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Last Chance Ch. 06

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Xena has some extremely shocking news for Gabrielle.
2.6k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 10/01/2010
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Again this story is extremely subtext-friendly. If two women showing their love for one another is not your cup of tea, please find another story you'd like to read. This story will be submitted in several parts and is based off the series, yet the "history" has been changed somewhat to suit the purposes of this story. Not all the parts of this story will contain erotic sex scenes as there is a plot.

Also, I'd like to note that I do not own Xena: Warrior Princess, the series, or the characters and I will not be receiving any payment whatsoever for writing this story. It is intended for entertainment purposes only.

I apologize for taking a long time to add this update, but I do hope it will be worth the wait :)


When Xena awakened the next morning, she got ready to go to the river to wash herself in the icy water. She tried not to think of the beautiful woman lying upon her robes. Gabrielle would only be a distraction and today Xena had lots to do. As she made her way to the river, she felt a wave of nausea hit her. "Damn Borias," she grumbled as she sat down a rock overlooking the half-frozen water. It was all his fault she had gotten into this condition.

Back at camp, Gabrielle had a visitor. It was Satrina. "Excuse me," she said, blushing a little as she stood over the naked young woman. She wondered how things had gone with Xena the night before. She knew personally all about the Conqueror of Nations hungry appetites when it came to pleasure. How could she ever forget?

Gabrielle sat up, startled, pulling the fabric of the nightie she had been wearing over her body in an attempt to cover herself as she looked at Satrina. "Uhhhh.." Gabrielle spoke while blushing.

"Xena told me to bring you some clothing," Satrina said, handing Gabrielle a bundle of dresses and underclothing. "I also brought you some warm water to bathe and some corncakes for your breakfast. I hope you are hungry."

"Just so you know, I am looking after your little sister for you. I won't let anything happen to her," Satrina promised. She was becoming quite fond of young Lila as she was such a sweet girl.

"She's worried about you though. She fairly innocent and has no clue what Xena wanted with you..." explained Satrina. "I tried to explain...but she's confused right now."

"Don't worry though. I'll look out for her," said Satrina. "I won't let anyone hurt her ... or defile her."

"Xena has ordered she help me with cooking duty," explained Satrina.

Gabrielle accepted the clothing gratefully. "Thank you," she said to Satrina.

"Lila is much too young to understand, I suppose. It's okay though. I'm just glad she has you to look out for her and that she is helping you with the cooking. I have been so worried. Thank you," she said again. She'd bathe today and eat as well, so all of that was a relief.

"You're welcome, Gabrielle. I want to be your friend and Lila's friend,

too," replied Satrina as she showed Gabrielle the bathing water and corncakes she had prepared. "I'll go and give you some privacy," said Satrina before ducking out of the tent.

Meanwhile, Xena had returned to camp. She went over to the cooking area,

but the scent of breakfast made her feel ill. She turned up her nose at the food. She was about to turn and walk away when she felt a small hand on her arm. "Where is my sister?" asked a small voice.

She looked down to see Gabrielle's little sister who gazed up at her with wide grey eyes. The little brunette looked worried, but also angry. She wanted to know where Xena had stashed Gabrielle and if Gabby was okay.

"Don't worry about Gabrielle," Xena said to the small girl. "I'll take care of her now."

"You're an awful woman. I know that you looked at Gabby naked!" Lila exclaimed. "I hope my sister escapes you!"

Xena laughed loudly, throwing her head back at Lila's words. "Gabrielle is mine now... MINE..." Xena said coldly. "And she WILL not escape..."

Satrina approached, overhearing the discussion between her mistress and young Lila. She placed an arm around Lila protectively. At any other time, Xena probably would have used force to make Lila be quiet, but considering that Lila was Gabby's little sister, Xena probably was showing a bit of favortism to the young woman. Xena most likely didn't want to piss off her new "play thing."

"Lila, go stir the soup," instructed Satrina, trying to get the girl out of a line of fire. Reluctantly, Lila went to do as she was told.

"Satrina, how is my little Gabrielle this morning?" Xena asked, smirking a little.

"She's fine... just concerned for her sister," answered Satrina.

"Please keep Lila in line... I don't like her attitude," Xena warned. Without another word, she went walking toward her tent.

Gabrielle had used the water to bathe and had then gotten dressed. She was now eating the corncakes as Xena was returning. Her only solace was that Satrina wanted to be her friend; she knew that she could use one for sure.

Xena entered the tent and walked over to the fire, seeing Gabrielle seated there nibbling on a corncake. Xena nodded at Gabrielle but did not speak. She still wasn't feeling the best, and seeing her little slave eating caused another annoying wave of nausea. She sat down next to the fire and began sharpening her sword. She was in the mood to kill something right now... and as angry as she felt at the moment, it might just be Borias. Damn that man and his insatiable passions! She didn't want to admit it to herself... not just yet... but the proof was there, and how she hated it! With a look on her face that spoke of her displeasure and sadness, she continued to sharpen the huge blade of her sword.

Gabrielle ate quietly afraid to say anything as Xena had a look in her eyes like she was out for blood. Gabrielle kept silent, not wanting to stick her nose where it wasn't needed or wanted.

Xena began grumbling to herself about men and their greedy sexual appetites.

She then looked up, noticing Gabrielle was looking at her, not saying a word. "Gabrielle, come here," Xena spoke, beckoning the younger woman over to her. Xena put her sword aside, waiting for Gabrielle to approach.

Gabrielle swallowed and did as she was told, walking over to Xena.

She really didn't want to anger her as she had seen that ugly side and Gabrielle didn't much like it.

Gabrielle had came to Xena's side. Xena wrapped her arm around Gabrielle's slender waist as the young woman sat down beside her. Xena then looked into Gabrielle's bright green eyes. "I have something to tell you," Xena said softly, a very serious expression on her face. "And you must promise you will tell NO ONE."

"My men must not know..." Xena sighed heavily.

Xena took Gabby's small hand into hers and lightly pressed it against the very slight swell at her tummy. "I'm pregnant," Xena whispered.

"I won't tell," Gabrielle promised, yet she was stunned at Xena's confession.

Xena was pregnant?

"You're not going to tell anyone?" the younger woman asked in a whisper. "Won't someone need to help you with the birthing?"

"My men can't find out about this. They'll think I am weak; powerless. I will hide this... until- until..." Xena couldn't even say the words. It was hard to think of the little being inside of her as an actual person. And even harder to think of the upcoming birth. She had never pictured herself as a mother. The Conqueror of Nations was definitely not the nurturing and motherly type. But she had to face this now... and discussing it with Gabrielle somehow made it easier and more of a reality. Xena didn't feel so alone anymore in this.

"Will you help me with the birth?" Xena asked Gabrielle hopefully. "You and Satrina can be there when-."

"I'm not going to tell Borias. It's his fault I am in this condition anyway..." Xena said with a heavy sigh. "But the hard thing will be keeping him away from me. He's insatiable when it comes to sex."

Gabrille listened patiently. "Of course I'll help. Satrina and I will take care of it; we'll be the only ones who know," she promised.

"Don't worry... just tell Borias that you and I are busy," she said simply, not believing the words coming out of her mouth, but truly this side of Xena was sad. She was actually afraid of something in a way, and the anguish in Xena's blue eyes tugged at Gabrielle's heart.

Xena looked at Gabrielle, listening as the younger woman calmly spoke. Xena began to feel calmer, too. "Okay, hopefully that will work..." Xena said,

beginning to feel a bit of relief. She had no idea what she would do with the baby, once it was finally born. She knew nothing about babies, except that they cried a lot and needed a great deal of motherly attention. Xena wasn't ready to be a mother. Right now, she was busy trying to conquer the world.

"Gabrielle, hold me," Xena said in a soft whisper, knowing somehow that Gabrielle's touch could make all her troubles fade away. That's exactly why she had shared this secret with Gabrielle... because for some reason, she felt a strong connnection to this beautiful young woman.

Gabrielle was glad that Xena had opened up to her about this. She simply wrapped her arms around the other woman, hugging her. No words were needed right now.

Xena held Gabrielle close, sharing the moment with her. "Thank you for keeping my secret," she whispered as she caressed Gabrielle's back while holding her. She didn't know what else to say about the matter. Afterall, it made her feel great sadness that she could not keep the baby. What kind of life would a baby have in her world? But it was HER BABY, a part of her. A tear rolled down Xena's cheek quietly as she did everything in her power not to cry.

Crying wouldn't make it better. "I don't want this..." Xena said softly, and she really wasn't talking about the baby, but rather the fact that she HAD to give the baby up. Part of her wanted her baby. Part of her really DID want to be a mother.

"No, it'll be okay," Gabrielle whispered. "No one will find out, and Satrina and I will take good care of you."

"Don't worry. I won't let anything happen, I promise," said Gabrielle.

"Gabrielle, I'm not ready for this..." Xena tried explaining. "My own mother didn't want me. She has disowned me. It's because of the life I have chosen to lead. She accused me of killing my own brother..."

Talking of Lyceus's death was difficult. Xena hadn't spoken of it to anyone. She was sharing with Gabrielle another of her secrets.

"My brother was killed in battle, trying to protect Anphipolis. He faught at my side. And he died in my arms," Xena spoke. "My mother never forgave me for his death. She said I am to blame. She said she never wanted to see me again... that I am dead to her."

"How can I have a child... when my own mother didn't want me?"

It honestly broke Gabrielle's heart to hear the way Xena's mother had treated her child and had blamed her like that. "You need to be better than your mother," she said gently.

"You need to show this little one that despite the fact you weren't expecting them, that he or she is worth the love and care they truly deserve. Don't be like your mother; don't abandon this baby. I'll help you... You'll see that having him or her around will be wonderful. You wouldn't want to disown your own child," Gabrielle said softly.

"I have to do what is best for this baby..." Xena responded as she took in all of Gabrielle's words. Could she really do this? Keep this baby and give it the love and care it truly needed and deserved?

"If I do this, it will be your baby... not mine..."

"I can't take a baby with me out to battle," Xena explained.

"Are you sure you want a baby to care for?" asked Xena. "I hear they cry a lot... and demand lots and lots of attention." Xena wondered if Gabrielle was ready for surrogate motherhood.

"That's fine by me," Gabrielle said. "This child deserves a life. I'll do it."

"I can handle it," she promised. She couldn't bear to see this baby just given away or abandoned as that wouldn't be fair to anyone.

Xena was pleased when Gabrielle promised she would take care of the baby. She knew she would have to birth it... and feed it, but otherwise, Gabrielle would be this baby's mother. "It will be OUR baby," Xena told Gabrielle as she looked into Gabrielle's beautiful green eyes. "I don't want to think of the part Borias had in this." She then laughed softly, thinking of his reaction when he finally found out she was having his child. He had left his wife and his first child to run off with Xena and conquer the world, and now he was about to have another. How ironic.

"Xena!" a voice called out from outside the tent. It was the dinstinct voice of Borias.

"Speak of the devil," said Xena as she tensed. She wasn't ready for Borias to know she was pregnant yet or how close she had gotten to her slave. She didn't want Borias to think she had become weak and "womanly."

Suddenly, Xena grabbed Gabrielle in her arms, kissing her hard. She tangled her fingers into Gabrielle's long blond hair, holding it tightly so Gabrielle couldn't move if she wanted to. When Borias entered the tent, he found the two women kissing hot and heavy.

Gabrielle had to give in; she kissed Xena back. She hadn't the chance to do anything else, but it didnt much matter really. She had heard Borias and knew that he had to think that she and Xena were always busy, he wouldn't find out about Xena's pregnancy.

Xena got lost in the kiss as her tongue was caressing Gabrielle's. Borias stood there watching them, not moving a muscle. "Xena?" he finally spoke,

clearing his throat.

Xena came up for air, looking at Borias. "What is it, Borias? Gabrielle and I were... ummmmm... busy," spoke Xena. Xena reached over and fondled Gabrielle's breast, tweaking the nipple.

"Yes, I can see that. But I wanted to talk to you. Alone," Borias insisted, his eyes glued to Gabrielle's chest as Xena hands were roaming Gabrielle's curves.

"Can't it wait?" Xena said with a heavy sigh.

"Now Xena..." Borias said in a commanding voice.

"Be right back, little one..." Xena said, giving Gabrielle one last lingering kiss. She then ducked out of the tent, following Borias.

Once outside, Borias said to Xena, "You've had your fun with your little slave. When can we make it a threesome?"

A sexy smile came to Xena's face. "How about tonight? I had my fun last night breaking her in... but tonight I'd like to see you fucking her..." She spoke those words loudly, so Gabrielle could hear every word through the thin wall of the tent.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A good idea

I'd like to know what happeneds next please

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