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Lapdancing Girlfriend Ch. 03


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Dan listened in shock as he remembered Jen coming home extremely horny, recalling the handprint on her breast. It explained how it probably got there, stating to John he had suspected something as John continued.

"Well, I knew something was up when Mary came by the apartment and literally raped me in the hallway," he laughed. "Anyways, I just wanted to let you know as I am not happy with the way the girls are being treated with our new owner. I've told Mary and plan on telling Jen and the other girls not to drink anything unless I personally make it for them. I don't know who else can be trusted here, though it's not much of a point with Tim moving to the other club—I'm the only person manning the bar until they replace him," he said somewhat bitterly.

Dan mentioned coming to the club that evening and John asked him if it was a wise idea as he replied, "No, but it would be even more suspicious if I keep avoiding Chuck—him and I knew each other a long time ago, so if I avoid him now it would make things worse; Jen and I agreed it would be for the best. Still, thanks for keeping an eye out for her, as well as Mary, I owe you," Dan told him, hanging up.

Stopping for a quick dinner before heading to the Satin Kitty, his mind mulled over the information John had given him, as well as what Jen had told him earlier. He knew Chuck was a manipulative bastard, but he was only now beginning to see it was professionally as well as personally. His mind once again filled with thoughts on how they would get out of the mess building up around them as he drove to the club.

Parking the car, he wondered if his luck was changing even in a small sense, as he was able to park in the club lot. It was still early even for a Friday night, yet the parking lot was already was close to filling as Dan wondered how crowded it was going to be inside.

Silently praying nothing unpleasant happened like the other night, he walked into the front door suddenly stopping in surprise. Dan had been in the club more times than he could count, and he immediately noticed the changes Jen had mentioned—new carpeting in the foyer, different lights, new signs advertising Divine Silk Attractions, Inc. and so forth. He was amazed how much the club had changed in two days realizing Chuck was wasting no time incorporating the club into his franchise.

He nodded to Brutus in greeting as he began to walk into the main room like he had thousands of times before when the bouncer's beefy arm blocked his way into the club.

"I'm sorry sir, this is now a members-only club," he told Dan. "You can purchase both short-term and long-term memberships at the desk," he said pointing to the cashier booth.

Dan looked up at the large man in surprise. He had never paid a cover in all the years Jen had worked there, and seeing the apologetic stare by Brutus, Dan realized with Chuck around everybody was acting on their best behavior. Brutus not acknowledging him by name also meant Jen had obviously asked everybody to treat him as a stranger.

He was confused at what Brutus meant by 'membership' though he shrugged and nodded in reply, turning and walking over to the booth where Genie was manning the cash register. Genie was the only girl remaining at the club who had never stripped. She did every other job though, sharing her waitressing job with other positions such as manning the cash register on busy nights, relief bartender, even manning the Security Room once and a while when Gregg or Brutus were otherwise busy. Dan wondered if Chuck would end up corrupting the young girl as he did with everything else he touched.

She smiled at him as he walked up and he started to pull out his credit card when a familiar and unwelcomed voice came from behind him, "Put that away, from now on you enter my clubs without any cover," Chuck's voice said. "You are a lifetime member of DSA productions."

Dan turned around to see Chuck standing near Brutus holding out a black and gold card. Taking the card and looking at it, he saw it resembled a credit card, having a magnetic strip on the back with "Divine Silk Attractions, Inc., Daniel Jeffries, Life Membership" printed on the front.

The bouncer gave a quick shrug showing his acceptance to his new boss' word as Chuck waved Dan over. "Hell, if I have my way you'll be part of the company soon enough," he laughed, guiding Dan by the shoulder into the main area of the club. "Just show that card at any club and you can get in as a VIP. And you can also charge all your drinks towards it as well, on the house!" Chuck told him.

As Chuck talked, Dan looked around, feeling like he was in a different club noticing all the changes. Although the general arrangement of the club was the same, many things were newer. The most impressive thing he noticed was the sound system. Having been at the club so many times over the years he had gotten used to the crappy system Willie, the previous owner, had installed. The music coming from the newly installed Bose speakers was crisp and clear.

Then he began noticing other things such as new carpeting, different tables and chairs, and so forth. Even the sofa Chuck directed him towards—the same area as the other night—was newer plush velvet and a slightly darker shade of red.

"I see you've been busy," Dan said in way of conversation nodding to the new furniture and rest of the club.

"Good eye," Chuck said. "I tried to keep renovations in the same color scheme as the original and not change too much, I was hoping only the regulars would notice the changes," he said. "I did not want to make the club too different as I enjoyed the clientele from my visits here," he explained, "but the previous owner definitely cut some corners on some things—and I want only the best for my girls," he said.

Dan looked up at the stage and immediately noticed the changes Jen had described as well. Currently on stage was Jemisha—or Tiger he corrected himself—dancing surprisingly to Pitbull's 'Hey Baby.' He was surprised as she usually only danced to black rap, before he remembered T-Pain sang the back vocals on this cut. She was spinning on the center pole as he noted the new "V" shape of the stage with the two additional poles Jen had mentioned.

Dan thought it pre-mature to renovate a property so extensively before the full closing, then recalled Jen saying Chuck had been here for most of last month. It was becoming obvious Chuck and Willie—and probably the owner of the Slithering Lizard—had already struck a deal under the table.

John brought over two bourbons and placed them on the table as Chuck made small chat with Dan, completely ignoring the bartender's presence. His demeanor was of somebody who expected to be treated like royalty and as such, did not bother acknowledging what he thought should be normal treatment to him.

Chuck was telling him, "I'm glad you came tonight," taking a sip of his drink, "I'm trying to get the club converted over to what we at DSA consider normal operations, and I need a friendly face to help break the scowls," he laughed.

Dan doubted Chuck even bothered caring what other people thought, let alone noticing any scowling by them, but kept his thoughts to himself as he asked what Chuck meant.

"Obviously with new ownership a few things are changing. I'm not sure how much you know of the stripping industry," Chuck said as Dan shrugged. He knew more than Chuck thought, but was not about to share that knowledge as Chuck continued, "Most of the girls here are used to working by paying a house fee to the club to dance, then keeping what they make above that. That means they are not employed directly by the club; they just 'rent' the space to dance. Our model is a bit different in that we hire the girls on salary, requiring each girl to maintain a certain quota of house fees over the week. If they miss the quota, they are penalized; however, if they exceed it, they keep a percentage of the proceeds," he explained.

Dan listened as if all this information were new to him, acting interested while Chuck continued to talk.

"A few of the girls do not understand things," Chuck said with exasperation. "They are now fully employed by DSA and considered professional entertainers through their contract. As such they work for the club, so have more responsibilities, but in return, have more benefits. For example, we now offer them medical and dental insurance, things they never had before; however, to assist paying for such amenities, a percentage of all their tips go to the company as an investment. They are used to working directly off tips, but are now on salary so don't understand the concept of not being able to keep all their tips as take-home wages," Chuck laughed, "or the idea of meeting a quota."

On the pretense of not understanding, Dan asked Chuck to explain as he went on, "Well, take Crystal or Emerald," he said, waving towards the two girls lap dancing on the floor near a couple tables. "They have been here for over three years. As such I consider them 'vetted' into the club, so they are expected to make at least $350.00 in tips and table dances for their shift—which is what they would typically make a night anyways," he said.

Dan knew on a good night the girls could make that; however, he also knew not every night was the same, something Chuck knew as well as the man continued, "Now that's just a weekly average, but things are taken into account for the whole year. If they go under that amount at the end of the fiscal year their salary is docked accordingly by double the percentage of loss; however, if they go above and beyond that average, their bonus is increased at a percentage based upon how much they went over."

"But if they only work a few nights a week, how can they ever hope to make this 'quota' in a full year?" Dan asked, unable to not get on the girls' side and shoot holes in Chuck's comment, though he knew little would change.

"See! Right there is the other problem," Chuck said as if Dan's comment were expected. "None of these girls know a damn thing about financial planning and are living night to night. Having their paycheck now coming weekly 'cramps their style,'" Chuck told Dan. "They are not used to a including a percentage of all house fees, from the cover charge people pay to get in, to the lap dances and drinks and champagne room sales they get customers to spend upon, adding to their income. Typically most girls end up bringing in substantially more per night once everything is calculated in," Chuck concluded.

Dan could understand some of the misgivings of the girls, who had to change their whole model of earning wages, some for the first time in their lives. He could not wait to see what Jen's contract said to figure out whether overall it would be good or not for the girls. Then he remembered Jen's contract was different from the rest as a DSA spokesmodel, wondering at the changes. In an attempt to figure out what her rate would be he asked, "So what about the other girls?"

"Well, it's all proportional," Chuck explained. "Girls who have not vetted enough time into the company are obviously going to have a lower salary due to inexperience, but they also have lower quotas, allowing them to compensate for more 'bad' nights, but again that is only what they are required to earn for the company. At the end of the year, when all is said and done, they still may be making a higher percentage if they literally work their ass off," Chuck grinned.

Dan was quick to notice how often the words such as 'may' and 'possibly' were used as Chuck talked, wondering how many times he had practiced the speech, recognizing the conversation as one well-constructed rehash.

Around him the club was filling up, something unusual for so early in the evening as he wondered if there was a convention in town or something.

Turning his attention back to Chuck, he was about to attempt to put some holes in Chuck's reasoning when George the DJ's voice came over the, "And now the Satin Kitty is proud to introduce one of our own on her way to stardom as a new spokesmodel for Divine Silk Attractions! Gentlemen, put it together for Diamond!" he shouted.

Surprisingly the room erupted in cheers as both Dan and Chuck immediately sat up and looked towards the stage. As the crowd clapped and cheered, Jen came out from behind the stage, slowly spinning around the center pole, her hair streaming behind her. Dan could not believe how good she looked, her long legs accentuated by the high-heeled Mary Jane shoes and purple Flex garter, her cleavage magnificent as the tight purple halter top displayed her breasts. Her make-up was done heavily, making her appearance look sluttier than Dan had ever seen as he stared at her.

Chuck noted Dan's obvious interest in her as he commented beside him, "I see you like my prized dancer," he said. "I honestly don't think I would have bought the club if I hadn't seen her," he admitted to Dan. "That girl has natural talent to make a dick stand up with just a look. I will stake my reputation she will be making more than any of my top girls combined," he said.

As if remembering their earlier conversation, he added, "Unlike the other girls, I have no qualms about Diamond making money. Just as a few of the girls have less experience, Diamond there has more potential than any girl I've ever come across. So to continue my discussion with an example from her, just as the newer girls are expected to earn less, the cover girl for each club is required to make more," Chuck explained.

Dan looked over at his rival wondering how much Jen was supposed to make each night as Chuck continued. "Of course the spokesmodels have more responsibilities, so not only are their earnings totaled each night from what they make at the club, but also from special appearances, promotions, and other services performed in the company's name, all of which are taken into account for their yearly quota," he said.

Dan wondered what types of special appearances and 'other services' were required, recalling the investigative report of DSA from his company.

Chuck's voice interrupted his thoughts as he continued. "Normally with a new club I would require less for the first year for all the girls to get used to things, but in Diamond's case you yourself have seen her potential, so her nightly intake I've set to a thousand a night."

Dan's mind reeled at the amount, almost unsure he heard correct over the cheering of the crowd which had yet to quiet down. "Isn't that a bit high?" he asked before he could center his thoughts. On a good night Jen could earn around $750—but that was a night usually with a convention or something in town. To increase that amount and include weekdays would be difficult if not impossible!

Chuck laughed, focusing Dan's attention on him. "Well you saw with just one set of table dance routines she earned almost six hundred bucks, so I think she'll do just fine," he said, focusing his attention back on the stage as Diamond got into position for her set. "Besides, that's not how much she needs to earn dancing; the spokesmodels additional responsibilities earn a much larger income than their dancing, which is actually pretty minor. I can guarantee with Diamond's talents she will be earning more than her quota for the year," Chuck grinned.

Again Dan recalled the investigative report, praying the allegations were not true and what Chuck was referring to as his attention was once more brought to the stage as the first song of her set started. Turning back to the stage, Dan saw Jen—or Diamond, he admonished to himself, needing to start calling her by her stage name—start her routine with a slow spin around the pole. Christina Aguilera's 'Not Myself Tonight' mix was playing and Dan recognized the set as another one he helped put together, consisting of a fast song, followed by two slow songs, and then a hard rock song set. It was a generic formula most of the girls used for their sets.

Dan once again saw the club was already crowded—even for a Friday night, mentioning it to Chuck.

"Yes, we put in some advertising announcing the new ownership and tonight being the change-over, as well as the introduction of our new spokesmodel," he grinned. "There are quite a few out-of-towners here visiting from other clubs interested in the new changes," Chuck said.

Dan normally did not look at advertisements for strip clubs, but he had not recalled seeing any additional promotions around town or Jen mentioning anything different. Whatever the reason, the club was more crowded than usual for this time in the evening as he turned to watch Jen's—Diamond's—routine.

She had just finished a candy cane corkscrew with her back to the pole, legs wrapped around it. He was familiar with this routine as she would work the pole the first and fourth songs, dancing for the others.

This song was a faster than what she normally worked the pole with, but she spun around and climbed it without pause in time to the song as Dan recognized she must have had a good warm earlier to begin so vigorously into the song. Quickly spinning around the pole she inverted her body, one leg bent while her other stood out perpendicular to the pole, as she spiraled down to the floor, her hair fanning around her. As her head reached the stage she fell to the side ending in a pair of splits to the cheers of the audience as she bounced up and down, imitating fucking the stage while the crowd applauded.

Using just her leg muscles, she rose up raising her arms over her head. Twisting them around the pole, she raised her legs perpendicular to the pole again, continuing to raise her legs and hips higher and higher until she was once again inverted, solely by the strength of her arms. She again spun around the pole upside down while the music played, the crowd applauding in encouragement.

Jen then climbed up the pole inverted, again only using her arms until she reached the ceiling, her legs splitting perfectly on the ceiling to the crowd's approval. Even Dan was amazed at her upper body strength, wondering when Jen had put together this routine, as it was more intricate than most of her others.

"Yes, she definitely will earn her keep," Chuck said beside Dan as they watched Diamond's routine.

The song slowed as Christina's grunt came across the speakers and Jen immediately dropped down, her legs catching her body at the last second inches above the floor while without pause she fanned her legs above her. Using only her arms to steady herself, she slowly lowered her body to the floor, her legs keeping a perfect split opened towards the crowd as her hips came down to rest on the stage while the song drew to a close.

The audience erupted in applause—Dan wondered if it were from the fact of Diamond's legs wide open to them or in recognition of the amount of strength her routine had required.

Diamond rose up slowly, in time to Nelly's 'Just a Dream' as she started swaying to the song. Dan noted how beautiful and sexy she looked, her vigorous routine coating her body with a light sheen of sweat causing her body to glisten on the stage as she moved seductively to the song.

Tilting her head back she slowly rotated, facing away from the crowd as she popped her butt muscles in time to the beat of the song and the applause of the onlookers. Bending backwards she arched towards the crowd, her halter top pressed tightly against her as her breasts bulged out looking to be freed. Continuing the movement slowly, she flipped her legs over in a handstand and did the splits in the air to the crowd's cheers.

Maintaining her legs in a split, Diamond continued her cartwheel-flip forward, her crotch once again exposed to everybody, the thin material barely covering her cleft as her legs spread apart before rolling back to her feet.

Diamond turned around, swaying her hips while her butt muscles again clenched, Nelly's voice coming across the speakers "Uh, uh, uh."

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