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Laundry Day

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Sam's sissy side comes out when caught stealing.
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The following story isn't for the faint of heart. It's a story of how I, a short, scrawny twenty-four-year-old man, realised a few things about myself - about how maybe I wasn't really a man after all?

It all started six months ago, on a regular laundry day. As far as I knew at the time, I was just a regular guy, though certainly not the tall, dark, and handsome type that all the ladies seemed to fall over. I'd had a few relationships here and there, but I wasn't exactly scoring every night.

I would do my laundry on Saturday mornings, and most of the time I'd have company: Priya, my downstairs neighbor. She was quite pretty, in my opinion. She was taller than me, had light brown skin and long, dark hair. We were friends, and hung out from time to time, but she'd never expressed any interest in me. Neither had her roommate, Stephanie. Every Saturday morning, we'd meet at the laundry room, make some chit-chat, and then go on with our lives.

As you might have guessed, this laundry didn't turn out quite like all the others.

Priya had finished her laundry and was making her way outside when I noticed she had dropped some clothing. I was about to call after her and do the right thing, but something in me stopped myself from doing it. Priya disappeared into the elevator, but her pink, silky thong remained. I remember staring at it for what seemed like ages until something in me went and picked it up. I remember running back to my apartment and locking the door. I remember staring at those panties with an almost hypnotized gaze. They felt so smooth to touch, and I wondered what it would feel like to wear them.

That's the moment that I can say with certainty that my life changed. My inner voice wanted so badly to know how they would feel on my skin, how they would look, and whether, simply by wearing them, I would feel like Priya. I dropped my pants; my hands were trembling slightly as I slid the panties up my legs. The fabric hugged my package, but things weren't as compressed as I thought they would be - perhaps because I wasn't quite gifted downstairs either. It was a little weird in the backside, having my cheeks exposed, but something about it excited me. My boner grew, and I could feel it straining against the silky fabric. I laid down on my bed and imagined Priya wearing these same panties - and nothing else - rubbing them against my skin, teasing me with her nearly-naked body.. In no time, I was cumming all over her panties and myself.

I quickly cleaned up. There was definitely no way I could return those to her in that state! I hand-washed them and laid them out to dry in my own apartment.

By the time the next weekend rolled around, I was looking forward to laundry day. I had started wearing the panties at work under my boy clothes and it gave me a thrill. I loved the secret feeling of feeling like a woman, and when I would talk to another girl I would smile inside, knowing that we both were wearing the same type of underwear. I'd been bitten by the panty bug, and it was making me do weird things, including staking out Priya's dryer to steal her panties. A few more weeks passed, and every Saturday morning, I would deftly steal her panties. I even managed to steal a bra once. I had amassed quite a collection, in fact. I would almost exclusively wear her panties when going out. I figured I wasn't getting any action anyway, so nobody would ever find out.

Actions eventually have consequences, though, and mine were coming even if I didn't know it. The following weekend I saw Priya sitting in the laundry room, playing on her phone. That was my first sign of trouble brewing.

"Hey Priya. Decided to hang out here and watch your laundry?" I asked as I started to load up my washer.

"Oh hi Sam," she said, not looking up from her phone. "Yes! Someone's been stealing my clothes - well, my underwear, to be precise - and I wanted to see if I could catch the pervert in action. Have you seen or heard anything?"

"Um. No. That sucks though," I said, unable to look at her. As I bent down to get the last of my laundry from my basket, I could have sworn I heard a camera flash, but I wrote it off as a sound from her video game. As I loaded up the machine with quarters, I could feel Priya getting up and moving.

"Well, I'm off," she said. "I've been here for three hours and I don't see my thief, so maybe they stopped. I've got other stuff to do. I'll see you soon."

I went back to my apartment and felt guilty about all the stolen underwear. I decided that what I could, and probably should, do would be to collect all of them - well, the ones that hadn't been soiled beyond all saving, anyway - and drop them off at Priya's doorstep before she could see me. Before I could start assembling my collection, though, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find no one there, but a note in an envelope that had my name on it and a little heart. I opened it to find that it read:

Hey Sam! Looks like I found the thief after all! I know it's you. Meet me at 5pm at my

apartment tonight. And bring all of the underwear you stole. If you don't show up,

I will probably complain to the super.



P.S. I have proof!

Attached to the letter was a printout of a photo: my ass with a whale tail. Obviously, she'd taken a photo of me with her phone earlier that day. My hands trembled as I tried to make sense of the letter and its demand. It was two in the afternoon. I had three hours to go. I paced through my apartment, thinking of excuses and scenarios that I could try out to get myself out of the very humiliating situation I had gotten myself into. The hour rolled around and I collected all her underwear and put it in a backpack. I walked downstairs to her apartment and knocked on her door.

Priya opened the door, but only barely. "Hi Sam!" she said, grinning from ear to ear. "Before I let you in, I have to ask you. Are you wearing my panties now?" She looked me dead in the eye and held my gaze..

"Um. No," I said. I did not want to wear them anymore; getting caught had made me feel so guilty that I'd removed the pair I had been wearing.

"Well, go back upstairs, change into them and come back," she said. "Remember, do as you're told for now. You don't want any more trouble, do you?"

I nodded silently, thentrudged back upstairs, picked the same pair I'd been wearing earlier, slid them up my legs, put the rest of my clothes back on. I bandied back down the stairs to Priya's door and knocked again.

Priya once again opened the door, but only slightly. "Oh. I don't think I made myself clear. When I said change into them and come back, I meant come back wearing only them. No matter, you can take off the rest of your clothes here and hand them to me before you get in."

I was shocked. "Wait. You can't be serious. You want me to strip to my panties?! In the hallway?! What if someone sees?"

"Your panties? Huh! Well, Sam, you should have thought of that before you stole mine. Take everything off and hand them to me. Then, I'll let you in." She smiled at me, and it was full of cunning.

"P-please. You can't do this," I said. I couldn't even bear to look at her.

"I can and I will," she said with authority. "Well, if you don't want to, that's okay, but the super will hear all about this - and see a bit of it too."

I hesitated, but then slowly took off my pants and handed them to her. Then I handed her my shirt. I was standing outside her door, in the hallway, in nothing but a black lace thong. I tried to cover myself as best way I could, but I could tell it wasn't working. Priya was having a giggle fit.

"Okay, now turn around and let's have a good look at them cheekies! "

I turned around, on the edge, hoping no one would pop out of their doors. Luckily, it seemed like I was about to get away with no one catching me.

"Okay, you can come in now," Priya said as she opened the door.

I was about to breathe a sigh of relief until I saw Stephanie lounging on the sofa.

Stephanie was a bit shorter and more curvaceous than Priya. Think of Priya as an Indian Amazon with large, powerful thighs and strong arms; Stephanie was the opposite of that, with curly brunette hair and curves in all the right places. Based on that description, one might assume that Priya was less feminine than Stephanie, but they'd be wrong. Of the two, Stephanie was more prone to dressing androgynously, though she still retained her femininity in my opinion.

"Oh my God!" Stephanie exclaimed. "I thought you were kidding, Priya, but it's true! We do have a little sissy among us!"

Priya stepped over to where Stephanie was sitting. "Seriously, I thought he just took them to sniff and jerk like a regular pervert, not wear them!"

I stood in front of both them, still wearing nothing but Priya's panties. My bulge was slowly increasing in size; the embarrassment was turning me, on despite everything.

"So what do you have in mind for him?" Stephanie asked.

"It's simple," Priya replied. "He wants to be a woman? We'll make him a woman tonight. If he doesn't want to be a woman? We tell the whole building that there's a thief among us. At best, he'll get evicted, and probably arrested too.. At worst? You know, I'm really not sure what happens to perverted little panty thieves."

"Well if he does go to prison, I'm sure he'll be loved," Stephanie added, laughing raucously.

"So what'll it be?" Priya demanded, turning to regard me. "Be our girlfriend tonight? That'll mean listening to everything we say, obeying us and no funny business. If we're happy with your punishment, we let you go later tonight and everything will be fine. "

Not left with much choice I nodded.

"Uh, uh, uh, " Stephanie said, wagging her finger. "Don't be coy, now. Say it - out loud."

"I'll be a woman," I said softly.

"No no no," Priya said, shaking her head. "The words I was looking for were, 'Please make me a girl, Priya.'"

I nodded and said, "Please make me a girl, Priya." I felt my cheeks getting redder than ripe tomatoes.

"Atta girl!" she responded happily. "Now, where shall we begin?"

"I think I know where to start," said Stephanie. "Drop those panties. Now!"

"Um, okay," I said and dropped my panties. I'd already begun to resign myself to my fate.. The minute my semi-erect penis came into view, I could hear Stephanie howling - howling in laughter. The humiliation only served to turn me on further and make my penis fully erect.

Priya looked quite amused too. "Oh my. That's smaller than I expected," she said. "I mean... maybe he's still growing?"

"Unlikely!" Stephanie replied. "He's already fully erect! Oh god, that's not what I expected. Well, actually, maybe I did! He does want to be a girl, after all!"

Priya giggled. "You're right. Is that why you wanted to wear panties? Because men's underwear was too big for you?"

"I should have known he wasn't packing much before," Stephanie said, still laughing between exclamations. "It's not like I noticed any kind of a bulge when he still had them on."

Priya moved closer started walking around me, as if she were examining me. Stephanie joined, and both of them began exchanging looks.

"Not too much body hair on him," Priya said. "Still, he's going to have to shave smooth."

"Agreed," Stephanie said. "She's also got a really cute butt. Maybe we should give her cheeky panties or boyshorts this time? Oh, and I guess with her facial structure, we could pass her off pretty easily. We can definitely work with those high cheekbones."

I almost felt like fainting. Priya gave my ass a light spank, and winked. There must have been a weird look on my face, because Stephanie interjected with, "Don't make that face, babe. You're a girl now, spanking is something you're going to have to get used to!" Her bouts of laughter had died down to giggles, at least.

"Tonight is all about letting your inner girl out," Priya said, "so I want you to shower first and shave everything from the neck down - and I mean everything! Even the hard to reach places! In the meantime, Stephanie and I will lay out some clothes for you! Chop chop!"

The two girls pushed me into the bathroom. "There are spare razors in the cupboard," Priya said, and then I was left to it.

I located her razor easily enough. I slowly shaved everything I could. My butthole and jewels were hard to deal with, but I managed to get away without any major scars. I was showering and washing off everything when I heard Priya knock on the door.

"Sam?" she said through the door. "Don't forget to moisturize after shaving. It'll help with feeling smooth!"

"Okay" I muttered back.A part of me was still in disbelief. In some ways, my ordeal was what I had dreamed about - of becoming a woman, or at least feeling more like one. I'd suppressed those dreams and desires, even as I'd stolen, worn, and pranced around in my neighbor's panties. In hindsight, it seemed silly. I'd already done so much, and taken so many risks. I supposed that I'd been too scared to go any further.

I dried myself up, then wrapped the towel around my waist. I left the bathroom, only to be stopped by Stephanie immediately.

"And what do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"Um, just finished my shower?" I said, confused. "Waiting for more instructions?"

Stephanie yanked my towel off and tied it around my chest. "You're a girl now. Act like one! If you don't know how to do a thing, ask us! That's what we're here for." She gave me a wink, which was almost weirder to me than just being lectured.

Priya walked in from her bedroom holding a bunch of clothes - most notably, some lingerie. "Steph, do you think we should put make up on her first or the lingerie?" she asked.

"Hmm, let's go with some lingerie," Stephanie replied. "Strip, Samantha! Do you like your new girly name? From now on, you are Samantha!" She yanked my towel off again, and, yet again, I was naked in front of the two women. I was still incredibly turned on, and it showed.

"Hmm we have to do something about that," said Priya with a ponderous look on her face..

"You know, I may have something that just might work!" Stephanie said, and ran towards her room. I was so turned on that an image of her sucking my cock flashed in my mind.

She came back with a tiny pink device. "I used to use this on an ex who wouldn't stop cheating on me," she said. "It's a chastity device! We just plug it in, lock it up, and no more boner!"

"Ohh. Will it hurt?" asked Priya.

"Maybe," Stephanie said. "All I know is that guys in this will do anything to get out of it and cum." She laughed again.

Up to that point I had been fairly silent, as I'd still been wracked by guilt from having stolen from my neighbor, plus the confusing feelings of arousal, shame, and humiliation that the pair had so expertly inflicted on me. Upon seeing that device and hearing what it was, I decided I had to put my foot down. "No, I can't do this," I said. "I agreed to, like, a makeover, not some kinky sex shit. I refuse to put it on."

The pair of them only laughed in response. Stephanie got down on her knees and squeezed my balls while Priya said, "It's funny you think you have a choice, sweetie. You stole my underwear. You clearly like all this. Don't yell at us for feelings you can't process. Besides, this is still a blackmail situation."

"I resigned myself to my fate. I could feel the pink plastic hug my balls and shaft, and I winced in pain as they got used to the confined space. Stephanie then handed the key to Priya. The initial pain was making me tear up, which was not lost on the girls.

"Aww, babe," Stephanie said, putting on an innocent and sympathetic tone. "Don't cry. Tell you what, after you're all made up, we'll strip down to our undies so we can join you, so you won't feel so alone."

"Oooh! We can have our own little fashion show!" Priya added. "Just us girls!"

I nodded and wiped the tears away. "When can I get out of this?" I asked earnestly.

Stephanie and Priya looked at each other and smiled. "Well, I can't make any promises," Priya said, "but if you play your cards right, you may be able to get out later tonight. But we'll have to see."

"Okay, let's get started," Stephanie said. "You have a color preference, Samantha? I was thinking pink, since it matches your cage.

"And I was thinking we could try some boyshorts, and a matching bralette, of course," Priya said, handing me some panties. "And then we can maybe go from there?"

The panties looked like a pair I had "borrowed" from her at some point. I put my legs through them, and pulled them up to my waist. The cage had made my bulge rather pronounced - much more noticeable than before. I must have been staring at it, because Priya said, "You know, now, amongst the three of us, none of us have a penis! It's arguable if you had one before, though." At that, both of them broke into giggles again.

I didn't know how much more humiliation I could take. From being caught, to being humiliated about my size, to standing there completely smooth in nothing but a pink pair of panties with my cock locked up, all in front of two hot girls... my cock felt like it would burst from the pain.

Stephanie stood behind me. "Here, Samantha, raise your arms out front," she said as she put a back-closure lace bralette on my arms. She then started to play with my hair. "Hmm. This hair being long could work to our advantage. We can comb and blow dry it to make it more feminine."

Priya, meanwhile, was getting all the makeup ready. "You're not going to recognize your face when we are done with you," she said, winking at me.

They sat me down and started putting different things on my face, from primer to foundation to toner to blush. At that point, I was about to pass out from sheer embarrassment, never mind the dull ache in my panties. Still, though, the fact that two hot girls were fawning over me and taking care of me also made me feel... good, in a weird way. I closed my eyes as I felt Stephanie do something with my eyelashes. Priya was finishing up putting primer on my face. I thought we were close to done, but I was wrong.

After another ten minutes, or maybe more, Priya finally said, "Okay, we're all done. You can open your eyes now."

When I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognize myself. I looked very feminine, from my eyebrows to my blush-adorned cheeks to my neon-pink lips... I even thought that I might have been able to pass as a girl. The hair needed some work, but everything else was working together, including my naturally- diminutive build. I found myself turning around and looking at myself again. Despite the tiny bulge in my crotch, I looked pretty hot.

"Wow," I said in my normal voice.

"'Wow' is right," Priya said. "We do need to do something about your voice, though. Definitely breaks the illusion. Try talking in a higher pitch, and softer."

I nodded and asked, "Is this better?" trying for my most feminine voice.

"Better, but we'll get there," Stephanie said. "Now sit down while we change."

She began taking off her T-shirt while Priya unzipped her jeans. I couldn't believe they were stripping in front of me, and Priya surely noticed the shocked look on my new face.

"What's wrong, Samantha?" she asked. "I Hope you're okay with us changing in front of you. We're all girls here aren't we?" She hadn't paused for even a moment; next was her skirt. Stephanie, meanwhile, was taking off her jeans, and made a point of bending towards me while she did so. It really did seem like they were teasing me - and in a very different way than they had been before.

"No, that's okay," I said, my gaze transfixed on Priya's thick thighs. She could have choked me with them, and I would have liked it.

"Hey you got naked in front of us," she said, "so it's only tit for tat." She took off her bra to reveal her smooth breasts. I definitely shifted in my seat. Stephanie turned around and peeled off her panties, leaving herself butt naked. She had a little heart tattooed on her left cheek.


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