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Knotted Rope - Male Slavery Pt. 04 A Plan Forms

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Jon enlists Tilly, for a price.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 10/23/2022
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Jon lay on Ana's bed and smiled thinly. He had been the best example of the compliant sex slave. He had performed for her guests and had demonstrated himself to the corrupt world in which he was now tied to. He was in a very delicate situation; he had begun to alter Ana's view of him. She was now seeing him as a lover, not as an appendage to simply satisfy her sexual needs. However, to put his plan into motion, he was now indebted to Tilly. Being Ana's personal maid, she had not only exacted sex from him, but made sure that she would have what she wanted out of this deal. He had persuaded her to go along with his plan for the pool party, she would now demand to be paid back fully, although Jon was of the firm belief that she enjoyed him inside her. He would have to put aside Tilly for the moment, and focus completely on Ana.

Now Ana had been completely accepted by her 'friends' and now was a real force to oppose the dismantling of any possible laws to stop the owning of slaves, would secure her in the inner circle of the real movers and shakers in this sex owning society. Jon was convinced that she would be invited into the 'Cabal'.

Jon had only ever heard rumours about the Cabal. He could still remember how quickly things changed after the Covid infections laid the world low and the subsequent destruction of civil liberties. How after the last of the Covid variants had toppled the governments and brought about a new order. After he lost the love of his life, and shackled with huge debts, he had to accept his new role as slave.

His training had been hard to bear. Although in excellent physical condition, the rapid adjustment in his emotional and mental state had been almost unbearable. He had been a free man, a freedom he had thought nothing of until his 'indenture'. The instruction has unrelenting. And created with great care and success by the rapidly growing private businesses that catered for the demand for sexual slaves. Large sums of money had been spent on developing this industry and even more vast profits were made. The seemingly abundant number of high-end clients had very specific requirements and John had to become what they wanted. He had to, to survive.

The instruction process took months, like a boot-camp. He, like many other candidates were screened physically, and tested psychologically for their suitability for placement. The sexual training, that John though would be straight forward and even pleasurable was not.

After an intense screening, candidates were shown how sex was no longer about their pleasure- only their master's pleasure. Jon could still remember being instructed to watch endless pornography, both video and live performances to de-sensitize the male ejaculation. He was made to have sex with female candidates but stop himself from ejaculating unless given permission. Like any men, Jon found it very difficult and electric sensors were fitted to augment the aversion therapy to give him greater control. Fortunately, Jon learned quicker than many other of the male candidates. Although the system that trained them had quickly adapted to providing the best product to the most appropriate clients, heterosexual men couldn't be easily taught to please homosexual masters. It was discovered that play acting was soon discovered, and the markets collapsed, when gay masters found that their slaves couldn't perform sexual duties effectively due to a lack of arousal. The Indenture business discovered that bi-sexual men and women were highly valued and could make a huge amount for the businesses, but conversely men with certain skills were also a huge asset with large profit margins, Jon was intelligent, resourceful, and skilled in many ways, so he was one of the first to benefit from being transferred purely heterosexual indenture. Jon was halfway through his fellatio training before he was taken out of the programme, which was a blessed relief, as one of his more malicious instructors had insisted on training him to suck his cock even out of the regular training sessions.

Sucking other candidates' cocks had been quite difficult, but had managed quite well, according to his instructors, but faking arousal was much harder than he ever could imagine and attempting to deceive a gay lover while being fucked in his arse was nigh impossible. It had occurred to Jon that the porn actors before the coming of Indenture, must have been very skilled in the art of deception.

Jon's memories shifted again to his elective instruction, his training in how to please a woman during sex and being taught how to perform massage, nail craft and even basic hair dressing. John's first mistress was an older woman than Ana. She took John as a trial three-month placement and insisted that much of his time was to be spent in her bedroom. She was voracious, and suffered from poor self-esteem which was a terrible combination as she often John like a living, breathing sex toy. Although older, she had spent a large amount of her fortune on surgical procedures and enhancements. Her body was toned and with large, enhanced breasts and a hairless designer vagina. He massaged her and then fucked her upon her command, the sex was perfunctory and lacking in any real intimacy. After the three months, either bored with him or wore likely herself. Jon was returned to the stable but with glowing references. The stable's owners were thrilled to have not only a valued customers glowing praises but a very detailed social media declaration of the high quality product that the company had provided her.

Jon found himself in immediate demand and was soon placed with another wealthy female client, who enjoyed the sexual pleasures that Jon could bestow and liked his warm in bed, when she slept. In fact, this was the first inkling that he had that the society and establishment of indenture was now under review. His mistress, Eleanor Hynes had shared some scraps of high society gossip and some actual news of how indenture was now under threat from reform. Jon was satisfied to remain with this mistress, but as his luck would have she died in a road traffic accident.

Jon pushed the memories away, he had to focus on her now and how he might turn her from her position as a mistress and embrace him as a partner. Then he might be able to convince her to join the Cabal.

"Oh, what am I going to do?" he sighed. Jon's thoughts shifted to his partner-in-crime, Tilly. She had extracted a heavy price for her complicity in his ruse earlier in the evening. He remembered his conspiratorial whispers before the guests arrived.

Tilly had sat on the corner of his bed and listened thoughtfully as he outlined his plan to promote his mistress and have her status raised in the wider community. She smiled wistfully as she listened to his suggestion that she and he would put on a show for Ana's guests later that week.

"So, you want to fuck me in front all the Mistress's guests!" her voice heightened with mock outrage, but Jon was comforted by her playful smile.

"Well, yes. If you agree," Jon shrugged, "The mistress thinks it will go down well with her friends and guests." Jon smiled but reached out and took her hand.

"I have been fucked before, by former 'servicemen' but now I know better than to just give my body up for nothing. I want something in return. I want my freedom, I want to be released from my contract. If I help you with whatever you have planned, you get the Mistress to agree to release me and set me up financially. I want to buy a business and be set myself up as an independent contractor for a maid service."

Jon thought for a moment he tried to size up the ambitious Tilly, he wasn't sure if he could get Ana to give her what she wanted but if Tilly would agree to trust him, he would be able to put his plan to promote Ana into the Cabal.

Then he would bring them down.

"What do you want?" Jon asked simply.

Tilly stood up and pulled open the seam of her maid's uniform, she wore no bra and her small pert breasts spilled out for Jon to admire. Without hesitation, she shimmied out of the dress and stood naked but for the smallest of panties. She allowed the dress to pool at her feet and then kicked it aside. Before Jon could utter a word, she looped her thumbs around the thin elastic of the underwear and snapped the elastic cord and pulled the panties off.

"I want to break your oath of fidelity to your mistress. If you're willing to risk everything, then I know I can trust you. I want you to lick my pussy and taste my juices. Then I want you to make love to me, like you make love to the Mistress. I want to feel your cock inside me and bring me to orgasm. I don't want to be fucked. I want to be loved and then brought to orgasm with your mouth and your cock. I want you to risk all for me. Will you do that for me?"

Immediately, Jon understood the enormity of her request. Ana would be outraged if he was having sex with someone else and would immediately send him away. The punishments would be catastrophic. He would lose his status as a serviceman and cast into poorly paid manual labour. Some servicemen who had earned the enmity of their former clients, even had them killed. Could he ask Ana for permission? Was his position that strong. He had been whispering in her ears for a long time now, he was so gentle and caring to her, wiling to do anything she desired. He was subservient to every whim. He had found a way into her heart and become a true love to her. Tilly was right, he was making love to her and even in rare moments, he spanked her during sex. Not the actions of a serviceman, but a lover. Now, was in love with her? Jon couldn't really admit to it, he didn't love Ana like he loved his beloved wife. He did care about her, but she was also a means to an end. if he could have Ana inducted into the Cabal, he might get a chance to deal them in his own way. Brushing such thoughts away, there were too many 'ifs' and he would have to deal with Tilly first.

Now standing in front of him was a beautiful young woman, her high taut breasts with her stiffened nipples pointing up. Her slender, toned body possessed a hairless cunt he could eat with a spoon, Jon stood up and pulled off his serviceman's beige jacket, she walked to her and kissed her fully on the lips and caressed her breast with his right and held her firm in his left.

"Oh...please be gentle Jon. Love me like a man should love me." Tilly stood on tiptoe as he pulled her close in his strong arms. Jon kissed her mouth and lapped at her own tongue , he kissed her chin and then her neck. His right hand slipped down, down to her sex. She quivered. Tilly was no shrinking violet, and had experience of sex before but in this moment, she shivered like a virgin. Now realisation dawned on him, Jon knew that she was a sex slave too. Clearly her experiences were not good ones. She had obviously been taken against her will before, possibly even raped. She hadn't experienced the gentleness of a loved one, giving her pleasure. Only having to surrender her tits and pussy to her master or allow herself to be fucked for amusement. Now, here she was revealing her own vulnerability to him, she was excited but timid. Both were taking a huge risk, but now Jon had no choice.

"Open your legs." Jon whispered and Tilly almost sobbed. She opened her legs, her knees bent and Jon lightly rubbed her thin labia and leaned forward and kissed her fully. His tongue lipped into Tilly's mouth, and she welcomed his tongue. As they kissed, Jon's finger slipped open her tight little pussy.

"Let me taste you" he cooed quietly, and Tilly's closed her eyes, submitting to the fantasy and nodded. Jon knelt down and took her buttock in his left hand and pulled her open sex onto his tongue. Jon's strong arms held for that vital moment, as he tested her arousal. She tasted musky and delicious. Her scent was not as heavy as Ana's being younger, she was lighter and her fold taut. Convincing her to lay on the corner of the bed, he opened her up fully and she cooperated and bent her legs open and spread herself fully.

Jon's mouth covered her pussy completely, suckling her and his tongue swirling over her clitoris. Her nub was already stiff and pulled away from her protective hood. Tilly clasped her hands on the back of his head and held him there. Breathing gently through his nose, he lapped at your sex with a wide tongue. He licked up and down her lips and probed in her hole with the tip. He used all this experience to bring on Tilly's first orgasm. HE waned to give her first climax without his penis, he wanted her to experience the full force of her own pent up sexual tension.

Instinctively, Jon had worked out her desire for him, she had been attracted to him since their first meeting but now he needed her to fall for his charms, all her desires to overrule her natural mistrust of anyone but herself.

Tilly was writhing in exquisite torture, she bucked and squirmed as her clitoris waa sucked on and now, Jon's fingers had find her depths and her g-spot. He rubbed it insistently in neat little circles. He clamped down on her pussy and sucked hard on her clitoris. Dutifully, Tilly shuddered and wriggled. Jon held her firmly and kept her in place.

Then she came and came hard. She pressed her hand over her own mouth to muffle her cries. All slaves orgasmed silently. Jon continued to suck on her swollen button, and forced her to orgasm again. Tilly's arm flailed uncontrollably and finally Jon relented. He released her and while she attempted to regain some control, her knees to her chest in a quivering foetal position, Jon had slipped off his trousers and pulled her legs apart and slid into her pulsating sex. He looked at Tilly's face and was shocked to find she had wept. Tear tracks were plain upon her face With a cold lurching in his chest, Jon slid his stiff member into her wet sex and then leant forward and took her face on his hands. He kissed away the tears and he entered her pussy and started to thrust into her in slow, deliberate strokes. Tilly's eyes opened and met Jon's,

"Make me yours. Make love to me." Her voice tiny and Jon kissed her gain on the lips.

"Close your eyes. Let yourself feel me making love to you." Jon whispered. He remembered saying the same to Ana only a few weeks ago.

Jon suddenly felt cheap and deceitful. How this servitude had changed him from a loving, loyal husband into a lying, manipulative whore.

He increased his pace, and let Tilly take his full length. She shook visibly, as her little cunt became accustomed to his cock. He rode her a little to maintain her arousal and then eased into an upward motion, so his glans would rub against her g-spot. It wasn't an exciting position for him but this wasn't about him or his pleasure. He wanted to give Tilly the experience she craved.

In the missionary position, gave him the chance to bend down and lick and sick on her coral pink nipples. Already stiff and erect from her arousal, Jon pulled on them with his teeth, firmly but gently. Tilly moaned and struggled, Jon took each breast in turn and cupped them, massaged them and took them in his mouth. With each measured stroke, he brough her closer and closer to another convulsive climax. He was careful to watch her reactions to his love-making, he knew she would want to please him, to use her mouth, but he focussed his attention on keeping his rhythm and make myself last as long as she could tolerate him.

"Oh, Jon I'm cumming." Tilly stammered softly.

"Let yourself cum." His response was immediate, like a program kicking in. He pulled himself out a little rubbed his wet cock on her clitoris for a few strokes and pumped her hard. As always, the extra stimulation drove her body to another powerful orgasm.

"Cum in my mouth Jon, I want to taste your jizz." Tilly craned her head to look at Jon. She shook with another earth-shattering climax and then looked at him.

Jon obeyed her and withdraw from her soaking folds and positioned himself to ejaculate on her, while pumping his own cock to orgasm. Tilly's brow, beaded with perspiration turned to face Jon's swollen member, straining and about to burst. Without hesitation, she shuffled forward and ohis cock in her mouth, taking his hand from the shaft and gripped him tightly with her own.

"Give your sperm." Tilly said, then opened her mouth.

Jon grimaced as he sprayed her face with a fountain of pearl liquid, most of it spurted into her open mouth. She rubbed his convulsing organ on her face and sucked at his head.

Laying on his bed, Tilly kissed him with her salty mouth, " Alright, what do you have planned?"

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