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La Vita Dolce Ch. 04

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They flee...she desires him.
4k words

Part 4 of the 17 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/01/2007
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The doorman opened the door to the jag.

"I've got her Armando." Gianni said as the doorman stepped back from the car.

She was asleep. Gianni undid her seatbelt and lifted her into his arms.

"Your discretion, Armando." Gianni said, casting the doorman a meaningful glance.

The doorman nodded gravely. "Of course sir, I'll have your bags taken upstairs."

Gianni carried her through the doors of his apartment in the trendy penthouse building. Boxes were still piled in the living room, the kitchen and in the bedroom, but the bed was made in his own bedroom.

He laid her in his bed, slipped her shoes off her feet, and pulled a sheet over her. He stood a moment, watching her sleep, then turned and left the room.


Gianni sat on the chic modern couch. His legs, crossed, rested on the coffee table. He'd been drinking a little. Not enough to be intoxicated, but enough to dull the senses, enough to dull the rage when he though of someone touching her, hurting her. He felt sure it had been Montelli. His anger burned like the alcohol he poured down his throat. He felt a failure. He had thought something was wrong the first time he'd laid eyes on her. The second, he was sure of it.

He had wanted to protect her. But what had done? Nothing! He cursed himself. He hadn't protected her. Alejandro Montelli had come had come and—Gianni couldn't complete the thought.

Her scream shattered his thoughts. He was up and in the bedroom and seconds.

She was having a nightmare. She tossed fitfully in her sleep. The covers were tangled about her slim legs. Her breath came in shallow gasps as her fingers clutched the bed sheets. Her face was flushed. Her chest heaved as sobs racked her body.

"Natasha wake up!" he urged. He shook her gently and she sat up with a start.

She reached for him and he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Shh." Everything's alright now." He held her against himhis fingers making slow circles over her back, breathing in her scent. "No one's going to hurt you here." He stroked her hair.

He laid her back amongst the pillows gently. He brushed a dark curl back from her face. "Go back to sleep. You're safe."

He stood and was about to make his way from the room when she sat up abruptly and grabbed his shirt sleeve."Gianni..." her voice was slightly above a whisper but it cut right through him.

He sighed and turned to face her. Dreading yet desiring her at once. She swung her legs over the side of the bed. She slid her hands over his chest. "Stay," she breathed looking up into his face.

He groaned and looked at the ceiling, trying to ignore the throbbing that had taken over his loins.

Clenching his jaw he shook his head. "I can't. You know I can't."

She toyed with the buttons of his shirt and stepped closer. Her hips pressed against his and he felt his stomach clench as she came into contact with his arousal.

She stood on her tip-toes and brushed her lips over his jaw as he turned his face away. "Why not?" she whispered and trailed her lips down his throat.

He held back a moan as he firmly took her shoulders in his grasp and set her away from him. Her eyes widened in surprise. He frowned at her, "Because you're probably feeling vulnerable and upset. I'm not going to take advantage of you that way. You don't need to share my bed for me to protect you."

She sucked in her cheeks slightly and looked at the floor between them. Deliberately she brought her hands to the hem of her sweater. She met his gaze and pulled the sweater up over her head.

Gianni could only stare at her. Her full breasts were encased in a simple black bra nearly overflowing. Her stomach was flat and taut, a small jewel glinting in her belly button.

She gazed at him. "Stay," she repeated.

He tore his gaze away from her body and struggled to remain focused on her face. A mistake. Her eyes smoldered. "Natasha--" he started.

She unbuttoned her jeans and slowly pushed them down her hips revealing her long brown legs and black boycut underwear. She stepped out of the jeans to stand before him. "Stay."

Gianni searched for control. He lowered his head, his fist clenching as he sought to stop himself from reaching for her. She moved closer to him and slid her hands up over his shoulders to wrap her arms around his neck, forcing him to meet her gaze.

Her voice was soft, husky. "I'm fine, Gianni. I'm not feeling vulnerable at all. I feel...safe. And right now...I only want you."

She watched surprise flicker in his grey eyes. Tentatively, she pressed her lips to his and hugged herself closer.

He did not respond at first; his arms at his sides, his lips pliant beneath her own.

He groaned against her mouth and wrapped his arms around her crushing her to him. He lifted her off her feet and her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. Her mound came in contact with his bulging erection and she gasped.

He skillfully took over the kiss. His tongue teased the seam of her lips to invade her mouth, his tongue invading the heat of her mouth.

Her breasts were crushed against his chest and he savored feeling every exquisite inch of her against him. He slowly lowered her to the bed, her arms still entwined around his his neck, her legs wrapped around him, her mouth greedily stealing the air from his lungs.

He pulled his head back and watched confusion and disappointment enter her darkened gaze as he insistently pulled her arms from around his neck and removed her legs from his waist. Her full pink lips formed a pout. A small smile twitched at his lips as he pressed a finger to those lips and silenced her protests. He rose from the bed but he did not leave her.

He instead knelt at the edge of the bed. She sat up on her elbows to watch him. "Gianni, what--oh!"

He hooked his arms under her knees and pulled her ass to sit on the edge of the bed, her legs dangling. He brought his hands to the sides of her underwear and pulled them down her legs before placing his hands on the insides of her thighs pushing them apart gently but deliberately.

Her brown pussy was revealed to him and he groaned. He grinned and looked up at her face. She was still on her elbows staring at him in something akin to shock. A devilish smile tilted his lips and she thought she'd cum if he just continued to look at her like that. His voice was low, "Bella, you have the the prettiest little pussy i've ever seen."

He slid a finger into her wetness and felt her clench around him and her hips jerked as he pressed the the flat of his tongue to her clit.

"Ah!" she shuddered and she flopped back to the bed. His low chuckle reverberated through her. "Oh God!"

He curled his finger against her g-spot and finger fucked her as his tongue continued to flick at her clit. She fisted the sheets in her hands as her back arched off the bed and she came against his mouth. "Fuck!" she breathed. Wave after wave of pleasure sent her body trembling and she threw her head back and gasped.

But he did not relent as another orgasm started to build. She shuddered and her hips jerked. "Please! Stop...please" she gasped. "I can't!" she gasped. It was too much. She tried to move back up the bed but he held tightly to her hips and sucked her clit between his lips. She came screaming and was still. He smiled to himself and gave her clit a gentle lick that made her hips jerk. He pressed a kiss to that little bud before he stood.

He considered her a moment. Her dark hair was spread over his sheets. Her long slim limbs were sprawed. Her face was flushed. The straps of her bra had come downand her breasts heaved. She looked to be in glorious disarray.

Her dark lashes lifted as she met his amused gaze. His gaze never left her face as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He watched lust flare in her eyes.

Natasha was having trouble breathing as he shrugged out of his shirt. The taut muscles of his shoulders flexed slightly as he removed his shirt. 'Good God,' she thought. 'They really make men like this?' His arms were heavily muscled. Muscle rippled over his abdominals. A tattoo of a cross was on his chest just to the left, over his heart.

She watched his every movement as he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down along with his underwear. His rigid cock stood out from a nest of dark curls, long and thick. She licked her lips unconsciously. Gianni groaned as he watched her pink tongue slide against her lips.

He came forward and lowered himself over her. His lips were within an inch of her own when she placed a restraining hand on his chest. She pushed him onto his side and he rolled onto his back as she moved to straddle his hips. Her wet pussy was pressed against his cock and he strained to enter her but she did not allow it.

Smiling coyly down at him she reached behind her back and undid her bra. He stared at her in awe as she revealed her brown capped golden breasts to him. He slid his hands up her hips and up her back to press her down towards him. He kissed each brown tip before taking her nipple into his mouth. She threw her head back and moaned.

Natasha moved her body lower, sliding her wanting pussy down past his genitals. Her curls brushed over his face as she kissed his forehead, his eyelids, his nose, lingered over his lips before moving her own lips to his neck. Her hands stroked down his sides as she worshipped him there before moving lower. She trailed her lips over his chest. She paused to circle each of his small flat nipples with her tongue and then moved lower. She kissed the firm ripples of his stomach, teased the slim lines that made the V where his hips met the tops of his thighs.

She lifted her gaze to his as her warm breath fanned upon the rigid flesh of his cock. A smile curved upon her lips before she used her forefinger and thumb to lift his cock. She kissed the tip sweetly before sliding the head past her lips and closing her lips around the base.

His abdominal muscles clenched and his breath hissed past his lips as she deftly swirled her tongue around the tip.

She lowered her her head, taking him deeply into her mouth and slightly past her tonsils before withdrawing to the tip again.

Gianni buried his fingers in her dark locks and swept her hair back from her face as she bobbed her mouth up and down his cock. God, how he'd waited to see those beautiful lips wrapped around him like this. Her breasts bounced with the movement.

He felt pressure building in his balls. "Shit," he hissed. He suddenly hooked his hands under her arms and dragged her up his body.

He took lightly took a fistfull of her hair at the back of her head and pressed her head towards him and seized her lips with his own. He rolled her beneath him swiftly.

He worked his hips between her thighs and spread her wide. His lips never left hers as he raised himself on one elbow and gripped his cock in the other hand to guide himself into her.

She ripped her mouth from his as gasped as his thick hardness parted her and sank inch by glorious inch into her. He groaned and pressed his brow to hers as she sheathed him. She was so hot and tight he thought he'd certainly die of pleasure.

Her hips wriggled beneath him as she sought to accomodate herself to his size. It nearly sent him over the edge. He cupped her hip firmly, stilling her movements. "Shh, Bella."

He kissed her again. He trailed his fingertips over her tight nipple and down her side. He cupped her ass in one hand, lifting her hips slightly as he withdrew slightly and thrust his hips back into her.

A small scream left her lips. He moved within her slowly at first, then gradually gaining speed and force. Hooking both her legs over his arms he pounded into her furiously. She arched, her lips forming a perfect O and clutched at the muscles buched and straining in his arms.

Her head whipped back and forth as small screams tore from her throat.

"Look at me, Bella," Gianni urged.

But she barely heard him, so caught up in the wonderful things he was doing to her body.

"Bella!" he nearly shouted and thrust into her hard.

Her eyes snapped to his.

His lips stretched in a satisfied smile as he continued to fuck her. He stared into her widened eyes. "You're mine. Understand?" he punctuated the last word with a hard thrust. She clenched more tightly around him and he grimaced. "Understand?" he repeated.

She arched.

His gaze delved into her own. "Understand?"

She nodded. "Yes."

He lowered his face close to hers, never losing his rhythm. His lips brushed tenderly over hers. "Say it."

Her gaze locked with his. "I'm yours."

He grinned and pressed a kiss to her lips before he lunged back and sat on his haunches. His hands encircled her waist, lifting her hips to meet him.

He pounded into her mercilessly and she could do naught but tightly grip the bed sheets as a shattering orgasm ripped through her. "Gianni!" she screamed.

He roared as he felt her clench around him more tightly than he thought possible. His cock jerked within her and he felt his cum spurt deep within her. He continued to pump deeply into her until the last spurt leave his balls.

He sighed, closing his eyes and breathed hard as he hovered over her, holding himself aloft on his hands. His muscles trembled as she trailed her hands up his arms and to his shoulders. She pulled his weight down on top of her. Her fingers buried in his dark locks. His met her eyes and kissed her softly.

With a soft groan he slid himself from her still throbbing pussy and looped an arm around her waist. He pulled her with him to the top of the bed to lay against the pillows.

He lay on his back and pulled the trembling length of her body against his side. She flung her arm over his middle and placed one leg over his own before pressing her face against his neck and breathing in the male scent of him. Her own breathing slowed and she fell into sleep.

Gianni gazed at the ceiling. Somehow this girl had woven her way into his life, and into his heart. The scent of her, the feeling of her in his arms, the sound of her breathing... it filled him. He pulled her closer to his body, finally giving in to sleep.


Natasha heard the faint knocking at the door from the bathroom. She stood in Gianni's robe her dark hair hanging, wet, in black rivulets down her back. "Gianni, someone's at the door!"

There was no answer. The knocking came again.

"Gianni?" Natasha stepped out into the living room. He was nowhere in sight. The knocking made her jump and she went quietly to the door.

"Gianni?" came a female voice from outside the door.

Natasha carefully unlocked the door. A beautiful dark-haired Italian woman stood outside tapping her foot in irritation. She stopped short and looked Natasha up and down, taking in the robe and the wet hair. Her eyes glittered dangerously.

"Uh, hi." Natasha said uncertainly.

"Oh! An American!" the woman said with a sneer. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Natasha blushed furiously and searched for words. "I'm a friend of Gianni's."

The woman smiled thinly. "I'm sure you are. He didn't waste any time."

Natasha started. Gianni had some explaining to do. "I was just... I mean..." Natasha stammered then took a deep breath and pasted a falsely sweet smile on her face. "Is there something I can do for you?"

The woman's jaw tightened and she looked ready to scream. Instead she tugged a large platinum and diamond ring from her finger and shoved it at Natasha who instinctively closed her fingers around it.

"Give Gianni my regards." She said stiffly and spun on her heel, leaving in a cloud of rage and Dior scent.

*** "No, l'attico." Gianni said into the phone. "Due, sì. Grazie." He hung up the phone in his office and made his way to his bedroom. He heard her in the bathroom.

He saw her illuminated in the light. Her hair was still wet from the shower though she had dressed. She looked into the mirror, ran her fingers over her bruised cheek.

He leaned against the doorframe and watched her. She started when she noticed him there. He stepped towards her, took her face tenderly in his hands and lowered his lips to hers. His mouth burned on hers. His body against her own blocked out all sound and all sensation except for the wonderful sharp sweet heat that shot into her like an arrow. She didn't know when she started kissing him back, but she couldn't tell the difference between his lips and hers, his tongue...

Gianni pulled back and looked straight into her eyes then ran one finger along the line of her jaw. "Bella."

She flushed looking embarrassed. She shrugged away from him remembering his visitor. "Here." She thrust something into his hand.

He looked down at the ring then back at her. "Where did you get this?"

She cocked her head as her eyes scrutinized him. "A rather enraged woman just left it here. She said to give you her regards."

He looked thoughtful.

Natasha glanced at him solemnly. "It's a beautiful ring."

Gianni sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked a moment at the ring in his hand before setting it down on the bathroom counter.

He took her hand. "C'mon. Let's go get some ice." He led her to the kitchen where he wrapped some ice cubes in a towel and held it to her cheek. "Tell me what happened." He touched her arm and they went into the living room. They sat down on the couch.

Natasha took a deep but shaky breath. "I got home last night after the club. Alejandro was there. He was...upset."

He pulled her against his side and she nestled against him. In part so he wouldn't see her face.

"He kissed me." She said softly and felt him stiffen slightly.

Gianni's expression darkened. "He forced himself on you?"

"He pushed me, and he was coming after me. He was going to hurt me." She paused and swallowed. "I could see it in his eyes."

Gianni was silent.

"I tried to run but he caught me, grabbed me and hit me." She ran her fingers absently over her cheek."

Gianni's fingers stroked her arm soothingly.

She took a deep shuddering breath. Gianni's hand stopped. "I fell when he hit me and I guess I knocked my head on the bedpost. He picked me up and threw me onto the bed."

He couldn't see her face but he could hear the tears in her voice. "He kissed me and tore my dress. He shoved his tie in my mouth..."

Gianni laid his cheek against her hair. "Did he –?" he couldn't finish.

She shook her head vehemently and pressed the heels of her palms against her eyes. "No. I told him my uncle would kill him."

Gianni frowned. "And that stopped him?"

She nodded her head.

Gianni frowned, thinking. He hadn't known Montelli to back down from a threat, especially from a woman. He sat up on the couch and taking her by the shoulders, he forced Natasha to look at him. "Natasha, you must be honest with me. It's so important."

She looked apprehensive and not a small bit uncertain.

"Natasha, who is your uncle?"

She hesitated. "Pezzini. Renoldo Pezzini."

Christ. Renoldo Pezzini's niece was in his apartment. He's just taken her from Pezzini's own bodyguard.

"Okay." Was all he said in a quiet voice.

"Okay?" She searched her face. His eyes were veiled.

"Get your things." He said just as quietly. He got up from the sofa, his face impassive. "Now."

Natasha was still trembling when she stood. She dragged her suitcases to the door and waited. What was he going to do with her? He was acting strange. He wouldn't hurt her. She didn't think. Would he take her back to the hotel? Back to Alejandro? No, she couldn't let that happen.

She made her way quietly down the hall and peered into Gianni's bedroom. He stood at the foot of his bed. Two handguns were placed on the mattress. He picked one up, shoved the magazine in and screwed on the silencer.


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