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Lending a Hand


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All of her moving around to get at me had also resulted in her getting a bit wet herself. Her chest was damp and the overworked fabric of her bra was starting to soak through to reveal more of the plentiful tits that had been tempting me all morning. When she leaned over to reach further to get at my body, her big ass rose up behind her like a full moon at harvest time. I was about ready to explode again from all that was happening and my cock was rock hard and sticking straight up, the head of it had broken the surface of the water, looking straight at Mrs. Hollinger the way that a periscope would.

"Boy, I can tell that you're about ready to burst again. Isn't that right?" The washcloth was floating free in the water and her hand had made its way to my balls. She cupped me and squeezed gently while a single finger circled around my backdoor. I had never been touched there before, but I wasn't going to tell this lady to stop. Besides, it felt real nice and we both knew that I was clean on account of how well Mrs. Hollinger had scrubbed me down. "These balls feel awfully full, Luke."

"Yes, ma'am. I don't think that I can last much longer the way that you're touching me." If it wasn't for the water cooling down around me I'm sure I would have busted by now. Instead I felt the pleasure inside of me growing to levels that I had never reached before. My body practically shook and my heart was pounding inside of my chest.

Mrs. Hollinger gave my balls a final tug and pulled her hand away. "Stand up. Let me see all of that beautiful body of yours."

Once again I followed orders and rose up from the water to meet her gaze. I could see it in her hungry eyes now, the same lust that had been circling me all day had found a home in Mrs. Hollinger as well.

The old farmer reached back and deftly undid the hooks of her overworked bra, followed by a forward shrug that sent the straps sliding down her shoulders. There were deep indentations in her skin where the garment had been pulled down by the weight of her breasts, the lines were wide and thick even among her broad shoulders. But the bra remained held in place until Mrs. Hollinger pulled at each of the cups and set free her enormous, pendulous breasts.

I watched in slow motion as her tits were unwrapped, no longer the mystery that they had been all my life. All morning I had fantasized about them while I worked along Mrs. Hollinger's road, but they never seemed like anything more than a daydream for a working man passing the time. Even when she was washing me down in the tub like I was a little boy her bra had stayed on and I just figured that's the way that it was going to be.

But, Lord have mercy, her tits were worth the wait. Her freckled cleavage went on forever, a slowly unveiled treasure that I couldn't take my eyes off of. Mrs. Hollinger's breasts were both wide and full, projecting out from her body and covering most of her seated torso. At the end of each was a dark nipple, matching in size the tips of her thumbs that now gave a tug at each of them. Now freed from their constraints, her tits were impossible for the rest of her body to avoid and pulled everything into their orbit. The curved edges pushed into the sides of her arms, bell shaped bottoms sat heavily on the small bump of her stomach. Even her single long braid of pewter tinted hair had fallen forward to her chest and rested comfortably.

Neither of us seemed in any kind of hurry to move onto whatever was next.

I stood before Mrs. Hollinger for inspection, wanting to excite her the way that she had thrilled me all morning with nothing more than her presence and pleasant way of going about the day. But, even with everything that had already happened between the two of us today, I suddenly felt nervous in front of her, aware that I was just a kid and she was a woman. The water ran slowly down my body and into the clawfoot tub, leaving everything about me exposed. The creases at the edges of her eyes deepened as Mrs. Hollinger squinted a bit to take in the full measure of me. She took her time with her examination and I watched as her eyes climbed my body slowly, beginning at the contours of my legs and trailing upward until she reached what must have been an unsure smile. I was never much of a proper student in school and all the nervousness of waiting to get back a test came rushing back to me, it was that type of anxiety that she must have been picking up on when she spoke first and broke the silence that had grown up between us.

"Luke, baby, don't be nervous. I'm going to take good care of you for as long as you need. How does that sound?" Her voice was soothing and I took a breath before answering. Our eyes connected.

"That sounds great, Mrs. Hollinger. Why, I may not ever want to leave here," I told her, my words holding a lot more truth to them than I probably meant to reveal.

She leaned back and smiled at that, the morning sun coming in through the single round window and shining on her face. The signs of age, both wrinkles and sun spots, came together beautifully on her. Mrs. Hollinger reached forward with a warm hand and gripped the side of my thigh, high up on my leg and her fingers circled back and rubbed against the muscles of my ass. "You might not have a choice, Luke. I might just decide to keep you, and this cock, here with me until I'm all done with you."

"Yes ma'am," I nodded. "You can do whatever you'd like with me." I wasn't a liar and I meant every word of what I said to her. We both felt that I was shaking a little bit and not because of the cool water.

"You can touch me too, Luke. Go on, I can see that you want to," she offered, her eyes focused on the fully engorged cock that bobbed between the two of us.

I leaned forward and slipped a hand under each of her tits. My fingers were spread wide and my two thumbs met in the space where her breasts came together, I pulled them apart and lifted, wanting to feel their weight and size. They were so heavy I almost thought I would throw my back out, being hunched over the way that I was, but any thought of that was quickly tossed aside as the connection between the two of us took over and I unconsciously let out a small moan.

"Uh....," the sound left my mouth but that's only because my dick couldn't say it for itself. That's where I felt it, though, a heated and pulsing feeling that shot through my body when I tried to hold as much of her as I could. Even with my two hands there was so much more of her than I could fit in my grip.

"That feels really nice Luke. Do you think that you could give them a little suck?"

My response was immediate. I stepped from the tub onto the small bath mat that she laid out and dropped to my knees in genuflection. Not once did either of my hands leave her tits and in just a moment I had all ten digits wrapped around one of her breasts and raised her nipple to my mouth, squeezing her lightly. I latched on like a hungry calf and suckled for all I was worth. Inside my mouth the already large nipple stiffened and grew rigid. I realized that in my hurry to feed I had wrapped my body around her leg and was slowly humping against her. My dick rubbed against the rough fabric of her pants and was probably making a little bit of a mess on her clothes. But she didn't seem to mind so I wasn't going to pay it any attention either.

Mrs. Hollinger looked down at me with big eyes and smiled, one hand running her fingers through my hair. Whatever nerves I had vanished from me at this point. I sucked on her nipple for I don't even know how long, the entire time her eyes never stopped looking down at me in a way that I hadn't seen from her all morning.

Finally she pulled her hand away and sat back a little, breaking the connection between us. My tongue darted from my mouth like a lizard, finding nothing but space where Mrs. Hollinger was.

"That's enough for now Luke, I don't want you to get too excited just yet." Her own hands found her tits now and she lifted them absently, a reflective move she had probably done a million times. I wasn't surprised that even she couldn't keep her hands off of them.

"Yes, ma'am." Still on my knees, I sat back and looked up at her.

"Stand up again." The command was short and immediately heeded. She stayed on her stool while I rose up.

My cock had a mind of its own and stood straight out like an arrow aimed right at Mrs. Hollinger's tits. The two enormous globes weren't more than a couple of inches away from my dick and it was really easy to imagine just leaning forward and plunging into the deep chasm of cleavage that was before me and unloading my cum. I twitched as the thought ran through my mind and I felt a churn in my balls. Her tits were so big that it had my mind considering things that weren't even possible.

Still seated and leaned slightly forward, the posture making her heavy tits sway slowly, Mrs. Hollinger reached her arms around me and grabbed me from behind. In response I flexed the muscles in my ass as each one of her hands gripped a cheek firmly, the strength in her fingers felt throughout my body as she squeezed tightly into my smooth flesh. The tightening of my body made my cock bounce and a single, thick drop of clear liquid dribbled from the tip. At the same moment we each let out a moan, a precursor to whatever we both felt was coming next.

I kind of felt that Mrs. Hollinger may have been a mind reader because what happened next was exactly what I was dreaming about. With her arms still around me, she pulled me closer to her and my cock vanished into the space between her breasts. Her skin was warm and wet from the splashed bathwater and I slid easily among the soft flesh, the feeling so unlike anything that I had experienced in my nineteen years. Her arms guided my body back and forth, my cock vanishing and reappearing with each thrust like an oil derrick plunging into the earth, each time it emerged the glistening sheen from my leaking cock was more obvious to both of us. My hands gripped her shoulders for purchase and I picked up the pace, fucking a pair of tits for the first time in my life. I had seen that this was something that two people could do, but Wendy had never been one to try it so it was only something that I had imagined.

"Oh, Mrs. Hollinger," I began, trying to sort through all that I was feeling and make sense of it. In the end it felt like lust ramped up to a level that I had never known. "I don't think that my cock has ever been this hard." I needed her to know what she was doing to me.

"I can feel it Luke. I know that you were thinking about fucking my tits since you got here. That's why you pulled over, wasn't it? Not because you wanted to help me but because you wanted to get your cock all over me?"

"It is. I couldn't help myself...," I confessed breathlessly, my cock rewriting recent history. I didn't even care that it made me look like a dog, that's what I was right now. "You looked so good. I knew that I could have you." Was that true? Is that what I had been thinking all along? It was now.

She looked up and smiled at me. "I was watching you this morning in the fields when you thought you were alone and I could see your cock swelling in those tight blue jeans. Looking at that scarecrow and wishing that it was me. And once I saw that I decided that I needed to see more of your cock. That I would give you what you were working so hard for." Mrs. Hollinger's strong hands released their grip on my ass and instead hefted the considerable weight of her massive chest. She lifted her tits and pulled them out from her body, presenting me with a rippling pool that was almost level with her face. From this new angle I was able to get my cock under her tits and fuck her even harder, her tits squeezing me like a vice. My thighs moved forward and from a standing position I almost mounted her, like we were nothing more than a pair of barn animals. We were certainly acting the part.

"Uhhh....uhhh...," I groaned like a beast on the verge of busting loose. Everything inside of me was begging for a release, an inferno of sexual energy ready to explode.

"Don't hold back, boy. Give me every drop that you have," Mrs. Hollinger demanded of me and I answered her plea with a strong blast of cum as my pistoning cock surfaced and erupted. The first thick string splattered on her neck and filled the creases of her skin, the second release disappeared into the chasm of her tits as my cock was swallowed up on the downstroke. It felt so good that I couldn't stop and I continued to recklessly pump my lean body against her thick frame, rocking back and forth with abandon.

"Yes...yes...," she cried out in response to each new gooey explosion, her exhortations in perfect rhythm with the contractions of my cock. As the bursts began to slow to a trickle Mrs. Hollinger violently smashed her enormous tits together and completely engulfed my dick, bouncing her breasts up and down along my still swollen, but softening shaft. She pressed inward and the pressure drained the last bits of cum from me, like I was nothing more than a used up toothpaste tube on its last day. The sensation along the head of my dick was almost more than I could bear, sharp pangs of pleasure that threatened to completely overwhelm me. I felt like I was going to pass out from total ecstasy.

"Oh...Mrs. Hollinger...that was...," I didn't know what to say. Rather I wanted to say everything to her, but I was at a total loss for words. She let her tits drop and they slapped across her torso and wobbled. I was surprised that she had the strength to hold them up for as long as she had. Instead she wrapped her arms around my legs and supported me as I slumped forward, completely drained from the morning's work.

"Shhh...," her breath was cool on my thighs and her strength steadied me while I regained my bearings. "I know..." Whatever it was, I felt like we both knew it, even if I couldn't put it into words. Maybe that's what made it so nice.

"Thank you," I said to her. I could feel the warm cum from my body already cooling down, hardening between the two of us. I couldn't help myself and I slid a hand off her shoulder and held as much of one of her mighty tits in my hand as I could, grabbing something to remember her by. Her skin was soft to the touch but below the surface it was heavy and dense. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for Mrs. Hollinger to carry those things around everyday. I thought of some of the guys at the shop and how they complained about the weight of a reel of wire even though they could put it down at any time or throw it on a cart. It certainly made me look at the world in a different way. I was just happy that Mrs. Hollinger let me share in her burden for a little while.

In the mirror I could see the contented smile on Mrs. Hollinger's face pressed against my leg. Maybe it was because all the lust and horniness had come out of me with that last burst, but she suddenly looked a lot different than she did earlier in the day. I still found her to be very sexy, but there was also a loneliness that I never noticed before until now. I'm sure it wasn't about me, I think that any young boy with a nice cock could have done what I did today, but she seemed like she was real happy just now. And I was real happy that I was able to help her out with that.

"Alright now, Luke, let's get you cleaned up for real this time." She gestured that she wanted to rise and I backed off of her body, dismounted from her chest and took a step away. After standing she reached for the damp washcloth and wiped both of us down with it, wiping away the cum and the sweat that was on both of our bodies. Unlike in the bathtub, this time Mrs. Hollinger was quick and efficient. I felt my cock start to come back to life the moment that her hand touched me, though I pushed back the urge as best as I could. She had treated me to a nice morning and I didn't want to ruin it by treating her like something that she wasn't.

Besides, I thought we were pretty even for the work that was done and the payment that was received.

But another part of me felt that there was still some work to be here. I didn't like leaving a job unfinished.

"Ma'am, I'd like to take care of you too," my voice was a little shaky when I broke the comfortable silence that had grown between the two of us. I looked her body up and down. I hope not in a lecherous way, but to let her know what I meant. And I did mean it. "I don't want you to think that I'm the type of man that's only looking out for himself."

"Hush," she responded quickly, looking me in the eyes. She still had her top off and her tits hung there looking at me too, proud in the knowledge that there wasn't a better rack in the county. Even the young girls had nothing on old Mrs. Hollinger, of this I was now certain. "You're a sweet boy, but now is not the time for that."

Her thick body filled most of the doorway into the bathroom, but over her shoulder I could see the door to what must have been her bedroom. It was closed and I sure did want to know what it would be like on the other side of it. But she had said her peace and I wasn't going to push a lady into something that she didn't want to do.

With that she turned and walked down the hall into the kitchen and stepped out of sight while I got dressed and then followed behind her. Mrs. Hollinger handed me a wrapped up piece of pie for the road. And then she gave me a little kiss on the cheek, which was even sweeter than the pie and got a big smile out of me.

"I'll tell you what, Luke. Now I don't stay up too late these days, but I do sometimes. If you're driving by one night and I've got my porch light on, you can see it from the road if you're looking for it, you can pay me a visit if you'd like. Maybe when you get that union card you can come by and we can celebrate." A quick glance at her chest revealed that her wide nipples had crinkled and hardened, despite the increasing heat of the day. "How does that sound to you, young man?"

"Oh, I think I'd like that very much ma'am."

"Good. Now run along, boy, and make something out of the rest of this day."

I smiled and nodded. It only took a short time to walk back to my truck but I could feel her eyes following me each step that I took. I waved as I pulled down the driveway and back to the road, watching in the rearview as she watched me pull away. It didn't feel like goodbye, I knew that I would be back.

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CurteyCurtey6 months ago

Wonderful! I really connected with both of the characters, and the story. Turn on definitely.

kriss4912kriss49126 months ago

Wonderful story helping Luke know how to treat a lady and get the most from their relationship

DivaDyfiDivaDyfi7 months ago

Brilliant! I hope to read more as their relationship develops.

oxygen5011oxygen50117 months ago

Fabolous story!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nearly flawless to me... build up was great, the lusty but sweet older "matron" absolutely perfect in her depiction and actions... a young man wanting, but unsure of himself and the older woman's encouragement of his excitement over her makes me hopeful there will be a next part!

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