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Laresa's World Ch. 13: Brigid

Story Info
He comes in search of Laresa.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 09/26/2006
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Laresa Ch. 13: Brigid

By Deathlynx

Please note that although this takes place in the early dark ages, somewhere in England, I have not tried to do any translations or dialect. I'm horrible with languages and make no apologies for what I cannot do. Still I hope you enjoy the story.

623 C.E., Northern England, near what is now the Scottish border.

Brigid frowned as she looked at the leaf. The plant was unfamiliar, something she had never seen before. She grumbled in frustration. It had been her inability to remember the various plants that had cursed her as a failure. Why had the Goddess given her such a poor memory if she had been chosen to succeed her mother? The answer was simple. She wasn't meant to follow her mother; she was meant for expulsion for poisoning her young husband.

It had been an accident, although no one believed her. They all spoke of her as one who liked other women. 'Unnatural' they called it and her. It was true, but his death had been an accident. He had asked for a potion to increase his potency. When she explained that she couldn't remember the ingredients, he insisted. Mother had said it was the mandrake that killed him.

Now she lived on her own and was forced to fend for herself. Fortunately, the animals were as afraid of her concoctions as her clan had been. After setting them to boil outside her cave for a few days the predators stopped coming to investigate. In the months that followed she had taught herself to hunt as well as scavenge. Now she was the most dangerous animal around.

Today she scavenged. Meat she had, smoked and cured, back in her cave, but she knew she needed more herbs. That was where she had discovered this strange plant. She carefully turned the leaf one way and then the next in investigation. She knew better than to eat any part of it unless there were others nearby which had been eaten already. She wished she could ask her mother.

That was when she noticed the glint coming from underneath the root of a rowan tree. Brigid couldn't help her curiosity. The animalistic woman scurried over to the tree to investigate. Beneath, she discovered a small ring with a large amber piece set within. She turned it over and around in her hands. She had never seen a ring of this design before. Once upon a time traders had roamed freely. Unfortunately, the Romans had wandered as freely. The loss of trade had been a small price to pay to lose the Romans as well, or so said the stories Gran had learned from her Gran.

Brigid shrugged and slipped the ring onto her finger as she wandered back to her cave. Perhaps she could trade it to someone, if she ever saw another human being. If no one wanted it she found it pretty enough. It certainly didn't look offensive where it sat on her finger. Stopping at the entrance to her makeshift home she began shifting it back and forth, letting the amber catch the fading afternoon light. She smiled and began into the comfortable dwelling. She hoped not to find someone to trade it to.

Suddenly the ring grew warm on her hand. Startled, she tried to tug it off but it wouldn't budge. She became afraid as smoke began to pour forth from the cursed device. Brigid had heard stories of such artifacts. She knew people became trapped in them, or cursed by them. Only the most experienced could afford to work magic without being harmed by it. Her mother would have been safe, but she had no sachets made. She scrambled to the shelf where she kept her prized jars full of herbs and roots but did not know what to burn to counter this force.

Slowly the smoke coalesced into a woman. In spite of her fear and caution, Brigid felt her loins tighten at the sight of the spirit. She was thin, true, but her hips and chest were large. Her skin seemed almost flawlessly smooth and pale. She wore very little, her chest covered by a green vest and her sex barely covered by a single piece of fabric that somehow wrapped around both hips and between her legs without a seam. It clung too tightly to have been cut from a single piece. Around the woman spirit's legs was some mysterious fabric that seemed almost invisible; like a finely woven spider's web.

Despite her lust, Brigid scurried to the corner to clutch her spear protectively before her. She knew they came to take you away. No one agreed why the Sidhe took people, but the Great Hunt was well known.

"You have called me Master, er, Mistress, what do you desire?" Laresa saw the crude wooden spear, clutched in the dirty hands of the feral woman and misjudged the era by a few millennia. Her hands came up in a pacifying gesture but her mistress only tensed, fearing the casting of magic. "I'm not here to hurt you, but to serve you!" The genie was almost as panicked as her mistress. She could not remember ever having a master or mistress who had not know of the legend of genies. Some had feared her a demon in disguise and many had doubted her but all understood she would grant them wishes. This woman seemed too primal to understand. Would she be stuck in the ring, through millennia, until communication developed to the point where someone was capable of lying to her?

"You...Sidhe?" Brigid struggled to remember how to speak. She had been many years in isolation. It took a moment for Laresa to realize the woman was accusing her of being a noble fae rather than acknowledging her gender.

"No. I am a form of spirit, I suppose, but I am not of the Sidhe. I am of the Djiin tribe. I am a genie and here to serve your desires and grant your wishes."

The more the woman spoke, the more Brigid remembered how to say. All the while she could not help but gaze at the strange pants that barely crossed between the spirit's legs. Warmth grew between her own hips. The people of her clan had been right in accusing her of desiring women over men, but they had been wrong that it was unnatural. Simply because the old Romans had accepted it did not make it wrong. "You are here...to give me what I desire? Why?"

Laresa smiled. The growing communication made her alter her estimation of the year considerably. Once, this woman had been a member of civilization. "I was created to serve." Briefly Laresa thought back to the fire and her rebirth. "I enjoy helping my masters. Their happiness is mine."

There must be something I do not see. All magic has a price. All magic has rules. Brigid knew much more about magic than most in the tribes. Along with being a healer, her mother watched over the spirits and knew how to appease the gods and goddesses.

"There are rules." Laresa responded to Brigid's thoughts as if they had been spoken. Brigid nodded in response, confirming her suspicions. "I cannot change the past. I cannot alter someone's emotions. Nor can I bring anyone back from the dead. If you lie to me, then the ring and I shall be lost to you."

How can I know to trust this spirit? What would mother have me say?

Laresa was getting frustrated. It had been a very long time since she had encountered someone who did not understand or believe. "I would assure you I am unable to lie to you but I don't think you would believe it, though it is true." Laresa knew some of her frustration leaked into her voice but she couldn't help it. At least Brigid had let the spear tip drop to rest on the floor. If nothing else she was sufficiently convinced that violence was either not warranted or would be ineffective.

Laresa sat on the large pile of furs and leaves Brigid used as a bed. As she leaned back onto her elbows to await the conclusion of Brigid's internal conflict her eyes widened in surprise. Through her link with her new mistress she felt desire pulse. Most of those who possessed the ring were men, and of the minority of women most desired men rather than women. Brigid, as she looked up Laresa's long legs from her crouched position in the corner, burned for the genie.

"You are a slave to the ring?"

The question startled her from her contemplation. Laresa had been investigating the woman's passion. It was different from what men felt for her. It had been so long since a mistress had desired her that she felt compelled to reopen herself to the possibilities and explore their nature. "Yes, or more appropriately to whomever wears the ring." Laresa knew Brigid was returning to her deliberations when inspiration struck. "My name is Laresa. What is yours mistress?" Laresa knew already but hoped a more familiar discussion would open the woman up some more.

"I am Brigid." Brigid cursed herself for revealing that to the spirit but settled when she realized she had not revealed her true name, the name given to her when she began to learn the mysteries. Brigid's eyes widened when she realized that could be considered a lie and fear losing the spirit, Laresa.

"Do not fear Brigid. You gave me your name as given you. If you do not wish to reveal other names you have been given that is fine, you need not."

The spear clattered to the floor. Surely if the spirit was baleful it would seek to learn my true name. She was decided. She rose and began towards the bed. Laresa, sensing she wanted to sit, rose gracefully and stood to the side of the bed. Brigid felt the muscles deep within her tighten as she watched the lithe form shift upward. Her body yearned to lie entwined with this spirit, but she did not trust such feelings, yet. She sat on the bedding and looked up to meet the strange violet eyes. Those eyes seemed so honest, could she possibly be for real?

"I have a wish..." Both women knew what her greatest desire was but Brigid would request something lesser first to test her sincerity. "Can you improve my memory? I was supposed to be my mother's successor but my memory was insufficient for the task. Could I remember all that she has taught me?"

Laresa sighed, grateful to be able to grant a wish, at last, and prove herself. She knew there was a trick amongst the wish but it didn't matter. "It would be my pleasure, Mistress."

Brigid felt as if her head was swelling. It proved a sufficient distraction from her growing lust, but more importantly she suddenly began remembering every one of her lessons. Ever since she weaned from her mother's tit she had been taught the properties of every herb know in a great area. When she became old enough she was taught how to use them for more than curing common ailments. She remembered ever step of every charm and hurried into the corner of the cave.

She scooped up a small bone and brought it back to the bed. She quickly collected a handful of herbs and ground them into a paste. With this she coated the bone and began to chant as she set the gruesome talisman into the coals near the side of the fire. She would have to wait a minute or so for the talisman to be ready but it would be worth it.

Brigid hadn't heard Laresa move behind her. When the soft hands fell on her bare shoulders she almost jumped. She relaxed slightly as skilled fingers began to kneed the tension that rested there, from many years living as an animal. Warmth burst forth from her loins, spreading slowly, insidiously, outward as the message reminded the young woman what else that meant the spirit could touch.

Brigid's hips began to ache with need. It had been too long since she had convinced her neighbor to lie with her over many nights. It had been a magical time for both, but her neighbor had been among the first to condemn her when Brigid's husband had died. She had been too afraid of being ostracized to stand with her beloved.

Brigid would know soon. Nimble fingers made it far more difficult to concentrate on the time. Fortunately, the charm was not one which needed to be rescued before a certain moment. If it sat too long in the coals it would merely be darkened, but not unusable. Somehow she managed to pull together enough willpower to pull away from the hands, hand that had been dipping lower and lower down the front of her chest, beneath her fur bustier. When those hands slid across the sensitive, darker, flesh Brigid dove for the fire, scrambling to collect the talisman.

She spun on Laresa, brandishing the charm. "Do you seek to harm me in any way? What is your motive?"

Laresa smiled and stepped forward, her hands coming to cup the sides of her mistress' breasts, her thumbs trailing under to support the smaller chest. "I do not seek to harm you in any way Mistress. I only wish for you to be pleased by my actions." Brigid was satisfied, through her talisman, that Laresa spoke the truth. It was becoming very difficult for the woman to concentrate anyway. Even without a single caress those hands caused a flush of warmth to spread from her chest and spark straight to her loins. How she wanted to lay with this woman and show her what pleasures experience and knowledge of women could bring.

"Mistress..." Laresa began but Brigid shook her head.

"Call me Brigid. I am no Goddess to be called 'mistress.' I may seek to be a wise-mother but even they get no true honorifics." The thumbs had begun to shift forward and back. They never once neared her nipples but the contact, motion and pressure all fanned the blaze beneath her skin. Her eyes closed and her head rested back slightly, simply enjoying the sensation.

Laresa enjoyed the reaction she created. More, she enjoyed the feel of her fingers pressing against the supple flesh beneath the fur covering. The soft fur reminded her, briefly, of a master not too long before, as she reckoned time. Then, her muzzle would press against his. Now she could still bury her face in the fur, but it would hold other passions and other connotations. She wished to be honest with Brigid first however. "That charm doesn't really work. I could give you one that does however."

Brigid's eyes snapped open and her head came forward to look up into the genie's eyes. If it didn't work how could she be sure? The hands had stopped when her concern grew. Laresa didn't seem to be trying to seduce her into believing. To the contrary, she seemed to be trying to give her all the time she needed in order to process the information. Besides, she could have simply kept quiet about the charm. If it was true. "No. I would rather you teach me to make them myself. Teach me what small magics you can, so I would understand how they work."

Laresa's honest eyes held the smaller woman's. "So you trust me?" Tentatively, Brigid nodded. Laresa's thumbs began to caress once more and Brigid couldn't help but feel her eyes sink shut as her head leaned back. The vast void that had been between her hips, for too long, burned with need. Laresa knew how to message to incite her lust without ever touching the most sensitive regions. Brigid could probably imitate as well, from experimentation on herself, but the level of skill Laresa demonstrated proved that Brigid was not her first such lover.

Brigid moaned. The building inferno seemed to burst. She felt the sticky trail begin to creep down her leg as more and more escaped from her pink lips. She moaned, gloriously helpless beneath the weight of too many years without a companion. And still Laresa had not laid one finger on her naked flesh, nor had she so much as brushed that which was forbidden to those unwilling. Brigid wanted the other woman to transgress. She wept freely for it, in tears and else.

Lips closed on Brigid's neck in a harsh kiss. She gasped. Laresa knew she wanted more, feeling the need within her as intently as her mistress did. Laresa would not seek a life without men, she enjoyed feeling them within her, but she also knew the passions and pleasures that only came from someone who could know her body as intimately as she herself did. These were the needs that drove her new mistress and Laresa gladly fed them.

Laresa's hands slid under the heavy fur, finally closing on the toughened skin beneath. They traveled beneath to find the young woman's breasts once more, reveling in the simple touch. Laresa knew, from her travels across time, that in the future she would be a b-cup and no more but the woman moaned as Laresa's hands glided up to engulf them beneath the crude shirt. Brigid was content with her body and in paradise to have such a glorious woman, as the spirit before her, working the magic of life throughout her body.

Brigid hastily pulled off her shirt to allow Laresa greater freedom. She stood, wearing nothing but her skirt and corse sandals, as Laresa's hands began to glide across tense nipples and skin turned to leather by years of harsh living. For all of the toughness of her flesh, Brigid felt every slight contact as Laresa's feather touch tickled and tormented nerves long forgotten. She quaked. She had to focus to keep her legs from buckling beneath her. Laresa sensed her mistresses desire for the contact war with the desire to relax and made a decision. She stopped the explorations of her mistress and gently guided her to the bedding. With a quick burst of magic the simple furniture was clean, free of bugs and as soft as it had been on the beasts it came from.

Brigid had surrendered herself to the spirit. Even if the bargain proved ill, it was worth it for the miracle which surged through her body now. One night with this spirit, willing and seemingly excited by the prospect, would be worth any price. She lay down, gasping once more as the fresh pelts tickled her skin. Every sensation screamed, throughout her body, of the spirit's generosity. When Laresa knelt on the floor, positioned between her knees, Brigid could not move for the anticipation that coursed through her veins.

Laresa pulled free the pin holding closed the simple skirt and slowly unwrapped the front. The scent of Brigid's lust became more potent and Laresa saw that much of the woman's inner thighs were damp with need. She ran her hands up the slick surface, spreading the legs wider. Brigid shook from the simple contact. With the promise in it, her depths seeped.

The slow pace frustrated Brigid as much as it inflamed her. Her body began to ache for Laresa to move forward, to offer her release. As fingers slid up her legs, they tickled and played nerves that seemed directly connected to her ravenous depths. Her body clenched and grasped but the spirit still refused to touch her tenderness. "Please!" She couldn't help but beg.

"Your wish is my command." It was said tenderly, with humor, but dwarfed by desire. It brought a smile to Brigid's lips, a mirror to Laresa's own. A moment later the smile widened in absolute wonder.

Laresa finally shifted forward and felt the woman's heat press around her. Conscious of Brigid's desires she kept from taunting her further with near-placed kisses and brought her mouth directly to the woman's nether lips. Her arms snaked out to wrap around Brigid's legs. Her hands settled on the woman's hips and fingers pulled at the soft skin, exposing the sensitive, pink, flesh beneath.

Laresa's tongue sampled the delicate, aromatic, sauce. As always she marveled in the sweet taste. Men and women differ in many ways and this was certainly among the greatest. Her tongue circled and swirled as it attempted to collect every drop of ambrosia even as more escaped. Muscles grasped for the tongue, in the hopes of drawing it in, but the nimble form eluded their grip.

Brigid's hands found the soft, white-blond, hair and coiled within it. She pulled the blessed spirit against her. Her body quivered near explosion. Her nerves burned, her body shook, her breath faltered, her teeth numbed. The cool caress of tongue across flaming loins was a balm, promising timely relief from the pressure mounting between her hips.

With apparent carelessness Laresa struck a faulty nerve and Brigid screamed in pleasure. Fingers clutched at her head as she began to assault the sacred pearl resting atop the hidden temple. The trickle of nectar turned into a flood. Brigid bucked and writhed as her body released itself to the skilled tongue and lips of the ageless genie.


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