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Lacey's First Double-Penetration

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She can't resist a stranger or her daddy.
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Robert saw how the stranger's eyes could not decide whether to fixate on his daughter Lacey's 18 year old little butt or her pointy B-cup titties. Lacey had just emerged from the house into the Saturday afternoon sunshine, preparing to go for a short jog. She had painted-on white thin running shorts and a soft pink cotton t-shirt that was a couple of years old, not hiding the bumps of her nipples. As Lacey arched her back brushing out her long dangling blonde hair, the guy who'd come to buy Robert's car was caught in mid-sentence, finding himself devouring the sight of the gorgeous thin teenager a few feet away.

Lacey's father repressed a grin, humored by his slutty daughter's constant ability to turn men into jello merely by walking into a room (or, in this case, walking outside). Robert pretended not to notice so as not to embarrass whateverhisnameis, John Somethingorother. Robert casually turned his back towards his daughter so he could plausibly deny knowing what had kidnapped the other guy's attention, instead slowly lowering the hood of the Miata back into place.

The blonde teen scanned the neighborhood, not seeing anyone she knew well, and picked up her iPod in the bright light to select the first song for the jog. As she looked over, her stud father was busy with some stranger at Lacey's old car. The stranger was, like most men, trying not to be obvious staring at her sleek tanned thighs and perky chest. Lacey shrugged off his attention, she could get it from much better looking men. The guy looked in his late 20s or early 30s, and he wasn't much of a catch -- wearing baggy worn jean shorts, messy t-shirt covering a beer belly, and unkempt sideburns that maybe looked good a few weeks ago.

"Daddy I'm off for a bit," she needlessly informed her father before planting the earphones on her head and heading down the driveway.

The car buyer had to force himself to look away from the gorgeous high school senior, and pretend he didn't see anything. Wiping that male grin off of his face he looked back at the girl's father to address the topic that brought him out to the suburbs today. He bent over the driver's door to peer at the dashboard, inspecting it for no reason other than to stop looking at the girl jogging away.

The fat guy's feigned indifference to Lacey was obvious to Robert. As usual, Robert's first reaction was to feel complete superiority. Look at my daughter, she's mine, isn't she unbelievably sexy? Plus, the truth that other men would never have guessed -- that Robert had been fucking his daughter multiple times a week since around her 18th birthday a few weeks earlier. Robert also knew as true what the stranger could only fantasize: Lacey was an experienced cocksucking slut. She loved to fuck, especially older men, and Robert had not only heard details but even seen a video as proof. Watching the DVD of an adult male cock split Lacey's shaved bald pink pussylips was around the most exciting thing Robert ever did.

But he'd never seen her fucking in person, and to his knowledge Lacey had never fucked a complete stranger.

And, with that thought, suddenly the terms of the car deal changed.

"Tell you what," Robert offered, slapping his hand on the burly stranger's shoulder, "I'll sweeten the deal for you. Gimme seven fifty, and come back tomorrow afternoon so today I can get it detailed and get those new tires you want."

The 220-pound delivery truck driver stood up with hands on his hips, contemplating how the offer suddenly got so sweet. "Seven fifty, plus tires? Sure, man, you got a deal. Sure."

Robert smiled. "Can you be here at like, say, 1 o'clock tomorrow? I have shit to do in the morning."

The guy rubbed his chin, but he wasn't going to miss this opportunity. "Yeah, 1 o'clock, I'll be here. My wife will be back from church so she can watch the kids, I'll come out again."

The father of the gorgeous blonde cheerfully shook the hand of the stranger. "I think you'll love it immensely." Unknown to the car buyer, Robert wasn't talking about the car.

* * * *

Lacey was lounging on the leather sofa watching late Sunday morning cartoons, a pointlessly mindless exercise for a high school cheerleader but having gotten home at 3 am from a college party she wasn't in the mood for anything active. Her head hurt just a little from the beer she'd consumed the night before, although she'd been in much worse shape before.

"Here," her father called out from behind her, and an instant later some soft clothing landed on her head. She shrieked a mild protest and grabbed the garments. Robert had thrown at her a skimpy black thong with high-arching strings, plus a sequined, short silver halter-top that showed off lots of her belly. "I have a request for you today."

"Ok, what Daddy?" She turned around and smiled at her father, finding him dressed in jeans and knit shirt as he always wore on weekends when heading into the office.

He strolled over to her, standing behind the sofa and bending down to kiss her forehead. "Will you do something for me today?"

"What?" Her grin betrayed knowledge that it would be something sexual.

Robert pointed at the clothing. "Put that on -- don't wear anything else -- don't touch yourself or do anything to yourself, I'll be home at like 4 to 5 pm and I want to find you still wearing it, with the crotch damp as fuck." He knew that the outfit would turn her on, she loved walking around the house in just thongs and a tight shirt that teased her sensitive nipples. Normally in an outfit like that, she'd be masturbating or sucking her father's cock in about a half hour. A whole day in the outfit would be sexual torture, and leave her in a state of animal lust.

She realized what her Daddy had in mind, and she giggled in protest. "God, Dad, I don't know if I can do that."

"Oh you can." Robert kissed her turned-up little nose on its tiny tip. "But I want you so fucking wet when I get home, you'll want me to fuck you nonstop until morning."

The blonde teenager reached out to grab her father's shoulders so he couldn't pull away yet. "Mmm, Daddy!" Pulling him down she planted her lips on his, and her tongue invaded her father's mouth, warmly received by his tongue and lips. Daddy and daughter sucked face a few moments until he pushed away.

"Gotta get stuff done today," he lied to her, "I have a ton to do, see you later this afternoon."

"Mmm, bye Daddy!" She waived and blew him a kiss.

Before he left the room, he turned to confirm their deal. "You promise, wear that when I get home and don't do yourself today, okay?"

She nodded, thinking it wouldn't be that difficult because she planned to sleep most of the day.

* * * *

Lacey couldn't believe it was the fucking doorbell. She peeled open her eyes and checked the clock. It was early afternoon, just past 1. Her limbs were still balled up on the sofa, and her sleepy head felt like it was filled with cobwebs. Just go away, she thought to herself. But the doorbell chimes continued incessantly every few seconds, followed by some strong knocking. Fuck, she had to get up.

As she stood on the floor, she pulled the thong up tight into her ass crack so that both straps arched over her thin but curvy hips. Her nipples were hard inside the shiny silver halter top, and the bumps were only the more evident as she pulled the shirt as far down her flat belly as it would go. The outfit would have given a corpse a stiffy, and she knew it, but with the doorbell erupting loudly every few seconds she didn't think she had time go put on something more appropriate.

Moments later she hid her body behind the front door and cracked it open, peering outside into the bright Sunday afternoon light. She saw the figure of the man from yesterday. He was standing there in the same baggy, messy jean shorts but a different oversized shirt. Peeking just her head around the corner of the door, she waited for her eyes to adjust to the burning summertime light. "Yeah?"

The guy tried not to look surprised to see her, but he sounded disarmed nonetheless. "Um, is your dad here, I came to get the car."

"Oh, fuck yeah." She remembered her father going out yesterday afternoon to get the old Miata all fixed up for something, and she figured it was part of trying to sell it. She really didn't care anymore; Daddy was getting her the convertible M3, she didn't need the ancient and pathetic Miata anymore.

But Lacey didn't have any further information for the guy, so the two just stared at each other with the door separating them. He assumed she would invite him in or say "I'll get my dad" or something, but the thin-faced, tanned young blonde was just staring back at him. Fidgeting in place, he broke the awkward silence, "Um, is your dad here? You have the keys?"

Lacey shook her head. "No, he's not -- he's at the office. Um -- the keys?"

It occurred to her Daddy must have forgotten about this. Well, fuck, now she has to deal with this loser. She knew where Daddy usually kept the car keys, and she figured it would be easy enough just to give the keys to the guy to get rid of him. "Yeah, okay," she relented, opening the door so he could wait in the house. She was already strutting into the kitchen, realizing he would get an eyeful of her almost-naked ass in the barely-there black thong. Lacey didn't have to turn around to be 100% sure the guy was gazing at her butt.

The teen went into the kitchen but found the keys missing from their usual place. Shit, this wasn't good. She hunted around the countertop, then on the kitchen table, then all around the kitchen. Sixty seconds of looking turned up nothing.

Pushing her long, somewhat straggly hair out of her face, she went back to the foyer to reveal the news to the car buyer. He had shut the door and was trying to look uninterested as she walked up, but his eyes immediately gazed at her sexy chest in the tight top. Her nipples poked through the thin fabric; the sequined outfit tickled her titties, always making her nipples hard. Having an older man stare at her tits was nothing new, yet regardless of how uninterested she was in the guy, it was still a turn-on. Below, her thong clung tightly to her shaved pussy, covering it from sight but showing off the contours of her parallel pussylips.

"I couldn't find them," she pouted to the guy, "but maybe they're in his office, wait here."

She crossed the foyer to go into her father's study, realizing that her strutting around was putting quite a show on for the stranger. It reaffirmed her sexuality and once again made her feel special and unique, like she had an innate power most girls would kill to have. Toying with men, as her daddy had been teaching her recently, was both a weapon and a way of life.

Entering her father's messy and dim office, she spotted the keys lying on the floor next to his chair. She walked over, bending at the waist and lowering herself by bending her knees too. Her little uncovered ass stuck out towards the door of the room, the thong's thin strap digging deep into her buttcrack. As her fingers wrapped around the keys, Lacey heard a grunt from behind her. As she stood up, she realized the guy had come to look too, and now had gotten a solid look at her almost-naked butt as she bent over.

"Here they are," she said softly, holding them up.

He wasn't thinking about the car. "You're, uh, you're -- you're really beautiful," he muttered under his breath, as if he was scared to admit the obvious.

Lacey figured he was married, because he was acting like an idiot. Staring is one thing, but trying a pick-up line like that was really dorky. "Aww, aren't you the sweetest?" she giggled and grinned, cocking her head to one side. Manners are manners. His eyes were again on her tits, the tight top stretched around her round perky orbs showing their shape and her nipples inside.

But her lustful teenage body worked on automatic levels too. Her eyes could not resist checking out his jeans, and as baggy as they were, with his loose t-shirt hanging over them, she could still see the makings of a substantial bulge in the pants.

And with the ticklish shirt on her hard nipples, the tight thong on her crotch, and an older male stranger with a bulging crotch riveted at the sight of her body, Lacey felt her clit begin to ache.

"So, uh, here you go," she purred sweetly, stepping forward to hand the keys over to the bulky stranger. His hand reached out but his eyes were not looking at the exchange, so he missed her hand at first, drawing a slight chuckle from the younger female.

With his gaze entrenched on her breasts, John stupidly muttered, "Well, I guess I, uh, should be going, I'm sure you were busy or something."

She immediately thought to herself that she should agree with the guy. He wasn't physically the kind of guy she'd hang out with, and Daddy wanted her to be as horny as possible when he got home later that afternoon, so keeping him around wasn't going to help on that front. Lacey knew herself that if she was stuck in the house wearing a tight top and thong with an adult male adoring her body, she was going to end up naked with him, and Daddy would be pissed. Lacey smiled to buy a couple of seconds while she thought in her head how to sweetly show the guy to the front door. But the first words out of her mouth came from another part of her body. "It's okay," her voice purred with a low, playful tone, "I wasn't doing anything today, you didn't interrupt anything."

He nodded in ascent, clearly hoping for that answer. But instead of leaping at the opportunity with this young woman, he remained reserved, almost pacified. "You, uh -- your Dad gonna be home soon?"

The 18 year old shook her head lightly, glad that the truthful answer was also a good one. "Naw, he said he's gone until dinner time, at least."

Standing two feet in front of him, arching her back to push her teenage boobs in his direction, her well-ingrained instincts blossomed and she flowered into the coquette she could not repress. She saw his eyes looking straight at her chest, and it made her look down at herself. The two soft round boobs stretched out the little top, and the knobs of her nipples were perfectly evident little shadows on the crests of those hills. With a higher-pitched, more squeaky voice, she told her little fib, "You know, I really hate this top, it's so scratchy." She put a hand up to one of her B-cup breasts and pretended to rub the fabric over the soft round mound, as if she was relieving an itch inside. The long-curly-haired blonde's eyes turned up to his face, observing his reaction. She detected him gasping a bit, his eyes getting larger at the sight of her fingers stretching around her teenage tit. Adding fuel to the fire, she quietly muttered the thought, "Maybe I should just go to my room to change into something more comfortable."

His cock was now throbbing at full strength, which Lacey proved with a quick glance to his shorts. The stiff tent poking out of his crotch looked like he was carrying a steel tube in there. She grinned at the power she had over grown men, able to do something as little as scratch an itch and make them turn into putty in front of her.

"If you want to," the taller, hulky stranger groaned at her idea of changing.

Lacey pulled out all her tricks. She flung her hair back over her shoulder with a flick of the neck, then used a hand to stretch through her hair and show him how long and soft it was, letting is fall back around her shoulder. With her legs crossing at the ankles, making her leg muscles more taut and look more sexy, she grinned into his eyes like she knew what he was thinking. That all-knowing, school-girl stare that she knew he would take as a sign of approval. "Sooo," the vixen purred, "you wanna help me pick out something to wear?"

It didn't take much more than his incredulous chuckle to answer affirmatively, although it was followed by a loud gulp. "Um -- yeah, if you want."

"Well," she explained, reaching out to take his hand in hers, "that way you can choose something you think I look good in."

Lacey kept grinning, stepped forward to leave her father's study, dropping his hand from hers just as she passed her hip immediately next to the stranger (who's name she had forgotten, if she had ever heard it in the first place). She didn't touch him but came close enough that her aroused feminine scent filled his nostrils. She looked back over her shoulder, finding him staring down at her virtually naked butt in the skimpy string black thong. "Come on," she encouraged, slowly leading him to her bedroom. Her pussy was dripping inside the thong; being alone with a complete stranger was a phenomenal turn-on, something she'd fantasized about but never really had experienced, at least not with someone so completely unknown to her. Her thong seemed to get four times tighter, from the liquids leaking out of her vagina soiling the material.

Moving slowly, deliberately swaying her hips, she led the stranger down the hall and up to her bedroom. Her room was immaculate, because she was hardly ever in it; every night for at least the last couple of months, she'd either slept next to her father or not at home at all. She did her homework downstairs now too, usually nude or nearly-nude. Her bedroom windows' blinds were closed, letting just bright strands of summertime afternoon sunshine spill into the room, brightening it a bit. Leaving the windows closed she flicked on a switch and strode to her dresser, turning to watch her new friend. The stranger was still apprehensive, partaking passively as if he was not sure if this was a trick. But the soft smile on his face belied his addiction to the situation, the guilty look of a married man in the bedroom of a voraciously sexy teenager.

As he slowed to a stop in her doorway, Lacey stood in front of him near her bed, waiting to see if he'd enter her room. He wasn't moving, just watching, so she forced herself to smile broadly and contemplated her next move. She was having fun, playing with him like this, and she knew the inevitable conclusion that her body wanted.

"I guess I should just get rid of this," she moaned, putting her hands on her waist to grab the bottom edges of her sequined silver top and pulling it up over her head in a fluid motion. He was a stone statue as his eyes stared at her naked breasts with little pink circles and rock-hard nipples, pointing right at him. Lacey threw the shirt down then looked at her admirer, and his reaction was exactly what she expected. Total devotion to her body, which was completely naked except for her damp tiny thong barely covering her cunt.

The married fat man's reaction was instinctive. "Fuck," he groaned, his eyes glued to her nude teenage figure.

Lacey smirked in satisfaction at the devotion he was displaying. She loved how adult men melted at her sexuality; it was the ultimate power even an 18 year old could have, over men two or three times her age, infinitely more experienced and worldly (not that any of that applied to this guy), but they submitted to her merely because she had a gorgeous body and was not afraid to show it.

The teen slowly spun, showing off her ass again, as she crawled into her bed and turned to sit on it, facing him. He was still not moving, staring from her doorway. Leaning back now, pushing her tits forward, Lacey slipped her thumbs under the straps of her thong and pushed it down. She stretched flat on her bed, knees together, and peeled the thong down to her knees, then she sat upright again and pushed the thong to her little ankles. Removing the clothing, she tossed it overboard and leaned halfway back to spread her thighs open. Her wet, aching cunt was staring the stranger in the face.

The room was dead silent, except for his heavy breathing. Her shrill, teenage voice punctured it a moment later. "Know what?"

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