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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 08


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The only times Martin ever saw the Baron was when there was a public event or in the bedroom. All the other times he was off working or on a trip with a...girl. Martin's legs felt weak. Was that all for show?

"Sir?" she said leaning forward in the chair getting his attention back. "Do you believe your masochistic and submissive tendencies are what attracted the Baron over the other men he dated?"

"I said, I'm not a masochist!" Martin hated the way she evaluated him.

"Of course you're not," she said looking at the chrome pole disappearing under his dress. "And this pole is a piece of furniture? A modern art type of chair perhaps? Is it comfortable?"

"Look lady. What I'm telling you is true. I was apparently sold to this man by my father. That apparently is legal here in Hell. I never met this man before the wedding. I was abducted and brought here."

"Your father George Hastings. A very wealthy man. He lived in the city on and off. My research indicated he too was married to a young man secretly. That man also dressed as a woman during the marriage, but he was kept from the public eye. Seems George had a young fake wife he called Missy. Is that right?"

"How do you know all this," he asked her.

"I am an investigative reporter honey, and besides most of it is public record. Just needs to be pieced together properly."

"What is it you really want Phoebe," Martin said looking down at her from his princess pedestal. "You have all the public records and know more than me about what has happened here."

"I want my readers to be intrigued and I want to be the one that can substantiate the facts and tell them what's just gossip. I want them to come to me and my column to get the real story about Lady Vargos and to address the rumors of the day."

"You want to make tabloid fodder out of me for your own gain. What about me?" he said angry at the thought.

Phoebe stood and moved closer and looked him in the eye.

"You are already tabloid fodder Mrs. Vargos. Like it or not. At least I can give your side of the story. I want to be able to get quotes and information that no one else has access to."

"If you do that there won't be much to say of interest."

"Oh but there will be. I will always have the right to wonder and speculate about some things and then have my opinions at the time of publishing and you will have the right to respond in the next column. See how that works."

Martin looked at her firmly.

"What if I just say no, And that I will never give you any time at all."

"Then I will continue to write my stories without you and we can only surmise what photos really mean and interpret the gossip as best I can sir." she said in a resigned manner.

"Are you blackmailing me Phoebe?"

"Why no sir. I was just thinking though how I would dispel the rumors that your mother sent you to an all boys boarding school dressed like a girl for an entire semester after she caught you wearing her bra and panties at home. It must have been a terrible punishment for you sir."

"That's a lie. I was," he snarled. "I never went sent to school dressed as a girl."

"See! That's just one of those nasty rumors out there that I could clear up for you quickly in my column sir. Otherwise without being able to consult with you, your mother and father are both gone it could take months of good reporting to find out from the boarding school in another country the facts. I'm sure they would be reluctant to admit such a thing easily, if it really did happen. In that amount of time rumors can become facts if not careful."

"What? Who started that rumor?"

"Me," she said with a slight smile.

"You're a liar!"

"Rumors are not lies Mrs. Vargos. I just asked the question is it possible that you were dressed as a girl when you were younger. Fair question based on the lifestyle you are living now," she said stepping back and looking his full feminine image now.

"You should do your research first then report the facts. Isn't that what real journalist do?" he said obviously irritated at her arrogance.

"A gossip columnist is a fact finder after the fact, Lady Vargos. The hotter and juicier the gossip the more readers enjoy it. Just summations made from observations. I had no idea whether or not you attended a boys school dressed as a girl. Who am I to say. That's what it turned into in the local gossip circles. Of course with a little research and after talking with you I can debunk that one right away with first hand information from your own lips. We have a new deal. Right Mrs. Vargos?"

Martin said nothing but just stared off. She was going to exploit his life in the pubic domain by publishing innuendo and summations about his lifestyle in a tabloid. He couldn't stop her, only join her little game or let her say anything she felt would get her more readers. Her imagination was too vivid and she was too cold inside to care how it affected him. He needed also needed her insight into the community and the Vargos's past.

"There seems to be something new every week that needs my attention. I just can't always get the time to research it all."

"So what do you expect from me? What are your asking?"

"I want to be able to quote you and debunk or substantiate rumors that are out there no matter what they may be. Can you imagine what those women in your social groups are thinking right now about you?" She smiled, "That's right you don't know, but I do."

Martin shifted his feet slightly. The balls of his feet beginning to ache from standing perched up so high on his high heels.

"I want to be able to get exclusive photos. Nothing risque. Just to scoop the other rags. We all can get the shots of you walking in public. I want the ones they can't get. We will be covering your Vow ceremony and I want an exclusive interview with you before it starts."

"I want something from you too." Martin said softly.

"What's that?" she said a little surprised.

"I want you tell me as much what you know about this place and any past history including what you know about my father. I need to know what goes on around here so I can better understand. Like the Baron having a girlfriend then boyfriends."

"I'll answer your questions as best I can."

"Fine. If you do that for me, I will grant you exclusives," he said dismissing her again.

"We have a deal then Lady Vargos?" she said extending her hand.

"Yes," Martin said shaking her hand unenthusiastically.

"Great. I'll be in touch before the Gala to get your feelings on the event and some photos."

"If you are finished, please leave now I have much to do today."

Martin said nothing. He didn't know what this woman knew, but she speculated well. Was the Baron actually just using him to get back at his mother? Seemed strange but somehow when Phoebe suggested it seemed like the only thing that made any sense at all. He would keep her as close as possible. She was going to write terrible rumors about him anyway just to entertain her readers so a least he could get something out of it. Why else would he care? Was trying to protect his reputation from when he was a man? That was gone now. At least he had some say in the future direction of public opinion and would be able to get some usable information as he still searched for a way to get out of here and return to his old life as Martin Hastings.

"Marcy!" Martin called out.

The young maid appeared and curtsied to him.

"Yes sir."

"That woman that just left. Are you familiar with her?"

"Oh yes sir. That's Phoebe Mills sir. She writes about what's happening in the cities social scene."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Oh you know sir, who's dating who, and who may be cheating on who."

" Do you read her articles."

"Yes sir. I mean I do when I get a chance."

"Have you read anything about me?"

"Yes sir. She does have a questioning imagination."

"Do you have a copy of the tabloid here?"

"Yes sir. I'm sure there is one, I mean several of the girls read her column."

"Get a copy and bring it to me."

"Yes sir."

Martin waited till Marcy returned.

"Turn to her article and hand it to me."

Marcy did as she was told.

"You are dismissed" Martin said raising the tabloid to read it.

Martin saw the article. There were to pictures that had been taken and Martin hadn't even realized it. The articled read.

"Curlers in Public?"

By Phoebe Mills

"Oh no, say it ain't so. No self respecting woman would be caught dead in public wearing curlers in her hair, but our photographer caught this local socialite superstar at the post office doing just that. Wearing curlers under a scarf. As if the scarf really helps hide them, I mean come on darling let's get real here."

There was a rear shot of a scarf covered curlered head.

"But our initial assumptions were all wrong when our socialite turned and proved not to be a woman but a man. It was none other than Lady Vargos, the crossdressing bride of The Baron Vargos. So since it wasn't a woman having a fashion melt down should we be any less shocked that it was a man?"

There was a picture of Martin in curlers and scarf wearing sunglasses.

"Whew! Mrs. Vargos apparently has little concern for public opinion when it comes to his looks, or is he just trying to be outrageous and going where no real woman would dare go. Will be seeing more of this? I will seek that answer. At least he wore sunglasses to try and disguise his identity. Yeah right."

Martin folded the paper and placed it under his arm and the stood quietly with his hands folded together in front of him. He stared out over the estate the wind gently blowing his skirt. He was being pressured from so many sides to be a woman now. Even when he resisted the ability to drag him in deeper was always there.

Tears ran down his face as he stood there. No matter what the future held now, and tough he would continue to find a way out of this place, he knew for now who he was. Whether he like it or not he had become in so many perverse ways...Lady Vargos.

Martin tried reflect on the positive. He cried for a moment realizing what he was considering positives now.

Martin's tolerance of his situation had paid off rather quickly. He was allowed to move about the house more freely. He didn't wear restraints when doing his daily routines, but he was still restrained by Leanne in the styling chair each morning but gone were the hobbles and the handcuffs he used to wear everywhere else. He even was allowed in public without the large security collar with the many alarms on it, though he was still always required to be accompanied by someone. He still was required to wear the humiliating PCP collar as it was required by law.

Staff members did as he said now. Accept when in direct violation of a few special rules put in place as Wife Safety rules. She as not allowing the Lady to leave the premises without an escort.

Martin felt encouraged and bewildered at the end of the day. He had now met someone who could get him information, but he had to allow public access with his consent to his private life.

Martin was tired that evening as he walked down the hallway wearing a black and red short baby doll out fit under his long purple silk robe with white boa trim around all the edges. His 6" high heel sandals making loud distinct sounds as he approached the bedroom where inside awaited his husband.

As Martin prepared to open the door one of the maids opened the door form the inside and stepped out. She was wearing the evening color black maids uniform as she immediately curtsied to Martin.

"Good evening sir," she said lowering her eyes so she stared at the white boa trim brushing lightly over Martin red and blue toenails. She grinned.

Martin felt a slight twinge in his groin looking at the sexy house maid. He was starting to feel his maleness coming back after being medicated for the weeks earlier. He took a deep breath then realized it was all going to be locked up in a couple of nights anyway. He wished they had just kept his dick limp if that was going to be the case.

It was a long night for Martin. The Baron was reclined comfortably in the bed propped up on his satin pillows looking through the new issues of his favorite porn magazines. Martin lay across the bed his mouth filled with his husband's cock as he slowly moved his head up and down allowing his warm moist lips to stroke as much of the full length of the massive cock as he could for his husband's comfort and enjoyment.

The Baron would close his eyes from time to time taking a break and focusing on the stimulation he was receiving Martin. A pleasant groan escaped the Baron as he put his hand on the back of Martin's neck and set a faster rhythm.

The Baron then went back to his magazines again. Martin worked hard at the new pace the Baron had set for him. It was difficult. Martin's jaws ached as did his neck and shoulders. He had been sucking his husband's dick for almost an hour now. The Baron wanted the stimulation he was receiving and not an orgasm, at least not right now.

He adjusted Martin's speed and sometimes even stopping him for a moment. Martin would slowly pull the Baron's dick out of his mouth finding he couldn't close his mouth right away as it took a few moments to loosen up and relax after such a long session of sucking. Martin lay with his head quietly on the Baron's stomach d reading the moment he knew was coming. After a few minutes the Martin opened his mouth and allowed the Baron's to be placed back in straining his jaws once pagan. Martin hated a man's semen in his mouth. It was disgusting, the taste, the gagging and choking, and the unnatural reality that he was a man himself. With all this Martin now was hoping for orgasm just so he could stop.

Martin's prayer was answered twenty minute later as he gagged at the large deposit of cum that his husband delivered deep into his throat. He could feel each orgasmic squirt of semen hit his throat. Then it was over.

Martin's face was bright red and tears were in his eyes from choking on his husbands cock. There was no semen evident as it had all been dispersed into his throat. Martin sobbed softly as he lay with his head on his husbands stomach. His mouth still wide open as he massaged his jaws trying to loosen them so he could close his mouth.

Martin slowly crawled to his side of the bed and lay there awake thinking of how it could be possible that he was being used just to make a point.

"How could someone do this to another person?" he thought. "The selfishness, the cruel cold heart it would require. It had to be a sadistic mind that would allow this to continue."

It seemed the more he knew the more emotionally distressed he became.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

i hope in the end martin gets revenge on a whole lot of people

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