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Lawyer Ravished and Enslaved Ch. 02

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Part 2 of a story of sex slavery in a dystopian city.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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I have continued to write this story involving completely non-consensual enslavement of innocent women despite my personal tastes. I think you will be able to guess some of the things that have inspired it and see that I have used many of the themes before.

Given the premises for this extreme dystopian situation, there is no way to make the story very happy. If there is to be a happy ending, it will probably require a fairly heavy use of Deus ex Machina. That might happen eventually, but maybe a happier logical ending can be invented in future chapters (if they are written). Maybe the ending, if it ever comes, will be as dark as the premises.

Some might like this no matter how exploitative and dark it is. It's fiction after all.

You need to read the prologue and the first three chapters posted March 27, 2019, to understand these chapters 4-10. Sorry. I will say that the narrator, Stacy, is telling a visitor from Belgium, Monsieur, who has paid to have sex with her for the night, the story of her life as a sex slave.


THE FALLEN - Part 2 (Chapters 4 to 10)

Chapter 4 - DONNA

Monsieur, it seems you had a nice nap. Do you want to enjoy more sex, hear more of my history or do something else? Yes, I can continue the history while I give you a back massage and you may certainly have sex with me again after that. I'm all yours for the night.

You want to hear what happened to Donna?

Ok Monsieur, after Cathy and I were raped in my office, we were tossed in the paddy wagon and found Donna nude, gagged and tied up. What happened next would have been almost funny if we had been being taken to the jail for a misdemeanor instead of to the Pleasure Palace for a life of sex slavery. The wagon had not gone more that 100 feet before there was a loud bang and the truck stopped tilted forward and to the side in the direction of the curb.

By putting our ears up to the metal separating the prisoner section from the driver's seat, we could hear the driver and the guard cursing about hitting a huge pothole. Our Mayor was good at selling the city to criminals and committing rape but not at all good at keeping the streets maintained. It seems that a front axle was badly bent. It was not possible to drive even the ten blocks needed to get to the Pleasure Palace.

Cathy and I debated what to do. After trying the door and the tiny window, we quickly determined that there was no way to get out of the wagon or get help. I insisted that we untie Donna despite Cathy saying that we'd not been told we could do that. She was scared to death of doing anything that might cause her to be killed or mutilated by Kroesek and his friends. I said that they had not told us not to untie Donna and that anything that is not forbidden is still permitted. After we took the gag out of Donna's mouth, she immediately started screaming, "that fuck wad of a boyfriend sold me out to them, 4 of them with Jimmy. I was raped by Jimmy and the three other guys and they say they are never going to let us go. And, Stacy, one of the things the fuck wad said is that he'd been promised that he'd get to screw you too."

I told Donna that Cathy and I had also both been raped multiple times. She might as well calm down because there was nothing to do. Also, it seemed we would be in the truck a while. We could all explain how our mornings had gone. After I explained how Cathy had been beaten up and raped and I'd been slapped, pinched and electro-shocked before being raped, Donna told us what had happened to her.

"Jimmy got up early this morning and took off. I asked him where he was going. As you know, he does not have a job. He said he was going out and would not elaborate. I thought he must be mad about something.

"I packed for the trip you and I had planned and was just sitting in the living room reading some case files on my computer when Jimmy came through the door followed by an overweight cop, a guy who looked like a bar bouncer in a wife-beater T-shirt and covered in tattoos, and an extremely clean cut looking blond guy in a black shirt with a white shirt who I noticed had a label pin with just 'T.C.' on it. I'm pretty sure he was from the huge mega church that just goes by the name The Church, believes women should obey their husbands slavishly, and is against any form of birth control."

I told Donna that that was a scary development. I explained that I once spoke to a woman who was part of The Church who said she wanted a divorce. She did not keep a second appointment and I never saw her again.

The Church was a famous institution in the area. Solomon Whyte had founded The Church just across the river. The Church and the lives of the congregation were based as much on the basis of strict Old Testament principles as one could base any institution in modern society. Whyte Sr. would probably have stoned adulterers and those who committed masturbation if he could. His son, Solomon Whyte Jr., was supposed to be just as fanatical but more practical in how he sought to achieve his goals. Whyte Jr. was known to play golf with Mayor Murphy and Kroesek although the preacher did not seem to fit in with the crooked politician and the mobster whoremonger.

Donna continued, "I asked Jimmy what was up. Jimmy said I should strip naked and assume my life as a breeding whore slave. Naturally, I was shocked and asked him if he was out of his mind. He said that if I did not obey, they were going to have to get rough. As I just stood staring at him and the others. The goon with the tattoos slugged me in the arm, which hurt like hell. Jimmy said to strip and lay on the bed and slapped me across the face when I still hesitated. Realizing they were serious, I started to strip while the cop explained that they had an hour to get back so they might as well have some real fun. Jimmy responded that my vibrators and other toys were in the nightstand by the bed and pushed me back on the bed once I was naked. The Church guy said that I was going to have to get used to my new life and took off his jacket and stripped down to where he was just wearing an undershirt and socks.

"I could see that there was really no point in trying to be heroic. Jimmy told me to spread my legs and worked my vibrating dildo into my vagina. He'd done this before with permission and knew what to do. I was soon sexually aroused even if I did not want to be. My pussy went into autopilot so I even had a forced orgasm for the audience. The Church guy said that the other three guys might be perverts but that he was going to know me the way God intended. He got down on the bed and took me in the missionary position, of course. It could not have been two minutes before I knew I had his holy sperm in me. I was thankful I was on the pill.

"Jimmy flipped me over, used a finger and gel to lubricate my anus and took me that way while holding the vibrator in my vagina with a finger working against my clitoris. As we know, I only kept Jimmy around because he is good in bed. He proved that again. Despite the horrendous situation, or maybe in part because of all the horror and tension, I had a big orgasm. I looked up to see three assholes filming me with their cell phones.

"Mercifully, the cop just wanted a blowjob. I was pleased not to have his weight on me.

"The thug pushed me back on the bed and rammed his oversized prick into my pussy saying something about how sloppy seconds was always good enough for him. He took his time, apparently out to show what an athlete he is. First, he was rough, mauling my breasts and slamming into me like a machine until I thought he'd kill me with his prick. Next, he slowed using long strokes as he lifted me up to a sort of lotus position with maximum penetration above his hips. It seemed like my cervix was directly on his prick as he lifted me up and down on him. With all the action on my A spot and G spot and him rubbing against my clitoris, he proved that he was such a good fucker that he could force me to have an orgasm even if I was scared, embarrassed, humiliated and tired. I came despite feeling completely out of control and used.

"There was a break in which everyone but me got to put his clothes back on. I asked Jimmy why he betrayed me. He said that Kroesek, had offered him a real good job and said he'd get to have sex with a lot of slaves including you, Stacy, who Kroesek said was going to be grabbed too. He said he needed money and he'd always wanted to fuck you. Sweet. He concluded by saying that they could not have me yelling as they lugged me to the wagon. The thug put the gag in my mouth and he and Jimmy tied me. They tossed a blanket over me as though I was some sort of piece of furniture they were moving but yanked it off after they tossed me in the wagon like a rug. I was here for a while before the back of the wagon was opened and you two were pushed in."

So, Monsieur, that is how Donna was kidnapped. Should I go on with the story or is there something else you have in mind? I am completely at your service any way you like it.


That was wonderful, Monsieur, but may I catch my breath? The way you are working me I will have trouble walking soon. I have had more sex than almost any woman but, still, you are wearing me out. I did not have days to build up strength for this night. As you know well, I entertained three men from your firm last night. I have not had a full night of rest for a week. I am not a machine. But, I will do exactly whatever you say.

How about I tell you about my first weeks in the Pleasure Palace? That is a fairly long tale depending on how much detail you want to hear.

No, I take that back, maybe we should not talk about my first weeks as a slave at all. It was the worst time of my life. The only happy thing I can say about the period is that it ended. I was changed forever and mentally destroyed as a free person.

Really, Monsieur, you do want to hear about what happened? So, ok, maybe, after that we will be ready for more sex. I will try to limit the detail. The subject is not happy for me. Also, I must alert you, that because you have demanded that I be completely forthright and honest, I may say things that may not please someone in your position. But if you really want me to tell of everything that was done to me and how I felt, I will do so. If I ever make you the least bit uncomfortable, please tell me and I will stop immediately. I fear displeasing a customer of the Pleasure Palace almost as much as I fear death itself. We are not here for my happiness.

If you come back in a week for the last night of your visit to our city, I can tell you much more of how I have been used, how other women here have been used, and how the whole city has been affected by the sex slavery of hundred of women here.

Certainly, Monsieur, I want you to come back, not that what I want matters. You are vigorous but a gentleman compared to most of the men that have paid the Pleasure Palace to use me. I wonder, though, if you are trying to get me pregnant, just when I thought that that part of my life was over.

Well, Monsieur, to go back to where we were, the driver and guard finally got a tow truck large enough to pull the paddy wagon and took the truck with us inside into the Pleasure Palace. Cathy, Donna and I were hurried into the building through a side door that led into a room that contained pretty much nothing but a table.

Sturmer, Jim and Ed and another man, Rex, who had been in the party that had kidnapped Cathy and me, came into the room. Oddly, all four men were now clean-cut and wearing sharp business suits and ties. One might think they were bankers. One would not think that a little earlier that day they were committing rapes and kidnappings.

First, Sturmer told Cathy and me to strip off all our clothing to join Donna in complete nudity. We stripped naked immediately. He presented us each with a kind of bland food bar, a pill and a glass of water. "Eat all of your protein bar, take the pill and drink all of the water. They are all healthy for you. We want your bodies to stay healthy. You must always eat or drink every crumb and drop of what we give you. You can be certain that you will not be asked to overeat. You will feel hunger often until we have your bodies in exactly the shape we desire.

"You will be shaped physically and trained psychologically to be exceptionally good sex slaves. No, we don't have some magic pill to turn you into mindless busty bimbos. We would not use such a pill if we had one. Even halfway intelligent men don't pay much money to fuck idiots and most of the men with much money are at least halfway intelligent. You will now be taken to your training."

I knew already that it would be horrible. "You don't have to do this," I said to Sturmer. "We will do anything you want."

Sturmer gave me a look I will never forget. It was something between anger, annoyance and frustration. He said, "No, Stacy, you are not prepared. Oh, you will do what we want as long as you know we are watching. But if there is a reasonable chance to make a break for it or persuade some customer to help you, you might take it.

"When we are done with your training, you will feel with conscious and unconscious conviction that your chance for any happiness lies in doing exactly what is desired. You will do exactly what we desire because it will have become all that you can imagine doing. You will realize in the depths of your soul that you are to give yourself entirely to the pleasure of others. Even while you, particularly you, Stacy, are forced to keep up your mind as well as your body, you will be forced to feel not the least guilt that all that is happening in your life is serving our wishes. Free from guilt and able to concentrate on the pleasures your situation does allow, you will enjoy your life to some degree. The sooner you reach that state of complete submission, the sooner you will be content."

One of the three men with Sturmer put a blindfold on Cathy and took her through the door in the back of the room. This was done to Donna, and finally to me. As I was led out, Sturmer said, "See you in quite a while."

I was then subjected to the worst torture that I could have imagined. It consisted pretty much of time and nothingness.

Absolutely nothing of interest was in the padded room into which I found myself pushed. The man who had led me even grabbed the blindfold so that not even that was with me in the room. In addition to the door through which I'd been pushed, the room had two glaring lights and two video cameras out of reach in the ceiling. There was another door on the opposite wall. A little opening, about a square foot in size and about waist high by the second door, was closed off by a tightly closed cover. A computer screen was above that door. It was off. A small toilet, with a bidet, built into the floor was the only thing in the room that I could reach other than padded walls and a cushioned floor. The toilet/bidet was even made of a soft plastic on which I could not have hurt myself if I tried.

The main thing in the room other than my naked body was time, lots and lots of time. I was in the room with no one and almost nothing. My only way of knowing that time was passing was the knowledge that it took some amount of time for water and food to pass through my digestive system.

At first, I was so tired I was able to sleep despite the glaring light. I knew that eventually they would have to give me more food and water. How long would that be? Also, would they just shove that food and water through the little panel so as to allow me as little distraction from emptiness as possible?

Some amount of time later, what I feared would happen, happened. The panel opened with a tray that contained another little food bar and a cup full of water that I could not lift out of the tray because it was tightly fastened to the tray. The only way to drink the water was through a metal straw that was fixed the cup. The food bar was not large. I was soon feeling great hunger along with my other woes.

I will not elaborate on all the psychological stages through which I went or all my pathetic efforts to maintain my sanity. After enough time that I had been fed again once and used the toilet several times, I began pray to the video cameras for any kind of mercy. Surely there was some one monitoring me at least to the extent of making sure that I had not figured out some way to kill myself. At one point, I begged to the camera that I be taken to Baytown and sold to someone who would kill me as painfully as he wanted. Anything to end this complete emptiness.

Eventually, I just gave up. I realized in my soul that I now had no control over anything and probably never would again. I tried various positions in which to sit on the floor, wished I'd learned more yoga, and attempted to empty my mind of everything.

After some lengthy period of that form of nothing, hours or days, something happened. The lights went out. I was joyful.

To be sure, being in complete darkness would not normally be considered an improvement in one's position, but after a long period of nothing happening, any sort of change was welcome.

After some time period of darkness, there was real progress.

The computer panel began a short message that said, "The tray will contain a pair of goggles that will block your vision. Put them on. A man will engage in a sex act with you. You are to respond as enthusiastically as possible."

The lights came on again, the panel opened with the tray containing goggles that completely blocked my vision, I put them on and someone took my shoulders and led me to a bed.

I can't tell you anything about the man except that he was very average in size and build. I do not think I knew him before, at least I did not recognize any physical feature or smell. He was not brutal. He did not do anything to cause me pain. On the other hand, he put his finger across my lips when I started to speak.

He gently led my head down on to his penis. Having not had contact with anything but the floor and walls of my cell for what seemed like an eternity, the opportunity to perform fellatio seemed like a wondrous blessing. He had been circumcised. The taste and texture of his penis seemed so interesting after so long of having nothing but a bland food bar. His breathing was fascinating. When I gently cupped his acorn-sized testicles in my hands, they seemed like rare gems of pure wonder. His sperm, when it came, was marvelously salty. I drank every drop.

A few minutes after he ejaculated, he got up and guided me back into my cell and left. When I took off my goggles, the screen said, "Eat what is in the tray, and put your goggles in the tray."

The food tray contained water and some little sushi rolls that were very tasty. They were large enough that I was almost satisfied after eating them. I replaced the goggles as instructed and tray went back into the wall.

Then, there was nothing again for another long while. I was able to sleep some but one can only sleep so much. Soon I was again desperate for any kind of interesting sensation, particularly human contact. I felt I was literally dying of boredom and loneliness.

After a time, the lights went out again. The instructions were as before. I don't know if it was the same man or a different one. This time, though, I was laid on my back on some sort of mattress and the man licked my clitoris and tested my vagina with a finger before inserting his penis. The pace at which he entered, the way his penis rubbed my labia, the indirect pressure of his pelvis on my clitoris, his hands on my breasts tweaking my nipples, every little movement of his cock and the rest of his body seemed infinity interesting and pleasurable. I met his trusts as well and enthusiastically as I possibly could. I did my best to intuit whatever it was he wanted. I worked hard to make sure that I obtained every sensation of friction in all the places that I wanted it. Everything in my mind and body thirsted for touch. I had orgasms as a woman who had had nothing in her life for days or weeks until given this sexual release.

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