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Laura's Choice Ch. 03


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Oddly enough it was me he decided to deal with first. He looked down at me and asked, "Laura you did something without permission. What was it?"

I sensed this was theatre for Arie's benefit. I replied, "Sir, I took off my shirt without your permission."

"And why did you do that Laura?"

"Sir, I was really horny from you playing with my breasts and I wanted to feel your mouth on my nipples. I'm sorry for assuming it was okay to take my shirt off but you had made me very horny." All true, all of it.

"I appreciate you being honest but please remember you are mine to do what I want with and I will undress you when I'm ready to have you naked. Is that clear Laura?"

"Yes sir it is." I hoped that would be the end of it but I really didn't expect it to stop there, not with a point to be made to the new girl. And I was right.

"Laura, take your clothes off and come stand here."

I shuddered with humiliation but I quickly shed my jeans, top and panties and went over to stand beside him. I believe I blushed from head to toe with Arie staring at my naked body, a look of disbelief on her face. He stood up and wrapped one hand in my hair holding me straight and delivered six blows with his hand to my rear. three on each cheek. They were firm painful spanks.

He released my hair and then pointed to the corner and said, "Go, stand there and don't move."

Arie was trembling as I went by her to face the corner. I sincerely hoped she would just take her punishment with as little fight as possible.

Xavier went back to sit on his chair. He pointed to the floor in front of him and said, "Arie, kneel down here." His expression was firm but not angry, at least not yet. His back was to me so I turned my head enough to see them. He waited for about ten seconds and then, with his voice rising and hardening, he said, "Arie I expect an answer. If I have to come and make you this will go much harder. Kneel here NOW!"

Oh god, Please just do it I silently begged.

"NO," was all she said.

He jumped up from his chair. I just assumed he would grab her and do whatever. Instead, he strode over to his desk, pulled open the drawer and grabbed something out of it. I couldn't see exactly what it was but I feared she was going to get the crop. Oh SHIT!

But it wasn't the crop. He said to me, "Laura turn around and look at this as well." In his hand was what appeared to be a piece of stiff leather, maybe a foot and a half long and three to four inches wide. I was perplexed at first glance and then it occurred to me that this was a strap, a piece of leather that was once used in schools when corporal punishment was allowed. Misbehaving children were struck painfully on the hands with the strap. It also occurred to me that it would be painful but not leave any lasting marks on the hands or other body parts in our case. I was frightened by this sinister looking instrument.

He went and sat down on the chair holding the leather in his hands. I sensed how angry he was at her non-compliance but he was controlling his reactions. But I was fearful for what was to come and come it did.

"Arie, do you know who you belong to?"

"Nobody," was her immediate reply.

"Wrong! You are mine."

"Says who?"

"I do and my opinion is the only one that counts here."

She snorted at that and spit out, "Just get me out of this madhouse. People don't own other people, not in this country anyway. If you let me go now I won't say anything to anybody about the slave you keep over there." She gestured over to me. I was spellbound at her bravado.

"Arie, I am giving you one more chance to come and kneel here. If you don't your punishment will be much much harsher if I have to come and get you. You have fifteen seconds to decide."

Watching spellbound, I couldn't take my eyes off the slight girl who was now visibly trembling. Please please please I thought. Please go over and give in if only just for now. But she never wavered.

The seconds ticked by as he stared at her. Finally he counted thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and then he shot up and grabbed a piece of rope off the desk. Arie was still cuffed as he strode up to her grabbing the chain between the cuffs. He quickly tied the rope to the chain and pulled her over to the middle of the room where he had a hook installed in the ceiling. I knew it was there but he had never used the one in his bedroom with me. I was docile enough I guess as I was usually too frightened to resist and I would obediently either lie across his lap or lie half on his bed with my knees on the floor to take my punishment. I knew Xavier was strong or at least much stronger than me and that fighting him only made the punishment harder. Arie really had it coming to her.

She was quickly tied to the ceiling suspended by her arms with her toes in contact with the ground. She was wearing a small shift that he flipped up over her head so that it bunched between her face and her arms. She was naked underneath. He strode back and picked up the strap.

"Arie, who do you belong to?" he shouted, glaring at her terrified face.

She choked out in a sob, "No one."

"Okay, have it your way." With that the leather strap swished through the air and landed on her ass with a resounding crack. She shrieked in pain. I had received enough corporal punishment to know that this really hurt. That one was followed by at least eight more vicious strokes. She was now bawling and howling with the pain.

He stopped and looked into her face holding her head up by the hair and asked again, "Arie, who do you belong to?" She just blubbered and sobbed but didn't respond. He waited another 15 seconds and then ten more strokes of the leather landed on her rear. I gasped at how red and inflamed it looked even now. Finally, mercifully she shouted, "STOP STOP" He let her have one more resounding belt on her behind and then stood back.

"Arie, who do you belong to?" he said in a much softer tone than before. In a flash I realized that despite the monster he could be he wasn't really enjoying beating her. I guessed he wanted it over maybe just as badly as I wanted it over.

Oh thank god! Half sobbing, half gasping she looked down at the floor and squeaked out a small, "You."

"You what?"

"You sir." She knew intuitively what he wanted: respect.

Quickly he untied her from the hook and undid the cuffs. I surmised the lesson was over. He looked over at me and instructed. "Laura, take her to the bathroom and then bed. I want you to give her some vitamin E cream for her rear. Stay with her until she settles and then come back here." With that he pulled his chair over to his desk and ignored us as I guided her out of his room.

Arie was trembling. Tears were running down her face. I was trembling also. I had never witnessed a beating like that and it shook me to the core. Sadistic or not he had been on a mission and that mission was to beat the rebellion out of the girl. He had savagely beat an innocent eighteen year old who had done nothing really wrong. But in his eyes and in the eyes of the men at the Ranch resistance to their domination was a severely punishable offence. And as much as I disavowed any responsibility for their cruelty I knew that I was now a participant in some indirect way. I was no longer certain I could remain part of this, submission or not. I had seen the monster in him once again.

I stayed outside as she went to the bathroom and then I came in to retrieve the vitamin E cream. She flopped on the bed back in the windowless room and as instructed I sat on the edge of the bed after handing her the cream. In truth, I really had no desire to go back to his room. I suspected he would need me as the act of administering punishment aroused him. At first, after a beating at his hand, I thought that sex was just to add some humiliation to the spanking but I came to understand that he would be both emotionally and sexually charged after and that he would take me to settle himself down. After what I had just witnessed I didn't want him to touch me.

It was awkward sitting on her bed. She looked me up and down and I became self conscious of my nudity. I hadn't been allowed to dress after standing in the corner. She hadn't said anything and I really had no idea what she was thinking. Out of nowhere, while she was fiddling with the tube, she commented, "You are really beautiful Laura. I can't see why he would ever want anyone beside you."

WOW. I never expected that. I was waiting for rage, crying, swearing, defiance but not a compliment directed at me. I nodded my head after absorbing the surprise and said. "Thank you" I wasn't sure where to take the conversation but I wanted to say something more so I added, "You are very pretty as well. As fucked up as these guys are they do have good taste in women." The last part was said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, maybe we wouldn't be here if we were uglier."

"I've thought about getting really fat so maybe he would release me but no luck there. He controls the food intake and he leaves us on the skinny side."

"Us? Don't forget. I'm not part of this. I'm getting out of here soon."

"Arie, can I give you one piece of advise about escaping. Get on his good side. Tell him what he wants to hear. Making him trust you will lead to more opportunities to get away. And I might add your butt will thank you for it." Once again I chuckled at the last statement.

"I'll think about it. Ouch, this stuff stings a bit." She was awkwardly trying to get some on her hands and reaching around to her ass while lying on her stomach.

I watched this for a short time and then reluctantly suggested, "Would you like some help with that?" I thought it would help some and I was supposed to help her settle. Touching another woman on her rear is something I didn't relish doing but I was feeling pretty useless just sitting there.

She looked at me and then the tube and then back to me and simply handed it to me. She put her head down on her arms and faced away. I squirted some out of the tube and hesitated for just a second and then began to rub it into the flesh of her ass. I got a bit of a start at how hot her bum was. The strap left a very blotchy skin that coursed with warm blood. I sensed how painful the strapping had been. I silently hoped I would never find out first hand. I used my fingers to rub it into the sorer looking spots. I pulled her cheeks apart and rubbed some cream deep into one side of a cheek where the strap had bit deep. When I did that she moved her legs apart and I could see her rear hole and labia. I let out a little squeak of a laugh.

"What's so funny?" she muttered.

"Sorry, nothing really. I just got a view of a woman's parts at an angle I've never seen before. Just looks a bit funny, that's all."

"Sorry if my pussy offends you."

"No really, it looks just fine, just different from this angle," I hastened to add lamely.

After some more tlc she rolled me off my straddling position and said, "Thanks, that feels better. We whipped girls have to stick together I suppose.," she quipped. I was pleased to hear her feeble attempt at humour.

"Don't mention it." I almost said it was a pleasure but I thought that might be taken the wrong way. In fact, after my initial distaste at touching a woman's ass had subsided I decided that the firm flesh and soft but damaged skin on Arie's small rear felt kind of nice.

I said goodnight to her and quietly slipped down the hall after locking her in for the night. I hoped maybe he would be asleep. I really wasn't in the mood for whatever he needed from me. Slipping into the room I saw him propped up in bed reading a book. I slipped into the en-suite and readied myself for bed, finishing with a long lazy tooth brushing, hoping that yet he might fall asleep. No such luck.

He was in a thoughtful mood as it turned out when I slipped into bed with him. He immediately pulled me over to him and rested my head on his chest. He gently stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head. I sighed at the soft touch. I had expected to be unceremoniously fucked.

"Pet, is she alright?"

"Yes sir, her bottom is quite sore but there won't be any lasting marks I think." I believe he wanted to be reassured he hadn't permanently scarred her. I didn't think he had

"The strap is new for us and I wasn't sure how hard to strike her. She really pissed me off and I think I may have struck her too hard. You know I don't like applying punishment when I'm angry but I had to let it out tonight."

We talked some more about her rebelliousness and I tried to assure him that she would come around even though I wasn't sure she would. During our chat he rearranged me so that he could slip a hand down to my sex. When he pulled the covers down I could see his cock was hard. He was clearly aroused from the strapping and my spanking. I carefully slid a finger over to gently rub it down the underside of his cock, cautiously as I was hesitant to take the lead. He seemed to like my touch as he continued to both stroke my hair and slide his finger into my pussy. I added fingers to the touch and gently began the massage of his cock as we continued to review the strategy of breaking Arie down.

While he seemed to be able to carry on a conversation while concurrently stroking my sex and receiving a hand job I couldn't. From being disgusted with him over the beating he had applied to the helpless girl to a haze of arousal I finally couldn't take the slow motion sex. I was too turned on. It flashed in my mind that I really was becoming his slut. I took a chance and asked, "Would sir mind if I took his cock into me?" I looked around at him pleadingly.

He chuckled, "I could tell you were losing focus pet. Please go ahead and fuck me." I wasted no time straddling his hips and lining his cock up with my opening. I always waited for him to make the first insertion as was his right and once his cock head was inside my vagina I pressed down on him, burying his cock into my channel. I let out a sigh of pleasure at the feeling of his thick cock once again inside. I would never get tired of this even though I hated him, or rather hated some of the things he did.

"Look at me pet." I had closed my eyes while absorbing the pleasure and remembered to open and look into his eyes. I saw a surprising tenderness. He pulled me down and kissed softly around my lips and touched the end of my tongue with his. This never failed to send a shock wave right down to my vagina and I clamped hard around his cock. He shifted me up to lick and suck my nipples and I just about melted with pleasure. This gentle lovemaking went on and on until he came with a shout. I loved that he had made love to me but I didn't come and that was okay. I hated him just a bit less afterwards. But my conflict was still there.

The last thought I had, despite the very soft sex we had just shared was that I didn't think I could stay and watch the abuse of another woman. It wasn't the deal I had submitted too.

But the question I had to ask was, would I risk an escape knowing what he would do to me if I breached his trust. I shuddered at that thought.


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melsdadmelsdadalmost 4 years ago
Another 3 pages of gripping writing, you're brilliant.

Thanks again for more of your great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Hope This Stays Hetero

Hope this doesn't mean you're going to start with girl-on-girl stuff. It's a real turn-off.

MissedLifeMissedLifeabout 6 years ago
Definitely continue

Really enjoying this story and you should definitely continue the story. I look forward to seeing how Laura will decide how to free Arie and herself. Maybe with Arie being younger and recently abducted she can help Laura regain her self worth. Eagerly waiting for chapter 4. Great job!

notusuallyshynotusuallyshyabout 6 years ago

Ooh big mistake, On Xavier's part! It shows how far removed he is from reality. Friendship is just a form of love usually without the sex. It's chemical, it's a mystery but you get someone and they get you, that's a friend. You can't normally create a friend but an intense situation may create a bond that leads to true friendship. Ooh they're going to run!

I'm enjoying the story so far and have found the Stockholm theory very well played out.

Your efforts are appreciated.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Glad to see another chapter. Really enjoying this story. Please continue.

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