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Letting Them Watch

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Enjoying more than just the flora and fauna on our hike.
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It was mid morning by the time we had arrived at the State Natural Reserve. It's quite common to hear people refer to that area mistakenly as a State Park. The reserve itself shares boundaries with two marine parks, one also a reserve, and the other a conservation area. It's just one of several favored places along the coast that we've enjoyed. Although our schedules don't easily allow, we do try and schedule return visits since moving away.

We knew the trail system and coastline well, and preferred the lesser travelled routes. At times we'd elect to leave the main trails and follow what appeared as little more than game trails, likely used by resident black-tailed deer, coyote, gray fox, bobcat... The wildlife there goes mostly unseen. The sheer number of species of land animals, let alone the more abundant bird and marine life present, would easily surprise most. As is likely true with most celebrated outdoor areas, the casual visitors see but a mere fraction of what's present.

In such areas, people tend to move too quickly, and generate too much noise. A whole world is waiting to open up to those who learn to recognize the transition zones. These zones are essentially the "seams", the edges. Examples are the boundaries from forest to meadow, in a mountain stream it's from fast water to slower water, in the air you can watch a soaring hawk move in and out of the thermal seams. It also applies to the time of day, from night to dawn. There are reasons why animals favor these areas and times.

At that time of year, and being mid week, the parking area had only a few vehicles. It turned out that we had the reserve mostly to ourselves. The other visitors were likely nature photographers, birders and, given that half of the three combined areas are underwater, scuba divers.

The familiar fresh scent of the ocean was welcome. We could just barely make out the sound of waves finishing their journey on the beach or colliding against the craggy granite cliffs. The fog there characteristically clears by late morning. The color of the water would then change dramatically from a dull dark gray to the bright blue and foaming white that is often featured in photos and paintings of the area.

We had just finished gathering our daypacks when another vehicle pulled in a few spots away. At a glance they looked to be college students, a guy and a girl, maybe nineteen years old, twenty most. They weren't shy at all, and offered a spirited "Good Morning." They turned out to be quite talkative. They inquired about the trails, which ones went to the beach area, which ones stayed inland, and which areas a must-see. We found them to be fun to talk to, full of energy, refreshing.

I guess one would say that they were average looking, whatever that means. Neither of them appeared to be athletic, more studious looking, somewhat pale. She was quite feminine, her complexion made me think of the phrase "squeaky clean." Their enthusiasm was somewhat contagious, that was nice, they had already added to our day. They seemed somewhat innocent, fresh, a natural sincerity about them. It came to mind that they may have recently met. Perhaps it was the manner in which they interacted, not being totally at ease with each other, and directing a lot of attention to us. Was it a first date perhaps? Or maybe it was a first "outing" as a couple, no other friends or acquaintances around to add comfort?

We were happy to get them oriented. As we headed out, I offered that we'd be hiking through an open meadow-like area and then into the coastal forest. Later, we'd continue to the beach and cliffs after the morning fog lifted. I added that they'd be able to see us ahead, and were welcome to follow if they wanted since we'd be visiting some of the more dramatic areas of the reserve.

As I was staying that, I could see out of the corner of my eye that Claire had turned to look at me and smiled. Once out of earshot, she asked me if I had offered for them to follow out of courtesy, or did I have something else in mind. I replied with only with a smile. Actually, it was out of courtesy but her comment brought something to mind.

We never looked directly back at them, but with peripheral vision we could see them about one hundred yards behind and following. Once we passed though the meadow, and entered the coastal forest, we slowed our pace giving them a chance to keep us in sight. Without words passing between us we knew that each had begun to experience the beginnings of that wonderful faint sense of pleasure that precedes sensuality.

About a quarter mile into the pine and cypress forest, I turned and made contact with our followers. I waved my hands and pointed in the direction of a smaller trail branching off deeper into the forest. They signaled back, acknowledging the change in direction. Both Claire and I looked at each other, our hearts beating a bit faster, the beginnings of arousal gently swept through us.

We moved more quickly now that we were out of sight, and found one of our familiar, and somewhat secret, spots. The undergrowth here was lush with large ferns and a blanket of low, soft, bright green Spring Grass, which would become our bed. Shafts of light were beginning to break through the fog-wrapped forest. With the mature pines and cypress it had the feel of a primeval forest, dark but not too dark, almost fairytale-like. In the past we had spent hours at this very spot, reading, napping, enjoying nature, sharing...

Our packs were dropped, and we shed our clothes quickly. I had already become partially erect with anticipation, and knew that Claire would be moist. She spoke first, "how about I lean against that tree?" Yeah, I liked that idea. Our hopes were that when the young couple made the last turn in the pathway, and we came into view, that they would stop suddenly in their tracks. We wanted them to be speechless, mesmerized, somewhat frozen in time.

I recall the feeling as being a blend of lost in our selves, plus the excitement of perhaps being watched. We would know in an instant when they saw us whether we'd be sharing our intimacy with others or be left alone. Either way we'd enjoy the moment. When we are both in the mood to let someone watch, then it does feel special in itself, not better, just different. It's not often that we both are in that "mood" at the same time. It's nice though when it happens, adds another dimension to our sexuality.

Claire had positioned herself so that she would be facing in their approaching direction. She held her arms stretched out against the trunk of a wind-sculpted cypress as if crucified in ecstasy. That image, her against that tree, in that lighting, still comes to me at times. We didn't have the time for extended foreplay as preferred. I knelt before her, held her hips and began to suck on her clit. Pulling on it with my lips, nibbling on it until she would offer a faint squeal. I explored all of her textures, some slippery smooth, others of intricate folds. Her taste was clean and exotic. Claire's soft, lean, nude body, pale olive skin tone, the weathered textured gray bark, the lush greens of the undergrowth... it would have made a great photograph. Our idea of nature photography is different than that of the photographers that roamed the reserve.

"They're here" was all she had whispered. A long thirty seconds passed, and then "they're going to stay."

Claire shared that they were partially concealed behind a large fern at the last bend in the pathway. Likely they had felt that we weren't aware of their presence. They were close enough to see all that took place, but couldn't hear anything above a whisper. It was perfect.

I can only imagine that not a word was passed between them. They must have been silent, their hearts racing, and their bodies transitioning to a state of arousal. If I was correct in my assessment of them at the parking lot, then they probably hadn't ever touched each other. His cock had to be growing and her sweet young pussy would have begun to soak her panties.

Claire lowered her arms and held my head, pulling my face further into her pussy. She slowly lifted and bent one leg and moved it outward; so that I could just reach her opening and begin to tongue fuck her. Her clit was already fully swollen and peeking through the lips of her tender pussy. My mouth and chin were glistening wet with her nectar. Every woman has her own special scent, and taste, all to be enjoyed. There are many pleasures to be experienced on the path to an orgasm. I feel that most people miss those moments. I'll take that thought one step further, it can be as satisfying to taste and feel your partner climax, as it is to climax yourself.

She released her hands as I pulled away. I stood, and faced sideways so that they could see the length of my hard cock, which was pointing nearly straight up. Claire knelt before me, and then reached in to caress my cum-filled balls, gently rolling them in her hands. Her touch is always so light and soft. It's almost as if I was dreaming of being fondled, it's perfect, and it's teasing. Pre-cum had started to run down my shaft and onto her delicate fingers.

As we continued our performance, we silently wondered what was going through their minds. Could they possibly have resisted having sex after watching?

I can still remember the feeling when the head of my cock entered Claire's warm, wet, soft mouth. That initial contact is such a high point of pleasure. It's a slightly different sensation than entering her pussy. Both are soft, warm and wet, yet different. It's but a mere second in time that needs to be savored. Not just savored, but also sharing with your partner the pleasure that they bring.

We were at center stage for our guests, Claire holding onto my thighs with my cock in her luscious mouth. I glanced up in the general direction of our voyeurs, wondering what, if anything, they were doing. Not surprisingly, both were fully clothed and appeared to be focused only on my cock being sucked. Claire let the head come out, and gave my cock a gentle squeeze, watching another rush of pre-cum emerge. With the tip of her tongue she gathered it up, swallowed, and licked her lips. She had taught me to enjoy the taste as much as she did, and it often is present in our foreplay.

If I had let Claire continue I wouldn't have lasted much longer. I pulled out, and asked Claire to get on her hands and knees, giving the kids a full side view. After assuming the position, she looked over her shoulder and told me to fuck her. I positioned the head of my cock and eased it in.

I like that position. I like seeing it going in and out, the smooth, tender lips of her cunt holding my cock tight. To insure maximum stimulation for both a man needs must use the full length of his cock. I feel that all too often what really happens between two is more the man flopping about aimlessly between a woman's legs until he cums, and the woman left wanting. A woman on all fours, she must feel so fully exposed, so fully vulnerable... it just adds to the eroticism.

She was well beyond just being wet. Glistening juices ran down both inner thighs. We could actually hear my cock moving in and out. It was a vision that I could easily masturbate to, her gentle, soft curves, and her breasts jiggling with each thrust. We both tend to lose track of time when in such an elevated state of pleasure. What shook me out of the clouds was the sense that I was getting close. Claire was now resting her head on the grass and was working her clit with one hand. I then felt her hand slide further back between her legs and begin to gently hold my balls. She did this because she was close, and knew that I would usually come quickly when my balls were fondled while fucking. It was like a "trigger" that she could pull, making us cum together. I held off, wanting to cum in a manner that would be more enjoyable for all.

It didn't take long for her to begin to slip into what would become a long and violent orgasm. Her ass was thrusting back into me, her body turning and twisting. I've not ever experienced, or read about, a body moving so sensually as hers during an orgasm. It was as if she were possessed as her orgasm played out. Her pussy was squeezing, it felt as if her spasms were trying to milk my cock dry. When she experiences a climax at this elevated level, she'll often begin to cry from the sheer pleasure.

I was on the edge of losing it. I was relieved when her body stopped the involuntary movements, her orgasm subsiding. I told her to look back at me. I pulled out as she turned to look back over her shoulder. My hand was stroking my slippery cock. I aimed; the first long, white ribbon of fresh cum reached her cheek. The second landed just at the corner of her mouth. We all watched as she stuck her tongue out to capture some and draw it into her mouth. What she couldn't reach had already begun to flow to her chin, and began to drip down in long white threads to the grass below.

I continued to stroke, and shoot the rest to form a white line of cum from her shoulder to the middle of her back. A pool of my juice formed. As she continued to move it began to spill over, and run down her sides. It was an erotic scene, my fresh pure white cum on the bright green forest carpet.

When my orgasm subsided, we moved to lie on our backs. My cock was still moving with each breath, and cum continued to ooze out and run down the side. Claire reached down and ran a finger up the length of my cock, gathering cum. I watched as she painter her nipples with it. It looked like she had covered them with icing. She leaned toward me, a gesture that was meant for me to taste myself. I lowered my head and sucked them clean.

It's likely that our two watchers had never done anything like that before.

Claire could only utter that her pussy was "throbbing wonderfully" and her legs felt "too weak to stand."

It was probably fifteen minutes before I glanced over to check on our new friends. They were gone! My first words were "let's go and find them, they're close by, I'm sure."

We used a hand towel (always in our daypacks) to take up our cum, and then quickly dressed to go and search. Claire laughed as I tried to zip up my jeans over my still engorged cock. It's not easily done, and not at all comfortable.

As we left the area I stopped for a moment, and glanced back. By late afternoon the Spring Grass would have recovered, erasing any trace of us being there.

Hopefully, now we'd be the voyeurs.

They must have thought that we would remain lying naked for some time. We didn't go far before we heard the muffled sounds of people enjoying each other. As we made our way through the tall ferns we came upon a small clearing, big enough for only two to lie down. They must have felt hidden, secluded, in their own world.

Clothes were strewn about. I was drawn to her panties, lying on the soft grass. All that we could see were her legs spread wide and him lying between them. His boyish pale ass moving up and down quickly as they fucked. It was erotic, it was real.

My guess was that any foreplay had been abandoned, and they had moved quickly to fucking. It would have been fun to watch them undress. To see them fully aroused, to see her feminine form, and his cock. They must have moved quickly into the position we found them. She probably had to help him put it in.

We watched until his movements quickened even more. Then, his baby smooth white ass suddenly tightened up and quivered. No doubt she could feel the heat and volume of his juice filling her tender young cunt. He repeated the movements over and over, unloading all that he had. I wanted to stay longer, until he pulled out and rolled off of her. I wanted to see her pink little pussy release a stream of his white cum, watching it pool on the grass between her legs.

We left unnoticed, allowing them their privacy, their special moment.

Although it wasn't love making in a refined, experienced manner, it was pure lust in motion. In time, they would perfect what was right for them, and that's all that matters anyway. It was a day never to be forgotten by those two for sure. And not just for them, Claire and I have shared that vision many times as well.

After spending a few hours on the beach, having lunch and napping, we made our way back to our vehicle. We hadn't really expected to see the young couple at the beach. Although it would have been interesting, I wished it had happened. Anything would have been possible.

Before leaving the parking area we left a notice on the windshield of their car, just a simple "Hope your day was memorable"

In thinking back, we certainly had accelerated their relationship. Hopefully, all in a good manner. If the situation was reversed there's little doubt that we would have followed and watched. Claire and I wondered if one or both were virgins at the time, perhaps so.

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WindySwimmingWindySwimmingover 8 years ago

Missed this when u posted it in Nov - probably because I don't usually scan Group Sex category stories. But ur "Shower" still remains on my browser for this site. So noticing it today tickled my memory about this given piece. Enjoyed it's final form & it gives u ur best ratings so far. Enjoyed ur more recent piece as well. Looking fwd to seeing more of ur work. We'll done & kudos!


BodyartistBodyartistover 8 years ago

Great story, well written and very erotic..!!

Liked how you described the small intimate details that are so sensual and alive when playing in bliss ,whilst being watched......! More....!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very Nice

Good writing, you "painted" the scene well.

Very nice, short erotic tale.

Can you share the actual location that inspired this?

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