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Laura's NuSkin

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Laura's affair starts her on a new path.
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(Mf, modification, latex, non-consensual, chastity)

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.


As she walked through the airport terminal, the clip clop of her hooves, at the ends of her long royal-blue legs drew a lot of attention, as they always did. People stared; some were obviously confused and some were amused. Others were turned off and many others turned on. The latter were mostly men, but there were some women, too.

It wasn't just her hooves. Laura's clothes, body and face also attracted the attention of everyone who liked well dressed, sexy women. Her short, black leather skirt, and tight blood-red, silk blouse covered her shapely body well, and showed off her tiny waist and huge breasts. Her pretty face and luxuriously long and thick hair completed the look of a thoroughly beautiful woman.

She ignored them all. In times past, she might have smiled and flirted with the men, and even the women, but that's what got her into this situation in the first place.

Laura knew that none of the observers, had any idea that her legs and her torso too, were completely and permanently covered by a layer of royal-blue 'NuSkin', that looked to the uninitiated like skin-tight latex.

Only it wasn't latex. It was her actual skin, or more accurately, her skin's permanent coating.

By this point in her upended life, she was no longer embarrassed by the stares of passers-by. She was resigned to her situation. She had had no choice in the matter, and she acknowledged that she deserved what she had gotten.


Laura had once been a happily married, trophy wife. Living comfortably, like a beautiful princess in a mansion in the well-to-do suburbs. Her wealthy businessman husband loved her, as she loved him and they very much enjoyed each other both in bed and in their every-day lives.

She had ruined the pretty picture though, when she grew bored. Bored with her easy life. Tired of spending days and weeks alone while Jeff was away, traveling on business to far-off lands.

For a while she tried to join him on his trips to Europe and Asia, but she'd found those boring and lonely too, as Jeff was always tied up in meetings and she had to either wait for him in some dull hotel room, or wander alone around an unfamiliar city.

So, while he was away to some terrible Russian metropolis, she met a beautiful young man at the department store, of all places, and one thing led to another. Her dalliance, led to a full-blown affair, which, inevitably led to discovery and to an ugly scene with her husband.

Jeff had all of the evidence needed to end their marriage. Laura didn't want that. She loved Jeff, and didn't want to be without him. And, she had grown very accustomed to the good life he provided.

She couldn't imagine having to find a job, especially with her worthless degree, and her short-term boyfriend had nothing and no intention of ever marrying her.

So, she apologized, and pleaded and begged, until he seemed to accept, and things settled into a kind of truce.

She knew that Jeff was hurt, badly, but she hoped and prayed that with time he would forgive her.

A month late, Jeff told her that he had to take another, month-long trip to Moscow. He informed her that she would be accompanying him. He didn't just ask. It was an order, and she accepted it.

She was encouraged when she saw that they would start their trip with a couple of days touring wonderful St Petersburg. She hoped that Jeff intended it to be an opportunity to forgive and forget, in a beautiful setting.

And it was beautiful, and Jeff was almost his old self, as they traveled and toured. Laura felt that perhaps, just perhaps, his attitude was thawing. That he was getting over the hurt she had caused him.

After a very nice little vacation, they took a flight to Moscow where Jeff's meetings were to take place with one of the companies he'd been working with.

In the hotel room the night before, he informed her that she'd be accompanying him to the meeting, as his assistant. He could use her help, taking notes, and it wasn't unusual for Russian oligarchs to have eye-candy 'assistants' hanging around.

He handed her a document that provided an overview of the company. "Read this; it will help you understand some of what we'll be talking about."

Reading the corporate overview, she saw that the company, ErgoMed, had only been formed after the disillusionment of the old USSR. Prior to that it had been a facility operated by the Soviet military. They were a bio-chemical company who specialized in medical compounds and materials.

Apparently, part of their research and development charter focused on medical products expected to be needed in the event of nuclear war. The Russians were always planning for it, back then.

The company's most successful effort had produced a type of artificial skin that was to be used on burn patients. They were, in the inexplicable way of such things in the USSR, highly successful and produced a very good, and highly marketable product, and they were now starting to market it, as 'NuSkin', around the globe.

NuSkin was a combination of latex-like chemicals and biological substances that allowed the material to permanently bond with human skin, especially damaged and burned tissue, and mimic normal skin's abilities and properties. It was flexible and breathable, it could grow and shrink, and could even support the passing of liquids, like sweat. They had over the years of research and testing even added capabilities that allowed it to also bond to other materials, as might be needed for prosthetics. Their global market also demanded that they produce it in all colors and shades.

ErgoMed were now successfully marketing the 18th generation of the stuff, and selling it all over the planet.

Since demand was high and supply was low, only they manufactured the stuff from their own secret formulas, they were making a ton of cash, and Jim's international investment company was very interested in working with them.

Jeff and Laura attended the first of several meetings early the next morning. Although Laura was introduced to all of the participants, they were all males, she got the impression that all of them saw her as just another pretty face. She always stayed in the background, listening but never participating, while taking notes for her husband.

It worked that way in each of the sessions, throughout the day.

After the final meeting of the long day, Jeff brought her over to one of the Russian executives.

"Laura, this is Gregory, he runs the Special Projects Division of the company. We have an appointment to tour his operation tomorrow morning."

Laura shook Gregory's hand and exchanged pleasantries for a few seconds, before he said "I'll see you tomorrow, then, pretty lady. We have a lot to show you," before he walked away.

She and Jeff then returned to their hotel, and had dinner in their room, before she went to bed, and he stayed up preparing for the next day's meetings. He crawled into bed long after she had fallen asleep.

They were picked up by a driver after an early breakfast and taken out to the distant suburbs; to the offices of the Special Projects Division.

Laura wondered what 'Special Projects' were being worked on in this place.

Gregory met them at the security checkpoint in the lobby of the building. The work they did there must have been really 'special', as the security was akin to what she'd seen in pictures of Ft Knox.

Gregory led them through several corridors and up several floors to his large office where they were met by a scientist and two technicians in white lab coats.

Gregory sat behind his huge desk and invited her and Jeff to sit in a couple of uncomfortable wooden visitors' chairs in front of him.

The others stood at the back of the room.

As soon as they were settled, Gregory started in.

"Mrs. Cartwright, Laura, I can see that you are an intelligent and beautiful woman. I can understand why my new friend Jeff is enamored with you."

Laura, listening to him, started wondering where this was going. Why was this guy addressing her this way, instead of talking to Jeff about the business?

Gregory droned on, "I understand though, that you have been a very bad girl. That you have cheated on poor Jeff, while he was last over here working diligently with us."

Laura was shocked by what the guy was saying. She turned to Jeff, who was staring daggers at her. She started to get nervous as she saw his expression and realized, painfully, that he really hadn't forgiven her after all.

When she looked back at Gregory, he was signaling the men behind her.

Before she could react the two technicians grabbed her and held her unmoving, while the scientist plunged a needle into her arm.

She screamed, and thrashed, but it did no good, and she quickly started to feel dizzy, sleepy, and weak.

The last thing she heard was Gregory saying, "don't worry Jeff, we'll take good care of her. You'll be able to keep her, when we're done."

When Laura woke up, she had no idea where she was, what had happened or even how long she'd been out.

She was lying in a hospital bed in what looked like a bland institutional room. It certainly wasn't the nice hotel suite that she had been staying in with Jeff.

When she tried to lift her arms to rub her eyes, she was surprised that they were strapped to the rails on the side of the bed.

Her mouth was incredibly dry, and her tongue felt like a scrub pad, so she couldn't even scream for attention.

She needed a drink of water, and an explanation, in that order.

As she lay there getting more frightened and panicky by the moment, she began to realize that her body felt different. Her stomach felt compressed and her chest felt weighted down. With the two combined, it was hard for her to breath, and she was panting as she lay there on her back.

Upon further self-examination she realized that there was also something wrong with her pussy and ass. That really terrified her.

It was quite a while later that a nurse came in, and noticing that she was awake, came straight over to the bed and held a water glass with a straw to her lips. Laura took a long drink, and sputtering, asked "Jeff?"

The woman babbled something incomprehensible in Russian and then hurried out of the room.

A couple of minutes later, a doctor, at least he looked like a doctor, pushed through the door.

In Russian-accented English he said, "Good morning Laura, you don't mind if I call you Laura, do you? How are you feeling?"

In rapid fire order, and in a panicky voice she croaked, "where am I? What happened to me? Where's my husband?"

"Now, now, Laura, we'll talk about that after I make sure that you're feeling all right and are recovering from the procedure, properly," he said. Obviously trying to sooth her concerns.

What the guy said, though, brought another question, "what procedure?"

"All in good time. Be patient."

He and the nurse, who had followed him in, then began a fairly typical examination, checking blood pressure, temperature, prodding and listening with a stethoscope, all the normal things. Throughout they ignored her questions as if they couldn't hear her.

Finally, the doctor and nurse conversed, quietly in Russian for a while, before the doctor declared, "Laura, you're recovering nicely. Better, in fact than most. Probably attributable to all of the good American food available in your country."

He paused for a moment, marshalling his thoughts, before resuming, "OK, to your questions. You may not like what you are about to hear, so please no histrionics. What's done is done, you cannot change anything."

Laura was really scared, now.

The Doctor continued, "you are in the special projects department clinic in Vidnoye, outside Moscow. Here we use our NuSkin product for unique and very special projects, like you. On the orders of the Director and your husband we have performed a set of procedures on your lovely body. We do this type of work for many of our wealthiest and most powerful men, for a number of reasons."

He paused again, to let Laura think on what he was telling her.

"We will show you what we have done, and teach you how to deal with the changes we have made, before we release you back to your husband. Rest assured that we have performed these procedures many times, on many other women and all of them have been successful. The men, at least have always been quite happy with our work."

As he paused, Laura broke into his monologue and asked, "but what have you done, and why?"

The doctor looked cross, for a moment, because of the interruption, but answered her, "I will bring in a technician, in a moment to explain what we have done and how you must live with it. They are the expert, and they will cover it. As to why. It is because your husband has some powerful friends and he is apparently very unhappy with you. Yet, rather than throw you away, he has decided to keep you. Here though we would now call you a 'toy'."

Laura reacted with a sob. Her mind was in turmoil. Dear God, she thought, what has he done? I brought this on myself, but what have they done to me?

Seeing that she was obviously upset, in a somewhat misguided attempt to calm her, the Doctor added, "Laura, you must realize that here, in Russia, when a powerful man is angry with his woman, she all too often just disappears; either into the dirt, or off to some terrible place out in Siberia. You must consider yourself lucky."

Rather than calm her, his statement frightened her even more, and she closed her eyes and started to sob.

When next she opened them, she realized that doctor had stepped out, and a woman had come in. She wasn't dressed in hospital whites. Instead she was fashionably outfitted in a pretty and sexy dress. Her face was beautiful, well made-up and she was strutting, confidently, in tall, spike heeled pumps.

"Hello Laura, I'm Katherine. I'll explain what has been done to you and how you must now live with the changes. I am here because I speak English quite well, and I have had the same procedures performed on me."

Katherine paused for a moment, staring at her, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. "You see, I am married to a very senior member of our federal government. He's a bit older than I am, and I am his third wife. He had the procedures performed on me to keep me in line, as it were."

Laura remained petrified, but now she was also curious. Hesitantly, she asked, "what?"

Katherine stepped right up to the bed and looking down at her, reached out and gently stroked Laura's cheek, and pushed her hair away from her face.

"Don't worry, dearest. It's not so bad, but it will take some getting used to."

She then picked up the glass of water and set the straw against Laura's lips. She agreeably took a long drink.

"Good, now let me explain, and I'll show you too. What they have done is cover your torso with a layer of NuSkin. You know about NuSkin?"

Laura nodded, but Katherine continued as if she hadn't.

"It looks like that kinky material, latex, but it has all of the properties of real skin, and it bonds permanently to human skin."

Katherine paused, as she pulled a sheet of paper out of her purse. Opened it and read from it for a moment.

"Your NuSkin covering is colored 'Royal Blue'. That should be pretty. Mine, like so many others is Russian Red. Let's see, here. It says that they have also made physical changes in addition to the covering. They have added an intermediate layer of padding to your breasts, to bring them to an impressive E cup. Think of it like a built-in padded bra. Let's see, it says that your measurement was a 34C, so I think you are more like a 36E, in the USA. By the way, this procedure means that you won't have any feeling in your new nipples. I'm sorry. Was that important to you? Oh, never mind."

"They have also removed your two lowest ribs, on each side and embedded a mesh material forming a corset around your waist. This process has given you a waist of 50 centimeters, something like 20 inches."

"They apparently left your hips and ass alone. That's probably good for you, Sometimes, they will include inserts to make you much bigger in those areas."

"OK, now we get to the most disturbing aspect of the changes to your body. What do you Americans call it, 'your plumbing'?"

Laura, stunned by everything she'd heard so far, now became even more dismayed, "you mean, my sex?"

"Well that, and the rest, down there, between your legs. Laura, you have to understand, we, you and I, are now 'sex toys.' That's what they call us."

Katherine paused for a moment, then continued, "they have inserted in you a permanent catheter, a vaginal pipe, and an anal pipe. They are all held in place by the NuSkin coating as well as surgically. Let me explain what that means, one by one."

"The catheter will allow you to control and empty your bladder. It includes a one-way valve. You'll be given a short tube that when it is plugged in to the valve's opening, urine will flow out."

"The front pipe fills your vagina, and holds it open, it has been sized to comfortably accept your husband's cock. It will be covered and filled by a dildo that locks in place. It includes a small opening with its own plug through which you can douche. Your husband will have the key to your pussy plug. Unfortunately, the vaginal pipe blocks all access to your clitoris and your G spot. I'm sorry Laura, really I am, but you will probably never have an orgasm again."

Laura was sobbing. My God, she thought, they've ruined me!

"Laura, I'm speaking from experience here," Katherine said, quietly, as she wiped Laura's tears with some tissue.

Laura looked up at her, "Never?" she sobbed.

Katherine just shook her head, sadly.

After a few minutes, she continued, "the anal pipe is also sized to fit your husband's cock. It is much shorter than the vaginal plug, so there's some chance you can achieve an anal orgasm. Some women can. I, myself have never had one. Like the front plug, the rear one locks in place, and it includes a larger central tube and plug that is used for enemas and emptying. The central plug does not lock so you can use it as you need."

Laura, had perked up a bit when she heard 'orgasm', but when she realized what Katherine was implying, she remained distraught. She'd never even tried anal, and now it might be the only way she could ever enjoy sex again.

Laura's mind hadn't completely shut down, "but if the 'pipes' are made of metal, what will he feel?"

"Oh, both of them have a soft silicone lining, that when lubed, will mimic the real thing. It won't be quite the same for the man, your husband, but it is close enough. Believe me."

Laura just shook her head, as if to clear it from a nightmare.

"One more thing," Kathleen continued, "where your blue NuSkin covering ends at your neck they have bonded a golden metal collar to your throat. I'm afraid it includes a staple with a ring, so it will be easily taken as a 'slave collar'. It's often done this way, to disguise the transition from colored NuSkin to normal flesh."

Laura was crying now, slowly and steadily. She's in shock and filled with self-pity. She starts to pull on her wrist cuffs, and thrashing in the bed. This can't be happening!

"Laura, you need to calm down. This is not the end of your life. You still have a husband, and since he's going to all of this trouble, and expense, he must intend to keep you. I have no idea why he has done this to you. With me it was because my husband is a fetishist, and he wanted me to be his sex toy. I have a feeling that with you it is more of a punishment for something you did, some indiscretion, perhaps."

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