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Lara Goes Back To School Again Ch. 02


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Walking back into the kitchen, she saw her beautiful daughter nervously awaiting her. She smiled to her beloved Sara and encouraged her to continue with her story.

Sara had looked up as her mother had re-entered the kitchen and thought that the older woman was looking a bit flushed. She had presumed that her mother had needed to go to the toilet when she had rushed away but she was sure it was her bedroom that she had heard her mother going in to. Her mother was still smiling so Sara presumed that she had not said anything yet that had upset her but she knew the hardest part to talk about was still to come. Facing each other across the table once more, she began.

"After I had calmed down, mother, the doctor told me she was going to examine me and, I'm sorry, but when she did I had those same feelings all over again and my body seemed to take on a mind of its own. I couldn't stop it, mother; I know I should have tried to but I didn't know how and all I could think about was how you must have these same feelings when the doctor examines you."

Mary managed to keep her smile on her face to encourage her daughter but she was struggling to understand what the schoolgirl was talking about. She had just had her very first orgasm at over thirty years of age and now it seemed that her daughter had had the same feelings with this new female doctor. How could that be?

"The doctor helped me back on to my chair and it's just as well she did because I don't think my legs have ever felt so weak. I sat down as instructed but still felt very vulnerable as I was still totally naked and this wasn't how I had expected my examination to be.

"If I thought my face was red at that point, however, it was nothing to what it must have been like when the doctor then took off her white coat. She wanted to show me again how she had just examined me and wanted me to follow her lead so that I could prove I had learned the lesson. The only thing is, mother, when she took off her coat she was only wearing her bra and panties.

"They were very pretty ones, mother, but that wasn't all. She reached behind herself and undid the clasp on her lacy bra, letting it drop to the floor. I'm sorry, mother, but I couldn't help but stare at her breasts. They were much bigger than mine, more like yours. Then she bent forward in front of me so that her breasts were hanging down just inches from my face. She reached into the waistband of the tinniest pair of knickers that I have ever seen and pulled them down her smooth legs.

"I didn't know how many more surprises there were to come, mother, but then I saw something unbelievably beautiful. The doctor had no hair on her private place – she was totally bald between her legs and I was sure I could see a few drops of moisture on her lips. All I could wonder, mother, was whether or not you were bald there too. I know that's terribly wicked but that's what went through my mind."

Mary's throat and mouth were totally dry as her daughter's tale continued but she knew her clean knickers were getting just as wet as the first pair.

"What happened next, Sara?" she managed to croak.

"Well this is the most embarrassing part, mother. The doctor sat down on her chair opposite me and began touching herself, instructing me to follow her actions. I was so embarrassed, mother, watching her touching herself in front of me. I'm afraid I got so carried away I'm not sure if I learned the right way."

Mary's mind was trying to keep up with her innocent daughter's revelations and wondering what excuse she could find to excuse herself from the kitchen again. The room had suddenly got very hot or maybe it was the newly lit fire burning in her pussy that was making her feel so aroused and so confused at the same time. But as Sara sat across the table from her, expectantly, an unbelievable plan began to form in her mind.

"Why don't we go through to your bedroom and you can show me what you are talking about?"

She got up from her seat, glancing back to ensure she hadn't left a damp spot to betray her lust, then walked round the table to take her daughter by the hand. Sara simply held on to her mother's hand as she had when she was a child and allowed herself to be led through to her own bedroom. She wasn't too sure exactly what her mother wanted her to do but she knew there was no way she could do what she had done with the doctor. Not in front of her mother.

Mary opened the door and held it, allowing her daughter to walk in to her bedroom first. She watched as Sara reached the side of her bed then turned to face her. She knew her daughter was growing in to a beautiful young woman but she had never thought she would be one of the people hungry for her. As her daughter stood there, nervously, Mary's plan was constantly reforming in her mind. She knew it was her daughter's tale of her medical examination that had awoken her deeply repressed lust and she had no idea how to resist it.

"Why don't we both get undressed, the way you were with the doctor, so that I can see if you have learned how to "examine" yourself properly?"

Sara just stared at her mother in disbelief. Did her mother really expect her to undress herself here in front of her? Was her mother really going to undress in front of her? Were they going to look at each other naked and do the things she had done with the doctor? No way! She couldn't possibly do that.

Mary could see the confusion and bewilderment in her daughter's face and knew that if she wanted to carry out her plan then she would have to take the lead. As she looked Sara in the eye, she began to open the buttons on her blouse. This was just as much an adventure for Mary as it was a nightmare for her daughter but she knew that if she didn't go through with it today she would never get another chance.

Sara could hardly belief her eyes as her mother's blouse slowly parted to reveal her black bra. She had been right; her mother's breasts were about the same size as the doctor's; much bigger than her own. She couldn't believe these thoughts were even going through her mind as she watched her beloved mother pull her dark blouse from the waistband of her skirt, shrug it off her shoulders, and stand there proudly showing off her breasts to another person for the very first time.

Mary was just as nervous as her daughter as she took a deep breath, reached behind herself and undid the clasp of her big bra. As the straps slid down her arms, she hesitated for just a moment, holding the cups covering her large breasts, wondering if she could do this. Realising it was now or never, she dropped her hands and revealed her prominent nipples to her young daughter.

Sara suddenly realised that her mother had been serious and she was about to see her only living female relative totally naked. She didn't understand that it was her mother's new found arousal that was making her nipples so big but she was in total awe of her mother's large breasts. As her mother nodded to her, she in turn took as deep a breath as her mother had and began to open her school blouse.

It seemed very wrong to be doing this even though it was her mother she was undressing before. Beginning to realise just how submissive she really was (even if she had never thought of herself in this way), she did as her mother had just done and started to undress. Trying hard not to look at her mother, she opened the buttons of her school blouse, one by one, from top to bottom. Pulling her blouse from her skirt, she slipped it off her shoulders and threw it on to the bed behind her. Again not wanting to look at her mother or her large breasts, she reached behind herself, undid the clasp of her bra and slowly removed it too.

Mary was mesmerised. Not only was she standing topless in her daughter's bedroom but her beautiful daughter was now standing facing her, also topless. She knew she was staring but couldn't bear to drag her eyes from Sara's round, firm breasts. Would she ever be allowed to touch them, she found herself thinking? Where had these thoughts come from? She had never allowed herself to look at another person sexually before; certainly not another woman and certainly not her own adorable daughter.

Mary knew she now had to take the next step and, reaching behind her back, she quickly opened the button on the waistband of her long skirt. Lowering the zip, she let the loose fitting skirt drop to the floor, revealing her big knickers to her shocked daughter's eyes. Sara was still struggling to see how it could be right for mother and daughter to be exposing themselves to each other like this but supposed that her mother knew better than she did. She mimicked her mother's actions and loosened her skirt. As it was shorter and tighter than her mother's she had to wiggle her hips a little to pull it over hips and down her legs. Now both women stood facing each other in only their knickers, but Sara's were much smaller and sexier than her mother's. She could see the same look of hunger in her mother's eyes that she had found so disconcerting in the doctor and she could see that her mother was staring at her young body just as fixedly as the doctor had.

"Now, Sara, why don't we sit on the bed together and you can show me what the doctor taught you?"

Sara meekly did as she was told. Climbing on to her bed, she sat upright, resting against the headboard, the wall above covered with her girlish posters. Mary watched her beautiful daughter, wondering why she had never lusted over the young girl's round arse before then got on to the bed and sat facing her daughter. She got into position, her feet accidentally touching Sara's, making the young girl jump nervously. Staring at each other, they both marvelled in the differences between their two bodies, Sara's firm and tight while her mother's was no less firm, and no less beautiful thought Sara. They were both looking at each others hairy pussies and Sara couldn't help but wonder if her mother ever shaved her private place the way the doctor obviously had.

Sara couldn't believe she was actually going to do this in front of her own mother but knew that this was the only way she would ever be able to find out if she was doing things right. She couldn't turn down this opportunity that her beloved mother had offered her and she didn't want to think about ever having to undress in front of her mother again.

"Mother, is this right? Should a mother and daughter be looking at each other so openly?"

"Don't worry, Sara. I just want to make sure that you are doing things right. Just do what the doctor showed you and I will do exactly the same thing so that I can feel what you are feeling and I will be able to tell you if this is correct."

Sara anxiously smiled back at her mother, her fingers slowly beginning to play with both her hard nipples, hard because her body was aroused at the sight of her mother's open legs opposite her. She tentatively moved her right hand down her young body until she reached her hairy pussy, her fingers slowly stroking her moist lips while her left hand continued to tease her throbbing nipples.

Mary was again taken aback by the strength of her new found lust and realised that the only emotion she could feel was desire to touch her young daughter and desire to touch herself. Uncertainly at first her hands also reached up to her breasts, gently fondling her almost virginal body. She stared at her daughter opposite her and realised that the younger woman's body was on fire. She herself felt as if she was hotter than ever before but the heat was building from her pussy and she longed to touch her needy cunt again.

Sara watched her mother's body react in a way she had never thought her mother capable of doing. She had never really considered her mother as someone who ever had sex and, since she never brought any men home, she thought that part of her mother's life was over. But now, as the older woman continued to play with her huge nipples, Sara realised she had never even thought of her mother having nipples to play with. She was amazed at the sight and wondered again why women's bodies had never interested her before.

Mary was amazed by how much pleasure she could feel just from playing with her nipples. She didn't think she had even thought of her breasts since she had stopped feeding her daughter all those years ago; but she would give anything to feel the young girl's lips sucking on them again. As she watched her daughter move her hands down to her pussy, she knew that was exactly what she was going to do

Her own hands followed the movements of her daughter's and she couldn't help but moan from the pleasure of feeling her fingers on her wet cunt once again. She was almost embarrassed to feel her juices flowing from her pussy but, as she looked at her daughter, she could tell that the young girl's fingers were equally soaked.

Sara couldn't believe that she was doing this in front of her mother and asked again, "Are you sure that we should be doing this, mother? It feels so wrong."

"Oh, but doesn't it feel so good too," replied her mother as she followed her daughter's fingers with her own and began to circle her previously untouched, sensitive clit.

Sara knew she couldn't control her body much more as it began to react in the same way it had in the doctor's office. As she watched her own mother copying what she was doing, she couldn't stop her fingers from speeding up as they slipped into her pussy and made her moan in turn. Her mother's eyes stood out in shock as she watched her own daughter's finger slide into her wet cunt and knew that she was going to do the same again. She wondered if her Sara's cunt was as tight as her own, but still couldn't help enjoying what was happening to her. When she saw her daughter slide a second finger in to her pussy, she did exactly the same and shuddered with the feeling of her pussy being so full and so hungry at the same time. She wondered why she had denied herself such pleasure all these years and couldn't help but wonder if Sara was more experienced at this already. She knew she had never before heard the sounds coming from her daughter's mouth as her fingers plunged in and out of her tight cunt, not even when she had listened outside Sara's bedroom door.

Sara knew they were she was torn between the feelings coursing through her body and the sight of her mother's fingers sinking into her hairy pussy. Just as she had followed the doctor, her mother was now copying her and their rhythms were identical as mother and daughter quickly brought on their orgasms. When she remembered how the doctor had started to rub her clit, she did the same and fell headlong into the biggest orgasm of her young life. Her mother watched in amazement as her own daughter started to cum and knew that she wanted to share the experience with her. She brought her other hand to her previously unknown clit and started to rub it. It instantly felt like electricity running through her older body as she came even more violently than her daughter. In and out their finger continued to punish their cunts as they rode together the waves of pleasure that neither of them had ever imagined.

When the moaning finally stopped and they both slowly recovered, Mary was the first to open her eyes. She saw that both of them still had their fingers deeply embedded in their throbbing pussies and waited to see what her daughter would do next. Sara opened her eyes to see her mother smiling at her and remembered what the doctor had done next. Slowly withdrawing her fingers, she opened her lips and put her hand to her mouth, sucking her own pussy juices from it. Mary was almost more shocked by this than by anything else that had happened but mutely followed her daughter's lead.

She wasn't sure what she was supposed to taste like but she instantly knew that she loved the taste of pussy juice and knew that she would have to taste it again – soon. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world for her to do now but for her daughter it was the most embarrassing thing she could ever have imagined – sitting on her own bed, sucking her fingers of her own juices as she watched her naked mother do exactly the same.

"Mother, surely this isn't right? Surely other people would find this wrong?"

"No, Sara, it is not wrong. It is the most natural thing for a mother and daughter to share their love and to share their bodies but it is something that must always remain a secret between us. Now shall we share my bed or your's tonight?"

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gspanker051gspanker051almost 12 years ago
Needed More

The story needed more detail such as their knickers off

OneNemesisOneNemesisabout 12 years ago
Imagination, dear WTF(Anon)

The biggest fault of many short stories is that they say too much. This one, while it has some faults, does not say too much, it's says just enough.

You need to forget about little details (where did the knickers go) and concentrate on imagining two naked women playing around. For instance, do you really wonder how your underwear are not covering your bottom when you defecate? No, you just do it without thinking.

So, just imagine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The stories up to now have been pretty good. This one is the worst ever. How did they transition from standing in just their knickers and then climbing on the bed facing other to then start rubbing their hairy pussys at the same time? When the fuck did they take off their knickers? Boo. Poor writing on this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Damn that was HOT

PLEASE I hope this story continues

NightOfPassion2NightOfPassion2over 14 years ago

Very nice. Erotic. Sensual.

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