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Last Humans Alive: Brother & Sister

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Post-Apocalyptic brother and sister give in to desire.
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It's currently July 15th and the year is 2935. I've been roaming these wastelands with my older sister Olivia for the last fifty years. I believe we are the last humans alive. If there is more, we haven't found them. We're fairly certain that everyone has died or fled to another planet. For the first twenty or so years, we actively searched for anyone else who survived the bombs. We scoured the planet on our hovercraft but there was no luck.

The only things left are ugly mutated creatures. Some are so mutated that they can hardly function. It's not uncommon to see deer with extra legs or chickens the size of wolves. The only reason my sister and I survived is because our father worked for the government at the time. They kept the threat of bombs hidden from the public for so long. My father got access to information he wasn't supposed to see and spent years building a bunker that could shield us. It's miles underground and had enough food and water to last hundreds of years. When the alarms went off, only my sister and I made it to the bunker in time.

The world leaders all took "vacations" to other solar systems the weeks leading up to the bombs. The wealthy followed them as well. The bombs went off June 2785 and we stayed in the bunker for a hundred years. We were worried that any sooner, we'd just die from the fallout and chemicals. We've been wandering for the last fifty years. We have the appearance and body of people in their early 30's. Scientists solved the whole aging problem a few hundred years ago. But with no one here to maintain us with the proper medicine. We are slowly aging. We still have a lot of time left even without the injections. We'll probably look and feel like we're 70 in the next five hundred or so years.

My sister Olivia is a small redhead with short pixie-cut hair. Her bangs hang over her forehead and her cheeks are covered in light freckles. She is quite curvy and after all this time spent together. We aren't shy anymore. We casually change in front of each other and even take showers and baths together. It's better if we stick together as much as we can. The wasteland can be dangerous.

I'm six feet tall and before having to survive the wasteland. I was overweight and chubby. I had pudgy cheeks and was very lazy. But that quickly went away. We've both become excellent warriors. We've fought off countless radioactive wolves and other strange abominations together. I'm glad to have her by my side.

Finding food isn't hard. Before the bombs, everyone ate shitty processed food anyway so when we find the rubble of a house. We dig out as much food as we can. I'd kill for some nice fresh steak but I'm not taking my chances with radioactive feral cows. So we've essentially been surviving off glorified TV dinners since we locked the bunker. Some houses will have a working freezer still running. But who wants a hundred and fifty-year-old meat?

"My God!" My sister exclaims. "It's so hot out here. It's always hot."

"It's either always hot or it's always cold," I say back. "You're never pleased with either."

"I complain about the cold when it's cold. I complain about the heat when it's hot. They are valid and real complaints, dumbass."

Even after a hundred years cramped together in a small bunker and fifty years roaming. We still bicker and tease each other. I wasn't very close to my sister before we had to be close. She is three years older than me and we always kind of just did our own thing. We didn't have similar interests and hobbies. We were the type that saw each other on holidays but didn't talk much outside of that. Conversations were very shallow and empty. We talked like old friends who hadn't seen each other in while and grew apart. But we were always like that, we never grew apart.

The hundred years we spent in a bunker we got really close. I mean who wouldn't? You could spend a hundred years trapped with your worst enemy and you'd come out best friends. We'd listen to music and dance and sing together. We discovered every possible way to make hyper-preserved food as gourmet as possible. We'd get drunk and watch movies. It wasn't so bad. If I was alone I would have gone crazy but it's not so bad being alone with the person you love the most.

Sexual desire was a thing we both struggled with. We first started slipping away to the small cramped bathroom to masturbate but after a few years, all formality was gone. My sister would just say "I'm gonna go masturbate in the bathroom." She'd say it with no shame. Even now as we wander, we're still open about needing our alone time. When we make camp for the night we usually take turns. One of us wanders off a little, not too far, but just so it's not awkward.

Living in the cramped bunker, I'd hear her moans and whimpers through the wall. It grossed me out at first but when fifty years go by and that is the only female around. Your mind can get a little warped. I've touched myself to the thought of fucking my sister. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I would never actually do it. It's not something I actively desire either. I'm just desperate and she's literally the last woman alive. She's quite attractive as well.

"Where are we, Liv?" I ask following behind her.

I've never been good with directions or anything like that. I just let my sister handle where we go and keep watch. My blaster is always on my hip, ready to take anything out. You could say she's the brains and I'm the muscle.

"We're in Brazil, Tyler," she replies while looking at the holo-map beaming from her wrist.

"Remind me why we're talking again and not flying?" I ask annoyed.

"Because I think we're close to something."

"We're close to what? Be specific, Liv."

"I think we're close to houses."

"We're always close to houses."

"I mean houses that aren't wrecked. One of those fancy gated communities."

I've never seen gated communities with my own eyes but I've heard about them. They are completely guarded by some kind of advanced force field technology. I'm sure the people who lived in those houses fled the planet long ago. I trust my sister but I don't understand how a gated community would be in the direction we've been walking.

"I don't want to doubt you and your nerdy ways but all I see so far is rubble and more rubble," I say dramatically spinning around and pointing everywhere.

"Trust me," my sister says focusing on the map.

The wasteland used to be a frightening place. But I've grown used to it all. I was terrified seeing mutated nature growing over buildings. Or fighting off feral dogs with six eyes. But now, that's just a normal Tuesday for us. I walk a few steps behind my sister to watch her back and also because I can stare at her ass as she walks. She's wearing a white tank top with tight black jeans. She's dirty and covered in sweat which somehow makes her look even sexier to me.

Suddenly she stops and puts her arm down. The holo-map shuts off and she leans against a warped red and green tree. She slides down on her back and plops on the ground looking frustrated. I rush over and kneel down in front of her.

"What's the matter!?" I ask putting my hand on her forehead. "Is everything okay?"

"Tyler," she says. "I'm fine. I just, I can't talk about it."

"Are you sick?"

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine. What's wrong?"

"We have no secrets anymore, right?"


I can say with a hundred percent certainty that I know everything about my sister. We have nothing new from the past to talk about. We've told each other every memory we neglected to tell when we weren't close before the bombs. I know about the time she got her belly button pierced and it got infected. She knows that I got drunk once and woke up with someone's name tattooed on my cheek. I got it removed but the story is hilarious.

"No, judgment, okay?" My sister says seriously.

"I wouldn't dare," I say in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm being serious."

"Fine, tell me."

"Okay...I just...I need to cum, like right now."


"Hey, you said no judgment!"

I act disgusted but it's secretly turning me on. I wasn't always like this. I used to hardly think about my sister but she's the only girl I see anymore. It's really fucked up but it's out of my control. I wouldn't be like this under normal circumstances.

"So why are you telling me this?" I ask. "I mean I'm used to you telling me when you're about to masturbate but why is it a problem?"

"I need to cum right now. I'm so horny all the time. I don't want to gross you out but you're probably feeling the same way. I haven't gotten laid in so long. I was having a dry spell before the bombs went off."

"Look, I'm in the same boat, Liv."

"I haven't had dick in over a hundred years!"

"Okay! Calm down. What do you want to do?"

"I'm gonna masturbate against this tree and then when we find a nice fancy house. I'm gonna masturbate again in a California King-sized bed."

Hearing my sister flat-out say that she is horny and wants to cum. It's making the blood rush to my dick faster than it ever has before. My mind is filled with thoughts of her fingers rubbing her pussy and her making those moans I'm all too familiar with. I can see the desperation and need in her eyes. It's like she's starving for it.

"Well that sounds like a plan," I say awkwardly. "I'll walk away and let you do your thing."

"Tyler, wait!" She shouts causing me to turn around. "You can't leave. What if something attacks me?"

"So what are you suggesting? I watch my own sister masturbate?"

I put on a fake disgusted tone but secretly I'm hoping she says "yes." My cock is fully hard and I'm adjusting my pants so it doesn't poke out.

"No!" She shouts. "You're my brother and that's disgusting. You stay nearby and turn around."

"Can I at least cover my ears?" I ask excitedly.

"I want you to but I'll be too focused on the...task at hand. You need to listen for predators."

"Come on, Liv. How far away can these houses be?"

"Tyler, please! I'd do the same for you."

"You would?"

"If you needed it."

"Okay, proceed and touch yourself."

"Shut up."

I giggle and turn around with my hand on the blaster. Quickly I hear the sound of her belt being unfastened and pants being pulled down. She must be extremely wet because I can audibly hear the wet sounds of her pussy as her fingers slide in and out. She starts moaning loudly but past the moaning. I hear another thing. We've been out here for so long. My ears can pick up on danger. I quickly turn around and shoot my blaster behind her. My sister is lying on the ground bottomless and embarrassed. I can hardly focus on her because a green mutated wolf drops dead. My sister jumps to her feet, no longer trying to cover her exposed pussy.

I hear a slight movement behind me and without looking shoot in that direction. I hear a loud animalistic whimper. Another wolf down. I walk in front of my sister and hold my blaster out. I don't know how many are out there. I'm sure if they all attacked at once, we'd be dead. The remaining wolves finally reveal themselves. There are five of them left. Even with both of our blasters combined. We're still surrounded and these wolves are larger than usual. My sister shoots her blaster at the feet of one of the wolves and it staggers backward. The wolves all turn around and run away so we relax for the time being.

I put my blaster back in its holster and Olivia rushes to put her pants back on. I get a clear look at her naked ass while she pulls them up.

"That was a terrible idea," I say as she fastens her belt.

"Hey, I needed to cum," she replies quickly. "I still didn't cum but masturbating out here isn't a good idea."

Olivia seems agitated and irritable. I would be too if my jack-off session was interrupted by giant wolves. We were walking at a normal pace but now she is speed walking. She really wants to cum soon.

"We made it!" Olivia shouts rushing towards a tall metal pole.

"So this is the gate?" I ask looking around. "Doesn't seem like much."

I try to put my hand past the pole but I feel a shock through my body and it's like touching a brick wall. I shout loud and jump back. My sister bursts out with laughter.

"Hey, don't laugh!" I say in pain. "At least I didn't need to stop and cum."

"I didn't cum," she says holding a tablet in front of the pole.

Olivia taps the screen and swipes through different menus. I never understood the techy stuff. It was always a big part of life and society but I never really understood. I just used the technology. I hear the sound of a machine shutting down and my sister looks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"It's not going to shock me this time?" I ask cautiously.

"It's not, I swear," she answers. "It was funny the first time but it would be cruel to let it happen twice."

We pass the pole and she does her techy thing and powers the gate up again. We walk down a long grassy hill. This area is very well maintained. The grass and bushes are overgrown but it's not rubble and destruction around us. It's actually quite pleasant here. I'm starting to see the luxury houses she was talking about. They are huge and somehow completely preserved. It looks like the cover of one of those Life & Luxury magazines.

We make our way to the neighborhood and unlike where we used to live. The houses aren't all crammed together. Everyone has a big front and back yard. There are even swimming pools. The water is old and gross but it's just so fancy.

"Pick a house, Tyler," Olivia says waving her hands around. "Or should I say, houses? Plural"

"You pick a house and we'll stay there together," I say back.

"Awh, my little brother wants to live with me."

"We have to stick together out here."

"Okay, I suppose these houses are big enough. You won't annoy me too much."

My sister picked a dark blue brick house. It's the biggest one we've seen so far. We step inside and are amazed. Everything in here is so well preserved. Of course, everything is dusty but it's not deteriorated and ruined. We could make a life here if we wanted. The kitchen is fully functional. The living room has a holo-television that still works. We haven't been able to safely watch a movie together since the bunker.

We go upstairs to the rooms. There are seven huge bedrooms upstairs and they all have a large bathroom inside with a full shower and bath. The beds are so soft and big. The water here still runs hot and pure. This is like finding an oasis in the desert. One of the bedrooms is bigger than the others. I'm assuming that means it's the master.

"I picked the house so you get the big bedroom, Tyler." my sister says hugging me.

"How touching," I say sarcastically.

"I'm gonna go shower. We can have dinner and a movie after, okay?"

"You're going to shower AND masturbate you mean."

"Shut up...but yes. At least we're not awkwardly close this time."

"I'm gonna shower too, Liv. I might have some alone time as well."

"Gross, see you in a bit."

I take the first shower I've taken since the bunker. We've been able to take decent baths or find a cold shower somewhere. We usually would do it together to conserve water. But this is the first real shower I've taken. The hot water running down my skin. The soap on my body. It's like years of grime being washed away. I've finished cleaning myself long ago but I've just been enjoying the hot water for an hour.

Finally, I step out and dry off with a towel. I put lotion on my body. I haven't felt that sensation in so long. I throw on a robe and lay down on the bed. This is kind of relaxation is almost foreign to me by now. I'm used to always waiting for something to attack us. I still have my blaster in arms reach but I'm letting myself relax now. I almost fall asleep but then I feel something gently tapping my leg. I quickly grab my blaster. But am relaxed to see my sister sitting on the bed. She looks beautiful.

Usually, she's covered in sweat and dirt. But she is clean and her hair is washed. She smells like fruity shampoo and her skin is glowing. I'm paying such close attention to her face that I don't even realize that she is completely naked. I drop the blaster and cover my eyes.

"Hey!" I shout. "Cover yourself, woman!"

"It's nothing you haven't seen," she says gently pulling my hand down from my face.



She has that same sexually hungry look in her eyes. I thought she would handle it in the shower but the desperation is so apparent. She looks out of breath from the horniness.

"I'm so wet," she says putting her hand over her pussy. "All the time,"

"Did you handle yourself?" I ask as she shows me how wet her finger is.

"I did...."

"So... did you cum?"

"Like a million times."

Seeing my sister's finger wet from her pussy is too much for me to handle. My dick is getting hard and there is nothing I can do. I can't help but imagine her touching herself in the shower. Why is she telling me this? Have the years taken their toll on her as well? I thought it was just me but she is making the move.

"So what do you want?" I ask cautiously.

"We should fuck," my sister says bluntly.

My eyes widen and her desperate eyes focus on mine. Her mouth is slightly open and her naked body is on full display for me.

"You're my sister!" I shout.

"I'm aware," she says bluntly. "But you've been staring at my ass for the last fifty years."

"You notice?"

"I do notice and recently I've started liking it."

She swings her leg over me and gets on top of me. My robe opens up and my hard cock is pressing against her wet pussy. I try to resist but she pins both my arms down. I am significantly stronger than my sister and if I wanted to. I could throw her off of me but I want this. God, I want this.

"Liv..." I whisper.

"Look, there are no other guys and I'm the only girl," she begins. "We don't have to kiss or be all like a couple. Let's just fuck when we're really horny, okay?"

"You're my sister."

"And it's been over a hundred and fifty years since we've had any action. Look, if there was another guy or even another girl. I don't swing that way but, you know, desperate times. I would jump their bones so fast. But it's just you and me."

She leans forward, putting more of her weight on my hands. It's cute that she thinks this could hold me down. She is truly desperate. Her eyes look so full of desire.

"Okay..." I say and look at the wall to the right of me.

Without any words, I feel her hand grab my hard cock. I feel it plunge deep inside her pussy and my sister lets out a loud moan. She sinks down low and falls onto my chest. Our faces are pressed together and I'm trying my best to not look at her. I'm scouring my mind to think of other women. But there are no other women, it's just my sister. She's all I've seen for so long. My mind cannot even find another woman to imagine. Secretly, I don't even want to imagine someone else. I am fully turned on by the idea of fucking my sister.

She starts bouncing her hips up and down and those familiar moans and whimpers start again. I turn my head and our lips touch. She quickly starts kissing me. She's already breaking the rules that she herself set. But fuck it, I start kissing her back and she keeps bouncing up and down on my cock. I haven't felt a woman's embrace in so long.

Before all of this, sex was pretty easy to come by. Prostitution was legal and common. Even married men would stop by a brothel after work and go home to their wives. It wasn't frowned upon or considered cheating. The wives would also see a prostitute if they so desired. It cut down on infidelity. I'd see my favorite girl three nights a week. But I can hardly remember her anymore. Her name was Amber or maybe Ember, who knows? I've only thought about fucking my sister for the last a hundred or so years.


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