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Lisa and Mac Ch. 01

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My wife Lisa meets Mac.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/12/2021
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LISA MEETS MAC - Chapter 1

Mac and I had worked together for a couple of months and in that time we had become firm friends taking coffee breaks, and often having lunch, in the canteen together. Usually the conversation turned to football, occasionally it involved politics and local gossip. We supported the same team and there was always something to discuss regarding the form of the players or those involved in the training. He was good company, quiet and unassuming. Although he certainly had a large physical presence, being six foot two, broad shouldered and a slim but full frame. He was amusing and friendly so I enjoyed our companionship.

Mac was divorced living in a flat by himself just on the outskirts of the town. He appeared to lead a quiet life although he had a few friends, meeting them in his local pub. He knew that I was married with no children and that my wife of seven years and I lived in a modest detached house in a cul-de-sac not far from him. Occasionally, when an attractive female co-worker would pass us in the canteen, our conversation would turn to sexual banter. He told me that he had a few girl friends but at present none of these were long lasting relationships.

Over time Mac introduced me to Penthouse magazine. He told me that he had a large collection and one day he gave me a couple of past copies in an envelope to read at home.

My wife Lisa, aged 27, was a nurse working at the local hospital. She enjoyed her job and together we earned a comfortable living. There was a mortgage on the house but the cost was easily affordable to us. We were comfortably off and enjoyed a happy lifestyle.

Lisa was the love of my life. We had married young and together we had a very happy relationship. Lisa was 5' 6'' tall, was slim, with a lovely figure, a size 34 C bust and a nice rounded bottom, which I often cupped as I walked past her. We both enjoyed our lovemaking and, although it was never particularly adventurous, it was always sufficient for me. At times I felt that Lisa would have liked to be more adventurous.

After getting back from work one day I was in the sitting room browsing through one of Mac's Penthouse magazines when Lisa, carrying a couple of glasses of wine, joined me on the sofa. "What's that you are studying so earnestly?" She asked.

"It's called Penthouse and I was given it by a friend at work." I replied.

Of course she wanted to have a look and so we were soon sitting close together flipping through the pages. There were many photos of girls being spanked and several articles on the same subject. The letters pages were particularly erotic where readers wrote about their experiences, and I felt Lisa squirm beside me as she read some of them. It wasn't long before we were both turned on and we dumped the magazine and rushed up to bed.

The next day at work Mac and I were once again having lunch together in the canteen. "How did you enjoy the magazine?" he asked me casually.

I laughed. "Well," I replied. "Lisa certainly enjoyed it," I told him.


"Yes, my wife. Lisa."

"Lovely name," he said.

"Yes, well she is rather lovely. She thought the magazine was great. It lead to a most enjoyable evening," I teased him as I smiled at him.

"Sounds fun." He smiled back.

I can not explain what it was that made me do it but out of the blue I took out my wallet and said: "Would you like to see a photo of her?"

The picture I showed was of Lisa standing in a pub garden with a drink in her hand. She was wearing a summer frock as she looked out across some fields. She had her left leg raised up to the bar on the gate, thus showing a fair amount of thigh. It was certainly not a provocative pose, but her figure was well defined by the light material of the dress. Lisa had an air of innocence and looked stunning as she gazed into the distance.

"Lovely," said Mac as he studied the photo. He asked me if I had any more photos of her. I told him that I didn't have any others on me.

"Pity," he told me.

The next day as Mac and I had our lunch I showed him another photo. This time Lisa was in a white bikini standing beside a swimming pool. It was no more revealing than most bikinis but the top gently cupped her upright and proud 34 C breasts. Her bum and pussy were modestly covered by the bottoms although the outside curve of her full bottom was visible as a result of the tight material.

"Wow." said Mac as he studied the photo. "She looks so young and innocent. What a lovely figure." He passed the photo back to me. "I would love to meet her."


A couple of days later I was talking to Mac just outside the pub when I saw Lisa approaching us. She had just got back from work, had changed out of her nurses uniform and was now dressed in a pair of loose slacks and an open neck polo shirt; her lovely long blond hair in a pony tail. As she approached I nudged Mac. "Well, you will now meet my wife in the flesh," I told him.

Mac took one look and exclaimed, loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough for Lisa, who was still twenty feet away to hear: "Fuck in hell. What a beauty. She looks too young to be married to you, Mate."

As she got nearer he apologised to me. "Sorry mate, I didn't mean to say that about your wife."

I slapped him on the shoulder. "That's alright Mac, I happen to agree with you."

Lisa joined us. I introduced Mac and they shook hands. She told me that she had a bit of shopping to do before supper and then excused herself as she skipped down the street.

"Wow, exclaimed Mac, Your wife is lovely. So young and innocent looking." He told me.

"Come on let's get into the pub and get a beer," I told him.

That evening at home with Lisa I told her how Mac had admired her and how he had loved the photos of her, particularly the one of her in a bikini. Lisa was shocked. "How could you?" she asked. "God, you have no business showing photos of me to anyone let alone strange men."

She kissed me and asked me what he had said about the photos. I knew that deep down she was not angry. On the contrary, I felt that she was actually flattered to have been admired by him.

"He was also amused when I told him that you liked the magazines."

"Oh, no. You didn't tell him that I looked at those smutty mags did you?"

"He liked it that you were so turned on by them."


It was two weeks before he met her again. I had told Mac that he was welcome to drop in at anytime he was passing near our home. On that particular day Lisa had got back from work, had showered and then, because she was not intending to go out again, had put on an overlarge tee shirt of mine. It was just long enough to cover her upper thighs and private parts. She didn't bother with a bra as there were just the two of us at home but she had slipped on a pair of small blue see through panties. We were curled up on the sofa watching a film on the TV when the door bell rang.

I smiled as I suggested to Lisa that she should go and answer the door, knowing full well that she would be far too embarrassed to do so. We both laughed as I went to the door leaving her on the sofa. I was surprised to see Mac standing on the door step with a large envelope in his hand.

"Oh, hi there Mac," I exclaimed.

"You said drop in any time and... well...." He paused. "I was passing," he smiled.

"Oh, well.... er...."

As he came through the door I explained that we were not expecting company so he would have to take us as he found us.

"It's not inconvenient is it?" He asked

"No, no, not at all. It is great to see you. Come on in."

I took him into the sitting room as Lisa was rising from the sofa. She later explained that when she realised that a guest was visiting she knew that she had to get upstairs quickly to put on some more clothing. Unfortunately we were too quick entering the sitting room, so she was caught standing in the room in the over-large tee shirt, just covering her panties. I re-introduced Mac to Lisa, who was blushing profusely as she folded both arms across her breasts.

Mac advanced with an arm outstretched to shake hands. "I have been looking forward to meeting you properly." Both Lisa and I were aware that his eyes were focused on her chest as she extended her right arm to shake hands. Her left arm successfully covered her tee shirt covered nipples.

I went out to the kitchen to get us a drink leaving Lisa in the sitting room with Mac. As I left the room I looked back. She was frantically tugging down the hem of the shirt with both hands as she sat down on the sofa, watched by Mac who was now seated in an arm chair opposite her.

I returned with a couple of beers and a glass of wine for Lisa. As I passed her her drink she jumped up and mumbled an apology, saying that she needed to go upstairs to make herself respectable.

Mac looked at Lisa. "Please don't change on my account. You look fine as you are," he said.

"I am sorry," I interjected, "We weren't expecting company."

She was now standing with one arm across her breasts and the other hand holding her drink. "I really think that I ought to change....." Lisa smiled.

"Don't worry. Please.... You really look fine." Mac retorted in a slightly croaky deep voice.

There was silence in the room. Lisa looked at me questioningly. I shrugged. She was holding the wine in one hand as she removed her arm from across her front in order to pull the shirt down over her thighs as she sat down. Her breathing quickened and her breasts were heaving as if she had just completed a marathon. Her nipples were very prominent through the thin material. I noticed that Mac was watching her closely.

There was another silence for about thirty seconds as we each took a sip from our drinks.

Mac broke the ice: "I brought some more magazines," he said as he put the envelope he had been holding on the table.

Lisa blushed as I said thanks. There was another embarrassing silence for a few moments before Mac turned to Lisa.

"Did you enjoy the magazines?" He asked.

She replied quietly: "Well, they were... er.... interesting."

"Interesting?" He interjected. "Which bits were of interest to you?"

Lisa squirmed in her chair and went an even brighter red. I replied for her: "I think that Lisa liked the bits on spanking," I told him.

"Oh, really?" He asked as he turned towards her.

Lisa looked down at her hands in her lap. "Did you?" Mac asked her.

"Yes.... sort of," she whispered barely loud enough for us to hear.

"Well you should enjoy this lot," he said as he pointed to the envelope on the table.

The conversation turned to more mundane every day subjects. But I couldn't help but notice how Mac's eyes kept returning to Lisa. She was aware of his attention but was not taking part in the conversation. She sat demurely on the sofa, her legs tucked under her and her tits on permanent stalks through the tee shirt, blushing and averting her eyes from him.

Eventually Mac said that he would have to go. We all stood as he thanked us for the beer. I thanked him for the magazines. As he stood in front of Lisa he took her hand in both of his, looked into her eyes and said: "You are much more lovely than your pictures." He then gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. "I hope that you enjoy these magazines even more." Lisa's nipples stood out proudly. Mac's eyes were fixed on them as he held her hand just a little longer than would normally be be considered polite. Lisa blushed and said nothing. All three of us knew precisely what Mac had found to be so riveting.


That night Lisa and I were in bed looking through the new magazines. They were certainly more raunchy than the previous set, with girls tied up, girls being beaten and with stories and letters of girlfriends and wives being subjected to punishment. I noticed that Lisa was getting quietly turned on by them. "Would you want to beat me?" She asked.

I took her in my arms and kissed her soft mouth. "No, I could never hurt you. It wouldn't excite me at all."

"But you enjoy these stories. I know that because you get hard as you read them and look at the photos." Her hand went to my cock.

"Look at this one of the woman being whipped. You like that don't you." Her hand started going up and down my naked penis.

"Oh, God, that feels so good. Yes, I like that."

"But you wouldn't want to do that to me then?"

"No, definitely not. I would never want to hurt you."

"Would you like to see some other girl receiving treatment like this?"

"Well that could be interesting."

"So, witnessing something like this would excite you?"

"Yes, I think that it would." I replied as she moved her hand up and down my erect shaft. I kissed her again.

Lisa picked a story out from her magazine and asked me to read it. It was about a husband who agreed to let a neighbour punish his wife for flaunting her body. As I read I got absolutely hard. Lisa felt my erection and played with the cock gently. "Would you like that?" she whispered in my ear. "Would you like the neighbour to deal with me like that while you watched?"

Her hand gripped tighter as it smoothly milked my cock. I was breathing hard and knew that I would come soon if she continued both her questions and her hand movement. "Well, maybe not our neighbour who happens to be 84!," I said. We both laughed.

Lisa turned and laid on top of me. She held my cock as she sat up and inserted it into her wet vagina. She was so silky and yet tight as she engulfed my cock.

Soon I had come but what was more surprising was that Lisa had come twice as we had made love.


A few days later Mac and I were having lunch in the canteen at work. Luckily we had found a private table to ourselves. I told Mac that Lisa had enjoyed meeting him. This seemed to please him as he replied that he had much enjoyed meeting her. "She is so beautiful and so young and innocent looking." He told me.

He asked if she had enjoyed the new magazines. I told him that they had certainly turned her on and that they had led to some very exciting sex between us.

"Do you spank her then?" he asked me.

"Oh no, I could never do that. I could never raise a hand to her. I love her to bits but could never physically hurt her like that."

"But she was excited by the articles and pictures?"

"Yes, I suppose she was," I replied wistfully.

Mac looked me in the eye. "Yes, I thought that they would have an effect on her." We looked at each other for a moment. "How would you feel if Lisa wanted a bit of rough play?"

"Rough play?"

"You know. If Lisa wanted some domination fun?"

"Well, I suppose that I wouldn't stand in her way if that is what she wanted." I told him.

He put his hand on my shoulder and leant towards me. "I would love to deal with her," he said.

"Well... er..... I am not sure about that.." I replied.

That evening after supper as we sat on the sofa in the sitting room I relayed this conversation to Lisa. She shivered as I spoke and blushed deeply. She took my hand in hers. "God, I can't believe that you and he were talking together like that about me."

I kissed her and put my hand on her breast. I felt the hard nipple. Lisa had been excited by the conversation. Soon we were upstairs naked in bed touching and holding each other. As we lay in post coital bliss she asked me what he had meant when he had said that he would like to deal with her.

"I expect that he would like to spank you," I told her. She shivered again. My hand went around to her bum.

"Oh," she replied. "And what would you say about that?"

I gave her bottom a gentle slap. "Well. If it was a turn on for you I wouldn't get in your way."

"Oooo. Make love to me again you wonderful husband." It was a glorious gentle lovemaking which left us both satisfied and exhausted.


A couple of days later Mac and I were having a beer after work and once again the subject turned to Lisa. I think that he was becoming infatuated with her.

He explained that he wouldn't ever do anything that would upset me or our marriage. He said that he had experience of dealing with women who enjoyed domination and would love to deal with Lisa. In his view some couples found it erotic if an outsider made demands on them. The husband could relax and allow another man to provide the domination that many wives craved. "Lisa would certainly respond well to some training." He said. "Like a lot of wives she could do with a bit of discipline."

Mac took a sip of his beer. "Would you be OK with it?" He asked. My cock started to harden.

I thought a bit before answering. "Well," I explained to him. "If she wanted that.... I suppose I can understand how she would be excited at the prospect. In fact it excites me as well."

"Perhaps I ought to drop round your home again?" he asked.

"Well, I am not sure." I paused. I took a sip of beer. He looked at me not saying anything. "I will have to ask Lisa." I said without really thinking about what I was getting us into.

We were both silent for a bit. Mac finished his beer. He stood. "Nothing like striking while the iron is hot, Paul. I will be around at 9.00pm this evening. You had better tell Lisa."

God, that was presumptuous of him. But my cock was now absolutely solid, struggling to get out of my pants.


I had forgotten that Lisa was on a late shift which finished at 10.00pm. I phoned her at work. "Mac is coming around this evening."

"Oh, er... that's nice." she replied. "But I am working late."

"Lisa, he wants to deal with you darling."

"Oh. Oh my God. What does he mean?"

"We will have to see. He will be with us at 9.00."

"Oh! But I do not get off tonight until 10.00pm. Can you put him off?"

"Well he has gone now. He was quite persistent. I will explain why you will be late. Can you get off early? Please darling," I said.

"Oh God Paul. What have you done. OK. It is fairly quiet here so I should be able to."


I got home, had a quick wash and changed into a pair of slacks and casual shirt. I rushed around tidying up downstairs and prepared some glasses and put out some crisps and little eats in bowels on the table in the sitting room.

At precisely 9.00pm the door bell went. I went to the door and welcomed Mac into the house. "Lisa is working late," I explained as I showed him into the sitting room. "She should be home in about an hour."

I poured beers for Mac and me and offered him some crisps as he took a seat on the sofa. We started chatting. Just as we were having a second beer Lisa arrived in a frantic rush. She was breathing heavily as she rushed into the sitting room. She removed her coat revealing her nurses hospital light green scrubs. "I'm sorry," she said, "I was working late. But I managed to get away early."

"It's OK, darling," I said, "Mac has had a couple of beers."

"Yes, don't worry," said Mac.

I passed her a glass of wine. She sat on the arm of the armchair facing Mac as she sipped her drink, still breathing hard. I noticed that her hand was shaking. I took the other chair. We started discussing the weather (don't all British people do that when they don't know what to say?). We then moved on to other subjects. Shortly Mac and I were happily having a less stilted conversation. I noticed that Lisa didn't join in. She had finished her drink and was playing with the glass. She was very quiet, looking at Mac periodically.

After a quarter of an hour I was wondering what, if anything, was going to happen. Both Lisa and I were on a knife edge. I could tell that she was scared. Out of the blue Mac suddenly said: "Lisa, Paul told me that you enjoyed the magazines."

"Yes," she replied quietly.

"You were happy for me to come to see you this evening, weren't you?"


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