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Life and Time of Lady Vargos Ch. 21

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The Final Chapter of Life and Times of Lady Vargos.
4.8k words

Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2018
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Chapter 21

The Baron was home. It was late in the evening when he walked into the house with the beautiful woman that had accompanied him on his trip. She was a concubine, a professional woman of pleasure named Laticia. She was not like the sexy young bimbo fuck machines the Baron had always taken with him before, but an elegant mature woman that knew how to handle herself in public as well as handle men in the bedroom.

She was laughing at something the Baron had said when they entered the room. They had both had a few drinks and were having a good time.

Martin was caught off guard by their arrival. He had been expecting the Baron and was dressed in red lingerie awaiting his arrival. A red satin full length robe edged with black boa trim covered the sexy nightie. Black textured stockings hooked to his garters and black six inch high heel furry mules kept him sexily perched on his toes.

Martin hadn't chosen to look like this, it had been Lisa. She had been instructed to prepare Martin for the Baron's arrival. Martin had hoped to escape another demoralizing evening with the Baron as his wife, but it seemed he was to offer himself again to his husband in a false innocence to make the coming revelations of his adultery even more scandal ice.

The professional makeup artist had stopped by to paint Martin's face in a exaggerated manner. Eyeliner swirling up on the edges of his lids in an exotic curved look. Deep shadows with the lids being heavily done in blue, along with false eyelashes. His now platinum blond hair had been curled and brushed out hanging almost to his shoulders. He wore large gold hoop earrings that hung next to his cheeks that were deeply blushed and his light facial makeup blended. His lips were crimson red and glossed for a wet look to create the overall vision that was desired of him. Martin looked like a whore, but a classy whore.

Martin felt like a fool even when nobody saw him like this. He gripped the knob on the bed post his long red fingernails wrapping the brass piece. Martin was very uneasy, extremely embarrassed that the Baron just brought this woman into their bedroom while he was dressed like he was.

"Uhm, I see the Mrs. is ready for her man to be home," the woman said with a giggle taking in Martin's sexy feminine appearance. "Hi. I know we met before, but I don't believe we exchange names. My name is Laticia," the concubine said extending her hand with her own beautifully polished nails of pearlized pink.

Martin hesitated, then took her and gave it a quick squeeze and release. "I'm his sex slave," Martin said in his male voice and followed up with a grin in his sarcasm.

"You are very beautiful man," she replied.

"Marcia, you look so sexy this evening. I missed you very much," the Baron said taking Martin in his arms and kissing him. "I hope you have not been too lonely without me." The Baron turned to look at Laticia. "She has been alone in her bed for the first time since our marriage. I was gone and she had no concubines. Her love is just for me now," he said looking back at Martin now.

"Oh, I really missed you Baron. Just couldn't wait for you to get back and have your dick in my butt hole again...darling." It was said with a fake smile and sarcastic flip of the hair and with a male voice.

"That's a beautiful painting of you two," Laticia said pointing to the painting above the bed. The image showing both Martin and the Baron standing with robes opened and their nude bodies exposed.

Martin closed his eyes in utter humiliation. He was completely mortified to be standing here as this woman assessed the painting.

The painting had the Baron and Martin standing next to each other in the bedroom in their robes. His robe hung open and Martin had his pulled back with one hand. The Baron's large cock hanging limp in front of him. The size of his cock even when limp was very impressive. Martin however was depicted with soft pale skin and completely shaven. He was shown with large feminine breast and large nipples that were pierced and ringed, and his penis was so tiny, not adult like at all. It was fully erect, standing almost straight up, as if Martin was so excited by the moment. It looked so...cute with his sexy feminine appearance. The image shamed his physical maleness, but the erection was in contrast to the overall feminine image.

"You two look so perfect together in that picture," she gushed looking at Martin.

"I will leave you two girls together for a moment, so you can have a few moments of girl talk. I will be right back," the Baron said leaving the room.

Laticia looked at Martin and smiled. Her smile became a smirk as if finding humor in his appearance.

"Your husband and I had sex a dozen times while we were gone. I think I did very well taking care of him for you, he seemed to enjoy himself with me." She laughed for a moment at a thought that came into her head, "You know I even sucked his dick when we were..."

"Hey! Whoa. I don't want to hear all this."

"I'm just sharing with you privately what I did with your husband sexually while he was away. Don't you want to hear what we did and make sure I took care of him and he was satisfied? I was after all the concubine standing in for you. He's quite a man."

"I don't care what you did with him. You can suck his dick all you want from now on. I hope you do. I would rather suck your pussy than look at him," Martin said pointing where the Baron had been.

"Well if you call the agency and request me, I will come take care of your needs if you like. I have no problems with that."

"You'd let me fuck you." Martin said in an almost condescending manner but curious all the same.

"Of course sir, as long as your spouse agrees. That's what I do," she said now giving him a sexy wink. I think you are very pretty dressed as a woman."

"I can't believe this," Martin said rolling his eyes.

"Your husband would like me to stay here a few nights if it's alright with you," she smiled. "With you and him of course," she said not sure Martin was getting her drift. "In the bed," she said now nodding toward the bed.

"You are going to stay here in this bed with us and have sex. A threesome?" Martin said looking from the corner of his eye.

"Yes. I believe that's the plan, if you agree.

"Great," Martin said suddenly. "That's great. Do me a favor and don't wake me. You have my permission to fuck him all night long. I hope you're not a screamer."

"I'll do my best," she smiled. "I will slip into something more sexy then if it's alright with you and you have no more question about our..."

"No more questions, I don't want to know," Martin held his hand up to stop her.

"OK, I'll be out in a little while. Save me a snuggling spot between you guys," she giggled as she walked away.

This was different for Martin. He didn't know how to respond. Would Constance tell the Baron about his adulterous affairs now or wait a few days? Martin wasn't sure. One thing he was sure of, he wanted out of this bedroom forever and as quickly as possible and if this woman was going to take away some of his butt fucking time, that would be even better.

The Baron came back in to find Martin still standing at the end of the bed.

"Why don't you join me my love," he said taking off his robe revealing his full nudity to Martin.

Martin looked at the floor quickly and thought, "Well, apparently he hasn't been told yet. Or it didn't work and he doesn't care." The second thought made Martin very tense.

"Listen, Baron darling I have a bit of a headache this evening. Perhaps instead of a threesome you could just enjoy the concubine for the evening and I'll stay in the guest room." Martin tried to pleasantly dismiss himself from the situation.

The Baron quickly kissed Martin and then swept him up in his arms. Martin was shocked by the sudden move that left his dainty high heel mules dangling in the air in the Baron's arms. Martin grabbed the Baron around the neck to stabilize himself.

"What are you doing?" Martin said as the Baron carried him to the bed and sat him down.

"Marcia my love, don't be jealous, she is just a concubine, and it's you that I love," he said pulling Martin's robe off of his shoulders revealing the red satin lingerie he was wearing.

"I understand," Martin said trying to control the situation, "but I just don't feel like sex tonight."

"Marcia, I can tell by the way you are dressed you wanted to please me this evening. I should have called and let you know I was bringing her back for a few nights. You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all, but I would rather not be involved," Martin said pushing him away as he tried to kiss him again.

Martin couldn't deny how this all looked, but it was just the makeup and clothes that looked inviting, his mind and heart screamed for freedom, to be a real man again. He felt he was close but he was going to have to be the Baron's bitch one more night it seemed.

The Baron snuggled up with Martin on the bed and began kissing and feeling him up. The Baron ran his hand up under Martin's bra and squeezed the now drooping nipples on Martin's chest. Martin jumped and groaned a muffled groan as the Baron was kissing Martin deeply. He rubbed his cock against Martin's thigh as he made out with him. Martin pushed at him several times to try and get some space but the Baron just pressed harder.

"Hello boys," Laticia said interrupting the little cuddle session.

She was so sex in her black bra and garter belt. She wore no panties just black stockings and high heels. This woman was obviously ready for sex. She strutted across the room and slid into the bed next to Martin.

She took Martin's cheeks in her hand and kissed him deeply on the lips.

"Hey baby, you ready for a ride?" she said sliding her hand to his crotch only to feel the gold metal tube that harnessed Martin's penis.

She pulled down Martin panties and got a good look at the chastity device.

"Oh my god, that is beautiful," she said beholding the gold and jewel studded device.

She gently ran her fingers around the edges and Martin felt a wonderful sensation of pleasure. She bent down and kissed between Martin's legs and behind his balls. Martin unconsciously spread his legs and allowed this woman to spend time working his crotch. Martin felt tears forming in his eyes. He wanted this. He was a man, this is how men were treated by their women.

She kissed Martin one more time and turned her attentions to the Baron. Her and the Baron immediately were involved in passionate kissing and feeling each other, it wasn't long before she was down on the Baron sucking his dick as best she could. She ran her lips down the sides of his cock as she stroked him. He was too big for her to take whole. Martin turned away. Not because of what this sexy woman was doing to his husband but because he didn't want to be pulled in to help out.

She raised her head, "Let's do a threesome," she said looking at the Baron and then Martin. "A welcome home, and I'm glad to be back love making session. That will be so hot," she said emotionally charged and physically turned on by the thought,

"I'd rather not," Martin said as the other two were re positioning themselves for the sex act. Laticia kissed Martin and pushed his head down so his head was near her pussy. He'd rather have his face stuck between her legs than the Baron's. She the then gently rolled him over onto his back and massaged the area under his balls where the chastity device was still in place. It felt so good.

Laticia then crawled back up in the bed and slid down on to Martin shoulders. Both of them on their backs looking at the ceiling and she gently pulled his head up on top of her pussy. Gently stroking his hair she put her legs over Martin's arms and wiggled her red painted toes in eager anticipation.

"Take me Baron darling. I'm ready," she cooed.

The Baron got on top of them and straddled Martin. Martin panicked. He tried to move but couldn't. Laticia was holding the back of his head against her pussy. The Baron lovingly took Laticia in his arms and began kissing her as she cooed with pleasure. The Barons dick was very hard and sliding back and forth against the side of Martin's face. Martin tried to turn his head but couldn't.

"Get off me," Martin grunted as the other two kissed passionately and whispered "I love you" to each other.

This went on for a what seemed like an eternity to Martin. The hot words of passion Laticia and the Baron shared sounded so stupid to Martin, who was not sharing the passion with them. Then she said the words that changed the evening for Martin.

"Fuck us Baron darling. Enjoy your wife and your whore tonight. Don't worry about me darling, I have my vibrator."

She was good. She knew what to say and when to say it. Martin wished he had known such skilled women that were so dedicated to a man's sexual pleasure when...when he was still a man.

The Baron then stood up on his knees and squeezed Martin's cheeks very hard while Laticia pulled Martin's hair holding his head firmly in her crotch.

"OOWW!! No...mmpphhh" was all Martin managed to say before his mouth was forced open wide to accept the head of his husbands cock. That was all that was needed.

The Baron slowly lay back down on Martin and Laticia causing his cock to go even deeper into Martin's mouth and then his throat. Martin gagged at first then choked. His jaws hurt as his mouth could be forced open no further his red painted lips stretched around his husband's enormous erection giving him the warm wet massage his cock desired. Martin's legs clad in black stockings kicked out helplessly into the air and his black high heel mules pounded the bed falling off his feet and falling to the floor as he fought in desperation to find some relief.

The Baron then slowly began humping Martin's warm mouth. Faster and deeper as he continued, the muted sounds of Martin's gagging were in rhythm with each pelvic thrust. The Baron's pubic hair rubbed abrasively back and forth on Martin's nose and face. Martin's red fingernails once again digging into the sheets as he fought for a breath of air.

Laticia screamed "Oh yes", and "Fuck me darling" so many times it was ridiculous.

Laticia and the Baron made mad passionate love together and Martin's mouth was used as Laticia's pussy for the threesome. The squirming, gagging, choking desperation of Martin was a sharp contrast to the kissing, cuddling couple who were having a wonderful sexual experience together.

It was a threesome only in the sense there were three people involved in the sex act, but only two were passionately involved while the third, Martin, was just fighting to catch a breath and suffering through his husbands cock painfully pounding the back of his throat.

When the Baron was ready for his orgasm Martin couldn't move. The hammering pelvis became so intense against Martin's nose that it hurt . Then suddenly a heavy load of semen was deposited in his mouth from the end of his husband cock causing him to choke as the Baron groaned with pleasure. Martin's face became dark red as he gagged on the huge cock during the entire orgasm. The semen couldn't come out his mouth as it was filled with his husbands cock, so Martin had to drink it as best he could. The Baron pulled back just enough for Martin to get a gasp of fresh air only to have semen squirt in his throat as he did, and two small streams of semen emerged from his nose when he coughed from the choking.

The Baron was ready to roll over.

"No. Wait just a bit longer baby," Laticia said kissing him and rubbing his back. "Keep your dick in his mouth. Let it go soft in his mouth. I want some quiet time with you," she whispered in his ear.

The Baron lay there snuggled up with Laticia and allowed his cock to slowly shrink it's way out of Martin's mouth. When it was where Martin could turn his head and remove the massive organ, he did so and was crying,

"You sadistic bastards," he cried.

Martin jumped out of the bed and backed away.

"What's wrong Marcia," the Baron asked looking concerned.

"What you two just did to me was wrong," he said to frustrated to find the words.

"Baby we were sharing. The three of us. I will be the bottom next time," Laticia said. "Don't be upset."

"There will be no next time," Martin yelled. "Baron I cheated on you while you were gone. I had sex with another man. I went on dates with him. I love him not you, and I want a divorce."

Those words came so easy for Martin after all this happening. If it had been just the Baron butt fucking him tonight he might have taken it and let things unfold, but this was unacceptable on all levels. He would not sleep with the Baron again.

Martin stormed out of the room and slammed the door. The Baron put on his robe. The door opened and it was Constance. She stepped inside and looked at Laticia sitting up in the bed.

"You can just stay where you are," she said to Laticia.

Laticia pulled one of her knees up and spread her legs exposing her pussy, then grabbed a magazine from the night stand.

"Why are you in here mother."

"While you were away, your so called wife has been having an affair with another man. It's in all the tabloids Anthony. You're a laughing stock."

"Marcia would never cheat on me mother. I love her." The Baron said without hesitation.

"You have been used Anthony, but you are so blinded by love that you don't care."

Constance went to the door and opened it.

"Come here," she said to someone outside in the hallway. Constance too the girl by the arm and brought her in the room.

"Angela," the Baron said stunned. He hurried to her and kissed her. The Baron looked back to Laticia, "Get out!"

Laticia was starting to get dressed.

"Get out now!" the Barons said a little louder to her.

Laticia grabbed her clothes and left the room. She was only half dressed. She walked down the hallway with her tits fully exposed headed for the nearest exit.

The Baron looked to his mother.

"I want a divorce from that cheating bastard as soon as possible. Get my attorney on it asap. I want him stripped of everything and confined to the east guest house. Angela and I will be leaving to be together to make up for lost time."

"Aren't you going to thank me for bringing her back to you?" Constance said with a dominant tone.

"No mother, you are the one that sent her away in the first place."

When the baron and Angela were alone he said with tears in his eyes, "I didn't know where they had sent you. I couldn't find you."

"You married a man that dressed like a woman, and flaunted him in public as your wife just to get me back? Anthony that took a lot of courage, and it shows how much you really love me. You gave up your public image for me, the things people must have thought of you when you married that man." Angela smiled.

"The divorce will be quick. Let's go away for a few weeks."

The Baron took Angela and they left the manor.

Things were only beginning for Martin. He was going to get his divorce and he would be shamed at the same time in the public eye.

Constance walked up to Martin and slapped him.

"What was that for," Martin said having already changed from his lingerie into a dress. He was leaving one way or another.

The girl Lisa is waiting for you in the dressing room. She has been instructed what to do. You are banished from this house and will stay in the guest house till the divorce is final."

"Good," Martin said turning and walking determined down the hall with his high heels clicking.

Lisa was in the dressing room awaiting Martin's arrival. Martin was so stressed by the sexual encounter with the Baron and the stern voice of Constance but at least it was done now. The Baron had requested a divorce and that Martin be removed from the manor, and moved to the guest house on the east side of the property where would reside until the divorce was final. He would then be asked to leave the property forever.


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