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Langley Circle Formation Ch. 01

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Small ideas lead to big plans and a sexual power struggle.
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/24/2024
Created 06/17/2024
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Author's note: The following is a work of fiction that contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts and is intended for adults only. All people, places, and events are a product of my imagination and any characters described as engaging in sexual acts are over the age of eighteen. Thank you for reading. All feedback is greatly appreciated.

This is season two of the Langley Circle saga. If you have not read season one, then I strongly suggest you check it out first (episodes are prefixed as Langley Circle Beginning), as the characters and plots are introduced and formed there.

Thanks for coming back for the second season, which like the first is fully formed and plays out over twenty-four complete episodes. I can promise further development of the over-arching plot, along with lots of interesting sex covering such themes as multiple partners, group sex, roleplay and a smattering of fun kinks. This first episode picks up on the morning after the night of the end of season one and jumps straight into the fun with a threesome and a foursome, and even a smattering of anal.

Previously on Langley Circle... Season one introduced Beth and Dean Parker and their adopted daughter Nicky, and took us on a whirlwind journey as they all enjoyed some unique sexual experiences. Over the course of a few weeks, we met Josh, who became Nicky's boyfriend, Bella, Nicky's best friend who became her lover, and Megan, Dean's former secretary who took a fancy to Beth and ended up becoming a bedmate for both husband and wife. Along the way, we met a number of other characters who brought their own excitement and personal situations to the story, which culminated in a very interesting and liberated barbecue, which not only forged some fun couplings, but also saw the germination of an idea that could change the lives of the Parker's and their friends forever... hopefully for the better.

=== === ===

Season Two, Episode One

Beth blew the steam from her coffee and took a tentative sip, smiling as the pleasant taste tickled her senses and began to chase away the fatigue. Leaning back on the swing seat, she turned her face to the sky and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the morning sun.

"Good morning Beth."

Beth squinted through the dazzling light at Trudy, who was padding across the lawn, one hand clutching a mug, the other holding a dressing gown tightly around her.

"Hey there; sleep well?" She said, tossing Trudy a lazy wave.

"Fine thanks," Trudy said with a tight smile as she sat, sending the seat swinging gently back and forth.

Beth glanced up at the clear blue sky. "Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day." When there was no response, she turned back to face Trudy, who was cradling her mug and frowning into the depths of the rippling black liquid. Something was up.

She touched Trudy lightly on the arm. "You OK?"

Trudy's eyes fluttered closed for a moment as she took a deep breath and turned to face Beth. "How much of a fool did I make of myself?"

"What do you mean? When?"

"Yesterday, the flirting, the volleyball, Dave." Trudy pursed her lips and averted her eyes. "With you last night." Her face began to crumple.

Beth squeezed Trudy's arm in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. "You didn't make a fool of yourself at all. It was all fine. Better than fine actually, you were fantastic. You were funny, friendly and have absolutely nothing to worry about."

Trudy flicked her glistening eyes back to Beth. "Really?"

"Yes really! You have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing at all. As for what happened with Dean, I should be thanking you; it was a very memorable experience for us, for Megan too I'm sure. You were" -- she lowered her voice to a whisper -- "amazing, and sexy. I never knew you were such a horny minx, and Dean totally loved... you know... between your boobs."

A nervous giggle erupted from Trudy; she leaned in closer. "He did?"

"Trust me, I know my husband. He adored it."

Trudy's face brightened, the corners of her mouth slowly curling into a smile. She flicked her eyes around the garden furtively. "Honestly Beth, I had a lot of fun yesterday. The whole day was a riot; I was just worried I'd embarrassed myself somehow."


The tension visibly drain from Trudy's shoulders as she relaxed. "Thank god for that." A soft blush rose to her cheeks. "Being dominated again was just the best feeling ever. It's been so long. I don't know if you can quite understand what it means to me."

"Dean did ok then?"

Trudy looked taken aback. "Yes, he was great. Why?"

"I told him about your previous dom sub relationship after, and He was worried that he'd come across as a bit of a clueless amateur."

"Nah, he was fine." Trudy hesitated, pursing her lips before continuing. "Sure, there were things an experienced dom would have done differently, but he was outwardly firm and confident, and that's the most important thing. If a sub suspects their dom is losing confidence, things tend to unravel pretty quickly."

Beth nodded. "I told him he did good, but he didn't believe me."

"He'll obviously get better with more practice." Trudy's eyes widened as she blushed heavily. "Er... no... Um... I didn't mean to imply it would happen again or anything."

Beth laughed and silenced her with a hand. "I know what you meant. Who can say what might happen in the future." She offered Trudy an encouraging smile. "Personally, I hope it wasn't the last time, and I reckon Dean would be happy having a sub, or three, to command again."

Trudy giggled and leaned into Beth. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but he's very sexy when he's being masterful."

"Christ, don't tell him that. He'll be hell to put up with if we all begin worshiping him." She laughed, leaning over to touch heads with Trudy. The other woman moved closer and Beth was suddenly very aware of the warm curvy body pressing against hers.

"So, what about you; did you have fun?" Trudy asked in a whisper.

Beth grinned, fighting the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl as she remembered the antics of the previous night. "Very much so. I love it when Dean takes control; I've tried to subtly encourage him to go further, with varying success over the years. Turns out, I just needed you to help me coax him into a situation where he could really go for it."

"They call that topping from the bottom you know."

"Oh do they?" Beth said trying to keep a straight face.

Both women glanced up at the sound of banging doors and laughter coming from somewhere inside the house.

Trudy took a big gulp of her coffee and stood up. "Sounds like one of the bathroom's might be free, I'm gonna make a dash for it before someone else beats me to it."

Beth chuckled. "Good luck. Oh, while I remember, you're not rushing off today are you?"

"Um, I'm not really sure. I mean I don't have anything planned, but we don't want to outstay our welcome. I expect you'd like your house back."

Beth waved the concern away. "Stay as long as you want. Besides we wanted to talk about something, and I reckon you could have some good input."

Trudy looked puzzled. "Well er... yeah sure. What's it about?"

"Let's just say it has a sexual theme." Beth grinned as Trudy's eyebrows shot up.

"OK, count me in," Trudy said, turning and starting towards the house.

"Oh and do me a favour, after your shower, see if Dean and Megan are alive. Tell them time is ticking away."

"Will do."

Beth watched Trudy go, indulgently admiring the hypnotic sway of her curvy hips. She pinked at the memory of lying between the woman's legs last night, hungrily lapping at her pussy.

Her smile faded. Trudy had been very keen to have Dean as her master, and Beth had certainly enjoyed the whole thing, but had she given the woman the wrong impression? Did Trudy think this was anything more than a casual dalliance? She chewed her lip and frowned; she'd have to keep an eye on that.

Her tummy did a flip at the idea of Dean more thoroughly assuming the role of master. A warm prickle ran down her neck. Was that worry, or arousal? She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Stay focussed. There was Josh to consider in all of this, especially in light of his possible overtures towards Trudy.

=== === ===

Josh rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he made his way down the stairs and shuffled through the lobby. After getting up and satisfying his immediate urge to pee, he was now in search of Nicky, as her side of the bed had been empty and cold when he had awoken. Reaching the study, the most likely location of his missing girlfriend, he suddenly changed course continuing along the hall when he noticed his step-mum in the kitchen.

A twinge of frustration curled through his gut at the memory of Mr. Parker getting his hands on Trudy last night. He knew this reaction wasn't rational, but that didn't prevent him feeling the way he did.

As he approached, Trudy looked up and smiled. "Morning honey." She crossed the kitchen and pulled him into a hug.

Josh felt a sudden wave of comfort and contentment as her warm soft body pressed against his. "Hi." His voice was thick with weariness.

Trudy chuckled. "Tired? Did your little harem wear you out last night?"

"I-I don't know what you mean."

"Oh hush. There seem to be few if any secrets in this house regarding last night." She eased back and smirked at him. "Nicky, Bella, and Sally. It sounds like you had your hands full."

"Well a gentleman never tells," Josh said with a grin. His smugness was tinged with regret however. "Sorry we haven't had a chance to--"

"That's ok honey, don't worry about me. I was kind of busy last night anyway," she said with a soft giggle. "There's plenty of time to have our 'getting to know you' session." She cocked her head to one side. "Is that likely to include Sally now?"

A thrill of excitement surged through Josh as his cheeks warmed. "I-I'm not really sure to be honest. Er, it might." He grinned and shuffled his feet awkwardly, painfully aware that he was becoming aroused at the mere thought of it.

Trudy noticed his predicament, her grin widening as she slipped a hand down to briefly stroke him, before twirling away in the direction of the hallway. "Oh, Beth asked if we could hang around today, apparently they have something they want to discuss."

Josh frowned. "I guess so; any idea what?"

"Nope," Trudy said, shrugging as she made for the stairs.

The nerves had returned, a churning sensation building in his stomach. Was this going to be a "laying the law down" speech from Dean? Drink had loosened lips and removed inhibitions yesterday, leading to some interesting situations. Had he overstepped the mark at some point? A memory of masturbating while watching Beth and Nicky together suddenly came to him, and a cold sweat began to form on the back of his neck. He grabbed a glass of water and stepped into the garden to calm down.


Josh snapped his head up to see Beth staring at him from the swing seat. Panic clutched at his chest and he was gripped by a sudden urge to bolt back into the house.

"You OK?" Beth asked.

"Er Yeah... thank you Mrs. Parker, Umm fine."

"Come sit. We need to talk."

The fingers of fear tightened, and the blood pounded in his ears. He couldn't refuse though, that would be rude. He shuffled onto the grass, trying not to get distracted by how beautiful Nicky's mum looked. Her hair was flowing loosely around her shoulders as the sunlight illuminated her face, making her green eyes sparkle. She wore a simple cotton top and matching shorts that clung to her curves, and her feet were bare, toes curling into the soft grass.

He gingerly sat on the seat, leaving a generous distance between them, which she instantly obliterated by turning to face him, lifting up her legs and folding them under her; the soft expanse of creamy white thighs drew his eye like the proverbial red rag to a bull.

"Beth," she said.

"Yes?" Josh replied, then frowned in confusion.

Beth giggled. "I told you last night. Call me Beth."

"O... er... yeah sorry... Beth."

"So, Nicky tells me you are a bit of a computer whizz."

Josh blinked. He hadn't seen that coming. "Um... yeah, I guess."

"Do you know much about building websites?"

"Sure, I've built a bunch."

Beth smiled warmly, making the hairs stand up on the back of his neck as the colour flushed back to his cheeks. He shifted in his seat, aware that things were stirring between his legs again. He really needed to get a grip; this was not the time to be getting a hard on, was it?

"I'm thinking of setting up a web business."

Nope, not the right time to be getting turned on at all.

"Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about doing business on the web. I was hoping you might be able to help."

"Sure, no problem." Josh had visions of spending lots of time with Beth 'developing her project'.

"I'd pay you of course."

There was more than one way to "pay" for a website. "Er... what sort of thing did you have in mind?"

"I don't have it fully planned yet, but it will revolve around a blog, with featured articles and spaces for advertising, and those 'sponsored by' thingies."

Josh shrugged. "That doesn't sound too complicated."

"Great. Can it be done in such a way that, going forward I'd be able to add content and manage it myself?"

"Content management and site control systems, no problem. What's the subject matter?"

"It's... adult content."

Josh frowned; was she blushing?

"It's basically a blog of sexual experiences, with the aim of both titillating and educating those wanting to become more sexually adventurous."

Every muscle in his body tensed for a microsecond. Did she just say she was going to build a blog of sex stories? And she wanted him to help her? The corners of his mouth began to twitch upwards; he knew he should resist the smirk, but failed entirely.

Beth chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Yes, it's going to be full of sex stuff, much of which is very personal to me." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you going to be able to handle this, or will you get weird and need to slip away every five minutes for a er... cold shower and a lie down?"

The heat that surged to Josh's face was so intense, he surely was in danger of bursting into flames at any moment.

"Um... Beth god no, er... look--"

"I'm just teasing." Beth giggled and placed a hand on his arm, nudging his core temperature a degree higher.

"Er... yeah, um... I knew that." He hadn't; he was aware of little more than being here with his girlfriend's mum, talking about setting up a sex blog, and she seemed to be flirting with him. Was she?

"I'm sure I'll be able to resist," he said, attempting to regain his composure, but failing and making things worse. "Not that I wouldn't find it somewhat... distracting. That is to say... I mean... You can be very distracting... er... god no." He gave up and sagged back into the seat staring down at his hands.

"Josh, relax," Beth chuckled and shook her head, sending a cascade of wispy brown hair bouncing around her face. "That reminds me. I told Dean about what happened last night, so there's no need to worry."

No need to worry? Was she mad? This latest admission sent the fear of god into Josh. She had told her husband? About last night? That he had masturbated while watching her and Nicky make love?


He was unable to verbalise anything else, his brain having retreated into survival mode, now being barely capable of preventing him from slipping into a coma, while preparing a fuck-ton of adrenaline in preparation for "fight or flight". If he hadn't been sitting down, he'd probably have fallen to the lawn and curled into the foetal position. As it was, he opted for doing a passable impression of a startled fish.

"He was a little shocked, but considering everything that went on last night, I was surprised at how ok he actually was with it in the end."

"He was?" Josh blinked in stunned disbelief.


The grin started reforming on his face.

Beth's eyes widened. "Don't get any ideas though. There was no discussion of anything further, and I'm not sure there ever will be."

The smile froze as his heart sank. "Oh... I didn't think..." He stopped, well aware that saying he hadn't wanted or hoped for more would be a lie, one that Beth would see through instantly.

"Besides, it sounds like you had your hands full anyway. What with Nicky, Bella, and Sally, don't you think that should be enough to keep you satisfied?"

"Oh sure, of course. It was fantastic; Nicky is amazing."

"Quite," Beth said, lifting one eyebrow.

"Er... speaking of which, I better go see where they are."

"Good idea. Tell them that there will be food soon, whenever I can get motivated. Oh and there's a discussion this afternoon which I'd like them all to sit in on."

"Yeah, Trudy said something about that." Josh climbed to his feet and instantly regretted it, his semi-hard dick being apparent to anyone who chose to glance at his lap, which Beth just happened to do at that moment. He hunched low and crabbed across the grass, soft giggles emanating from Beth's direction.

Passing through the kitchen, he stopped outside the study and pressed one ear to the solid wood door, smirking at the symphony of soft moans coming from the other side. Trying not to make a sound, he cracked the door and peered inside, his smirk expanding to a broad grin as he took in the sight of the three naked women.

He tiptoed into the room and crossed to the bed. Gazing down at the exciting tangle of limbs and other body parts, he tried to mentally apportion the various bits to the correct woman.

Nicky, Bella and Sally had arranged themselves into a rough triangle, and each now seemed hell-bent on imparting as much pleasure as possible to the woman next to her in the chain. Bella's blonde ponytail bobbed as her tongue worked feverishly between Sally's luscious legs; the leggy blonde in turn was moaning and squirming, her elegant neck stretching to reach Nicky's pussy, which she was assaulting with her tongue, much to Nicky's delight; and completing the circle, Nicky's chocolate brown hair fell loose as she elicited needy moans from Bella.

Josh stared at all the gorgeous flesh on display, slack-jawed and cock hard. The women were positioned on their sides facing inwards, which left three sexy bums poking outwards; as Josh edged around the bed, he marvelled at the differences between the three. Nicky's was by far the biggest, with nice plump cheeks; Bella's was still curvy but much smaller; and Sally's was pert and definitely the tightest of the bunch.

With a flutter of excitement, he shuffled behind Nicky and, choosing his spot carefully, landed a playful slap on her rounded rump. Nicky squealed and all three women popped their heads up like a family of curious meerkats, their faces glistening.

On seeing him, Nicky's shocked expression morphed into a broad grin. "Hey babe, I was wondering how long it would take you to find me." She glanced at the bulge in the front of his trousers. "Been up to anything fun?"

"I've just been chatting with your mum."

Bella giggled as Nicky smirked and raised one perfectly manicured eyebrow. "Oh I see."

Josh shook his head with a chuckle. "No, not what you're thinking. Anyway never mind that, where can I fit in?"

"I got a place for you right here," Bella said, lifting her leg up and gently patting her glistening pussy.

"Me too," Sally said with a smirk as she gracefully lifted one long leg, practically finishing in a full splits with her shin pressing against her cheek.

Josh grinned. "Holy flexible babes Batman!"

Nicky chuckled, rolling her eyes at Bella. "You got no chance of out-legging Sal."

Bella pouted. "Oh hush you, and get that tongue back on my clit, you nearly had me there."

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