm Bill," the driver said as if he was not talking to someone they had just kidnapped. "That's Tom, Fred, and Ralph," he added, pointing to one of the men at a time.

"Fred" went out to the kitchen to make whiskey and water for the four men and Bill continued talking.

"Tom and Ralph are going to send a little e-mail to your husband," he explained plainly. "If he's a good boy you can be back home in Strongsville in an hour." She realized they also knew where she and Gary lived.

"He will never..."

Bill cut her off.

"If he tries to be a hard ass he'll learn the consequences."

Kim began to worry. She knew her husband would never do anything illegal.

"Even for me?" she wondered.

Tom and Ralph left, and Bill sat on the sofa next to her.

"Not much in the tit department," Bill chuckled as she saw him stare at her lacy black bra.

She ignored his obscene remark.

Half an hour later the two men returned. She saw Tom shake his head.

"He said he can't do anything tonight."

She looked at Bill and thought she saw an expression revealing a fact he already knew.

"We we sure can!" he smirked. Suddenly his left hand flew out to the side of her face and he leaned over and mashed his lips against hers. She struggled against the forced kiss.

"Not bad, sugarplum," Bill laughed. "Sweet and moist." Then he stared into her lap. "I wonder what else you got that's sweet and moist."

In that instant she knew they were going to try to rape her.

"How about you let us see those tits?" Bill smirked, stroking the side of her face.

She pulled tighter into the corner of the couch.

"Okay," Bill snapped. "Have it your way."

Before she could react his hands flew behind her back. As she fought against him he struggled to unhook her bra. He ignored the fists pounding on his shoulders and the legs kicking at him and managed to free the single clasp.

"I like surprises," he laughed and closed his eyes as he pulled her now-loosened bra cups upward hard. He opened his eyes and smiled as he saw her small breasts with their quarter size areolas with pink nipples in the center.

"Nice!" he cooed. He yanked her bra down her arms and threw it across the room. Reflexively her hands flew up to cover herself.

"Uhn uhn. Down," he commanded firmly.

Seeing the evil in his eyes Kim made herself drop her arms and let them all see her tits.

"Have another drink."

Her head was already beginning to spin and she shook her head.

"It wasn't a question," Bill laughed.

Afraid even more now, she accepted the tall glass and took a sip of an even stronger gin and tonic.

Then all the men became strangely silent and drank their whiskey. Fifteen minutes went by without any sounds.

Then Ralph spoke.

"Bet you twenty bucks the bitch is shaved."

"What about it baby?" Bill cooed. "You shaved?"

Kim did not reply.

"How bout a little peak?"

Before she could react Bill's hand flew down and yanked at the top of her panties. He smiled as he saw brown cunt hair.

"You owe me twenty bucks," he laughed. Then he stared in her eyes. "A woman like her wouldn't shave," he smirked.

Then suddenly he pulled the top of her panties out farther and stared down.

"And you're definitely a woman," he purred as he looked at her cunt hair.

Regaining her senses she kicked herself free.

Then she saw Bill smile.

"I guess hubby says this is okay," he cooed.

Kim fought with everything she had as Bill's hands flew out and began to yank the waistband of her panties down her hips.

"Get her arms!" he called, tired of being hit as she struggled. Fred ran behind the couch and caught her wildly swinging hands.

Bill dropped to his knees in front of the couch and began to pull her panties down her hips. He avoided her kicking legs and pulled hard. She felt her hips rise as her panties were pulled from her ass. Laughing Bill continued to pull. Kim kicked hard but in vain, and in a few moments she felt her panties being yanked down her thighs, revealing her full snatch of closely-trimmed brown hair.

He tugged three more times and pulled her panties over her knees, down her calves, then off.

Bill held her black lace panties like a prize. She felt sick as he held the silk and rayon to his face.

"Mmm," he cooed. "Sweet."

Kim squeezed her legs together.

"What's the matter, pumpkin?" Bill laughed. "You ain't a virgin are you?"

"Not that it would matter," Fred added with an evil smile.

Bill slapped at the arms that had again crossed over her chest.

"I like your little titties, baby," he smiled. "Just right."

"Don't," she pleaded.

Bill's face turned odd.

"If you notice, babycakes, none of us have touched you." He smiled. "Think there's a reason for that?"

Her mind wanted to scream that they had touched -- they had stripped her. But she remained silent.

"We're gonna give hubs a chance to work some magic."

Just then a flash hit her eyes.


Sure enough, Tom had just taken a photograph of her sitting naked on the couch.

"No!" she cried out.

Bill turned to Fred and Tom. "Tell him he's a lucky man." Kim grew sick as he turned and looked her naked body up and down. Then he turned back to Fred. "And tell him if he wants to see it again he better do what we tell him."

The two men left. Fred and Bill sat on the coffee table, drinking and leering at her. This time they did not mind that she crossed her arms over her chest again, and crossed her legs hiding her hairy triangle.

"That's okay, lover," Bill smiled. "There's always the picture."

"He'll never do it," Kim said strongly.

Bill laughed. "You don't even know what 'it' is." He thought for a moment. "Oh, what the hell."

He started to explain.

"He's got my brother locked up in his jail," he began.

It made no sense to Kim. Her husband was only a city court judge.

"I'll pay his damn fine!" Kim replied angrily.

"Oh, no, pumpkin. He's not there for a fuckin traffic ticket," Bill continued. "The U.S. Marshals have him staying there for trial." He continued almost with pride. "Seems my little bro ripped off some old folks pensions and now he's lookin at 10 years."

. Kim knew enough about the Marshals Service to know that they did not have jails of their own and would pay cities to house federal prisoners in local jails when the county jail was too full."

"He can't do anything about that!" Kim responded. "He doesn't have any jurisdiction."

Bill's eyes turned cold.

"He better," he replied. "Or somebody's gonna be 'juris dickin' in you!"

Kim's face blanched. She knew, or was pretty sure she knew, that the bailiffs didn't even have keys to the Marshal's jail cells.

Bill looked at his watch. "Either George is here by nine o'clock or bein naked's gonna be the least of your worries."

Worry began to overcome her.

"You might want another drink."

"No, thank you," she replied, doing everything she could to be reasonable. She thought that would be the best way to defuse what was becoming a tense situation.

"Suit yourself," Bill replied.

"May I get dressed," she asked politely. Then her voice softened in sadness. "You've already seen everything."

"No," Bill replied plainly. Then added, in an odd voice. "And we haven't really seen everything just yet."

The room remained silent for a few minutes.

"Tell you what, pumpkin," Bill suddenly cooed. "How about you let us see that pussy."

Kim's eyes bulged at the sick words.

"Just me, okay? They're still gone," he added in a weird soft tone almost like a boy asking a date to show herself.

Kim squeezed her left thigh tighter over herself.

"Suit yourself," Bill replied shaking his head. "Not like you have any choice in the matter."

Ralph suddenly jumped to behind the couch, and again her arms were pulled up and held tight.

"Let's see what hubby gets!" Kim could not react in time before Bill's hands jumped out and grabbed her thighs. While Ralph held her arms, immobilizing her twisting body, Bill forced her thighs apart with his hands.

Kim kicked and squirmed but Bill was too strong. Seconds later he had succeeded in forcing her thighs apart. She felt her pussy being exposed, and saw him staring at the pink clamshell under her hairy triangle.

"That's all I wanted," Bill laughed, then let her legs go.

She quickly squeezed her thighs closed. Ralph let her arms go.

"You got a nice lookin pussy, Kim," Bill smiled. Through her fear she oddly found herself wondering how they knew her name the first time he used it.

'Kimberly Louise O'Malley," Bill said as if reading her mind. "Thirty-eight. Lives at 1791 Laurel Lane." Only then did she realize they somehow knew everything about her. And it could not have been from her driver's license -- she had not updated it to their new address.

Tom and Fred returned. Bill rose to meet them.

Tom shook his head.

"Still says he can't do anything," Kim heard Tom say.

"Fair enough," Bill said in a strangely calm tone.

Then he moved back to the couch and sat closer to the captive wife. He spent long seconds looking into her hazel eyes.

She glared back at him.

"He can't help you," she said strongly.

"You know, you got a big mouth, Kim," Bill snapped. "And I know just the thing to shut it."

Before she could react he threw his arm behind her and grabbed a handful of hair.

"I guess Hubby says it's okay if I do this," he suddenly as he pushed her head toward his lap.

Kim struggled but the hand in her hair kept pulling her head painfully. She kicked and beat at him with her arms. He enjoyed her struggles. "Feisty little bitch," he laughed. "I like that in a cunt." Then he laughed again. "Maybe later you'll find out what else I like in a cunt."

Kim continued to fight at him while he struggled to fish his cock out of his pants.

"This'll shut you up," he sneered. He twisted his hand in her hair and yanked back, hard. When her mouth opened in a pained yelp he shoved her face over his cock.

"NO!" she screamed over the cock between her lips. But he now had two hands on the back of her head and she could not dislodge the disgusting tube in her mouth.

"That's it, baby," Bill purred as he began to work her head over his cock.

She began to fear he would try to shove his cock down her throat. But he was content with the forced blow job.

A few seconds later she felt the cock in her mouth start to jerk and knew what was happening.

"You know what to do, baby," Bill squealed as he felt his cum build.

Kim's mind raced, trying to get her mouth off the jerking cock, but she could not.

Seconds later she felt the first spurt of cum splash against the back of her mouth.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

A dangerous piece of writing.

egeswenderegeswenderalmost 13 years ago

Can't wait for more.

Andromeda7Andromeda7about 13 years ago

Same here , great story.

hornet4uhornet4uabout 13 years ago

That's a great submission. I can't wait to read the next installment and want to keep up with her predicament. This could prove interesting. Thanks for the first read.

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