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Laura's NuSkin


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"You look fantastic. Like every man's fantasy."

"Every man's fantasy slut, you mean," she said, wryly.

Looking at herself, Laura was blown away. Her huge breasts and tiny waist, dressed in the slut clothes made her look like the sexiest woman ever depicted on the Internet or in the men's magazine she'd seen. All she could do was shake her head in disbelief. How could she ever live this way? When she got back to the states, how could she ever explain? Oh my God. How was she ever going to survive like this?

Laura was crying again when she walked into the bedroom.

Jeff was waiting for her. At first, he was absolutely dumbfounded by the unbelievably sexy woman who stepped into the room. Then he felt sad and guilty when he saw her crying.

"Laura, you're just going to have to get used to the new you."

"Oh Jeff, it just struck me. How can I ever go home like this? How can I live, looking like this?"

"Honey, we will make it work. You and I will handle it."

With that he picked up the bag of slutty clothes and they walked out of the clinic together.

Their driver did a double take as they waked out of the building and headed to the car. He was obviously impressed by the new Laura.

Taking note, after they were safely ensconced in the back seat, Jeff whispered, "you're going to have to get used to that. Every guy and half the women on the planet are going to fall in love with you at first sight."

Laura, just gave hm a dirty look, "great, it's embarrassing."

"Why? Jeff said, "you're beautiful and sexy as hell. And I love that you're all mine. They can't have you."

"Jeff, please, I never wanted to be a sex object. I don't really like the idea that that's what I have now become."

He quieted down after that. He felt bad for doing that to her, but damn it! She brought it on herself.

They sat silently throughout the drive back to the hotel.

Of course, she drew all eyes as she walked with Jeff through the lobby and into the elevator. Even there, there was no peace as another couple followed them into the car, and both of them stared at her obviously enthralled with her sexy self.

Standing there, she realized that her golden collar was highly visible, and that everyone was not only staring at her body, but at her slave collar, too. That recognition upset her a lot. It was something else she'd have to learn to deal with. She hoped that she could hide it with her clothing, but deep down she knew that it would be impossible. People were going to see it, and flag her as a sex slave slut. Oh God!' She thought, again. How can I live like this?

She was relieved to get back into their room. After a room service meal, she went straight to bed.

Laura had trouble sleeping, despite the hotel's soft and comfortable bed. She finally found that laying on her side was best with her strict corset and massive boobs. Even then breathing remained an issue.

Jeff spent the next day, occupied in his business meetings. Laura basically hid in their room. She would have liked to go shopping and buy some decent clothes to wear over her new body, as her older things wouldn't fit. But she didn't dare go out into the streets of Moscow, dressed in any of the slut clothes the clinic had given her, at least not without Jeff, or an armed escort, or both.

After he left in the morning, she gave herself her daily enema. It was a terrible chore, that she hoped she'd get used to. She'd have to get used to it -- no choice.

She ignored the mirrors in the bathroom, only using them to do her make-up. She just didn't want to think about her blue coating and all that it implied.

Every time she had to pee; she was annoyed by having to use her penis. That just seemed so wrong. Why did the bastards have to humiliate her like that? Of course, it wasn't just her, it was all of the 'toys', that they built for themselves, and controlled.

That too upset her, to the men of Moscow, she was just a sex toy. She couldn't' wait to get back to the states. But that thought too faded when she pictured how she would be treated when they got back there.

Even with nicer clothes, that downplayed her big boobs, tiny waist and hid her collar, she'd be viewed by many as just a slut. Even her friends would probably have a hard time not seeing her that way.

The more she thought about it, the more distraught she became. She spent a couple of hours just lying on the bed, crying, quietly.

When Jeff finally came back to the room, she was anxious to get out and do her shopping. In the dark, and with her coat covering her, although even it didn't fit very well, she wasn't so conspicuous. They spent a lot of Rubles, buying her enough decent clothes for the trip home.

She was again upset when she saw that even the new dresses and tops displayed her big pointy nipples. They poked out obscenely, and always would.

They got back to the hotel late, and ordered room service, again.

As they went to bed, Jeff thought about sex. He contemplated unlocking Laura's pussy and screwing her, but decided that it could wait until they were away from here, and Laura was a little more accustomed to her new situation. Although it was hard for him to put it off. His cock was hard...

Their flight left mid-morning, and stopped for a couple of nights in Paris. Laura really just wanted to get home, but the reservations had been made with the best of intentions and couldn't be changed on short notice, so she'd have to suffer through a visit to Paris, as absurd as that statement was.

Jeff was worried about airport security, he pictured Laura setting off multiple alarms, with the metal embedded in her new body, not to mention the collar. It concerned her too, as she could picture herself being stripped by the KGB, or whoever, in some back room at the airport.

But all of their concerns were proven groundless, as the paperwork Jeff had been provided with allowed them to skate through security with no issues. It's nice to have powerful friends in Russia.

Laura found even their business-class seats uncomfortable due to the corset, and the plugs embedded in her sex and bottom, also bothered her as she sat.

Paris was a beautiful place, but Laura didn't enjoy it even though she had never been there. Jeff wouldn't allow her to just hide in the hotel, so they spent their time sightseeing and shopping for more cloths to add to her small wardrobe of things that fit.

Walking for any distance was another troublesome experience. Her huge breasts and stiff waist threw off her balance and forced a change in her stride. She had to relearn to walk with her new body.

Of course, everywhere they went, Laura drew stares, disconcerting comments and occasional pinches and gropes. She was in a constant state of humiliation. Jeff, though seemed to enjoy the show, and this made her feel even worse.

He also insisted that the clothes she selected were suitably sexy and revealing, and that the shoes all had high heels, like the ones she received in Russia. When she protested, she saw flashes of anger from him, so she quickly backed off, afraid that the procedures he had done to her hadn't completely wiped away his hurt over her unfaithfulness. At least the new outfits weren't as slutty as the ones the clinic had given her.

After their shopping and a nice dinner, they returned to their room. Laura was tired and looking forward to bed, but Jeff could think of only one thing. He couldn't wait any longer to have sex with his wife and her new body.

As soon as he closed the door behind them, he reached over and unzipped Laura's dress, down her back. It was a process that they'd done many times before. Before her affair. So, she paused to allow him to do it. He then pulled it down and off of her.

She was left in only her shoes and her blue NuSkin, as underwear was now superfluous. When she turned, he pulled her to him hugged her and kissed her.

She continued to stand, pliantly, as he pulled away and began rubbing his hands all over her blue covering. After a few minutes, he gently pushed her toward the bed.

Understanding, and bothered by the thought, Laura said, "Please Jeff, not tonight. Not until we get home. I'm just not ready."

She then knelt down and unzipped his pants and pulled out his already hard cock. She took it into her mouth and began licking and sucking as she had done for him in times past.

Jeff was disappointed, but he couldn't fight the feelings he was getting form Laura's mouth. Holding her head, he gently maneuvered himself, and her, so that he could sit on the edge of the bed and more easily enjoy what she was doing to him.

As aroused as he had been for the last several days, it wasn't long before he came, long and hard in her mouth. She accepted it and swallowed.

When he was spent, he fell back onto the bed, and she went off to the bathroom. She came out quite a while later ready for sleep.

By the time Jeff had finished cleaning up in the bathroom, she was under the covers and drifting off.

Jeff, had certainly enjoyed the sex, but remained disappointed that he hadn't been able to actually screw his wife and her new body. He really wanted the experience, but decided that he could wait another day, or two.

When it came time to leave for the airport, Laura packed her new clothes, and simply left most of her older ones behind. She had no use for them. It hurt her to do it, but she was trying hard to face her new reality.

Security at the airport was more of a problem this time. The doctor's paperwork eventually won out and they were allowed to board. Laura got the impression though that, for the most part, the French police were just screwing with her, to extend the time they could ogle her body.

The long flight across the Atlantic was again uncomfortable, and frightening as she contemplated the reception she foresaw from the people at home.

Laura couldn't dream up any way she could explain her new shape to her friends and relatives.

They'd think she'd lost her mind. That she had gone all slut and crazy kinky. They'd never think that Jeff had forced it on her, and she didn't want them to get that impression. It would only complicate things if their friends blamed him. It could ruin their delicate relationship, and she wanted and needed to hold that together.

It would be warmer there, too, so she wouldn't be able to hide her body under a heavy coat. She wouldn't be able to hide her collar, with a scarf or turtle-neck top, either. She expected everyone she met to see it as a 'slave collar', and how could she dispute that?

Quietly, she discussed her musings with Jeff, to see if he had any answers. She realized, quickly that he hadn't even thought of those ramifications. That was so unlike him, to not have every last detail planned out, that it reinforced her understanding that he had acted out of passion and anger, when he set the whole thing up.

Finally, she decided to keep it simple. She'd say that she had, after seeing all of the sexy Russian women, decided that she needed a change and had visited a plastic surgeon who had gone overboard with the breast implants. She'd explain that she'd have to wait for everything to heal properly before she could consider adjustments.

She discussed it with Jeff, and he agreed to go along, although he did remind her that there was no way to ever reduce her breast size.

She just gave him a dirty look, in response.

They also discussed her collar, but came away with no suitable story. She'd just have to confess to it being part of their sex games, and let people conclude what they may.

When they finally arrived at their expansive house, nestled in an exclusive suburb, they immediately dove into bed, exhausted and jet lagged.

Laura was still having a hard time sleeping soundly and well, due primarily to the damned corset buried in her NuSkin covering. Breathing seemed impossible, although she was breathing. Her body was constantly telling her that she couldn't suck in enough air. She hoped that she'd get used to it and be able to get back to sleeping soundly.

Jeff finally got up and cleaned up as he had to, at least, make an appearance in his office to brief his boss about his successful trip to Moscow.

Laura stayed in bed until well after he had gone, Then, she got up and went into their large master bath, after digging her enema set out of her luggage.

As she stripped off her nightshirt, she took the time to again examine her new body. In Moscow and again in Paris, she had avoided studying herself. It just seemed too dreadful; she wasn't ready for it. But here, in her own home she felt up to the task.

The mirrors and the lighting in their luxurious bath allowed her to see herself perfectly.

She started at the top. The collar, she still couldn't think of it as 'her collar', was golden, but not gold, it was far too light to be the real stuff. It was shiny and could almost pass as a high-fashion choker, except for the large ring that dangled from her throat. That clearly identified the thing as a slave collar. She tried to rotate it around to the back, where it could be hidden by her hair, but it was bonded to the NuSkin at the base of her neck.

After the collar she examined her torso, covered in the royal blue NuSkin. It did match her first impression, looking like a latex swim suit. With the golden collar and crotch plate it appeared kind of royal, for what good that would do. The blue did look OK with her skin tone and blond hair.

Next, she shifted her gaze down to her now massive breasts. They sat firmly, high on her chest, needing no support. Bras would never be necessary. Unless, she thought as she changed to looking at just the huge nipples molded onto the tips of her boobs. They stood out, as if permanently aroused. The right bra could hide them, and reduce at least some of her embarrassment.

Another thought occurred to her. The size of the things, should have made them heavy and hard on her back, but the padding they had added was apparently lighter than real tissue, and she supposed too that the built-in corset also helped relieve the strain.

She didn't like thinking of them as 'hers'. But she realized that she would have to start thinking of them that way.

Her waist was unbelievably tiny, and actually looked thinner from side-to-side than front-to-back. What did they say? Twenty inches? Good God that was freakishly tiny! And her huge breasts, made it look even thinner.

The underlying corset structure may have been doing some good in supporting her breasts, and alleviating back pain concerns, but it was so very stiff that she could hardly bend or twist at all. As she had found out the hard way in cars and on the planes, sitting was a real issue. She had quickly found that she had to sit up very straight, no lounging back. And tall seats were always better than short ones. Low stools and couches would be out of the question.

Of course, it also limited her ability to breathe. Taking a deep breath was simply impossible as her diaphragm and her lungs just didn't have the room to expand. Short panting breathes were all she could do now. She had also found, when she had to climb the stairs to the second floor, that the exertion left her puffing for air, like she did when she ran hard. No running from now on, she thought disgustedly.

It was when she started looking at her crotch and the golden plate that covered it that she started to cry. Her first thought was NO MORE ORGASMS!

The plate was gently rounded and contoured to follow its path from her mons to her butt. It widened over her pussy and again over her ass hole before narrowing to a rounded point near the top of her crack.

The corset prevented her from bending to look at herself, down there, so she used a hand mirror and her hands to better explore her 'fitments' -- God what a terrible term! Robots might have fitments, but people shouldn't.

She easily found the small hole that was the valve for her catheter. Where she plugged in her little penis. Another term she hated!

Behind it she located the locked plug in her pussy. Feeling around it, she found the small plug that she could remove to douche. She'd have to figure out how often she needed to do that chore. Probably often during her period.

She had to contort herself to reach the plug in her ass. She wound up with one hand in front and one arm wrapped around her waist to feel the back. She'd gotten familiar with the move, while giving herself her enemas, in the days, past. The corset's restrictions made it awkward.

That thought brought her to sobs. And she sat back onto the counter-top and spent the next five minutes like that, feeling sorry for herself.

After she composed herself, a little, she realized that she really had to empty her bladder and bowels.

She retrieved her damned penis and sat uncomfortably on the too-low toilet before slipping her finger through its ring, and plugging it in. The urine immediately spilled out into the bowl. When her bladder was empty, she unplugged the thing and wiped her valve opening, before standing and rinsing the penis out at the sink.

That unpleasant chore done, she turned to the truly disgusting one. She ran the water in her sink until it got warm and then filled her enema bag, making sure first that the valve was closed. She then added some medicinal, liquid soap to the bag and shook it to mix the contents.

She was gaining experience with each session. It was discouraging, but inevitable.

She found that she could hang it on a towel hook outside the shower door. She then got down on her knees, not an easy task with the corset, and used both hands to loosen and remove the drain plug.

With a little fumbling, she got the hollow tube on the end of the hose pushed in.

Finally, she was able to kneel forward and open the valve.

In her previous attempts, she was rushed, disgusted and uncertain how it should work. Now with a little practice under her belt, she was able to concentrate more on the sensations. The warm water filling her gut, did felt kind of nice. At least, at first. As more water flowed in, she started feeling uncomfortable. She figured that with the corset compressing her waist so much, there was only a limited amount of room. Soon she started feeling the cramps coming on and she waited as long as she could before closing off the flow.

As soon as she unplugged the hose, she quickly scrambled up and again sat on the toilet. She began to empty almost immediately.

She wondered if it wouldn't be better, and safer to just take care of it all inside the large shower, so she could just empty herself down the drain. It might be messy in there, but she could flush it all with water from the hand-held shower unit.

She figured that by emptying herself in the shower she could eliminate any chance of leaking onto the bathroom floor.

Damn! She hated having to think about all of this ghastly stuff.

She was crying again.

It was just part of her life, now.

Slowly she went through the chore once again, as she'd been taught. The second time with just clear water.

Finally finished, she was able to clean up the equipment and get into the shower. She spent so much time in there, rinsing off her body and her memories, too, that when she did come out, her real skin was all wrinkled and pruney. The NuSkin, of course, remained slick and smooth.

She dug out an old pair of grey, fleece sweat pants, and a matching sweat shirt and slipped them on. She had to draw in the cord on the waist of the pants as much as it would go, just to get them even close to her actual waist size.

The top, although baggy still tented over her big nipples. Nor did it hide her slave collar. Shit!

Again, her eyes started to tear up as she thought about the hard time she was going to have finding decent clothes to cover, and hopefully hide her new shape.

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