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Leader of the Pack Ch. 17

Story Info
Back at the den; a game of hide and seek.
8.2k words

Part 17 of the 26 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 11/16/2007
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The group loaded silently into the large black SUV and Cullen began driving back to Madadh-Allaidh Saobhaidh. Gaven and Hagan were afraid to speak. They didn't know what to say to Cullen after everything that had happened. But both men looked at each other with hope as they each felt some of the muffled fear in the back of their minds ebb away. Something was happening with their mates that was making them less frightened. The men didn't know what it could be. Their bonds weren't strong enough to project thoughts over this kind of distance. But there was hope now. The two men sat impatiently in the back seat.

Sarah had about a million questions she wanted answered. But she wasn't able to ask Cullen about his mating with Aislinn with the others present. The only positive thing Cullen could get from having all the upset and conflict before leaving was that he didn't feel harassed by his wolf to pull over and play with Aislinn on the way back to the den. Now that he knew Aislinn was alright he had gone back to dwelling on the things she had said to him. He still didn't know what to do about the traitors.

"I think we have another problem," Aislinn said, trying to ignore the upset radiating from him that she knew she had helped to cause.

"Just what I need," Cullen growled. "What now?"

"When I was sleeping in your room during your shower I had a premonition and then another one when I touched Gaven. But there was more to that one than just the stuff it told me about the captured people."

"Okay," he said shortly. "Again I say what now?"

"You don't have to be so snippy. I'm sorry," she snapped back. "But I'm not taking back what I said. I'm just sorry you're being so upset by it."

Cullen growled and shook his head. "What did you see?" he said impatiently.

"I don't know exactly yet. But I figure you'll be pissed if three days from now I figure it out and tell you then, but have to admit that it started today." Aislinn was staring out the window.

Sarah sat forward at that point and snapped at both of them. "The two of you need to stop blowing so hot and cold. Get over it. Aislinn if you have something to say just say it."

Aislinn glared at Sarah over her shoulder but continued anyway. "I saw the Tairneach manor in both visions. The first time I ended up looking at a book with gaelic writing in it. The second time I was in a kind of dungeon. First it was full of your missing people but then they all disappeared and a bunch of new people appeared. They weren't weres though. I don't know who they were. But one of them tried to talk to me. That's weird because my visions have never interacted with me before."

Aislinn felt Cullen's anger ease as his brain began to work on what she had just said. "So what do you think it means?" he asked in a relatively decent tone.

"Like I said I don't know. The fates must think that the book was important. Wasn't Rafe stealing books and burning buildings? But I don't know what he was stealing the books for. As far as the people go I don't know." Aislinn thought about it all. "I know that the first vision already happened and I was too late. I don't know what that means. The second vision hasn't happened yet. The man seemed to be reaching for me. Like he wanted me to help him."

Sarah stared out the front window of the SUV. "Well Rafe was stealing the books from druids. He was after the stone circle and he was out to turn himself into the biggest baddest thing he could mix together. The books could be maps, could be recipe books, could be something he was planning to do next that we don't know about, or could be nothing. Any way you look at it Rafe is dead so he can't be using the books. But if they're at Tairneach manor then Jenna or someone else there must have them."

"So even if she does have a bunch of books and she goes and turns the basement into a prison for some people who don't deserve to be in prison. It's not like that has anything to do with us," Cullen said. "We're going to get our own back. But I'm sorry Aislinn, I'm not going to start a war over books or some unknown prisoners. I can let the feds know that Jenna's up to something that could result in trouble. But that's it."

Aislinn sighed. "I understand what you're saying. But I've yet to have a premonition that didn't apply to me in some way. Even when I had the vision at the Taigh-Oèsda I knew that I needed to tell you but it was still Rafe and I was drawn into it. In the end whatever these premonitions mean it's going to catch up to me. They always do."

Cullen's brow furrowed. "Well we'll deal with it when it happens. For now we have enough going on."

Aislinn knew she was being dismissed. I can tell that this feeling sharing shit isn't going to be all fun.

Cullen growled back angrily.

Aislinn leaned back in her seat and watched out the window. She shortly fell asleep in the silence, trying to direct her dream back to the premonition from before in the hopes of getting another look at that book. As she slept she felt more conscious in some ways than she felt when she was awake. It was an odd sensation. She had never tried to direct her premonitions before. They had always just happened. When Aislinn had been a child her grandmother had always discouraged exploring the talent. Then there was college and Aislinn had believed she had more important things to learn about. Especially since the visions were never significant until Rafe came along. And then there was Rafe. He had made her frightened of what she could do and all her energy was spent trying to avoid it or unsuccessfully block him. It wasn't until Cullen came along and she felt safe that she began to think about using it to her own advantage. She felt like he gave her strength somehow.

Aislinn felt herself drifting. There was something odd pulling at her. She felt as though she wanted to go back to the reservation. But she wasn't sure why. The harder she tried to bring back the book she had been looking at the farther away it seemed to get. She was able to summon fleeting images and feelings of fear and acceptance that she knew didn't belong to her. There was also a floating feeling of evil, angry, determination. While it reminded her of Rafe there was a difference to it. Rafe had been scary crazy. This feeling was more cold and lost. It wanted something and Aislinn knew that it would never find what it wanted.

No matter how hard she tried to bring the premonition, throughout all of the strange feelings and flashing indistinguishable pictures, she wasn't quite able to summon up a vision like the ones that just happened. Aislinn felt like she was barely missing something and if she just tried hard enough to focus she could make it all come clear.


Cullen looked over at Aislinn several times. He was getting the strangest sensations from her. He knew that she was concentrating very hard on something. There was curiosity and sometimes a little fear. Every time he felt the fear start he reached out and touched her hand or leg. She would stir in her sleep a bit and then settle and the fear would fade away. He just felt like she needed him.

By the time they pulled into the private garage attached to the Madadh-Allaidh Saobhaidh Cullen's stomach was growling as was his wolf. The few times he had touched her, combined with Aislinn's scent in the enclosed space of the car was starting to get to his wolf no matter how annoyed his human half might have been.

As the others got out of the car and started slamming doors Aislinn was shaken awake. Gaven and Hagan were still holding their tongues but they could feel their mates nearby and they were doing their best to be patient.

Aislinn's mind was exhausted. It took her a moment to come to herself. She saw Cullen slam his door as he got out of the car and she sighed. She wondered how long he was going to be angry at her. She turned to get out of the car and found her door already opening for her. Cullen was standing there waiting with his hand out to her. The look on his face was a combination of still unhappy and getting over it.

She smiled at him wanly and took his hand as she slid from the car. He pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair, taking in her scent. There's nothing quite as frustrating as being annoyed with the one person who always seems to make you feel better, he thought at her.

She smiled and cuddled against him. I am sorry. Maybe next time I won't be quite as direct.

Then you wouldn't be you, he smiled back as they parted. I'd rather honesty.

When they started kissing a concerned, "Ahem," caught their attention.

The kiss ended reluctantly. Cullen let his head fall back onto his shoulder and his neck cracked before he looked to see who had interrupted. The impression was obvious annoyance. Cullen knew that he was going to have to spend some time alone with Aislinn before dealing with the problems here and get something to eat or he'd just kill everyone and be done with it so he could get to the time with Aislinn and dinner.

"I am sorry to interrupt, General" came the voice.

Cullen finally turned to see who it was and released Aislinn from his grip. Cullen nodded at Tad. He was Liam's middle son. He had been left behind with Liam to help with keeping a handle on things at the den. He was smaller than most men, but took after his father in his intelligence. He had brown hair and dark brown eyes like the rest of the Arnauk. But he tended to dress like a young punk for the most part, in his baggy pants, oversized t-shirts and backward ball caps. He was a good kid though.

Tad lowered his eyes and bowed his head submissively before looking up again. Cullen growled possessively when Tad's eyes fell on Aislinn and he smiled. Aislinn touched Cullen's arm. She felt him force his wolf under control as Tad's eyes went wide with uncertainty. "What do you need Tad?" Cullen asked in a strained voice.

"Uh, Dad, sent me to tell you that everyone's in the holding area in the basement and you need to come down as soon as possible." He was shifting uncomfortably. Tad was smart enough to see the danger he was in, even if he didn't know why exactly.

Cullen cleared his voice and took a deep breath. "Tell Liam that there's no way I can deal with that immediately. I'm going for dinner, some sleep and then I'll take care of the mess in the basement. If Liam is interested I'd say the next hour I'll be in the Taigh-Oèsda. You can take Gaven and Hagan down to join the others. I don't think they'll give you any trouble." Cullen indicated the two cowed men who were standing with Sarah and waiting.

Tad nodded, though he still looked confused. "There is one thing you should probably know. About an hour ago a caravan arrived from the Tarineach and our missing people were returned."

Gaven and Hagan suddenly looked relieved and excited. Cullen asked the question they were restraining themselves from shouting out. "Where are they all?"

Tad looked over at the two men sympathetically. He hadn't taken account of all the women who had been returned but he had seen the injuries on a number of them. "They're all downstairs with the others. There really wasn't any keeping them apart."

Cullen nodded. "Then you better get going. Sarah are you coming with us? Dinner?"

Sarah headed toward Cullen and Aislinn. "As long as you promise to keep the touchy feely stuff to a minimum."

Cullen threw Sarah a glare and took Aislinn's hand, dragging her along with him as he headed toward the Taigh-Oèsda and Tad took Gaven and Hagan to the holding area in the basement.


The atmosphere in the Taigh-Oèsda was more sober than usual. All the waiting staff were uncertain. They had heard about the body count and the rumors about Aislinn were disturbing. Everyone had only met her within the past month. She wasn't forthcoming about herself and Rissa had been the only one she seemed to get close to. When Cullen and Sarah came in with Aislinn the weres all stared suspiciously, looking for signs that Aislinn was doing something to the two pack alphas. The looks were far from subtle.

They sat down and a young woman, who Aislinn knew as Marta, came over with menus. She was nervous as she bowed her head to the three of them. She didn't know how to respond to Aislinn. No one did. She wasn't officially part of the pack as far as anyone knew. But her status with Cullen was uncontested and those who had tried to question the situation had been dealt with. No one knew if that qualified her for beta status or not. She had beaten a beta. But there was no formal challenge for her position. Meredith was still doing her job as beta and hadn't been replaced.

Marta settled on an overall head bow. She was just an omega after all. It was the betas who were really grousing about the situation. It was their ranks that seemed to be getting infiltrated. Current rumor had it that Meredith hadn't actually lost that fight. Aislinn had used some kind of mass hypnosis to beat her and that was why none of the normal protocol had been followed.

Cullen ordered his usual without thinking about it. Aislinn ordered a smaller version of what Cullen had asked for and Sarah opted for the steak as well. Pretty standard fair at the Taigh-Oèsda. It was a steak house after all. Marta bowed again and headed off for drinks and to place the order. The relief on her face to be leaving the table was obvious.

Aislinn shifted uncomfortably in the booth. "Rafe's influence seems to have gotten to everyone," she said sadly.

Cullen had been hoping that she wouldn't catch everyone's looks or at least not interpret it all so well.

Aislinn glared at him. "I'm not blind," she said to his train of thought.

"Okay," he said gently. "You need to start being a little less obvious about answering me when you catch things like that. And we're going to have a little talk about exactly how much you're really picking up on."

Sarah looked around to see how confidential a conversation was possible. There were only a few full tables this late. The restaurant was just after closing time for a week day. Not that it mattered when the alpha wanted a table and dinner. He didn't usually take advantage but he was hungry and left overs up stairs wasn't going to hack it.

Sarah made sure to watch for the approach of Marta or anyone else for that matter. Then she shot Cullen the disapproving stare she had been hanging onto all night. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't. It's done. Let it go and help me figure a way to deal with it now." His tone left it in no uncertain terms that he wasn't going to be berated. "Besides, mom, dad already gave me that lecture. You and Keith seem to have forgotten that I'm in charge." He felt like he was reminding people of that an awful lot lately.

"Oh I am sorry, Lord Arnauk," Sarah said dripping with sarcasm. "I will try and remember more clearly who's in charge in the future."

Sarah cut the conversation as Marta appeared with water and the drinks they had ordered. Beer for Cullen and red wine for the ladies. She placed the drinks uncomfortably. She had felt the conversation stop as she approached. That would go over well in the kitchen. Aislinn watched her retreat. Marta glanced over her shoulder at the table, saw Aislinn watching her, and seemed to finch and hurry her steps.

"They're all afraid of me," Aislinn said softly. Cullen felt the hurt. Aislinn's head was throbbing. She wasn't sure if it was from trying to force the premonition to come back or from the fact that she was getting so upset about the way everyone was looking at her.

"They'll get over it if you both stop spending so much time alone." Then Sarah's sarcasm returned. "Oh but you can't do that because you went and mated without elder approval or ceremony and now you'll be wanting more time alone. I almost forgot. All we need now is for Aislinn to go into heat."

Cullen growled at Sarah. "Enough. I've got plenty to worry about. You're supposed to be support. If you can't handle the job-"

"I'll be replaced?" Sarah offered cutting him off. She sat back in her seat and stared into Cullen's eyes, trying to read him.

Realization overcame him. It had never even occurred to him that Aislinn might replace Sarah as alpha female. Not that Sarah really had anything to worry about. Cullen could feel the lack of ambition in Aislinn. But it wasn't as if he could convey that to Sarah. She was already concerned about the situation and probably had reason. No one know how strong Aislinn had been before the change was finished. But from the looks of what Rafe mixed together, Cullen was guessing tiger and leopard of some kind, Aislinn was probably more formidable than she had been before. If he took into account that she had thrashed Meredith, a beta, and wasn't concerned in the least about dealing with Celia, then it wasn't a far guess that she might be comparable to Sarah. Cullen made a mental note to take Aislinn down to the gym and find out exactly what she was capable of. But for now he just needed to come up with something to say to Sarah.

Aislinn was the one who interrupted the glaring contest. "I don't want your job Sarah. I've never been the type of person who could run things. I don't even know what you do. I'd be happy to help out and make myself more visible if that would help things. But I don't want to have to be in charge of anything. Besides, I think that would make things worse."

Sarah looked at Aislinn as she spoke. She could hear the sincerity in her voice. Sarah sighed. She still was wavering between moments of annoyance at being replaced after all this time and moments of acceptance and thinking she should have been replaced by Cullen's mate long ago. It wasn't his fault that he had taken so long finding one. Her voice softened. "Aislinn, you may not want it. But the best leaders never do. Whether you give yourself credit for it or not, I can see you stepping up to handle my job fairly well. There's not as much to it as you may think. And by keeping Cull on a short leash you're already doing part of it." Sarah took a sip of the wine in front of her. "It's really only a matter of time and Cullen knows it. He never would have mated with a woman who couldn't match him. He's too smart for that, or at least his wolf is."

Cullen smiled and picked up his beer. He was glad that Sarah was handling this so well. But her supposed to be reassuring lecture wasn't sitting well with Aislinn.

Aislinn looked over at him. She could feel his agreement with Sarah. "No. I don't want to," she said looking concerned. "If they all hate me now, what do you think would happen then. They can't stand the idea that I beat up Meredith. Hell they probably think that I did something to her brain to make it possible. How do you think-"

Cullen cut her off. "Calm down. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I'm sure Sarah would be more than happy to just have help for a while. It's not necessary for you to be alpha. I could have mated with an omega if I'd wanted."

Aislinn's eyes narrowed. "And then just have a toy in your bedroom all the time. Totally useless except when you get horny."

"If that's the job you want," he teased.

"I don't think so. I want to do something, but that's not something I want people seeing as my job. I can already hear everyone calling me your pussy cat," she groused. Sarah started laughing at that and Cullen just grinned. Aislinn shot both of the deadly glares.

"Alright," Sarah said. "Now that I've established that I'm still in charge for the time being. What are my current orders?" The relief in her voice and her obviously relaxed demeanor brought a new calm to Cullen as well.

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