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Leah Ch. 04


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Leah walked to the door, opening it with the latch still in place, only allowing the door to open a few inches. Leah stood centered in the door opening letting Dane look her up and down appreciatively before he finally spoke 'I got the party favors but left my key in my room can I call the front desk from your phone?' Leah turned and saw the bathroom door was still closed and closed the hotel room door to unlatch the door, and then opened the door wide to let Dane enter. Dane's eyes roamed over Leah's body as he passed and Leah felt a twinge in her pussy from the look on his face.

Dane sat on the closest bed and picked up the phone just as Lori stepped out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel. Dane gave a wolf whistle 'Wow, I was going to ask for someone to unlock my room but I think I like the view from this room better.' Hanging up the phone and standing to turn toward Lori.

Lori blushed and looked at Leah questioningly. Leah explained 'Dane locked himself out of his room and needed to call the front desk.'

Dane interrupted 'But I think we should just have the party in here -- what ya say? Maybe a come as you are party?' He said with a big smile and a sexy leer.

Lori didn't know what to say and after a long pause 'Well my underwear are still drying so I guess it would be easier to just stay here. But only if Leah's up to a little party?'

Leah was really tired but the small tickle in her pussy needed scratched so to speak so 'Ya, I'm game if you are but I can't drink too much if we're going to go in to work in 6 hours!'

'Okay, moderation is the word of the night. Let's get the show on the road.' Dane exclaimed as he pulled tequila, wine, Ever Clear, and Hi-C punch from the brown paper bag he had carried into the room. Dane looked about the room 'Who's got the glasses?'

Lori turned and pulled the glasses from the front table and unwrapped the paper surrounding them. When she presented them to Dane her towel parted giving Dane a small flash of skin beneath. 'What about some music? Someone pick one of the digital music channels on the TV'

Leah stretched and bent to pick up the remote from the center of the bed and her small bath towel pulled up ever so much showing just a hint of ass cheek that both Dane and Lori caught glimpse of. Dane thought to himself maybe tonight has more possibilities than he had thought as Leah read the channel list on the bedside table and clicked to a classic rock station -- U2's 'Where the Street's have No Name' was playing.

Dane sat back on the bed and busied himself with the libations. Lori sat down close to Dane carefully not allowing the towel too much freedom. Leah sat across from the pair on the opposite bed crossing her legs but keeping her crotch covered. As he handed a glass full of a red wine to Leah Dane noticed the wide expanse of thigh and hip visible on Leah's right side and said 'Okay, Leah wine for you.' And then he preceded to hand a glass with two fingers of tequila to Lori, admiring her muscular legs 'Down the hatch young lady!' as he held his own similarly filled glass upwards in toast, and then summarily swallowed the golden liquid in one large drink.

Lori got her tequila down in two drinks and not surprisingly the glass was immediately filled again by Dane who also refilled his own glass and turned to Leah offering his glass up in toast to her as well. Leah clinked their glasses together and recognized the shit eating grin that Dane was giving her -- he's up to something Leah knew -- but what?

Def Leopard's 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' started and Dane stood saying 'Let's dance!' and bounced into the middle of the floor away from the beds. Leah looked at Lori who was already looking at Leah, and they both nodded and smiled. Lori carried her still nursing glass of tequila with her to the middle of the room and began some small gyrations next to Dane. Leah stood between the beds setting her wine on the bedside table and proceeded to dance with some abandon holding her arms high over head and swinging her hips side to side. Occasionally, the towel would part giving fleet glimpses of shadowed skin below.

Dane sang along with the lyrics 'Try to squeeze a little, squeeze a little, tease a little more.' While he grabbed and squeezed Lori's left ass cheek through the towel. The action emboldened Lori and brought her closer to Dane so that she was almost straddling his left leg as they danced. They all sang along to the lyrics 'pour some sugar on me...'

Billy Joel's 'It's still Rock and Roll to Me' began and the dancing calmed Dane took the lull as a cue to continue the festivities 'I'll go get some ice. The drinks and the wine will need ice.' He grabbed the ice bucket and stepped into the hall leaving the door open.

Lori stepped close to Leah and quietly spoke 'I think I'm going to sleep with him tonight. He's giving me the look.' Leah smiled and nodded in agreement, taking a sip of the wine. And they each sat back on their respective beds.

Dane quickly returned with the ice, playfully putting the cold bucket on Lori's thigh as he passed, Lori squealed and jumped causing her towel to part revealing her bush to both Leah and Dane. Lori smoothed the towel back in place and blushed but didn't acknowledge the event. Dane mixed the Hi-C and the Ever Clear in two fresh glasses and dropped ice into the mixture. He sipped his glass in a testing manner, and then handed the second glass to Lori, who also sipped the drink and then smiled and hefted the glass in approval.

Foreigner's 'Cold as Ice' rolled from the speakers and all three people stood and began dancing in the tight space between the beds. Lori was deliberately turning up the sexiness of her dancing to cinch the deal with Dane, she seductively turned bumping her ass toward Dane who took the opportunity to grab an ice cube and shove it down the back of Lori's towel. Lori again squealed and jumped flapping the towel trying to loosen the garment to allow the cold object to fall away from her naked skin beneath, she loosened the towel a little too much and it dropped almost completely to the floor before she caught it just as it draped below her ass.

Dane hooted and hollered admiringly of Lori's naked backside. Lori held the now closed towel tightly to her chest which was reddened to match her face and neck in embarrassment. 'Dane leaned in close to her ear and spoke so only she could hear 'Don't be embarrassed. You're too beautiful and sexy to be embarrassed.' Lori kissed his cheek fleetingly in response to his words and then continued to dance holding the towel closed with only one hand. Each time that Lori bent at the knees lowering her body in dance timed to the music the towel would part and her entire right thigh and hip would be visible. Dane focused all of his attention on Lori admiring her fine toned body. Leah continued to dance watching the events as they unfolded.

The music again lulled as Phil Collins 'In the Air Tonight' played. Dane decided a change was in order 'Whose up for a game of truth or dare?' Leah and Lori looked at each other, Lori's face with a surprised and fearful look, Leah with a shit eating grin.

Leah answered 'I'm up for it, but only if Lori is...' never looking away from Lori.

Lori turned to Dane and Dane had the same grin that Leah did, confusion set in, but peer pressure won out 'Ya sure, I'm game. Who go's first?'

Leah chimed in 'Dane's the only man here so he should be the gentleman and go first. Truth or Dare Dane?'

Dane smiled and said proudly 'Dare!'

Leah moved over to Lori and turned her around so they were facing away from Dane so she could whisper 'What should we make him do?'

Lori looked at the floor while she thought. Dane looked back and forth at the lovely legs and towel covered asses before him. And he was caught when they both spun around and Lori said 'I think the playing field is a little uneven so go in the bathroom strip and put a towel around you and come back in here.'

'Not bad' Leah thought, it's a good beginning.

Lori turned the music down a little and then asked Leah 'How far does this game go?'

Leah lied 'I don't know -- I've haven't played it since college... How far do you want it to go?'

'I don't want to seem like a prude, but I don't want to seem like a slut either.' Lori whispered.

Dane opened the bathroom door and said 'Ta Da!' as he strode into the room. Bare chested and legged with the same hotel towel covering his midsection that Leah and Lori wore. Dane twirled letting the towel part with centrifugal force showing his upper thigh. Both Leah and Lori whistled and cheered. Dane did a mock striptease turning away from the women and opening the towel sliding the towel back and forth over his ass teasingly bringing forth more cheers.

He sat down again next to Lori his thigh touching hers, and refreshed their drinks and then held the wine bottle up for Leah who held her glass allowing him to fill it again, 'Okay, I guess I get to ask one of you now...'Looking from woman to woman as part of his preplanned show 'Leah! Truth or Dare?'

Leah chose dare with little or no pause, surprising Lori with her forwardness.

Dane answered Leah's choice 'Give us a little striptease like I did, show us as much as you feel comfortable showing.'

Leah sipped her wine and then set it down to stand and move to the center of the room facing the door away from the couple on the bed. Leah's hips began to sway to the music, a song she couldn't name, and she unknotted the towel and let it slide down till it was just covering her ass. Leah gave a sexy look over left shoulder at the couple on the bed still swaying her hips. Lori thought she could see a glimpse of the side of Leah's breast on occasion. Leah pulled the towel closed and turned back toward the couple pulling the towel to gather in front covering her breasts and crotch and then sank to the floor in a deep knee bend with her back straight closing her legs and then opening them wide in the classic stripper move. The towel kept everything PG-13 with only her thighs and hips visible but was sexy as hell. Leah was sexily looking at the couple seated on the bed, Dane's left arm was now stretched along Lori's back. Dane enjoyed the performance whistling and yelling 'take it off!' and the blood began to fill his flaccid penis beneath his towel.

The song ended and Leah stood fixing the towel back to its normal position covering her modestly. After Leah sat back down and sipped her wine she continued the game 'Lori it's your turn now -- truth or dare?'

Lori paused looking back and forth from her two fellow players as she considered her options, slut or prude; Leah had set the bar pretty high with her performance... 'Dare.' Finally came from Lori's lips, regretting it as she said it.

Gun's and Rose's 'Welcome to the Jungle' was playing as Leah gave Lori her dare 'The same for you do a little striptease for us only revealing as much as you feel comfortable with.'

'Liquid courage!' Lori stated and took a long drink from her glass the Ever Clear burning her throat as she swallowed. Lori walked to the end of the beds and faced away from her coworkers and began to sexily grind to the music. After some time and cheers from the small crowd of two Lori loosened her towel and let it drape to just cover her ass and continued the grind. From her position in the room Leah could see a good reflection of Lori in the mirror to her left. Lori's nipples were as hard as they were before Dane's arrival. Lori tried to emulate Leah's move and turned before the towel covered her right breast and bush giving the two people on the beds an unexpected but welcome flash to which both yelled approvingly.

When the song ended Lori tried to tie the towel but it fell exposing both of her demure breasts before she caught it. Dane gave a standing applause and made a shrill whistle yelling 'nice tits!' and 'great knockers!' Lori could only blush a deep red and hold the towel closed, and quickly sit on the end of the bed with her back to the group trying to hide from their eyes.

Dane quickly went to her side and leaned over to whisper reassuringly in her ear 'You're beautiful and sexy and you have nothing to be ashamed of.' And then Dane kissed Lori on the cheek, still warm from her blushing, before pulling her back around to face towards the other bed. He sat down next to her and draped his left arm around her in a comforting embrace to keep her involved in the game. 'Okay Lori I guess it's my turn and I'll take a dare.'

Lori didn't even pause to think of this one knowing exactly what she wanted 'Kiss me, for as long as this song lasts, give me your best kiss.'

Leah clapped and said 'Good one Lori.'

Dane took Lori by the shoulders and pulled her face in close and kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her left cheek, and then finally her lips. Beginning with small pecks and then progressing to longer and longer kisses occasionally turning his head from side to side to switch it up a little before settling into a playful tongue searching and then duel with Lori's tongue. That's when Dane then pulled Lori back on the bed so they were both reclining on their sides. The kiss continued, and Dane pushed Lori to her back and slid his leg between hers rubbing his hip against her pubis in a light grinding motion. Leah was impressed. Dane never kissed Leah like that.

Lori was holding Dane's sides as she pulled him into the kiss and gave slight pelvic pushes to encourage his grinding. They both ignored the end of the song and continued to make out for another minute or so until Dane finally rolled off leaving Lori spread eagle with her bush and pussy in plain sight of Leah on the opposite bed. Leah noticed a slight bulge in Dane's towel as he sat raised on his elbows on the bed next to the panting Lori.

When Lori recovered and sat up in a matching position to Dane, Dane continued the game 'Well Leah -- truth or dare?'

Leah wasn't sure what Dane would do this time but took a chance 'I can't back down now can I? Dare!'

Dane looked over at Lori and then back to Leah 'We accidentally saw more of the beautiful Lori here, so why don't you even it up and let us see you naked too?'

Leah stood and dropped the towel letting her coworkers look at her naked form. Leah started facing the couple and both Lori's and Dane's eyes roved from her tan lined breasts with their hard nipples surrounded by light pink areola to her taught belly downward to her tan lined crotch with the small line of blonde pubic hair that sat above her hairless pussy -- the engorged labia peaking out from the mons. Leah then turned to allow them to view her ass again noting the tan lines and the small gap between her thighs where you could still see her labia. Leah then bent to pick up the towel giving them a good shot of her pussy from behind. Leah tucked the towel back in place and returned to her place on her bed. Both Lori and Dane were quiet during Leah's exposure, no cheers, or whistles, just hushed silence. That Leah finally broke with 'Okay Lori, what's it gonna be truth or dare?'

Lori again reluctantly chose 'Dare.' Already pretty sure of what Leah would ask her to do. But she needed to put on a good show for Dane to make him forget Leah's body -- Lori didn't miss that the tenting of Dane's towel grew significantly while Leah was naked.

'We only glimpsed that hot bod of yours -- let's see it in all of its glory.' Leah challenged.

Lori stood and turned towards Dane and said 'Dane, do you want to do the honors?'

Dane responded 'I want to do so much more...' and pulled the towel loose letting it drop. He then trailed the back of his hand down Lori's arm to her thigh while his eyes took in her gorgeous body. Lori was completely free of tan lines, making the muscles of her arms, belly, and legs look even more pronounced and defined. Her nipples were rock hard, with areola a dark cherry red color just slightly larger than the nipple itself, sitting perfectly in the middle of what was probably 32b's with no sag what so ever. Dane guessed that Lori had about a 10% body fat ratio because her abdominals were clearly visible as were pelvic bones in her hips. Lori's abs were so flat that her belly ring actually stood out from her body. Her lower belly was just as flat leading down to a full but short bush that covered her entire pussy and was trimmed to a tight triangular shape, there was what appeared to be fresh razor burn around her bush 'Nice! She trimmed it just for me.' Dane excitedly thought.

When Dane was satisfied with his examination of her front he took her hand and turned her so she was facing away so he could view her magnificent ass -- muscular and tight like the rest of her compact athletic body. Dane put his left hand on Lori's left hip and then pushed on her lower back with his right hand letting her know to bend at the waist. Lori bent slightly but stopped when Dane relinquished his hold to look at her pussy visible in the position she was in. Lori's labia were huge, hanging down, and were the only thing remotely considered unappealing to Dane on her body. But he wasn't going to be that close to her pussy that he worried about what it looked like -- just what it would feel like on and around his cock. Dane could see her anus, tight pink and pristine, she was an anal cherry. But she was so muscular that she could probably squeeze his dick clean off if she wanted to.

Dane bent and picked up the towel and stood so that when Lori turned back around she stepped forward and he enveloped her in the towel and his arms. Lori could feel his erection hard and poking her in the belly 'Good! He really wants me! Ha! Take that little miss Leah!' Lori thought. Lori held Dane's hug and ground her belly against him to let him know she wanted him.

Lori sat back on the bed and started to speak when Leah hopped up off her bed and bent down to whisper in her ear. Dane wondered what it was that Leah was saying but had liked the progress so far...

Lori started 'Leah came up with a good idea for a dare for you Dane, truth or dare?' Lori was very pleased she was still worried that Leah had feelings for Dane but with what Leah just said to her she was sure that Leah had moved on to this new boyfriend.

Dane said 'Why dare of course.'

Leah took over because Lori didn't want to seem too slutty 'Okay Dane, I want you to stand and turn facing Lori and then open your towel so she can see what God has given you and hold that position until Lori tells you to stop.' Lori sat straighter on the bed smiling at Leah with thanks.

Dane too was smiling that same shit eating grin that Leah had come to know but not understand until tonight -- this is what he wanted all along -- for Leah to play along and help him seduce Lori. Dane stood and shuffled around so that he was between Lori's legs. And slowly undid his towel stretching the ends out so the towel made private walls for only Lori to see. Dane's penis was slightly elongated but not fully hard, but exposing himself to such a beautiful woman, with another beautiful woman watching and directing him was quickly sending blood to his organ.

As Lori sat staring at Dane's dick, she was happy with the length and surprised and somewhat relieved to see a thick main of pubic hair covering his crotch and balls. Dane's dick grew and bounced until it was pointing towards Lori's chin, uncertain of what to do -- if only Leah wasn't here Lori wouldn't hesitate to stuff it in her mouth. Where was Leah? Lori leaned over to the side to peak out from behind the towel and there sat Leah grinning, the TV schedule in one hand and remote in the other hand pointed toward the TV which changed to Gloria Estefan's 'Anything for You'. Leah then noticed Lori looking at her and smiled and nodded towards Dane and mouthed 'Go for it.'

Lori wasn't sure about this but Dane's cock was right in front of her so she quickly moved before she changed her mind and grabbed his cock kissing the head, then licking the head and shaft, and then mouthing as much as she could. Dane just held his hips steady and the towel in place letting Lori control how far she wanted to take this -- praying that she would swallow his cum. Lori continued to give Dane head for several minutes until her jaw and tongue were actually getting tired from the activity. That's when she decided to give him a hand job, and pulled her mouth off with a plopping sound that Leah heard, and then started to stroke his cock with hard strokes eliciting a loud groan from Dane that Leah also heard.

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