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Lizzie's Sanctuary Ch. 02


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"Even if I didn't know it was your bra," I said, "I could tell it was yours based on the way it smells."

Lizzie licked her lips as she balled the garment up in her hand, holding it against her thigh.

"What do I smell like?" she asked.

"It's not what you smell like," I said. "It's just... you. Your scent."

I grabbed the hand she was holding the bra in, raised it to my face and inhaled, then pulled her to me, pressing my face into her neck and breathing in again.

"It's hard to explain," I said, kissing her neck. "It's just the way you smell. Kind of like a familiar touch; soft, warm, comfortable."

Lizzie leaned away from me and collapsed onto the couch, then leaned toward me again, putting her head on my shoulder. I pushed my fingers up her neck into her hair, caressing her. She closed her eyes and smiled. She dropped the bra into her lap as I put an arm around her and she leaned into me.

"It's the bra I wore today," she said. "I took it off when I was changing shirts this afternoon and snuck it into your room when you were in here watching the sports report."

"Rebecca found it," I said.

"Before or after I burst in on you?"

"Before," I said. "I tried playing it off as a piece of folded laundry you'd missed. She knew better."

"Women know," she said, sitting up.

I nodded. Lizzie bit her lip as she looked at me.

"The two of you hadn't done anything when I came back, had you?" she asked. "I just happened to catch her undressed."

"She'd only been here a few minutes when you walked in," I said, nodding.

"Wow," Lizzie said. "Booty call?"

"Something like that," I replied.

"And I blew it for you," she said. "I'm sorry."

I shrugged.

"You didn't blow anything," I said. "We were supposed to go to dinner."

"You didn't sleep with her," Lizzie said. It was part question, part statement.

I shook my head.

"I'd do her," Lizzie said. "She's hot. Very pretty. Really nice boobs, from what I saw."

It was all I could do to look at her, stunned to hear those words coming from my little sister's mouth.

"Don't look so shocked," she said. "Remember April?" Lizzie nodded and smiled, biting her lip.

I just shook my head. I remembered now. April was the girl I'd seen her sunbathe topless with. Later, the two of them shared an apartment their sophomore through senior years in college.

"I guess I kind of messed things up for you, huh?" she asked.


"You were still dressed," Lizzie said. "Kinda hard to have sex wearing all of your clothes, especially if she's taking all of hers off."

I nodded in agreement.

"You weren't going to sleep with her, either," she said. Realization. "Why not?"

"It doesn't matter," I said.

"It matters to me," Lizzie said.

I looked at her.

"Before she ever showed up tonight," I said, "I realized something. I've gone out with, slept with, several different women, once or twice or more, sometimes juggling dates like a madman. None of the women have ever had a hold on my heart to the point I was willing to commit to them. And here I am, for the first time, holding out because I have someone I want to hold out for. You.

"When you ran out of here tonight," I said, "two things were going through my mind. One, I'd just crushed you like he did." I didn't need to mention his name. "Two, I wanted you to come back. That was all that mattered to me. Rebecca isn't important; she never will be. Not like you are. I love you. I always have. I always will. Nothing will ever change that."

Lizzie reached out to me, her fingers grazing my arm as she made contact.

"You called me," she said. "You begged me to come back. He didn't do any of that.

"In the back of my mind," she said, "I knew it was nothing. I just... I felt so..." She gripped my shoulder hard, sighing. "Part of me wanted to kick her ass."

"You might want to rethink that," I said. "She's been kickboxing for four or five years now."

"Okay, so maybe kicking her ass isn't such a good idea," Lizzie said.

"Where did you go, anyway?" I asked.

"I told you I was going out with Carol tonight," she said.

Lizzie bit her lip and smiled as she watched for my reaction to finding out she'd lied to me and set me up.

"Oh, you're in so much trouble," I said.

I wasn't really angry, but I had to feign it. Most of our growing up years, that meant I tickled her.

"Nooo!" Her voice was shrill as I goosed her.

Lizzie made like she was trying to get up and get away from me. We both knew it was a game, though. She didn't try very hard to get away. In a matter of seconds, I had her pinned to the couch on her back.

Her chest heaved with the labor of her breathing as her hands pressed up against my shoulders. My fingers softened, caressing her sides. Her hands descended down my arms, fingers soft against my skin as she opened her legs, yielding to me.

I slowly lowered myself down on top of her.

"What else was going through your mind?" I asked as my hands caressed the side of her face.

"I don't know where to start," she said. "I woke up that next morning, naked, next to you, with your arm around me, realizing, suddenly wondering what in the world we'd done. It's been all I can think about.

"Dumb as it may sound," she said, "I didn't know what to say or do. I don't want to say I panicked, but... And there you were that morning, and later that night; I was doing my best to hold you at arm's length and you were trying to pull me close, just to hold me and love me."

"That's all I want," I said. "I don't want to do anything to hurt you, Sis, and if I'd known the other night was going to affect you like it did, I'd never have done anything."

Lizzie's eyes widened.

"No," she said. "It's not like that at all."

She shifted beneath me, licking her lips and clutching at me as she thought of the words to say.

"The other night was the first time I've had sex in months," she said, "the first time in I can't remember how long I didn't have to masturbate to cum." Lizzie cupped my face in her hands.

"It was the first time in months that I felt wanted," she said. She pulled me to her and kissed me.

"I wouldn't trade the other night for anything," she said. "And I don't want to do anything to push you away any more than I already have. I just want things the way they were the other night."

"You haven't pushed me anywhere," I said. "I'm still right here. I just don't know if we can go back to the way things were the other night, though. "

Her eyes darted back and forth, looking up at me. Slowly, Lizzie leaned upward and tenderly pressed her lips against mine as her hand brushed my face. I pulled her lips against mine as her hand dropped to my shoulder and then trailed down my chest, coming to rest between her thigh and my groin. Her fingers pulled at the cloth of my t-shirt, pulling it away from me, and then I felt her hand flat against my belly, moving around my waist.

Lizzie fed me her tongue as we continued to kiss, and then I heard her sigh as she pulled her lips away from me.

"What's changed?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Everything's changed. There's no way to go back.

"You've been teasing me since you first got here," I said. "It started out innocently enough; you were just being yourself, warm, bubbly, affectionate. But then something changed. Suddenly you were enticing me; trying to seduce me."

"It wasn't my intention," she said. "Not at first. But then I noticed the way you looked at me. You didn't see me so much as your little sister as a woman. And I liked it. A lot. Then, when we were in bed together... It started out so simple. But then I just wanted to be with you; I felt so close to you."

"And then you asked me the other night if I wanted you," I said.

"It was an honest question," she said. "And I didn't just mean it in terms of whether or not you wanted to have sex with me. I know that life is full of change, and that change is a constant; Kath's been telling me that for years. This is different. You said it yourself earlier. Finally, you have someone you want to hold out for? Me, too."

She took a deep breath.

"Looking back," she said, "I don't know what I've been doing with Warren. I think we were finished before we were started. But you and I, we're different. You've always been there for me. And I've always been jealous of the women that you went out with. Even that woman you brought to my wedding."

"That was Rebecca," I said.

"Really?" Lizzie laughed. "Are you sure? I thought the woman you brought to the wedding was thinner, not quite as busty."

"It was her," I said. "She's gained ten to fifteen in the last three or four years."

Lizzie shook her head in soft amazement.

"The bottom line," Lizzie said, "is I don't want to be the other woman, always jealous of who you're with. I want to be the one with you. You showed me more love, tenderness and affection in one night, to say nothing of the past month, than my own husband did the entire time we were married. The 'to have and to hold' bit didn't play out there.

"That chapter of my life is all but over," she said. "I want this new chapter that I'm living in now."

"How much of this is emotion and how much of it have you thought through?" I asked.

"It's not emotion. It's been all I could think about for days," she said. "I love you and I know that you love me. And what we shared the other night was..."

Lizzie took a deep breath and exhaled hard.

"What we shared the other night made me feel closer to you than I've ever felt to anyone," she said. "I loved it for how close it brought us. It's not exactly how I'd have imagined our first time in bed together..."

"How would you have imagined it?" I asked.

Lizzie bit her lower lip and pushed her hair back.

"I don't know," she said. "And it doesn't really matter; there are too many things to get in the way of things like that working right the first time.

"I know there's a lot more to it than our being in bed naked together," she said, "and maybe I'm wrong to think like this, but I don't care. I just want to go to bed and make love with you."

Lizzie looked at me, her eyes searching my face for a reaction before she put her arms around me, hugging me tight.


"Besides," she said, "it makes me hot just thinking about fucking my big brother.

"And I'd love to do it again," she said, whispering into my ear. "And again and again."

She fell back against the couch, her hand trailing down my arm, catching my hand and pulling it to her belly. My hand rested against her as we looked at each other. She pulled at her shirt, tugging it up, arching her back, baring her belly to me. My hand rested on her bare skin, the heel of my hand in contact with the top of her jeans.

She sat up, hugging me again as I pulled my hand from between us.

"It's late; time to get ready for bed," she said, kissing me on the cheek and then standing up.

"Wait," I said, grabbing her hand as she started to step away from the couch.

Lizzie's hand slipped through mine until only our fingers held on to one another. She turned to face me and stepped back toward the couch as I held her hand, planting a knee on the couch and straddling me.

"Wait for what?" she asked as she put a hand to my face and kissed me before sitting back on top of my legs.

I wasn't sure what to say.

She reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt and rose up as she started pulling it over her head, baring her belly and then her bra clad breasts to me. Her bra was a sheer champagne color, and her nipples, semi-firm buds, pressed against the cloth. I grabbed her by the waist as she struggled with the cloth, pulling her head free, and I leaned forward, planting my lips on her bare skin just below her breasts. She looked down at me as my lips lingered against her, and as I breathed her in, she dropped the shirt and an arm to her side as she put a hand at the back of my head, holding me to her.

Lizzie sighed and put her other arm around me as I hugged her tightly and kissed her belly again.

I released my grasp on her, and she began to sink down against me again.

Her breasts hung heavy inside the confines of her bra and I brought a hand up and cupped her breast as she kissed me.

Lizzie's hand separated my hand from her breast, peeled the cup of her bra away from her chest and leaned forward, feeding me her tit. Her nipple pressed between my lips and I sucked it in. I felt Lizzie's hand at the back of my head as she pressed me to her chest, inhaling deeply as I my tongue traced around her swollen bud.

She released me and leaned back, her eyes glazed with lust. Her body contorted as she reached behind herself, unfastening her bra. The sheer cloth fell away from her chest, sliding down her arms, and then Lizzie leaned into me again, feeding me her breasts.

A few moments later, Lizzie sighed deeply and leaned back.

"I'm going to get ready for bed." Her voice was soft as she leaned forward, kissed my gently and stood up again.

I watched Lizzie walk from the room, her hips swaying as she unfastened and began to unzip her jeans. I slumped back into the couch and then stood up. I heard her rustling around in her room.

I walked out of the living room and stripped off my t-shirt. Nothing else to do to get ready for bed; the bed was ready to crawl into. I didn't want to crawl in alone, though. Questions and emotion flooded my mind. Living with Lizzie had proven to be almost like finding an old pair of comfortable shoes, but with a twist, because things were not the same between us as they had been growing up; they were better. We were as close or closer than we'd ever been, and the feelings I had for Lizzie were stronger than any I'd ever had for a woman. In spite of the fact she was my sister, I wanted her in a way I'd never wanted anyone else before. She knew me, I knew her, and we had fully accepted each other in a way that only lovers and soul mates do. We needed each other, wanted each other, and we both knew it.

My heart raced with the headiness of my thoughts and I walked to Lizzie's room. She looked up from the bag she was digging in, pulling a nightgown out.

"Do I need this?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me. "Is that what you're wearing to sleep in?"

I looked down. My cock was stiff inside my shorts. I looked back at Lizzie, standing there with one hand holding her nightgown, the other laying against her thigh, fingers slightly curled.

"No, this is not what I'm wearing to sleep in," I said.

Lizzie slid the fingers of her other hand down inside her jeans as she clutched at the night gown balled up in her hand.

I walked into her room and stood behind her. Dim light from the living room cast shadows that met shadows created by the one small lamp lit in her bedroom.

I put one arm around her and pulled the nightgown from her hand as I leaned in to kiss her.

"I want you, Sis," I said. "Naked; next to me in bed."

Lizzie leaned back against me and raised her arms overhead as my lips landed on her neck. My hands trailed up her body, cupping her breasts as she grabbed at the hair on my head.

"Mmmm... yesss..."

I slowly rolled her nipples between my fingers as she sighed heavily.

Lizzie covered my hands with hers, pressing my hands flat against her chest.

"You're making me wet," she said.

"Good," I said, whispering into her ear.

She dropped an arm to her side and reached behind her, grabbing my cock.

"You're hard," she said. "For me."

"For you," I said. "I want you."

She closed her eyes and smiled as I swept my hands down her body.

Lizzie turned around to face me. I leaned forward as she arched her back, and I pressed my face in between her breasts and breathed in. I felt her reach between us as I inhaled her scent. This was Lizzie; no perfume; fresh, clean, a hint of body wash; Lizzie. Heaving chest, rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing; soft, warm flesh. I kissed her, my lips making contact with the flat of skin between her tits; puckering a second time and planting, parted, allowing my tongue to dart forward and lick her flesh. I turned my face to the side and kissed the side of her breast. Lizzie twisted against the wall, trying to turn her body to me, bringing the crown of her breast to me.

I latched onto her nipple, pulling it in between my lips. Lizzie sighed deeply, her fingers pressing into my shoulders. I opened my mouth and sucked her breast in again, just the way she liked it, like I'd done the first night we'd had sex together.

"Ahhh..." Lizzie gasped.

She moaned softly as I let her breast flow from my mouth, her nipple swelling against my lips before popping free.

She smiled at me, her chest heaving with her ragged breath. I pulled her to me as she fell forward, kissing me. Her tongue surged into my mouth, finding mine.

"Mmmm..." Lizzie's lips parted as she sighed, but her tongue remained in my mouth as she held on to me.

I reached down between us, digging my thumbs into the waistband of her jeans and pushing down.

"Let me help," she said, wiggling her hips and pushing down herself.

I knelt in front of her as the denim fabric began descending from her hips. Leopard print panties concealed her sex. Wet. I could smell it.

She stepped out of her jeans. With one hand I tossed them aside; the other hand went up between her legs.

"Ohhh..." Her hand closed on mine, pressing me against her.

I peeled the panties from her hips. She stepped out of them, sliding her hands against the wall as she leaned back. I stood up, running my fingers up the length of her legs, brushing lightly against the outer edges of her sex as she spread her feet apart.

"I want you to fuck me," she said. "I want your cock in my pussy. I want to feel you cum inside me."

Lizzie grabbed at my shorts and pulled them down, freeing my cock.

I bent forward, pushing my shorts from my body, sucking her nipple into my mouth as it appeared at my lips.

I stood up and Lizzie pulled me to her.

She raised up on her calves, thrusting her pelvis at me, grabbing my cock and pulling it toward her sex.

I stepped forward, closing the distance between us, falling against her as my hands splayed against the wall.

Lizzie pushed herself up further, kicking one leg to the side as she pulled the head of my cock into the wet, swollen opening of her pussy.

I squatted enough to angle myself upward into her and surged gently forward, penetrating her.

"Is this what you want?" I asked as I raised up, impaling her on my shaft.

Eyes closed and mouth gaping open as she gasped, Lizzie nodded as she clutched at me.

This was not making love; this was desperate and needful, a desire that would not wait.

I'd had sex like this once before in a college library, my girlfriend's skirt bunched up around her waist as I thrust into her.

This time, the object of my desire was my sister, further spurring my arousal.

We didn't have time to enjoy it; our mutual passion was unyielding, and in a matter of mere moments, with Lizzie holding onto me for balance and love, I plowed upward as deep into her as I could and filled her with cum.

She wrapped a leg around me and held on to me as I collapsed against her, and only when my softening cock slipped out of her did she loosen her hold on me.

Both of us still gasping for breath, we looked into each other's eyes.

"That didn't last very long," I said.

She shook her head as I stood up, my hands on her hips.

Lizzie's fingers found mine and she held my and as we walked slowly to bed together.

We collapsed onto the mattress, snuggling together as we dug our feet into the bedcovers.

"Promise me something," she said.

"What?" I asked.

"That you'll always love me," she said.

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