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Lilith's Emporium Pt. 15: Wedding Day Ch. 02

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Reception and steamy wedding night.
8.3k words

Part 15 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/05/2017
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The Vampire Gabriel was the DJ at the reception as people mingled and took their seats. It was a strange mix of human and supernatural beings under this tent. Most of them were aware of each except for a few who were not, like Patrick's Parents who sat at a table with Lilith, Kevin, and Shadow. It was an awkward silence for a long time as Lilith was trying to think of ways to make Diane as uncomfortable as possible.

Suddenly walking over from the restroom was a young man Shadow noticed as he headed for their table. He sat down next to Lilith as the others sort of stared at him for a few moments trying to figure out who this person was and why he was sitting with them.

"Oh I am so sorry," Lilith said breaking the silence. "This is my date for the evening, his name is Chris."

"Hello, Chris?" Shadow said still a little unsure about him.

"Hi, sorry, I felt a bit uncomfortable coming to this occasion but Lilith Insisted I join her, you were amazing up there by the way."

"Oh, thank you, my love, would you grab me a drink?"

"Coming right up, anyone else?" He asked looking at everyone else at the table as they all shook their head no. "Be right back."

"Nana Lily, really?" Shadow said.

"I am only taking your mother's advice, she told me to be happy and right now that young man makes me... hmmm very happy."

"Poppycock!" Diane said.

"Poppy...what?" Lilith responded.

"According to the good book..."

"Oh shut up!" Lilith said responding to Diane's words about the Bible.

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, Diane, this is not a church, your god was not invited and not a single person in this place gives a damn about your good book. I know what you did, and what it could have caused, so needless to say keep your mouth shut."

"Well, I never..."

"And that right there is the problem, if you don't like my daughter that's fine, but I will not let anyone ruin this day for her, got it?" Lilith said as Jerome couldn't help but chuckle to himself a little.

"What did she do?" Shadow asked whispering over to Lilith.

Lilith had seen the vision that Patrick had seen earlier during the ceremony. She was able to sense it from him but compose herself well and complete the ceremony but that future horrified her. As she looked at Shadow seeing her death and hoping Patrick and Kevin had done enough to stop it from happening she smiled at her.

"Nothing you need to worry about Child." She said rubbing her hand gently before she looked at Kevin whom she knew was aware of this.

"Hey Shadow, you want something to drink?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Sure, I'll go with you," Shadow said getting up and following him to the bar.

"I don't know what you are talking about, All I did was try to make sure my new daughter in law wasn't cheating on my son!" Diane spoke after they left.

"You may have had the best intentions but you put my Grandaughter's life in danger."

"How so?"

"It doesn't matter, the point is if something happens to her or anyone else I care about, I will hold you personally responsible and trust me, I am not a woman to be trifled with."

"Here's your drink Babe," Chris said coming back over.

"Thank you, Love." She said taking it and smiling at Diane before taking a sip. "Ooh, you told them how I like it."

"Of course I did."

"You spoil me, remind me to return the favor later," she said grabbing him by his tie and pulling him in for a kiss.

Over at the bar, Shadow and Kevin were ordering their drinks. Kevin noticed that Shadow seemed to have a concerned look on her face so he leaned over the counter and smiled at her.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"What did you and my Dad do today?"

"Oh, it was nothing."

"Kevin, I feel like everyone here knows something I don't, please tell me."

"Shadow, I'm telling you it's nothing you need to worry about."

"Patrick hugged me this morning like he hadn't seen me in years, tell me what the hell is going on before I rip your balls off!"

"Ouch, well I um..." He said as Shadow's eye begins to turn bright yellow for a moment. "Alright, Patrick had a dream last night, of a future where you had died, so when he woke up I think he was just happy to see you."

"That's not the whole story is it?"

"Well, no it isn't, he and I went out to find the people responsible because it wasn't a dream, it was a message from himself, from the day he and Nessira died."

"Oh... God!" She said shocked by what he was hearing. "What happened?"

"Well, this private investigator got pictures of Nessira and Sasha, and it turns out he was working with a succubus intent on getting revenge on your mother, so I killed her, and then Patrick..."

"He killed the investigator?"

"He did, it was hard for him, I could see it in his face."

Before Kevin could continue any further she looked over and saw Patrick who was mingling with some guests while Nessira was still in the dressing room. Patrick saw her walking towards him with tears in her eyes and turned towards her.

"Shadow, what's wrong?" He asked as she wrapped her arms around him.

He was a bit surprised but he embraced her as well holding her tightly as she said: "I love you Dad."

"I love you too." He said getting emotional but not exactly sure why she was so upset. "Is everything alright?"

She just stood there and held him tightly for a good long while until she finally pulled away wiping her eyes before she said: "everything is great, now go and get your bride." She said with a smile before she turned and headed back to Kevin.

Patrick was a bit confused but he turned to go find Nessira as they were about to do their grand entrance together. As he headed towards the dressing room he saw Sasha come walking out of it looking like she might have been crying before she put her sunglasses back on. She looked up and smiled at Patrick before she walked passed him and headed back to her seat.

As he walked in he saw Nessira wiping her eyes a little before he said: "everything alright?"

"Huh, oh yes, just some last minute business with Sasha."

"How'd she take it?"

"She, well she understood anyway."

"Okay, well, you ready for this?"


After a few minutes, Gabriel got on the microphone and said: "if everyone could return to their seats for a moment, it is time," he said as everyone looked towards the main entrance to the tent. "For the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson!" He said as Patrick and Nessira came walking in together while everyone stood and applauded them.

Nessira still felt strange as she was not used to situations like this at all but as long as she had Patrick by her side she felt she could do anything. They walked over to the dance floor as their song began to play and Patrick put his arms around her.

"I really don't know how to dance." She said with a nervous look whispering to him.

"Me neither, my plan was grabbing your butt and shuffling my feet."

"That could work." She said laughing as they did their best to just move with the music.

They stared at each other for a moment blocking out everyone else as they just slowly turned in the middle of the room. They were the center of attention but they felt like they were the only ones there as everyone watched on. Creatures from all walks of life who had no problem killing or eating human flesh in their lives had tears in their eyes watching the Red Witch dance with her new husband. It was a glimmer of hope for many that even they someday could be happy.

Soon everyone else joined them on the dance floor including Shadow and Kevin who also wasn't much of a dancer but as he had Shadow in his arms he didn't care. He had not been the same since being resurrected by her after he died a second time. He had been feeling useless and even a burden to her but the look in Shadow's eyes when she looked at him made him feel like he could move mountains, and for her, he would try.

Nessira began to look around at the others dancing around her. She looked over and saw her mother dancing with some young guy with her arms over his shoulders getting very close to him, even kissing him occasionally. Nessira nudged Patrick to look over as well and even he was a bit shocked at what he was seeing.

"You think that'll last?" Patrick asked.

"I think it will be whatever it is."

"Yeah, we haven't all find our witch yet."

"Or our Wizard?"

"It's still weird that you call me that, I was thinking of growing a beard though."

"Oh please no!"

"Okay, how about a goatee?"

"Maybe, we'll see how it looks before I decide."

"Deal." He said holding her tightly. "So is this everything you dreamed it would be?"

"Honestly, I never dreamed of anything, I wasn't the little girl planning her perfect wedding day, just wanted the perfect partner."

"I see, and how do I measure up?"

"You need some work, but close enough I guess."


"You know I'm just screwing with you?"

"Yeah, but still, I can still try to be better."

"Just as long as you are here, I'll be happy."

He leaned in and kissed her just as the music stopped. Everyone turned to them and gave them another set of applause as they separated their lips almost shocked that everyone was staring at them.

"Oh stop it," Patrick said to everyone with a chuckle "well you ready to get drunk and party?" He asked his wife.

"Do you even have to ask?"

Patrick and Nessira headed to their table which was just big enough for the both of them as the food began to be served. Patrick was given a beautiful looking steak while Nessira was given strange looking strips of meat that made her face light up.

"I dunno if it was a good idea having the Safari Cater our wedding."

"Don't worry, Sasha will take good care of us."

"Yeah but, what is that?" He said looking at Nessira's dish.

"Fairy meat."

"Oh shit, really, how is it?"

"It's really good, but it is also an aphrodisiac." She said with a grin taking some of the sauce and smearing it in his lips before kissing him to lick it off.

"I love you so much." He said tasting it a little.

"After tonight, you will love me even more!" She said as her hand slid up his thigh under the table.

"Okay, I still need to last until the end of the party though."

"Maybe, or maybe I will make you cum right here in front of everyone."

"Ha, that would be... Wait you wouldn't."

He suddenly felt her hand unzipping his pants before her fingers wiggled inside and began to stroke his cock which was already stiffening. He looked around at everyone eating and thanking God nobody could see under this table.

"Ness, maybe this isn't a good... Shit that feels..."

"I'll stop, all you have to do is ask me nicely."


"Yes, Love?"

"I really... Oh shit!"

"Really what?" She said with a smile as her hand slid his erection out of his pants stroking it gently.

"What about tonight?"

"Oh trust me, you will be plenty ready for tonight, you're curious aren't you, to what I have planned for you?" She said as she continued to stroke him. "You're thinking that our sex life is so amazing how could our wedding night top it?" She continued to say as her delicate fingers danced along his shaft. "Well, you will just have to wait and see now won't you."

Patrick was trying very hard not to let on to anyone what was happening under the table. He was torn because as embarrassing as this was he really didn't want her to stop. He could feel himself ready to pop any second as he clenched his fork and knife trying to eat his steak hut it was no use. Nessira gave him one extremely gentle stroke that made his cock explode squirting his cum all over the place. He waited to feel it hit his pants or splatter on his shoes but it did not as he was a bit surprised.

"I wouldn't do that to you," she said as she had used a spell to collect his semen and store it away out of site.

"Thank you, but you know, now I owe you one." He said with a smile before kissing her again as he tucked his manhood back into his pants.

"Interesting, so how is your meat?" She said as she went back to eating her dinner.

"Tender." He said with a smile as he finally took a bite of his steak. "Damn, they can cook."

A little while later Nessira was mingling with her guests as Patrick does the same. He walks over to the bar and grabs a drink from the woman bartender whom for a moment almost seemed to have Lizard-like eyes before they returned to normal.

"So, you actually did it," a woman's voice said as he turns and see's Sasha standing there next to him still wearing sunglasses and a rather stunning dress.

"Did what?"

"You sealed the deal, you tied down the red Witch of Raven Hill."

"Well, I'm sure you have tied down a few people in your day Sasha."

"Well, when you put it that way, but usually they try to tie me down, but it never ends well for them."

"Interesting, so, you enjoying the party?"

"Listen, Patrick, I know what Nessira told you, about us."

"I didn't ask her to do that."

"It's her decision, and I understand why she made it, but I need to say something."

"I'm listening."

"If you ever hurt her, if you break he heart, I will hunt you down and teach you first hand why the ancient Egyptians feared the name Rak-Sasha!" She said getting up close to him to the point he could hear her growl and feel her breath. "Do I make myself clear."

"Crystal clear." He said with a grin drinking his vodka. "Now, are you at least going to try to have a good time?"

"A good time, it's a shame you and I never had a good time together." She said getting up a little closer to him with a smile.

"No offense but do you think you could ever compete with Nessira? Besides, I prefer indoor plumbing." He said realizing it may not be a good idea to try and make her angry.

Sasha chuckled at his joker about her sexual organs before she said: "I have been rejected before by beasts who wanted her instead, it's their loss, as for you and I, well I guess we'll never know, besides, I may have found someone to keep me company for the evening." Glancing over at the man she was next to during the ceremony.

"Ahem, yeah well that's my cousin Terry, I expect him to be human and in one piece when you're done with him," Patrick said taking another sip of his drink.

"That's no fun!" She says with a pouty look on her face.

"Hey, I am asking this as a friend."

"Really, do you consider us friends?"

"I would like to."


"But can I ask you something?"

"Yes, they are real." She said showing off her cleavage.

"That's not, wait really?" He said glancing a little before he asked: "No, that's not it, look I know what you are and what you have done, but have you ever thought about settling down someday, finding a man, or woman, or demon or whatever?"

"Sounds boring to me."

"I just, I think there is more to you than this, more than just darkness." He said as Sasha stared at him a little confused.

"Have you ever tasted the pleasures of what only the darkness can offer?" She said with a smile.

Patrick suddenly felt a chill hearing those words as she had said them to him in that future dream he had. "Never mind," he said finishing his vodka. "Have fun with Terry, and remember what I said, human and in one piece."

"Fine!" She said as Patrick walked away.

Sasha let out a sigh feeling she could not have as much fun as she originally wanted to have with him. Suddenly a thought came to her as she looked into her purse seeing one of those special condoms Nessira made and sold her for the club when it opened. As a smile came across her face she snapped her purse closed before she headed towards her prey.

On the other side of the room, Nessira was chatting with Lizeth and her husband. Patrick came walking up behind her as they all turned to him and smiled.

"Patrick this is Lizeth and her husband John," Nessira said introducing them.

John stood up and shook his hand before he said: "pleasure to meet you."

"You as well, how do you all know each other?" Patrick asked.

"John here was my first customer, he saw this lovely demon statue and just had to have it," Nessira explained.

"Best purchase I ever made." He said leaning over and kissing his wife.

"I see, well Nessira is good at what she does," Patrick said.

"That she is," Lizeth said with a smile. "So Nessira, I see you took my advice."

"Shut up," Nessira replied.

"No, I am happy you did, so this is the man with the very talented tongue?"

"Excuse me?" Patrick asked confused.

"Never mind, she's a sex demon, always thinking with those dirty thoughts."

"You are one to talk my dear," Lizeth said standing up. "I like what I like, and John doesn't seem to mind my talents, do you Honey?"

"Not at all," he said with a chuckle as he stood up taking her hand and leading her to the dance floor.

"That the demon who killed his wife and took over her body?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, and he has never been happier."

"Well, it's interesting how these relationships start isn't it," Patrick said.

"Yes it is, oh and that little spell you used trying to bring my panties to life earlier," she said turning towards him with a grin. "It didn't work because I'm not wearing any." She whispered in his ear before giving him a kiss. "But keep trying my Dear."

Patrick watched as she walked away getting turned on just looking at her. He attempted to use that spell on her panties to make her cum during the party but as she said it didn't work so now he had to come up with a new idea. He took out a little notebook he had filled with spells he had written down. He began reading a spell he had found interesting when studying and figured it was worth a shot. He read it over a few times before he walked up to Nessira grabbing her from behind.

She enjoyed his touch leaning back against him before he leaned in and whispered in her ear. "naturale eius debent ad animam," before he gave her a quick kiss and walked away.

Nessira watched him walk away as it took a moment before she realized what he had done and she felt a slight tingling between her legs. "You son of a bitch!" She said under her breath as she felt the lips of her pussy beginning to rub together sending waves of pleasure through her body. "Oh, you mother fucker!"

"Everything alright Nessira?" She heard Diane's voice say as she walked up behind her.

"Oh, of course, it's you," she said to herself quietly before she smiled and said: "Hello Diane, enjoying the p... Party?"

"It is different from most weddings I've been to."

"Yeah well, we are an um... Untraditional couple... I guess." She said as it was getting harder to speak with what was happening under her dress.

"Look Nessira, I may have been a bit harsh on you, and I'll be honest, I don't really like you or approve of your lifestyle."

"I um... I kinda figured."

"However, the way Patrick looks at you, it's obvious he is madly in love with you, so please just do me a favor?"

"Uhuh, sure, wa wa... What is that?"

"Don't make me right!" Diane said in a stern voice before turning and walking away as Nessira's pussy spasmed giving her an intense orgasm that was difficult to hide.

"Oh shit... That was the best conversation we ever had." Nessira said as she looked over at Patrick across the room who was smiling and waving at her. "Oh, wait until tonight." She said with a sadistic grin making sure he saw it before she stood up and went back to mingling with her guests.

Kevin and Shadow were both having a good time when Kevin's face suddenly went white. Shadow was confused so she turned her head and saw what appeared to be a forest Nymph with pink hair wearing a nice sundress standing over in the corner talking to someone. Shadow was confused so she looked back at him and asked him what was wrong.

"What is it?" Shadow asked.

"That's her, she's the one who killed me."

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