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Liam's Story Ch. 01

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Liam moves in with his aunt.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/28/2008
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Chapter 1: Liam Moves In with His Aunt

Authors note: This is the first chapter of possibly many to come which chronicles the life and adventures of the main character. All names are fictitious. This is mainly a life story with some erotica included so if you're looking for wall to wall sex this isn't for you. Hope you enjoy reading it.

It was May, 1964, in a small town in the northern Midwest. I had just graduated from high school and planned in the fall to enroll in the State University, studying engineering. My Aunt Betty had found me a summer job as a laborer on a building construction project in her town.

Late Sunday morning, I loaded my luggage, a Korean War army surplus duffle bag, into the luggage compartment and boarded the Greyhound bus to travel to my Aunt Betty's home. She lived in a slightly larger town about 100 miles south of where I lived. The interstate highway system was just being built during that time and Betty's town was directly on the route, so there was a good deal of new construction being built there whereas construction was non-existent in ours.

I looked out the window as the bus traveled through the rolling countryside with the pristine dairy farms, patches of timberland, and clear blue lakes and streams, arriving at my aunt's house in about two hours.

Aunt Betty met me at the bus station, throwing her arms around me, saying, "I'm so glad you'll be spending the summer with me."

It had been several years since I had been at her home and it was just as beautiful as I had remembered it, a nice two story frame house located on about five acres with two hundred feet of frontage on a pristine lake.

"You'll be staying here," Aunt Betty said as she showed me her spare bedroom. It was on the second floor next to her daughter Molly's bedroom and across the hall from a bathroom. It was a nice room, double bed, a chair, a large dresser with a mirror above it and a closet on one side. It had a good view overlooking the front drive and the large, oak trees in the yard.

"Make yourself at home, Liam," she said as she left me to unpack my bag.

This was the first time I had a bedroom to myself. Actually, I had the entire second floor to myself, because Molly only used her bedroom when she was home visiting. She was 24 and worked as an R.N. in Detroit.

When I'd finished unpacking, I lay back on the bed and just thought about how fortunate I was to have a family friend as wonderful as Aunt Betty. I say family friend because she wasn't actually my aunt, just an old and dear family friend who we affectionately addressed as "aunt".

Lying there, I also thought about the great opportunity that I would experience this summer and then the following year in college. I had been successful in many ways in high school, academically and athletically but I was shy and had little self confidence with girls. I shouldn't have felt this way but I did. Needless to say, I was a virgin. I was looking forward to a new start and to develop my social skills with the fairer sex.

Going downstairs, Betty was making potato salad and had taken some fresh locally made bratwurst sausage out of the refrigerator.

"Liam, would you please start the grill?" She asked.

"Yes, I'd like to do that."

She handed me a beer and showed me where the charcoal was.

We talked and as I got the grill going as she finished preparing the meal.

When the sausage was grilled, we sat down at a table on a patio which overlooked a sprawling backyard, forested with a mix of birch, oak and pine trees, which led down to the edge of the lake.

I couldn't help but notice what an attractive lady she was.

She was a very pretty woman, fair white skin, freckles, and strawberry blond hair, depicting her Irish heritage. At five foot six and 155 pounds, some might describe her as a large woman, but compared to my six foot two, 220 pounds she was just right. Her well proportioned figure, ample breasts and a fairly trim body that I knew would look good in a swimsuit.

About 45, she had been married twice, the first time just after she graduated from high school, that marriage ended after a few months. She had married her second husband while she was still in college. Tragically, her beloved husband died in a car accident about five years ago. She had dated since then but hadn't met anyone that was more than a casual friend. This was a small town so the pickings were slim.

I knew that she was a very successful and respected businesswoman and that she was one of the first women to have received an MBA at the State University. She and her husband founded a prosperous insurance and real estate company after they graduated from college which she continues to run today. Over the years, they had developed a number of residential and commercial real estate projects which she also owns and manages.

I was very interested in her life story and particularly in learning from her. She was very open and glad to share her experiences, thoughts and ideas with me. Before I knew it we had talked for several hours. The sun was just starting to go down when she mentioned something about her second husband and I saw a tear in the corner of her eye. Not knowing what to say I reached my hand over and put it on top of hers on the table. She looked at me, feeling my compassion, and squeezed my hand.

"Let's walk down to the lake and watch the sun sink into it," she said.

It was a large lake; looking straight out from a bank you couldn't see the other side. Her lot was on a small cove protected from the wind on three sides. Standing on the bank, she showed me the dock she would like me to help her install. Normally the crew from marina comes by to install it in mid May. Due to all the new construction in the area there was a labor shortage, so they hadn't been able to get to it yet. She said she would try to get someone to help me next Saturday.

Watching the sunset was magnificent, made me feel glad to be alive.

The air cooled rapidly as we walked back to the house.

"Have a good night's sleep, Liam," she said.

"Thank you and you too," I replied.

Up in my room, and I opened the closet door and noticed a full-length mirror on the back of the door. Believe it or not, I had never seen a full-length year before.

I sat on the side of the bed, undressing and watching myself in the mirror. When I had stripped down to my underpants I stopped a good look at myself. I thought to myself, "You know, I look pretty good; muscular, hairy, large. Standing up, I looked at myself from all angles. Then rolling down the band of my jockey shorts to give the bikini look, I thought I even looked better, except for the small bulge. I had always been self-conscious of my small penis, not only small but unusual.

With that thought, I pulled my underpants down and stepped out of them. I had never seen my whole body completely naked before. I thought I looked pretty good. I know I would've looked a lot better if I had a larger and perfectly shaped penis but there was nothing I could do about that. It was small, about 3 1/2 or 4 inches long. It curved down like a "C" and had about a one quarter turn twist. About a third of the glans was covered with a small hood of foreskin. Picking up my penis and holding it against a flat stomach, revealed in the mirror a deep slit the entire length of the underside of the glans and immediately below that the pee opening.

At the time, I didn't know that the medical term for this unusual birth defect was hypospadias.

This was the normal state of my penis. At times when I've exercised, was cold or under stress it got much smaller and more curved and twisted, contorted actually. I went to great lengths to avoid being seen in that state, especially in the locker room. After a practice or game, I would always slip into a toilet stall and pull and in squeeze it until it was back in its normal or preferably larger state, a simple solution but it worked.

Fortunately, when erect it straightens out perfectly and is not twisted and while it is only about 5 ½ inches long, it is thick, about 5 1/2 inches in circumference. The foreskin pulls back forms a nice tight role behind the plans. Of course, the deep slit it comes very prominent in the erect. Also the glans is as large in diameter as the base of the shaft, which is also unusual.

I was determined to overcome the self-consciousness that had built up in my mind over this birth defect.

I picked up a towel that was laying on the bed, wrapped it around myself and walked across the hall to the bathroom to take a shower.

Later, lying in bed with the lights off, my mind was wandering, exploring the many possibilities that may lie ahead. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I finally went into a deep sleep, not awakening until the alarm went off at 5:30 a.m.

Betty drove me to the jobsite about a mile from her home and on the way to her office. I declined her offer to introduce me to the superintendent whom she knew well.

I entered the office trailer to find several men standing around the coffee pot.

"Good morning," I said, "I am looking for Mr. O'Brien."

Smiling, a large burly man replied, "You found him."

"I'm Liam McBride."

"I thought so; Betty said you were a big strapping Irish kid, all conference in football I hear. So you came to work did you?"

"Yes sir, I did."

"Good because we've got plenty of it," Mr. O'Brien replied, starting a good round of laughter from all in the room. He introduced me to the other men, before assigning me to work for the carpentry foreman for that day.

The building project involved a series of buildings in a new shopping center-office park complex. One building had been framed up and the formwork was been set on the second.

I spent the next few days helping the carpenters, mostly hauling materials and of course driving form stakes, in fact, I think I drove them all.

It was hard but interesting work. I watched the crew work, learning as much as I could. One day, during the lunch break, the carpentry foreman gave me a quick course in using the level and transit.

I spent other free time, before work, lunch breaks pouring over the set of drawings which was laid out on a drafting table in the office table.

Time went fast and soon Friday came along. Seeing the superintendent discard a set of plans that had gotten pretty torn and muddy, I asked him if I could have it.

That night I walked home with that prized possession under my arm.

I stayed up late that night studying the plans, marveling at how all the pieces fit together and the thought that went designing them.

The next morning I started on Betty's to-do list, not stopping until lunch time.

"Well, this afternoon, I'm going to install your dock," I said.

"Oh, Liam, that's too big of a job for one person," she said, adding, "The marina sends three men to do that job and one of them wears a wet suit so that he can swim under the raft and attach the mooring cable."

"I think if you can help me by handing me tools when I need them that I can do the rest," I said confidently.

The dock consisted of a level ramp, a narrow section that lead out to a floating raft. The ramp set on posts driven into the sand. The raft was hinged to the end of the ramp and attached underneath by a cable in its center to an anchor.

Betty was surprised that I was able to move the ramp into place. After I had driven the posts I used the leverage of a long heavy pole to set it in place. It took us about two hours to complete the ramp installation. My jeans were soaking wet half way up my thighs. I was almost numb from that point down.

"That's enough for today. It's too cold to swim without a wet suit and I don't think you can move the raft off the bank anyway," Betty suggested.

"I want to try it," I replied.

Again, using leverage I was able to move the raft off the bank and into water. After floating it into place, with Betty's help, the hinge connecting the raft to the ramp was secured. Standing on the raft, I used a rake with a makeshift extension attached to it to fish for the submerged cable. It took me about ten minutes to find it, but now the hard part, securing it to the raft.

Betty held the rake and its catch, while I took off my tennis shoes and emptied my pockets, preparing for what I hoped would be a very brief swim.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Liam?" she asked.

"It'll only take a minute," I answered as I waded into the frigid water.

With wrench and cable clamps in hand, I grabbed the cable and swam under the raft. My whole body was quivering from the cold, chilled to the bone. My hands were getting numb but I was able to loop the cable through the attachment eye on the raft and slip on the cable clamps. It took all the self discipline I had to tighten the nuts on the cable clamps....Finally, it was done.

I swam and rushed to shore, collapsing when I got there. I was shivering uncontrollably. Betty rushed to my side, helping me up. I'd fallen through the ice several times before so I knew I had to get up and keep moving until I'd gotten to someplace warm.

The next thing I remember is standing on Betty's screen porch.

"Take off your clothes here and I'll get you a towel," she instructed.

I quickly stripped down to my underpants and waited for Betty to return. I was even colder now that the water was evaporating off my skin.

Surprised that I wasn't completely naked, Betty said as she handed me the towel, "You'll freeze to death in those underpants so take them off and get as dry as possible."

For a moment I thought that she was going to stand there and watch me undress, but then she turned and walked back into the house, saying, "Come into my bathroom, I'll draw some water in the tub."

I quickly did as she said, dropping my pants and drying off. With the towel wrapped around my waist I walked through her bedroom and entered her bathroom. Betty was sitting on the edge of the tub, her right hand periodically testing the water temperature.

She let out a sigh, saying, "My Liam, you've grown into a powerful young man." Then, laughing a little, she added, "And, a modest one at that, just like my husband always was. Remember, I'm your aunt. You don't need that towel wrapped around you."

"I'm just too embarrassed. I just shrivel up when I'm cold," I replied, sheepishly.

Knowing full well what I meant but being difficult, she toyed with me."What do you mean shrivel up?"

"Well, my penis,"

"I knew what you meant. My husband was always like that too when he came in from swimming. Well, are you getting in the tub with the towel on too?" She kidded as I stood not a foot from her, my waist at her eye level.

Realizing that I had no other options, I untied the towel letting it fall to the floor.

"Oh, Liam, you ARE cold, you poor thing!"

I was shocked when she reached out with her left hand and cupped my genitals which were now so small that her hand completely encapsulated them.

Without releasing her grip, she asked, "It's o.k.?" belatedly asking permission to touch me. "I always did this to my husband and I just acted instinctively. I didn't mean to offend you."

Still surprised and not wanted to offend her AND feeling a wonderful sensation throughout my body, I answered, "Yes, it's o.k. Your hand is very warm."

As her hand lingered, she said, "I want the water just right, not too hot and not too cold." Her hand not only lingered, it fondled.

"Now, it's just right," she stated, motioning me to get in the tub.

The lukewarm water felt like ninety degrees on my cold skin. I eased down into the water and stretched my legs out. I looked down at my glans floating up in the waist high water like a little slit bobber. I moved my left hand over it but Betty immediately moved it back to my side.

"It's o.k. Liam, don't be bashful" she said.

She took a wash cloth and starting on my head wetted every part of my body that was above water. The warmth felt incredible. When she had finished with that she started at my right foot, scrubbing my leg up to my crotch, and then she repeated that with my left leg.

I felt her release the washrag on my thigh and then I felt her bare hand gently massaging my genitals.

"The wash rag is too rough for your most sensitive parts," she said as she felt my penis grow in her hands.

I had never been touched like this by a woman before. In no time the blood had flowed into my small penis and it was hard and pointing straight up.

"My, you have an unusual one, such a long, deep slit on the underside of your glans and a little foreskin too. It was pretty shriveled, twisted and curved when it was cold but it nice and straight now," she said as she carefully examined me.

"Unusual?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't seen one like it before, but that doesn't mean anything because I haven't seen that many," she said laughingly, adding, "It's a very inviting little guy."

"Now stand up and I'll soap you up," she instructed, pulling the drain on the tub.

She soaped up the washrag and proceeded to soap me from head to toe including my pubic hair but noticeably avoiding my genitals.

"Let's rinse you off," she said, again testing the water temperature before shifting on the shower.

Once, I was rinsed off, she said, "Sit back down again." A directive I thought strange because there was no water in the tub.

I sat down, leaning forward. Betty lightly pushed on my shoulder saying, "Lie back and relax."

Her hands, bar of soap in hand, went directly to my penis and testicles, soaping them thoroughly. Her left hand started gently stroking my swollen shaft, her right playing with my testicles. A few slow and steady stokes later my body stiffened up. I couldn't hold back anymore. My semen shot out, landing on my chin. My next squirt landed high on my hairy chest, the next on my stomach. She watched as the rest oozed out on her hand.

She stopped moving, holding me for a minute or two, waiting for my blood pressure to subside. Smiling at me she brought her lips to mine, immediately thrusting her tongue deep in my mouth, quickly withdrawing it, and then nibbling on my lower lip. She licked my chin and returned it to my mouth. She held it there just long enough for me to taste my own saltiness.

Betty broke the kiss and stood up, saying, "Take a shower. I'll bring you some dry clothes."

After I had showered and dried off, I went into her bedroom to find my clean clothes laying on the bed. As I dressed, I wondered what I would say to her when I saw her next.

To be continued:

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analustanalustover 1 year ago

Well written. Wish it was longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
A gentleman who is man enough to share himself

A gentleman who is man enough to share himself!

Yes, there are simply too many stories of improbably huge cocks, but precious few gentlemen will face the reality of their anatomy. A lovely small penis is a joy to behold, and here is one that is not only a jewel but also curiously interesting! Surely many more sequels will be coming soon, as Aunt Betty [older, mature, experienced, caring, sensual] helps Liam lose his virginity?

Wonderful story from a superb writer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
haha true

Commenting on the first commenter. People tend to mix up porn movies with reality. Porn movies actually go out and scout guys with big dicks, and go further by pairing them with very small girls, most of the girls are around 5'. Your dick would look big too if you were 6' plus and fuck a girl that's like 5' or less with a small frame.

Almost forgot. Good story, btw.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
for once

the college kid is not packed with 8, 9 or 10". From what I have seen in locker rooms, there are indeed more guys around with smaller/average cocks than with large ones. Makes the story fit more with average people. Hope the rest is the same.

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