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Landlord Tales Vol. 02

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Amorous Old Joe collects rent the Old Fashioned Way.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 03/04/2017
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I raised my right hand, placed my left on the Bible, promised to tell nothing but the truth so help me God and proceeded to do what I do best:

Lie my old white ass off....

...I'd been feeling pretty shitty about taking advantage of Deborah, even though it sure seemed she didn't mind it much. In fact, she seemed pleasantly surprised we had a connection, at least in the bedroom. Or more accurately, on the thin carpet of her living room. I'd never slept in her bed, and I had a feeling that was one thing I'd never have the pleasure of. The simple truth was an old fart like myself would never have a chance with a red-headed, leggy beauty like Deborah if it weren't for one little fact:

She owed me rent.

Before Deborah, I'd never had sex with a tenant. I'd never even dreamed of the possibility. It was strictly business, and business was good. I'd never had a tenant as beautiful as she was, though. She was sexy, desperate and broke, just trying to hang on long enough to win her custody battle with her ex. It was the perfect storm of temptation for a man like me; like a thief unable to walk past an unlocked, well maintained home. But, after my nefarious plan finally panned out the week before, I'd been fighting pangs of guilt over beers at my farm late at night.

That all changed when I got a courtesy call from my attorney. Bob mostly handled real estate for me. I owned quite a few homes, and a few large tracts of farm land. But this call wasn't about any of that.

"Dale Tanner wants you to testify against his ex...she's living in one of your rentals, right?" Bob asked.

"Yes," I said simply. I was on the back porch of the fishing cabin bordering the stocked pond on my farm. My father and I built it together decades ago, and now it was rarely used. I had a few lines out as the moon came up and was watching them intently as I popped another Budweiser. It went down smooth, just like Dale's ex."To what effect?"

"To the effect of her supposed tardiness to pay,' he replied on the other end. "He wants to show the court she can't take care of Chandra."

"She seems to take care of her kid quite well to me," I said honestly. Bob continued on. He had a great knack of tuning out anything I said that wasn't germane to the legal issues at hand. My opinion of how well Deb took care of her child wouldn't matter to the Judge. All they would want to hear from me was whether she was paying on time. If she couldn't pay her rent, how could she raise a child? He mixed in a lot of legal terms and jargon, but that question was the gist of his call.

"So, Joe," he continued. "Is she current and does she pay on time?"

I paused for a moment before answering, setting my beer down on an upturned wooden barrel next to the railing before checking my lines with a forefinger then returning to the call. Bob chose this time to remind me Dale Tanner was a powerful man in the county. There was no need to cross him over a minor affair. By now it wasn't minor anymore to me, though.

"I want to speak to him before I answer that,' I told my lawyer. He knew me well enough not to even try dissuading me from having a discussion with her ex. Obviously I paid Bob pretty well to have those discussions for me. But in this case, there was something pretty personal at stake now, and I wanted to be sure I understood the risks. Bob said his goodbyes and the line died.

The guilt I felt earlier in the week melted away after that phone call. I didn't appreciate Dale trying to rope me into his attempt to take Chandra away from Deb. Now, in exchange for sex, not only was I giving her a place to stay, I decided to blow Dale Tanner right out of the water in court if he was stupid enough to call me to the stand.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Deborah asked me looking up as she crouched on all fours between my legs as I lay flat on my back. She was stroking my shaft with one hand, nibbling my skin in that soft, sensitive area between my testicles and inner thigh, running her free hand through the thick, mostly gray hair that covered my abdomen, and staring up at me with those challenging, sparkling green eyes of hers. I was still coming down from an orgasm, having shot my load on her breasts a minute earlier. Some of my jizz was still clinging to her dimpled white chin, and she purposely refrained from wiping it off I think just to make me horny again.

"Do what I always do when I get sued," I answered honestly."Lie my ass off." That was one thing about being with Deborah: I could really be honest with her. We both knew our relationship was transactional. That automatically meant we were both a little bent in some way. Deborah laughed heartily, her green eyes dancing, then she kissed the tip of my cock.

"You really are something, Joe. I never knew that about you, before." She went down on me, deep throat skills on display as my cock disappeared behind a cascade of red hair that shielded her face from view as I held my breath. This was her game now, to torture me by milking me dry. She never let me cum just once. She came up for air, shaking her wonderful, milky white ass cheeks in the air, and finally wiping my jizz off her chin with the back of her wrist. Deborah had a sexy way of moving her ass side to side and keeping it pointed high in the air when she sucked my cock. "I always heard you turned into an asshole after your wife died." I winced."Is that true? They say you were pretty nice before..."

I guess she took my silence for anger, but I was really just staring at her milky ass cheeks.

"Sorry, Joe." She looked pained at my expression, and rose up to plant a kiss on my cheek her great ass disappearing, replaced by a wondrous view of her breasts and extended nipples dangling over my face. Kisses on the lips were forbidden. "You want to stop?"

"Fuck no!" I grabbed her breasts which were dangling just above my chin and squeezed tight, drawing a healthy oohing sound from her."And I was an asshole long before Mary passed away. If she were here, she would tell you that much, trust me."

"Good...fuck me." She was stroking my cock, getting it hard again, somehow. Some women just have that innate ability with a man. Deb really didn't do anything special it seemed. But I could shoot a massive wad and ten minutes later she would casually, without much effort, have me ready for more. Sometimes, after she blew me to that first orgasm she would just slide up beside me, wrap me in her arms and lie still. Only she really wasn't ever still. Her toes, legs, fingers on my back, nails, breath on my chest, nipples scraping my own, sweat soaked hair in my face, always seemed to be doing something, making little, imperceptible moves quite on their own, even if Deb was quiet as a mouse. It was impossible for me to be in her presence without getting aroused. I rolled her onto her back, kissed her damp vagina, then rolled her over again to do the same to her tight little asshole.

All of which led to one question: why the hell would any man walk out on all this?

I pushed that question rudely into one corner of my sex addled brain, then shoved three fingers into her now dripping cunt while still working my tongue around her anus. She crooned and her voice cracked like a singer belting out a a brand new song she couldn't quite master. Her head lifted, she looked straight up at the ceiling, eyes rolling back.

"Oh God, that feels s-so fucking good!" In response I grabbed a fistful of damp red hair laying atop her naked back, gave it a tug and told her to fuck herself. She moaned, and did just that for several minutes, writhing and twisting against the old, gnarly knuckles of my crooked fingers while I held them tight against her now dripping pussy, taking a rest as she worked herself into a frenzy. Every once in awhile I'd give her ass a sharp little slap just to watch those milky cheeks bounce. Then I pressed a fingertip into her anus, and she howled like a dog in heat inside the doublewide.

"Fuck, fuck....ummm...fuck!" In bed, she had a really dirty mouth, especially when she was excited like this. Of course, we weren't in bed. We were on the floor of her living room fucking like furry little mammals. She was gasping out an orgasm, head resting on her arms, ass and pussy pushed up and outward, right in my face, everything happily, willingly exposed, to do with as I pleased. I jammed my meat inside her vagina, not expecting much friction.

It was dripping wet, and warm, I expected her to be loose inside, her vaginal walls open wide with excitement. And it was at first. My cock went right in, but then, she moaned, moved her hips just a bit, sweeping her hair off one shoulder so she could look back at me with a lurid smile, and her pussy clamped down tight as if my invading fingers had never been there at all.

"Jesus!" It was my turn to be throttled sexually. My tachometer bottomed out in the red. She clamped on with those thighs, and I couldn't help exploding after just a few hungry strokes. Feeling it coming, Deborah thankfully wiggled free--neither of us needed any accidental additions to our families-- and rolled over just in time to catch my jizz on her flat, smooth belly before I collapsed panting beside her atop the thick comforter she laid out earlier to serve as a fucking station on her floor. We lay under the ceiling fan for a good ten minutes, catching our breath.

Deborah rolled into me on one shoulder, buried her face in my hairy white chest, then gave my chin a quick, warm kiss. For a moment her lips tarried awfully close to my own, and I wondered if that last intimate wall was about to break. Then I felt her lips brush my chin, and she rose to her feet. She disappeared into her bathroom, letting the shower water run. Ten minutes later she came back, and I hadn't moved an inch.

"One day you might have to call the ambulance for me if you keep that up."

Wearing the same short white robe she wore the day we did it for the very first time, the one that showed off those great, lightly tanned legs, she sat on her recliner, staring down at me with a half-smiling, half-bemused look on her face as she brushed out her long red hair and she told me I shouldn't come over again until after I testified.

"I agree." Green eyes seemed to register surprise at my easily won concurrence."If we keep up like this, my old ass won't make it to court, sweetie. Besides, Dale is probably watching your every move like a hawk right now."

She burst out laughing again, an honest, happy laugh that filled the old double wide. Deb had no way of knowing this, but this was our first house. The one Mary and I bought together thirty years ago. Mary and Deb were nothing alike, but they at least shared the same magical laugh when a bit of humor struck them just right.

"You really are funny, old man,' Deb said to my naked backside as I stumbled shakily down the short hallway into her guest bathroom."And great in bed, too. I always knew you were good for something, at least."

"Not much." I remarked before she drove the dagger home.

"I already knew that, too."

A few minutes later I was seated on her sofa, pulling my boots on.

"You didn't shower."

"I like your sex smell on me." She came over, sniffed the slope of my neck, wrinkled her nose and retreated back to her recliner."I think I'll wait to shower until after I meet with Dale." She laughed again merrily.

'Don't underestimate him," she warned. Then she leaned forward, staring at me intently."I have a friend...Lily...she might need a place...and she has...ummm....no money at all."

It was my turn to laugh.

"I see what you did there," I teased."But I don't have anything available...unless she wants to stay at my old fishing hut."

"She will take anything, trust me." Deborah told me all about her as I listened, slowly tugging on my last boot and lacing it up.

"She's forty five, with a young son, but she looks much younger."

"She looks younger than her own son?" I asked in mock surprise.

"No silly...just wait until you see her."

She rose to get me a cup of coffee for the ride home, but kept talking as she went. Lily was a nail tech. Lily and her ex shared a salon, but now, after half a dozen, violent, drunken fights, where according to Deborah Lily was violently beaten, she was fleeing him while he sat in jail awaiting trial.

"Why don't you let her stay with you?"

"Dale would love that, sure,' she replied, rolling her green eyes derisively."Right in the middle of our court case move a stranger with her kid into my house. Great idea, Joe."

I shrugged, thanking her for the coffee, getting ready to leave.

'Wait! I have a picture...here..." she followed me onto the front porch, held her I-phone up, and I took one look, then said:

"Sure...send her over."

That night I lay in bed, Deb's sweat laden pussy scent wafting over me like Pig Pen's dirt cloud in the Charlie Brown movie's I used to enjoy as a kid. I knew I was getting in too deep. I'd developed a sixth sense to let me know when I was in danger, and also a very profitable habit of cutting my losses and playing things safe.

"Don't underestimate Dale," she'd warned me. But I knew Dale could do me no lasting harm. Deborah on the other hand...

The next day I went to meet with Dale's attorney in town. To my surprise Dale was there, too. He was slick, fifteen years younger, blessed with a healthy head of dark, wavy hair and an athletic build. He looked like the perfect man for Deborah, the kind of man people would expect to see walking arm and arm beside such a beauty. We'd met before. In fact, I knew his father very well. And, I knew his grandfather, too. Dale's high powered attorney was even younger than he was. He was rail thin, with pursed lips and eager, hungry eyes.

"Do you mind if my client sits in?'

"As long as everything is off the record, that's fine," I replied as they led me into the Lion's Den. Both agreed. A cute legal secretary showed us in to a conference room, brought us water, made a face as she passed by me, no doubt picking up my new, sexy cologne I liked to call Deb's Vagina, and then scampered out with her little nose upturned. If the two men seated across from me detected it, they showed no signs.

"Has my client's estranged wife ever been late with the rent?" his attorney began.

"All the time," I answered quickly, eagerly, a bit of disgust in my voice."I am constantly having to go over, badger her for the money she owes...and I don't even add in late fees because I know she won't be able to pay."

Dale and his attorney shared a look, then turned back to me. His attorney excused himself.

"That's all I need to hear, but, um, my client would like a word in private with you."

"Fine." Dale got right to the point, as I expected him to.

"I know you're a busy man, Joe,' he started."I know wasting a day in court on my behalf is not how you want to spend your time...and I'll be sure to make it up to you later on...in any way I can."

"How about now?"

"Now?" he wasn't expecting this, I could tell. Bribes and payoffs were much better paid after the dirty work was finished.

"Yes...now,' I repeated."I'm too old to be pussyfooting around, son. Hell, I might not make it to court at my age, right?"

I came home from the meeting around five, a thousand dollars richer than I was when I left. A silver Toyota Camry was parked in my gravel drive, and a lovely young Asian woman popped out of the driver's seat to greet me when my Ford ground to a halt beside her.

"I'm Janie.' She shook my hand."This is my mother, Lily." The door opened and Lily stepped out. True to Deborah's promise, Lily looked nothing like forty five. In fact, she barely appeared to be much older than her daughter."Her English is not good."

I shook her mother's hand. They both had long, shimmering dark hair, and were dressed very conservatively. Not much skin was showing but they both possessed that understated Asian sexiness about them. I talked and Janie translated for us. It didn't sound like Korean. I'd spent two years in Korea in the Army, and these girls definitely weren't Korean. Chinese, maybe? I asked Janie, and she laughed as I unlocked the door to the fishing cabin and showed them inside.

"Don't ever let mother hear you call her Chinese, sir. She hates them. We are Vietnamese...a lot of people think we're Chinese though, it's a common mistake.."

There was a rocking chair and a hammock on the back porch which hung half over the edge of the stocked pond. I was just down here a few nights earlier and it was teeming with giant bass. I sat in the rocking chair listening to the sounds of Janie and Lily jabber jawing excitedly in their mysterious language while I lit a cigarette. It wasn't something I did very often but stress and concerns were piling up for me now. Was I really about to let Lily move in here without a cent to her name, just on the promise of sex later? Lily and her daughter stepped out. It was hard to tell who was prettier. I half expected them to walk out on me, knowing the inside of the cabin was filthy and covered in dust and grime.

"She loves it...can she fish here?" Janie asked me.

"Of course...feel free...as long as she shares."

Janie relayed my answer to Lily and she nodded her head vigorously up and down.

'She says okay....ummm...she wants to know if you...um fought in the War?'

I was stumped for a minute. War? What war? My time in the Army was brief and peaceful, then it hit me...

"Heck no...do I look that old?" I was ten when the Vietnam war ended! I flicked my cigarette butt into the lake got up and stomped off, up the hill to my own place. Behind me Janie yelled to say her mother would take it.

"Of course."

Two nights later Dak knocked on my door with a plate of fish. He was Lily's son, ten years old, whip smart and spoke perfect English.

Lily took my permission to fish as carte blanche to bleed the lake dry. I went down to check on her the day before and found no fewer than ten poles arrayed on the back porch, and a huge cooler full of fresh bass, catfish brim and other assorted water creatures. She even had a turtle trapped in a barrel by the fire pit. One thing was certain, she didn't discriminate when it came to eating fish. She was a blur of energy, taking turns cooking, basting, battering and reeling in fresh fish all while offering me a plate and fresh tea. I happily accepted, of course.

She was a great cook. I peeked in one window and saw a golden Buddha looking back at me. I could see the place was immaculate now. She took my arm and pulled me inside. It was spotless. Lily, or Janie maybe, had thrown a green blanket across the shoddy old, worn out sofa , and did likewise with my old ratty recliner. I saw a pallet of neatly folded blankets in one corner, and realized that was either a bed for Lily or her son. Probably one slept on the sofa and the other the floor. She'd dedicated one wooden shelf to her ancestors. They stared at me in black and white still frames as I wolfed down her fish. It tasted of soy, pepper and lemon, the best I'd eaten in years. I wasn't used to home-cooked meals anymore.

Lily was wearing blue shorts, a loose fitting white t-shirt and a broad-brimmed fishing hat, her long black hair was braided on either side of her shoulders, dangling down almost to her hips. She smiled and said something sexy in Vietnamese and I hauled ass out of there.

'Thanks for the fish!"

Dak held the plate up.

"Mum says come visit if you still hungry later, sir."

"Thanks, son." I ate the entire plate. I might as well enjoy it since my new tenant seemed intent on turning my teeming well stocked fishing pond into a fish barren wasteland for the frogs and minnows to enjoy. All day I'd seen a steady stream of Vietnamese driving up briefly. A kid or young adult would hop out, run to the porch and exchange some cash for a carry out plate of fish, soup and egg rolls. Lily was certainly industrious; she was making a killing down there. Frankly, I had no idea there were that many Asians in the entire county.


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