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Laura's NuSkin


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Katherine again reached down and petted Laura's head, trying again to calm her.

"Regardless, you have to get over it, and learn to live with it, as I have."

Katherine gave Laura another drink, wiped her tears, and held the tissue so she could blow her nose.

Once Laura had calmed down a little, Katherine resumed.

"They won't allow me to release you so you can see yourself. I suppose they'll do that later. So, I'll show you my body. As I said, my skin is red, yours is blue. Otherwise we're the same."

With that Katherine whisked her dress off over her head, and set it aside.

Laura was stunned. Katherine's body looked fantastic. He breasts were large and her waist was tiny. It looked like she was wearing a red, latex one-piece swim suit. But with some major addons. She was also wearing hold-up nylons and, of course her high heels. But that was all. No bra. No panties.

Although her red covering looked like a bathing suit, or more accurately a skin-tight body suit, there were some oddities. The most obvious one was the golden collar around her neck, it was about two-inches tall, and snug, and it did cover the area where the red skin of her torso met the white of her neck and head.

The other difference was at her crotch. It looked like the area between her legs had a golden plate glued on.

As Katherine moved closer Laura could just make out an opening, a small raised hole in the front, about where her slit would start. Behind it she could make out the head of the plug in her pussy. She could imagine the other one, at her ass.

Katherine let Laura have a good look, and even twirled, slowly so she could see her ass, and the end of the gold plate nestled in her ass crack.

She then stepped away, picked up her dress and slipped it back on. After she smoothed it over her body she reached for her purse. Opening it she pulled out a small red object, about the size of a lipstick tube, and brought it over to show Laura.

When she held it close for Laura to see, she realized that it looked like a little red, circumcised penis.

"This is the device that opens your catheter's valve and allows urine to flow out."

Laura, despite her condition, had to laugh. "It looks like a little penis."

Katherine smiled, wearily, "yes, yes it does. You'll be peeing through your own little penis. I suppose they do that to us just to humiliate us, the bastards."

The two of them talked for another twenty minutes, as Katherine described life with a NuSkin body. Laura remained upset and stunned by the whole turn of events. She also began to understand that it was permanent, and that she had to, somehow, learn to live with it.

Eventually the doctor returned and ushered Jeff in behind him.

Katherine said her goodbyes, and bending over, stiffly, kissed Laura on both cheeks before slipping out the door.

When she looked at her husband, Laura began to cry, again.

"Jeff, oh Jeff," she sobbed, "what have you done to me? I told you how sorry I am. I begged you to forgive me. I said I'd do anything to make it up to you."

Jeff stood over her, angrily, "Laura, my Russian friends convinced me that this is exactly what you needed to do to make it up to me."

He paused for a minute to compose himself. "I've always loved you. And I do still love you, but not in the way I once did. I couldn't just take you back. I couldn't forgive you for hurting me so. When we get home, you can make the decision to stay with me, or leave me, but no matter what, your new body is permanent. You'll be like this forever."

"I understand that. And you'll have the keys to me." She said, with a touch of anger.

"Yes, yes, I will."

"And I'll never have another orgasm!" She was really angry, but after a moment she again broke into sobs.

The doctor then stepped in. "Mr. Cartwright. I'd like to keep your wife here for another day. She's had a considerable shock and she needs a little more rest before you can take her out of here. I think Gregory is waiting to speak to you, in his office. Please head on up there."

He then ushered Jeff out of the room. As the doctor closed the door, he told her, "Laura, I'll be back in the morning to remove those restraints and we can show you your new body. Now sleep, please, you need it."

With that, he turned down the lights and left her alone.

Laura, laid there, contemplating her fate, and emotionally exhausted, finally drifted off to sleep.

She slept, poorly, through the night and woke only when there was a knock on the door. Moments later the doctor, a nurse and a big male technician walked in.

"Good morning Laura, let's get you up and out of that bed. I'm sure you're sick of the restraints and you'd like to see for yourself, your sexy new body," the doctor said, pleasantly.

He turned to the nurse and spoke something in Russian. She stepped up to one side of the bed and began unstrapping Laura's arm, while the doctor did the same on the other side. The technician stood at the foot of the bed. Laura figured he was there just to make sure that she didn't attack anyone.

When her arms were freed, Laura found that they were so stiff that she could barely lift them. She laid there stretching and massaging them for several minutes, as the others just stood around, waiting.

Finally, she thought she was ready to sit up, but when she tried, her waist wouldn't bend. The doctor and nurse had to help her, and even then, she had a hard time, and wound up kind of swiveling on her ass to get her legs off and over the edge of the bed.

It struck her that the built-in corset, that Katherine had described, was ridiculously tight and restrictive. She tried twisting at the waist and found that that movement too was very limited.

Oh God, she thought for what seemed like the hundredth time, what have they done to me?

The pair then pulled her to a full standing position. She shakily stood there, lightheaded, unable to move for several more minutes. She had no idea how long it had been since she last stood.

After the slight dizzy spell had cleared, Laura said, "please can I see?"

"Of course, let us help you over to the bathroom. It has a full-length mirror mounted inside the door."

As she shuffled along, Laura realized that she wasn't wearing any clothes, but then again, she wasn't really naked. She was something in between, now, and bras and panties were kind of unnecessary.

Laura, with the doctor and nurse holding her arms proceeded over to the attached bathroom. It was too small for all of them so the nurse went in with her, and the doctor closed the door so Laura could look at herself. With the door closed and the nurse standing behind her, Laura began examining herself.

The sight that greeted her, when she looked in the mirror, made her head swim, and the nurse quickly grabbed her by the shoulders to keep her standing.

Laura stared at her reflection. Her breasts were huge, and her waist tiny. Like Katherine, she looked at first glance to be wearing a latex bodysuit, a royal blue one with a high neck and short, short sleeves. But as she looked at the details, she saw the same high golden, metal collar, and the golden plate covering her crotch.

She definitely had the proverbial hour glass figure. Although she looked much more top heavy, than the normal, lusted-after female sex objects.

She noticed something else that she hadn't seen on Katherine. Her big boobs included large pointed nipples. The things were obscenely large. They more than a quarter-inch wide and poked out a half-inch.

She reached up and felt her big breasts, and as Katherine had described, she felt very little as she massaged their tips. That bothered her, as she used to have very sensitive nipples.

When she reached down to her crotch, she could feel all of the features that Katherine shown her. Her pee hole in front, the big plug in her pussy and the plug, in back, in her ass hole. All of them were hard metal, and seemed very mechanical. These oh-so-important parts of her anatomy were now not really human! They served only to allow her body to empty wastes. There was no longer any pleasure to be found there!

And it was all permanent!

Those thoughts brought her to tears, and Laura started sobbing once again.

The nurse reached around her and opened the door to the waiting doctor. The technician had left, apparently, they had concluded that she wasn't a threat. That she wouldn't lose it and attack them. But they were almost wrong. She was tempted to do just that!

The doctor met her and helped her sit, perched on the edge of the bed, the stiff, built-in corset seemed to prevent proper sitting.

Laura continued to cry, holding her hands to her face.

After a while, though, she did start to calm down, a little. She had never been one of those girls who 'cried their eyes out' at every opportunity. Although, she thought, wryly, this might be as good a time as any for her to get into that.

Eventually she asked, "My waist is awfully stiff, will it always be this way?" She was hoping that it might loosen up, with time.

The doctor nodded and replied, "I'm afraid so. It's a matter of design requirements and selected options. In order to reduce your waist to its stunning proportions, the material must be strong and stiff, and they chose to exaggerate those aspects when they chose your fitments."

Laura thought about that for a minute. It would make her life hard. She wouldn't be able to bend at the waist, or twist, or even sit comfortably. Damn!

"They?" she asked.

The doctor looked at some notes, pulled from a pocket, "either Gregory or your husband, it is unclear."

Damn them, she thought, before her bladder began to bother her.

"I have to pee."

"Ah, yes," the doctor said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out two tiny, red penises, wrapped in cellophane. He opened one of them and set the other on the bedside table.

She saw that it was different from the one Katherine had shown her. It had a finger ring molded into its side.

"Did Katherine explain this to you?"

"Yes, I just plug it in. The one that she showed me didn't have that ring."

"Ah yes, this is the latest model. We found, unfortunately, that girls were inadvertently dropping them into the toilet, so we added this ring so you can slip a finger through and better hold on to the device, to prevent those types of accidents."

Laura, just nodded as she took the thing out of the doctors' hand and headed back to the bathroom.

There, she slipped her index finger through the ring as she sat, uncomfortably due to her stiff corset, on the toilet. She reached down and after fumbling a bit to find the hole, plugged it in and her urine started to flow out the end of her little penis.


When the flow stopped, she unplugged the thing. There was no reason to wipe herself, the valve had closed and there was no final drip. She did have to rinse out her penis -- it was just too weird to think of having a penis!

It dripped as she stepped over to the sink. She made a mental note to hold it with a piece of toilet paper, next time, and every time from now on, for the rest of her life...

Having rinsed and washed it she returned to the room. Holding the thing awkwardly.

The doctor was standing at the room's door when she came out of the bathroom, his hand on the handle.

"Alright Laura, I think we're just about done, here. I have to go. Nurse Svetlana will help you with a few other things, but unfortunately, she doesn't speak English so you'll have to work with her. She has a storage bag for your valve. Always keep it clean and don't lose it, you only have one spare and they're hard to come by. Svetlana will show you how to administer yourself an enema through your anal pipe. That's something you'll have to do at least daily to empty your bowels."

With that, he said "farewell" and left.

The nurse first handed her a little baggie to store her penis, then she held up an enema kit, similar to those Laura had seen in drug stores back home. She had never used one though, so this would be another new life adventure.

Over the next half hour, Svetlana showed Laura how to fill the enema bag with warm soapy water and hook it up to a long hose. She then mounted it to a hook on the bathroom wall.

Next, she showed Laura how remove the small plug that ran up the center of the larger plug in her ass. Finally, she showed Laura how to insert the enema bag's hose into her rear opening.

Laura didn't quite understand when Svetlana motioned for her to get onto the floor. Eventually, she embarrassingly found herself kneeling on the tiles with her head down and her ass in the air.

She looked over and watched as Svetlana opened the valve on the hose that allowed the water to flow.

Laura squirmed as she felt the flow of water entering her back side. It was the weirdest sensation she thought she'd ever felt. It wasn't painful, but it was uncomfortable. The warm water did feel kind of good inside her.

After a while though, as more and more of the soapy water filled her, she started to get an uncomfortable feeling in her belly. Then a cramp hit her and she groaned and grabbed her stomach.

At that Svetlana closed the valve and helped Laura to stand and she moved in an awkward crouch over to the toilet.

Once seated, as best she could with her damned corseted waist again making it difficult, Svetlana motioned for her to turn and then unplug the enema fitting from ass.

As soon as she did, the water all flowed back out and into the toilet. It was putrid and some even got on her fingers! Svetlana took the enema fitting and dropped it in the sink.

After the flow from her bottom finally ended, they cleaned the fitting and repeated the sad procedure again with just clear water. A rinse cycle, Laura thought, bitterly.

Svetlana showed Laura how to clean everything and pack the kit away, before the lesson ended.

Laura was totally grossed out by the procedure. She didn't want to ever do that again, but knew that she'd have to do it every day from now on. That thought brought on more distraught tears.

After the nurse finally left her alone, Laura climbed with difficulty back into her bed and laying there sniffling, she contemplated her future.

Having dozed off, she was shaken when there was a knock on her door and the doctor, and Jeff came in.

Laura stared at Jeff, not knowing what to say or do. She still loved him, sort of, and she knew that she was the one at fault, but she hated what he'd had done to her.

She reached out and Jeff, rather than the doctor took her hand and helped her out of the bed. Once she was standing, she started crying again. She couldn't help herself.

She stood there naked, or as naked as she could be with her new body covering. It remained a confusing situation. It was her skin, now, but it hid all of her private places. So, was she really naked?

For a moment she watched as Jeff examined her new body. She saw his cock harden and tent the front of his pants. That made her happy in one sense, he was still turned on by the sight of her, like he always used to be, but she realized that it was her new shape that he was reacting to at this moment.

She just had to say something, though, "Jeff, oh Jeff, I do still love you." She cried as she stepped toward him and hugged him. He hugged her back, saying "I love you too, and I always will."

Hearing that, she backed away and stared at him, "then how could you do this to me?"

He took a minute, searching for the way to best explain, "Because I just couldn't forgive you. I couldn't see myself living without you, but I just had to do something to punish you, to get even for all of the pain you caused me. And the people here offered me this as a solution. So, I took them up on it."

Again, he paused, "Laura, I know this is hard for you, but I have to admit I love your new body, and the control I now have over you really turns me on. It's surprising in a way. Now that I have you this way, I want to keep you with me, forever."

Laura was a little relieved to hear how her husband felt. She didn't want their marriage to end. She had no idea how she could live as she was, other than with him.

"Oh God, Jeff," she said, "I can't leave. I want to stay with you. If this is what it takes for you to forgive me, so we can get back to some semblance of what we once had, I'll accept it as my punishment. But it's a terrible penance!"

She paused for a minute and took a deep breath, "but you know that with the things they've done to my body, I can never be the same. We will never be the same, at least as far as my body goes."

She couldn't bring herself to mention that she would never orgasm, again.

Laura then moved back into him and they kissed and hugged each other, with a passion that hadn't existed since her affair came to light.

They broke up when there was another knock at the door and it opened to a woman pushing a small clothes rack. She deposited it against the wall and then left the room.

The doctor explained, "Ms. Cartwright, I'm afraid none of your old clothes will fit you any longer. As this is usually the case with our patients, so we supply a small collection of things for you to wear when you leave us. These are all in your sizes."

He paused for a few seconds, seemingly embarrassed, "I'm afraid you may find them to be a bit too sexy and revealing." He stumbled on his words before resuming, "what's the English word? Ah, slutty," he said sheepishly. "It's because that's what our male sponsors expect to walk out of here with. Their mistresses outfitted as sex toys."

Laura turned to examine the clothes, it looked like there were several outfits, and shoes to match. On the bottom of the rack was a small leather bag to carry them in.

While Laura was examining the clothes, the doctor handed Jeff a large envelope full of documents, explaining, "these papers are the medical records and some instructions on how to take care of the NuSkin and its fitments. There are also documents that the Director provided that should allow Laura to pass through airport security screening with a minimum of trouble. They describe the aspects of her new body as necessary medical prosthetics."

"Thank you, doctor, and thank you for taking care of her."

"You're quite welcome. It is advisable that Laura returns for an annual check-up for each of the next three years, perhaps longer. Just to make sure there is no rejection or other issues with the NuSkin or the fittings. Please call any time to make an appointment. You have our contact information."

Jeff and the doctor shook hands and he left the room.

In the meantime, Laura had picked out an outfit to wear, and had begun dressing. When he turned to her, she was actually chuckling. And Jeff was delighted by the sound. He hadn't heard his wife happy in months.

"What's so funny, my love?"

She paused as she pulled up a black leather micro mini skirt. "These things aren't just slutty, they're more appropriate for a hooker," she replied, laughing.

"Look at them. They're obscene."

When Jeff looked, he could see what she meant. The skirts were all very short, the high heels were all really tall, and the tops were either very low cut, or damn-near transparent.

"Well, what else would a Russian sex toy wear?" he said, laughing. "We'll buy you a new wardrobe as soon as we get out of here."

"We sure will, but in the meantime, I'll be on display in full slut mode."

After pulling on the silky thin top that went best with the tiny skirt, she slipped on a pair of pumps with five-inch heels and went to examine herself in the bathroom mirror. Jeff busied himself packing up the rest of the things. It didn't take him long.

Finished, he stood back and looked her up and down, lasciviously. His cock, was straining in his pants.

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