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Living a Dream

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A virgin lives his fantasies with a Goddess.
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**This story contains content that some may find disturbing, including scat. I hope you enjoy!**

Harry was becoming fed up. Frustrated. He was in his room on a Friday night, alone and horny. Being a virgin and having urges for years was beginning to bug him, he just wanted to experience something. He loved watching porn to jerk off, in particular facesitting videos and ass worship videos. As the years progressed, he become delving into the darker web, watching fart videos and toilet humiliation. He was struggling to control his horniness, he just wanted action.

To change up from pornhub, he logged onto twitter and searched up facesitting to try to find other videos. As he was scrolling however, he stumbled upon post after post of women offering sessions with captions of facesitting and ass worship. Given his poor self esteem, Harry believed this might have to be his route to experiencing something. He scrolled on and bookmarked women who were offering sessions to see what he could try with one of them. One in particular caught his eye, a blonde woman called Goddess T. She was beautiful to Harry, he loved blondes and she had a dream figure for someone with his fetishes. Slim waist with a curvy behind. Her bio read "A stunning Goddess who loves the world of BDSM and femdom. Cum and experience your fantasies with me. DMs are open."

Harry decided to send a message to Goddess T. "Hi goddess, I want to enquire about a session with you." His heart pounding as this was the first time he'd ever thought about doing this. He waited eagle eyed, checking his phone every 10 seconds to see if there was a reply.


Harry lifted his phone to see a notification from Mistress T. "Hello Harry, tell me your fetishes and your experience so we can discuss your dreams!".

Harry had always wanted to slowly experience his fetishes, starting with facesitting clothed and becoming more and more extreme, however, he was unsure if he wanted to spend loads of money on multiple sessions as he wasn't the richest of people. Maybe he was best off diving in at the deep end. "Hi goddess. My fetishes are all ass related. I really want to try facesitting, ass worship but maybe also some dirtier things. I have never done anything with a girl before or Goddess, but you are beautiful and I think in order to experience something this is how I achieve it," replied Harry. His heart still racing.

"I am a very open Goddess, I strive to both enjoy what I do but also allow people to live fetishes and fantasies they want to live. I'm happy to chat with you and discuss a session. You can contact me on my number in my pinned post and introduce yourself! Talk soon x."

Shit was getting real. Harry just stared at the message, drinking in the prospect of finally trying something. All he had to do was call the number. It took him a few moments to shake out of the haze he was in and build up the courage to call the Goddess. He dialed the number and waited for an answer on the other side.

"Hello," came a voice from the other end. From just one word, the voice possessed power and seduction.

"H-Hi goddess T, it's Harry, I messaged you about a session a few moments ago."

"Hello Harry. Thank you for calling, it makes discussing things a lot easier. So tell me about yourself. I'm also intrigued to know the fetishes you mentioned as dirty."

"Well I've never done anything at all with a girl, not even kissed one," he said shyly, "I just seen the idea of paying someone to try my kinks with today. So facesitting was the first thing I really became hooked to, but as time went on I needed more to get satisfaction. It went from clothed to less clothing before I started watching nude facesitting videos. I always had a thing for asses, so I watched videos where the woman was sitting and the guy was under her licking her ass which since I've wished I could try one day," he paused to catch his breath.

"And the dirty fetishes?"

"Well I had watched these nude videos for a couple of years and one day I stumbled upon a video where the girl...farted while sitting on the guy. Initially I felt a bit sick, but I watched some others afterwards and this became standard for me to watch, so I've thought about that as well to try. The last thing is a bit embarrassing. One video I watched, the girl went a bit further than farting..."

"I see," replied Goddess T. "Well Harry, in terms of a session, what would you like to do?"

"I'm not 100% certain. I used to want to start slow, but if I have to pay then I was thinking about doing as much as I can."

"Okay. Well as my profile states, I enjoy dominating men. The fetishes you've described I have done before. But I have some rules for you to obey. First, I am in charge. You do what I say when I say it. You will not do anything unless I instruct you otherwise. You will have a safeword, however, I would want you to push yourself to your limits in order to enjoy the session. My sessions cost £250 per hour and depending on the day, I can be flexible with the length of session to cater your needs. I am a Goddess, but I also hope to give you the session and experience you are after. How does that sound."

A bit starstruck, Harry finally managed to speak, "That sounds great. I would like to try that with you. You are beautiful, I would feel like a fool to turn that down. Could you tell me how the session would go please?"

"Now, you address me as Goddess. To begin, I will tie you down on my bed and sit on your face. I can start by wearing something, or go straight to nude. Given the nature of your request, I will be gassy and it's your job to ensure I don't smell anything. You will then be my personal toilet, you will swallow whatever I give you. To finish, you will clean my ass until it's squeaky clean. If you're a good boy, you may get a reward hehe."

Once again speechless at what he was hearing, Harry pushed out, "Wow, okay I would like to book with you before my mind changes. Does any evening this week suit you, Goddess."

"How about next Wednesday at 8pm?"

"That suits me well. Do I need to do anything before coming Goddess?"

"I expect you to be clean and presentable to me. You should also have cash on hand to pay, but otherwise arrive on time. I look forward to meeting you slave. Goodbye."

On hearing her call him slave, Harry's dick began to swell. "Bye Goddess, see you Wednesday evening." The phone hung up and Harry lay back staring at the ceiling thinking about what just happened. This is real, it's finally happening.

Time went slowly, but eventually Wednesday arrived. Harry was getting ready to face his fears with both worry and excitement, he was finally going to experience what he'd been watching for years and years. He got showered and groomed before leaving to arrive at the address Goddess T had given him that morning.

At 7.55pm he was there, he didn't want to be late and give a bad impression. With cash in his wallet, he took a deep breath in and knocked on the door and waited. He could hear the sound of footsteps approaching the door as the handle turned. "Hello Harry, welcome to dreamworld. On time, good slave, come in."

Harry slowly walked in, he was in awe of the stunning woman in front of him. Goddess T was in a black latex bodysuit, luscious blonde locks flowed down to her breasts. High black heeled boots sat just below her exposed thighs, perfect in tone and complexion. But the real eye catcher, as was the case on her twitter profile, her ass. It was pure perfection. Harry was in a trance staring at it, thinking he was going to worship it at some point.

Goddess T led Harry into a dim room, with a glow of red coming from LED lights. There was a bed in the middle with posts at each of the corners. She sat down on the edge of the bed and patted, inviting Harry to sit next to her.

"You're cuter than I thought you were going to be. When you told me your lack of experience, I was expecting the usual fat balding man to be on my doorstep. What a pleasant surprise."

Harry shyly looked away, he had a negative view on himself, was rarely complimented in his life. To have a stunning Goddess say something like that came as a surprise and he didn't know how to react.

"I know you must be shy, but you are doing this for yourself! And I hope to provide you with the session you've been dreaming of. Shall we begin?"

Harry nodded, as Goddess T got up from the bed.

"Strip for me. Down to your underwear and lay down on the bed."

Harry looked up and then proceeded to follow her instructions. His dick slowly growing as the anticipation grew. Once on the bed, Goddess T took his arms and cuffed them to the corners and did the same with his ankles. There was a little bit of room to move, but otherwise he was at the mercy of the Goddess beside him.

"Now, we'll start with me like this and slowly move on," as she got up on the bed and lifted one leg over his body, with her ass just inches above Harry's face. The view for Harry was mesmerizing. Her ass looked incredible. This was the first time since he messaged her that he felt like he made the right decision. Goddess T seen the bulge in his pants, indicating to her that she could continue.

"Reach up and kiss my ass cheeks slave, show me you want this."

Harry lifted his head up and moved towards her left cheek, planting a kiss on her soft warm skin, before moving to the other cheek. As he was alternating between cheeks, Goddess T's arm reached back, pushing his head down as her ass followed as she sat on his face.

"Sniff," she instructed, "breathe in my ass."

With not much of a choice, Harry began to inhale deeply the scent and air of her ass and moaned. The smell was everything he could have dreamt of, it was heavenly. Goddess T was sitting with just the right amount of weight to allow him to breathe through his nose without discomfort. She loved the power she had over men, and also loved what she did. She loved the warmth of his breathe on her ass and the knowledge he was in heaven breathing her scent.

"Are you enjoying yourself slave?" as Harry nodded his head underneath her. "Well, because of your other fetishes, I decided to eat food today to help fulfill your requests. I hope you've enjoyed the fresh air while you had it," she said mischievously. Hearing this, Harry knew what was coming and braced himself. Goddess T could hear the lack of sniffing, so responded by sitting a bit harder, pressing his nose against the fabric covering her asshole. Harry could feel her asshole through the latex twitching before she farted straight up his nostrils. The smell was strong and sulfurous, as Goddess T sat all the way back with the smell stuck in his lungs, but since he didn't sniff it up, she could smell the aroma from her ass.

"What did we talk about last week slave? I don't want to smell anything. Understand?" she said rhetorically as she lifted up slightly, allowing Harry to breathe as he coughed slightly as the smell of her fart was still in his throat.

"I'm sorry Goddess, I will do better next time."

"You better if you want everything you were after," replied Goddess T as she sat back down on his face again. Harry resumed sniffing her ass intently, wanting to please his Goddess. As he could feel her ass twitch again, he paused momentarily before she farted again and sniffed long and hard through his nose, breathing in all of her scent, as she sat fully down again, smothering him in her aroma. He coped much better this time, the smell wasn't as bad as the last time, but it wasn't exactly roses. Goddess T smiled as she heard him sniff intently, trying to please her.

"Much better slave. I think you've earnt a reward," as she got up off the bed, removing the latex bodysuit, revealing a bikini set underneath. He glanced over at her stunning body, his dick fully erect at the sight. Goddess T got back up on top of Harry, this time more of her ass was visible. She rested back down onto his face, slightly lower on his face so his nose was free to breathe.

"Kiss my ass slave, show me you want more," she instructed as Harry puckered his lips trapped under her ass and kissed her asshole through the thong. Goddess T moaned, she loved the feeling on her asshole and was beginning to feel aroused as she planned ahead in her head what was coming up. She lifted slightly, before pulling her thong to the side and sat back down as before, with Harry's nose pressed against her now nude asshole. The smell was somewhat stronger now without the clothed barrier, but the arousal increased as he felt her bare ass rest on his face. The warmth against his face and the sight of her cheeks swallowing his face was something else. Again, he felt her asshole twitch as she tried to push out another fart. He braced before sniffing intently as she released more gas up his nostrils and into his lungs. The smell becoming more familiar, meaning less disgust and more enjoyment.

"I think all these farts are making my ass a little dirty, if only I had something to clean it with," hinted Goddess T. "Oh, what do we have here," as she looked down over her shoulder to meet the gaze of Harry. "Ready to taste my ass slave?" as she stared intimately into Harry's eyes, as he took a moment before nodding. She once again moved forward slightly, so her asshole lined up with his mouth. "Open wide slave, I want you to lick my asshole." She sat down, forcing his open mouth to stay open as my asshole sat in touching distance of his tongue. Harry took a moment before moving his tongue out to meet her asshole.

Contact. His tongue met her ass, as he tasted a warm salty concoction, with a hint of a less pleasant shit taste. He slowly licked around her tight ring, as he heard the light moans of Goddess T above him, encouraging him to continue. He swirled his tongue around her asshole, savoring the taste as it faded with each like until it was as if he was liking skin. Goddess T could feel the licking slow as she felt another blast of gas building up ready to be released into his open mouth. Harry too could feel the inevitable, as her asshole puckered again. He had always loved watching videos with girls farting in the mouth of others, and here he was, mouth open wide under a beautiful goddess, at her mercy.

A warm gust of wind left her asshole and echoed into Harry's mouth. After smelling her previous farts, the taste wasn't that bad, but the thought of it turned them both on. Goddess T loved knowing a man was willingly swallowing her farts and worshipping her, while Harry was still in his dreamworld, his erect dick standing tall in his boxers.

"Good boy, thank your Goddess for the wonderful treats she's giving you," as she lifted up off of his mouth.

"Wow! Thank you goddess, this is amazing. You are amazing," he bellowed.

"We've only just begun," she replied before sitting back down on his mouth. He began licking her asshole again with a fresh layer of taste after the previous fart. She had more gas to come, but she also could feel his dinner moving closer.

Just as another fart was released, she moved her hand back and pinched his nose so he was smothered with her farts in his mouth and no other air. Once he began to buckle a little over the lack of oxygen, she released his nose momentarily, allowing him to take a few quick inhales, before clamping his nose again and releasing more farts into his waiting mouth. Every now and again she would release his nose to breathe, only when he was flailing around, before smothering him again under her scent. His erect dick showing Goddess T that he was loving this game.

She then released his nose as her farts were becoming thicker and smellier, indicating the nearing of her shit. Harry too noticed the change in smell and taste of her farts, for the worse, as he was coughing after each fart due to the shear smell of them. "You've been great so far slave, but we both know what's next on the agenda..." she paused, "this is your last chance to stop this, otherwise you better finish what I start."

Harry, after spending what felt like ages in heaven under her, lay there contemplating what was coming up. He had lived many fantasies so far. Part of him felt like he wasn't ready to do everything, but another thought he had come so far, why not carry on.

"Well?" asked Goddess T impatiently, as Harry snapped out of his thoughts and realised she was waiting on him.

"Erm, yes Goddess. I think I'm ready for this. I have enjoyed my time with you so far, and I may as well continue as I don't know when I'll get the chance to again." He replied.

"Good, I put in effort to deliver this session. Now you will be my toilet. You will eat my shit and thank me for it. I also don't like toilet paper, but I think your tongue will do the job hehe. Open wide slave." as she spit into his mouth before turning around again, got up onto her feet and squatted over his face. Harry already started to feel scared about what was next, he signed his fate, but knowing what was about to happen, sent him into a cold sweat.

Just as he began to panic a little, Goddess T moved her ass towards his face, with her asshole above his mouth, and cheeks lightly rubbing his. "Get ready toilet," as she strained, opening up for asshole to allow the passage of shit from her ass to his mouth. Harry's eyes widened, the smell now stronger than ever, as he could see a brown mass coming from her ass. She moved lower so that his mouth was now sealed around her asshole, gravity now doing its' work. Harry could now feel on his retracted tongue her shit as she pushed it out and it dropped into his mouth. The taste, the smell, revolting. Although his mind was in disgust, his dick had other ideas, still standing tall in his boxers. Harry's saliva secreted around the log in his mouth as he lay there powerless under Goddess T. Wasting no time, Goddess T pushed out another few nuggets, filling his mouth up with her waste. Harry still lay there unmoved.

"Chew," commanded Goddess T, as she got back on her knees and sat back on his face, cutting off his air supply. Panicked beneath, Harry knew there was only one way he would breathe again, eating her shit. As soon as he bit down, he retched at the taste and texture. It was like a warm fudge that tasted awful. Meanwhile Goddess T sat harder, further stamping her authority. Harry continued to chew as best as he could, lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, stomach turning from the toxic waste nearby. Every time he tried to swallow, his body threw it back up into his mouth. He was flailing like crazy, feeling like he was about to pass out. Goddess T showed some heart and raised herself slightly, allowing him to gulp in air and recompose.

"Struggling are we toilet?" she said looking down at a man with a mouth full of her shit. "A few more chews and you'll be done," she smirked as she sat back down fully, once again signaling Harry to eat her shit.

After chewing and chewing, he fought all the repulsion of his body and swallowed down every last speck of shit in his mouth, giving Goddess T a thumbs up to show he finished it. She lifted up to see as he showed an empty mouth with a look of disgust, but still an erect dick.

"Good boy. It tastes like chocolate doesn't it.... Now it's time to clean my ass, I'm sure you don't mind."

Harry felt aroused and powerless. All his fantasies from pornhub were met, but he felt queasy from the contents of his stomach. Goddess T displayed her slightly shitty asshole to him as she lowered onto his mouth again, allowing Harry to extend his tongue and lick her ass clean. The taste was still horrible, but after the meal he just ate, it wasn't as bad as that anyway. Her asshole was slightly open from what she pushed out, letting Harry push his tongue inside her ring to clean her properly. Goddess T felt herself getting wet from the tongue inside her asshole and let out soft moans, both in pleasure and to further motivate Harry. He was loving the intimacy of this. He always wanted to eat ass, and it was an added extra that the ass on him belonged to a stunning girl. He could taste less and less shit eat time he probed his tongue inside her. Due to that and slight fatigue, his licks slowed as Goddess T rose again.

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