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Lamprey Lust

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How the hell'd they get this big?!
1.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 11/05/2010
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(Based on Surrender in the Swamp

By Little White Mouse)


March 4, 1999: Robert "Bo" Boggs, a pig-eyed, chain-smoking, fifty something trucker, dumps a container full of waste chemicals into a local swamp, outside the small town of Peach Tree, Georgia. The discreet and illegal dumping will earn Bo big bucks. Bo will die of lung cancer, emphysema, and high blood pressure five years later, terminating his presence in this story.

June 26, 2009: Cynthia Macpherson goes for a swim.

"Motherfucking, piece of shit, asshole, prick!" Cynthia Macpherson described her recently exed boyfriend. Her profane assessment of his character came about as the result of an unfortunate discovery- the bed...with two other people. One of them, a buxom blonde, was servicing the boyfriend's cock; the other, the mayor's son, was having his cock serviced by the boyfriend.

Now, Cynthia was not like most women one expects from small southern towns. Sure it was the Bible Belt but Cynthia was more open-minded than most. It was the 21st century after all; nothing wrong with gay or bi (she knew a few and saw how much the closet cost them). No, what really pissed her off was: (a) the ex never told her; (b) the mayor's son?! "He's a teenager for Chrissakes!"; (c) the buxom blonde: Judy Cutler, her mortal enemy from junior high, high school, and beyond, "Him?! With her?!!"

Cynthia had come to the boyfriend's house to surprise him with a quick morning fuck. She opened the bedroom door and there they were; she gaped at them, two pairs of shocked expressions and one smirk stared back. Cynthia slammed the door and stormed. Her newly ex-boyfriend followed, clad in a blanket, clumsily trying to explain about open relationships, moments of weakness, denials of gayness, and various other fantasies. She punched him in the face.

She spent the rest of the morning gunning the Ford along the back roads. She stopped the truck, got out, took a cigarette, and began to smoke. "That son of a bitch," she thought. Cynthia looked around, the place was familiar.

It was a beautiful spot on the edge of the swamp; calm blue-green water, reeds and cattails. "I used to swim here," she remembered. It was a good place to think, very private; no dangerous animals, just a few frogs and flamingoes. Cynthia took a look at the calm cool water and thought, "Why not?" She was hot, sweaty, and pissed. It was approaching noon on a hot, humid day, "May as well cool off. There's no one around."

Cynthia undid her hair and let its flaming red curls cascade to her shoulders. She took off her clothes and put them in the truck. Cynthia waded into the swamp; before diving into the deep end, she paused to admire her body.

She was a red head through and through, from her short cut red muff to the flaming red tresses. Her body was slim and athletic with softball sized breasts and long limbs. A smattering of freckles dotted her arms and shoulders. Her eyes were the same color as the water. Her face sported a long, broad nose and a wide, full mouth.

She turned some heads in town; features that looked terrible on others were just right on her. "He threw this away for that bitch," she thought.

Cynthia swam for half hour; at some point something brushed against her leg. "Log," she thought, but decided to soak in the shallows while planning her next move. She lay back, drifting, planning revenge on Judy, unaware of the eyes watching her body.

The observer wasn't human; Cynthia's movements caught its attention. It swam towards the reclining redhead with one goal.

Cynthia's revenge fantasies were ended abruptly by a splash and a splat. A mysterious something reared out of the water onto her body. "What...?!" Cynthia gasped as she fell back into the water. She sat back up, sputtering, aware of a wet, slimy weight upon her body. One look widened her eyes in shock, "What the fuck?!!"

A long eel-like creature was attached to her body. "Goddamn! That's a big lamprey!" she thought. It was the biggest she'd ever seen...and its mouth was fastened solidly on her right boob.

Lampreys were parasitic creatures; usually they targeted fish but for some reason this creature was interested in Cynthia. "Ewww! Ick! Get off me!" Cynthia cried, tugging frantically at the eel's body.

The lamprey's skin was wet and slimy; its mouth was stuck to her like glue. "Damn! It won't budge," Cynthia said after a moment's futile tugging. "Well," she said, "guess it's the hospital or vet, see if they can do something. God! This is embarrassing. It'll get around and Judy will have something to laugh about."

Unfortunately, not only was the lamprey heavier than it looked, but every time she tried to stand, the creature would wriggle violently, pulling painfully at her breast and forcing Cynthia to lie back down. She got the message: the creature didn't want her to leave. "Darn," she thought, "What am I going to do now? I can't stay like this forever."

Cynthia examined the lamprey. Its mouth covered almost her entire breast. "I better figure out something before this thing sucks me dry, damn! How the heck'd it get this big?!"

She became aware of a tickling around her tit. "?! What's this thing doing?" The lamprey was flicking its tongue around her areola, sliding its soft rasp across her nipple. "! Is this thing licking me?!" The lamprey did more than lick. Its mouth began to open and close, squeezing and pumping her breast. "!! My God! A fucking lamprey's giving me boob action!"

The creature's teeth were soft and gentle. The play of its tongue was shockingly arousing. Cynthia began to moan softly, as her melon received the attention formerly reserved for her ex. The erotic eel wriggled over her torso. Its body slithered across her bush and ground against her sex, sliding its sliminess across Cynthia's swollen clit, "Oh God! I'm wet! A fucking eel is making me cum!!"

Cynthia tilted her head back and began to howl. She wriggled against the lamprey; her pussy pumped juice into the swamp. She was too busy coming down from the climax. Unnoticed, another form rippled towards her reclining body.

There was another splash, another splutter from Cynthia as she was knocked back. When she recovered and looked, another lamprey had attached itself to her left breast. "Oh no! Another one," she gasped.

The creature began to give her boob the same attention as the other. Cynthia was now covered by two wriggling slimy bodies, who wound about her legs, inadvertently spreading them, and exposing her flower to the swamp. The flow of water across Cynthia's open vulva, sent her to new heights of arousal.

She tilted her head back and resumed her moans and ululations; more Cynthia juice flowed into the water. Unbeknownst to the redhead, more bodies were swimming towards the supine woman, attracted by her scent.

A slitherer made a beeline straight towards Cynthia's great wide open. The redhead paused her swamp aria to gasp a startled "Oh no!", as a wet slimer planted its puss on her pussy.

The lamprey slithered its tongue into her wet rose. It licked her swollen bud, sending electric orgasms through Cynthia's body. Her velvet tunnel flooded with cum, lapped up by the lamprey.

Cynthia's moans passed arias into full blown opera. The swamp rang with her love songs. "Ooohh!! Mmmm!! Nnnng!!...Unnng!!...Tongued!!... unnng!!...By fucking....eels!!! Oh God!! I'm cumming!! Oh!! Fuck me!! Come on!! Lick it!! Fuck me!!" she screamed.

She nearly screamed herself hoarse; if not for another lamprey, which reared out of the water, and planted its mouth on her lips. The redhead's howls abruptly changed to a shocked "Mmmm?!!" An overpowering fish scent flooded her mouth. Cynthia's throat gagged and her stomach roiled. The creature's tongue slithered down her throat. Cynthia's tongue was forced into a wrestling match, as it twined and swirled around the lamprey's lapper, "Omigod! I'm making out with a fish!!" She had no time to reflect on the surreality, as her thoughts were obliterated by the next round of orgasms.

Cynthia's body underwent a slight change as a side effect of her aquatic intimacies. The mutated lampreys' teeth lightly broke the redhead's skin; certain hormones were worked into the woman's bloodstream. The result was a mild increase in breast size...and a big increase in milk production. The lampreys attached to Cynthia's mammaries reaped the immediate benefits.

Cynthia was too engrossed in her orgasms, pumping out cum and milk, smooching her lamprey lover, to notice the dozens of ripples converging on the wriggling mass.

The redhead's splashes, her cummings, and the lampreys' ministrations, created scents and sounds which drew the swamp's denizens like bees to a flower.

Cynthia's eyes were rolled back, in ecstasy over the pleasures of eel love. The lamprey at her twat had its fill of cum juice and withdrew; another immediately replaced it, plumbing its tongue where the other previously plunged.

Shortly thereafter, the lamprey on Cynthia's right mound disengaged. A fountain of cream squirted from the redhead's overcharged mammary, before her nipple was covered by another lamprey lip. The lamprey at Cynthia's mouth removed itself. She had a moment's breath before sucking face with another fish. Once the pattern was set, it became a free for all.

Lampreys attached and detached from Cynthia's supine body in a frenzied orgy. The parasitic eels wrapped and slithered around the reclining redhead, sucking spit, milk, and cum from her moist interior.

"Mmmm!! Nnnnn!! Ohhhh!!" Cynthia sang as the lampreys fucked and sucked her into orgiastic oblivion. A white, hot nova of an orgasm faded into darkness. The last sounds she heard were the slurps, sucks, and splashes of the lampreys.

Cynthia opened her eyes. She was floating on her back near the shore. She stood up, hip deep, wobbling on her feet. "Wow!" she thought, "That was amazing!"

Cynthia felt lightheaded and drained, "Of course I'm drained! Those things sucked the living daylights out of me."

She examined her body; her breasts were slightly larger. She squeezed one; a squirt of milk splashed into the water. There was little trace of her encounter, other than faint tooth marks around her boobs and pussy. "I better get out of here before they come back," she thought, "I can't survive another session."

It was late afternoon. Cynthia waded to shore and stood by the Ford, letting the air dry her skin. "I can't tell anyone about this," she decided as she put on her clothes. "First, no one would believe me and second...well it's just too damn weird." Cynthia drove into town and went to the diner, "God! I'm starving!"

She ordered three bacon cheeseburgers with fries and two milkshakes; then went home, straight to bed.

Cynthia never spoke to her ex again. She could forgive the kinky sex, "I can't cast stones in that direction," but Judy was unforgivable. The bachelors in town were happy Cynthia was on the market again, but the joy quickly changed to perplexity; Cynthia didn't seem interested for some reason. "Maybe she's gone lesbo," some sniffed; not quite the truth but her tastes had shifted somewhat.

Early August 2009: Cynthia stood on the edge of the swamp. She was so horny her panties were soaked. "I better get to it before I mess my pants," she thought. Cynthia stripped and walked into the water. She floated with her legs spread and pussy wide, until she saw the familiar ripples. Cynthia tilted her head back, smiled, and closed her eyes, "God, this has been a great summer." The first of her lovers swam forward.

The End

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michassmichassalmost 14 years ago
tentacles by another name

Yes, I like your imagination, but if you understood lampreys, you would know that-

They would not be living in the swamp in the first place.

They are really unappealing creatures and parasites, and would hurt badly where they attach themselves.

sarabellsarabellalmost 14 years ago

Very creative!! Humorous and wow:) New heights have been achieved. Keep it up! I've always wondered about some of the worlds "less benign" creatures. For example, what happened to all the chipmunks???

avidreader_01avidreader_01almost 14 years ago

lol what an imagination you have, i wonder how you came up with this idea...its different, but i throughly enjoyed was erotic and humorous, great balance.

leejamesleejamesalmost 14 years ago
haha! this is funny and erotic

Well this was just bizarre but I LOVED how creative you are! Very impressive, congrats on the editors' choice!!

nomoretears00nomoretears00almost 14 years ago

What a wonderful imagination you have lol! Great story, and I enjoyed it mainly because of its quirkiness :) Congrat's on the E

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