by red_gonzo
“Similar vain” ?? No. Similar vein. Also, you seem to forget to put a ‘?’ at the end of questions about 80% of the time.
I hope she has good medical coverage because she’s going to need it after al that a2p2m2a2p action, with not even a hint of any bathing until they left the beach house. She’s going to have some nasty infections thanks to that.
Thanks for the comments on the question marks. Its a process and I appreciate feed back.
And sorry about the lack fo clarify in which positions were in which order. It was never an intent to go A2P but I can see how its read that way. The thought was swapping out toys for anal play but re-re-reading it it sounds a bit vague from my intent. Also, it was assumed she cleaned up while changing and what not, but also not super clear on that point. Thanks for the comment.
I love your stories, especially when you get so descriptive with the sex acts!! And you always have a little twist to the story, like the dominant/submissive angle. I am not crazy about cum all over her face, but I can live with it. Please keep writing Paul stories!!
- Since this was a new kind of act to write for me, it was a work in progress for a long time so I'm sure there are parts that can be better. The constant facials were there because Ms. Kane didn't have a choice (or relinquished her choice) as part of the game. And, honestly, Paul wanted to give her a facial (or a few) since he didn't get to do it last time.
Thanks for the feedback.