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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 09

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Prepping for the Vow Ceremony.
5.8k words

Part 9 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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Martin walked down the hallway at a brisk pace. Walking with a bit of exaggerated hip movement and fingers out palms down, just in case somebody was monitoring him. He had adapted quickly to walking this way and had found it not too difficult since his daily treadmill walks were done the same way. The walk was cute for others to watch, but Martin felt silly even when no one was around.

His nipples ached from the process that had been started on him that very morning.

The ceremony was getting close and Martin's morning routine was becoming anything but routine.

As humiliated as Martin knew this ceremony would be, be had not realized there was so much more going on behind the scenes. It was all coming together now.

Mixed emotions ran through him as he walked. Uncertainty was the biggest element as this caused apprehension, nervousness, and now he even felt fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what these crazy people were capable of. It was a bad morning and it was going to get worse.

It started off as usual.

"Sorry I'm late. Had an unexpected delay this morning. Something came up this morning and I had to take care of it," Lisa said smiling at Martin pushing her tongue back and forth against her cheek. "But you would know all about those kind of thing wouldn't you Mrs. Vargos?"

Lisa was wearing jeans and red pumps this morning. Martin had found her so erotic the day before and had felt his penis reacting seeing her long bare legs bare in a skirt and high heels. But he would be spared that today, besides he hated her.

"Lisa, you need to be more responsible with your time,"Leanne said fastening the straps around Martin's legs.

That morning as Martin sat strapped in the styling chair while Leanne did his hair, Lisa informed him that he was to receive instruction from another woman on how a Lady that had taken the Vow should act publicly after the device was installed. She normally schooled Martin in his etiquette and social graces but this is one she knew little about.

"I don't know much about the woman, but I heard she was quite educated in these types of traditional ceremonies," Lisa said setting Martins clothes out for the day.

"Oh great. Another deranged woman to tell me how I am suppose to act in order to humiliate myself properly in public."

Leanne and Lisa giggled at his remark.

"Yes, you asked for this. She is a counselor. She helps young men transition in your type situations and she also helps men struggling with transgender issues. Maybe she can help bring out the real woman inside you Mrs. Vargos," Lisa grinned giving Martin a tweak on the cheek.

"Now Lisa, Mrs. Vargos is not going to be a woman. He is a proud crossdressing male. That is what we want to help him be and you must remember that," Leanne corrected her. "Even though he did express to me a desire to have a sex change once early on. Isn't that right Mrs. Vargos." Leanne said turning his head so she could start putting curlers in his hair.

"Really?" Lisa exclaimed surprised, "Well I guess we are making progress then aren't we." Lisa said looking at Martin with a huge smile.

"It's not what you think Lisa!" Martin spat out irritated but accustomed to her remarks about him becoming a real woman.

"Well, the counselors name is Jessica. She will be working with you this evening and tomorrow on proper, ladylike etiquette for the ceremony."

Martin was stunned. Jessica? It had to be the woman from the spa who like to use physical persuasive means in her instructions and very effectively. Because of her he was walking about the house like a runway model, even when no one was around, because she said he would be monitored and she would be available for extra instruction if needed.

"Your husband the Baron will be spending this evening with his concubine so you will be able to concentrate on your deportment lessons. How's that?" Lisa asked excited about the whole thing.

"I can't wait," he said not looking at her.

"Good. I'll mention that sex change thing to her also. She may feel you need some extra counseling on that point," Lisa said.

"Please don't do that Lisa," Martin said softly sounding sincere.

"But why? Maybe she can help bring out all that suppressed womanhood inside you," Lisa said seriously.

"Please just don't do that. Promise me you wont say a thing about it." Martin looked at her now. "This woman doesn't have a sense of humor."

"You know her?"

"From the spa," Martin said.

"Ok. I understand. You have enough going on already with the ceremony and all. Maybe another time would be more appropriate," Lisa agreed.

There was a small tapping at the door.

"The appointment is here," the maid said to Leanne sticking her head in the door.

"Ok, We're ready." Leanne said stopping for a moment. She had the top of Martin's head set on curlers. The rest of his hair she had combed out straight waiting for her to finish.

A tall amazon of a woman walked in. She was wearing a red blouse and a short balck leather skirt. Her fingernails exquistedly done and painted black.

"Hi, I'm Tabatha," she said in a pleasant voice. She saw Martin sitting in the styling chair completely strapped in.

She smiled, "This must be the right place," she said looking at Martin.

"I was told you were coming this morning," Leanne said.

"What is going on here Leanne!" Martin demanded. "Why is she here?"

"Mrs. Vargos please," Leanne said trying settle Martin down.

Tabatha was carrying a briefcases. Martin watched her as she walked purposely into the room. Tabatha had provided most of Martin's physical anguish at the spa.

"Get out of this house now," Martin said in a stern voice trying to use his authority as head mistress of the house. This was one of those areas though that were out of Martin's control. It seemed things that happened in this room were being authorized by someone that was in absolute charge. He watched helplessly as Tabatha lay the briefcase on the counter and opened it.

She began taking out numerous items and laying them on the counter and then Martin recognized the suction cups that were used on his nipple at the spa.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE LEANNE!!" Martin yelled.

Both women turned at the sudden outburst from Martin. Martin was twisting and squirming against his bonds.

"Mrs. Vargos. Please! I was informed that you might be upset," Leanne said, "But this procedure is going to be done."

"What procedure?" Martin snapped.

"He may have to be held," Lisa said looking at him struggle now.

"I have another headrest that straps and holds the head in place. Do you think we are going to need it?" Leanne asked the woman.

"I think he is restrained enough," Tabatha said looking at Martin's futile attempts to get loose. It was just more a show of how angry he was. Martin couldn't just sit there passively with this sadistic woman standing there and him bound helplessly at her mercy.

"NO LEANNE!!" Martin yelled.

"We may want to quiet him down though so I can instruct you on how to do this."

"I have a ball gag if you need it," Leanne said getting it from the drawer as if she was just doing a job and not feeling any of Martin's desperate concerns.

"Yes, that would be good," Tabatha said taking the device from Leanne.

"NO LEANNE!" Martin yelled again.

"Perhaps you two should wait outside. I will gag him and get him ready then you can come back in and we'll get started," Tabatha said walking them to the door.

Tabatha walked back in the room and stood in front of Martin.

"I see you remember me," she said firmly.

"Why are you here?" Martin hissed at her. "I've been walking properly."

Tabatha reached into the bag and pulled out a wooden spoon. She showed it to Martin without saying a word. Her facial expression was almost emotionless, but there was a knowing look about her.

"What are you going to do to me? Why do you have to torture me like this?" he hissed.

"Oh I don't. This is not an instrument of torture Mrs. Vargos. This is an instructional aid actually. Doesn't have to be used at all unless you insist." She now looked at him and smiled. "It's up to you."

"You're a twisted sadistic bitch. You enjoy using that on a man that can't help himself don't you."

"I have no qualms with administering it to a man's balls when needed if that's what you mean Mrs. Vargos. That's what a lot of men pay me to do to them. You have become a very profitable client all of a sudden."

"My husband put you up to this? Does he tell you why I must be tortured more than I already have been? I'd like to know." Martin tried to stare her down.

"I've never met your husband the Baron. I am working for a counseling firm, and am told he is very happy with the results they are achieving."

"Who is it?" Martin wanted to know who was involved.

"I have a job to do Mrs. Vargos. I'm being paid well. I will be putting the chastity device on you at the ceremony," she laughed, "It's funny no women in this type social setting have a clue on how to put a cock and ball restraint on a man. So they had to come to me."

"I'm glad you were available," Martin said in a sarcastic manner.

"Oh, but several of their husbands are familiar with wearing one. I've put them on them myself before tying them up for an hour."

Martin just stared off. Phoebe could use information like that. He could maybe get his name off the front page of the gossip tabloids.

"Now I'm sure you don't want sore balls the day before they they get bound and strapped in a uncomfortable position."

She held up the ball gag.

"What are those cups for? Why is that being done to me?" he asked.

"Let me gag you first. Then I will tell you what is going to be done. Then I will bring the girls back in and show them how to do it."

She put the gag to his lips and waited for him to open his mouth and accept it. Martin reluctantly opened his mouth and she pulled the red ball gag in to his mouth and tightly strapped it behind his head as she had done so many times with other men.

"There now. Here is what I understand is going to happen. This is not a discussion by the way," she said.

Martin looked at her as she sat down and picked up one of the cups. She opened his robe and placed it over his nipple.

"The suction cups are going to be used daily now for a few weeks. I understand your husband has a delayed business trip he will be going on. The strong suction is to stretch the nipple and the area around it. This will be done during your daily routine in this chair while your hair is being done. At least that's my understanding."

Martin's began breathing in short nervous gasp through his nose as if he may start crying any moment.

"After a week or so, a person will come in and an injection will be administered around each of your aeroulas causing them to swell and be puffy. Your nipples should be puffed up and stand out nicely on their own after that. There may be tubes placed in your nipples for permanent erect nipples. I'm not sure, and of course a doctor would do that procedure later."

There was a numbness that came over Martin. Surprisingly he didn't react at all to this news. Just a certain feeling of the inevitable. It was coming and now he knew it.

"Ok? So let me bring the girls in and show them how to us the suction cups. Can you go along with the program right now, or do I need to ask you again in ten minutes," she said picking up the spoon and looking at it.

Martin knew exactly what she was saying. He could cooperate and allow her to pump both his nipples painfully into the tubes without squirming and objecting openly. Or he could resist her efforts, and have his balls paddled expertly for ten minutes by her with the spoon, then have both his nipples painfully pumped into the tubes anyway. It wasn't acceptance, just a lesser of two evils.

"Mrs. Vargos, beauty requires a little discomfort at times," Tabatha said as she went to the door and called Lisa and Leanne back in.

"Are you the one who will be doing the daily nipple pumping?" Tabatha asked Leanne.

"Oh no. That will be Lisa. I'll be doing his hair while that's all being done."

Martin looked about nervously.

"Ummpphh!" Martin snorted.

The entire process was discussed a while Tabatha placed the cups on Martin's nipples and ratcheted the handled till both his nipples were pulled inside the cups properly and both Martin's eyes were tightly closed dealing with the discomfort. She removed the cups then allowed Lisa to put them on.

Lisa seemed giddy with excitement as she pumped the first nipple into the cup. When she was done she looked at Martin's anguished face.

"Oh, it can't be that bad ma'am," she said holding his chin so he faced her.

"Then after you have the suction cups in place, he will need to sit with them on for awhile," Tabatha said.

"He sits under the dryer for 45 minutes," Leanne said.

"That would be perfect. Then you can remove the cups. His nipples will be very sore, so you may wish to tape a pad over each one to stop his bra from rubbing against them. Once his nipples are injected I wouldn't worry about the pads anymore," Tabatha said standing up and preparing to leave.

"How exciting Mrs. Vargos. You're getting little budding breast nipples," Lisa said.

Martin glared at her.

After Tabatha left, Lisa released one of the cups and then pumped it up again to Martin's obvious discomfort.

"Lisa come over here for a moment," Leanne said before taking the gag off Martin and resuming putting curlers in his hair.

"What's the problem now," Lisa said like it was her mom scolding her for coming in to late.

"We are supposed to be professional here. That is a young man who is about to have his breast altered to be more, well it's not even womanlike, it's more of a sissified look. He is nervous and scared I'm sure, and you need to understand that. Converting a young man into a feminized male bride is not just a change in his looks. It is a change in the way he thinks too. Remember that," Leanne said softly but firmly.

"Oh yeah. I know. I was just excited for him that's all."

Leanne turned and walked away from the young girl.

"It's still a game to her," Leanne said under her breath.

The gag was removed. Martin's hair was set in curlers without a word from anyone. The dryer was placed over his head and he sat quietly with the cups on his nipples waiting for his hair to dry.

"Wow," Lisa said taking a closer look at the cups. "His nipples sure are getting dark."

"That's normal," Leanne said picking things up.

When it was all done, Martin was released from the chair after his hair was teased and combed out and his makeup done. He then had to dress himself for the day as Lisa watched and made sure he did things properly. Martin stretched out his leg and flexed his toes while pulling up his stockings. It was more for the sex appeal of doing it that way than function, but that was how Martin had to do it.

Martin put on his high heels and then stood.

"When?" Martin asked Leanne without looking at her.

Leanne knew he was asking about the injections. It had to be pressing on his mind.

"Ten days," she said flatly straightening his skirt.

Once he was dressed he stormed out of the room to begin his day as Lady Vargos.

Martin passed Tiffany in the hallway.

"Good morning sir," she said meekly as she hurried to the door to leave.

Martin had slept with the Baron the night before, so he knew she wasn't servicing him. He had done that himself last night and this morning. So many people running around this place.

"What is she doing here?" Martin asked the head house maid, as he watched Tiffany exit through the side door.

"Oh sir, I'm sure I don't know, but Lady Constance's husband is out of town I hear," she said with a knowing smile and then a curtsie of dismissal.

Martin felt no sympathy for Tiffany.

"Good," Martin said as he walked on.

Martin slammed the doors shut to the study. He strutted to his desk.

"This is all insane bullshit!" he yelled out to the empty room. Martin sat at his desk.

"Sir?" a young maid said as she curtsied. "Is everything alright?"

"No, no it's not. Can you fix it," Martin said in a mean tone.

"Oh...uhm, there is a phone call for you sir. It's your mother."

Martin nodded at her and reached for the phone. This was not a time to mess with him. He had nothing to gain and nothing to lose now. He hated everybody. He had too, he had no idea who was doing what.

"Can I help you Missy?" he asked putting the phone to his ear.

"Martin listen to me honey," she said sounding like she was tempering her voice. "I found I can redeposit some of the lawyers fees you gave me back into your account. Since you're taking the Vow the lawyer see's no annulment possibilities short of a sex change. I thought that might help in your decision with the house."

"Oh Missy darling," Martin said in a falsetto voice mocking her seriousness, "I already have a man with a big bank account and a big dick too. I don't need your money dear or to be fucked by you anymore. I am getting plenty of both here. What else can you do for me?"

"I wont bother you again, I just..."

"NO MISSY!" he shouted into the phone in his male voice now. "I told you what you will have to do. I want you to do more even."

"Martin, please be reasonable."

"You are coming to dinner naked aren't you? I need to make arrangements for you if you are."

"Oh Martin, what has happened to you," a tearful voice said over the phone.

"I have been forced to become a woman Missy. I am mortified by my very appearance every time somebody looks at me. I feel no sympathy for your little sense of embarrassment."

"Please Martin, I can't do this."

"I want you to attend the ceremony with the top of your head shaved."


"You heard me. Get a little taste of what it really feels like to me. You will be humiliated for the night. I'm being humiliated for a lifetime."

"DAMN IT MARTIN," she swore.

"The checks didn't go through did they?" he said now realizing she still had nothing from her previous marriage to his father.

"I didn't do this to you," she said trying to calm the situation again.

"I know now that you didn't have anything to do with it, but you damn sure tried to take advantage of my suffering."

"You're an ass hole darling," Missy stated as a matter of fact.

"That's fine. It's up to you and how bad you want that house, you money grabbing bitch. Trying to benefit from my misery and pain while I'm living in this hell will cost you. If you don't do as I ask you will get nothing in return."

"This is ridiculous," she spat out.

"Leanne will cut your hair for you the day of the ceremony. I've already made the arrangements for you. You don't have much time mother."

That very morning before the revelations about his nipples, while Martin was sitting strapped in the chair as his hair was being prepped to be set in curlers, Martin had calmly asked Leanne if she would shave his step mothers head.

"Sure," Leannne said without hesitation. Martin was surprised at the way she said it, but then again maybe he shouldn't have been.

"I would want it done in this chair," Martin said, "I want her fully restrained and then I want to watch that bitch shaved. Just the top. I want you to give her a nice formal look to the hair that's left hanging."

Leanne then looked up at Martin and stopped what she was doing.

"We will not be forcibly shaving the head of a woman that doesn't want it Mrs. Vargos."

Martin was surprised at her new found set of values now. His hair was colored, curled and styled anyway Leanne so desired. He had no say and was prevented from interfering with the process by being restrained in the chair but that was not the case for anybody else.

"I thought you just said you would shave her head for me," Martin said confused.


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