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Lockdown Christmas Miracle Ch. 11


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Cassie gasped in disappointment as the screen went black and Eric fumbled around to pause the movie on his laptop. Hopping out of the vehicle, he could see the projector had gone dead and he wondered if the cold night air was outside the unit's operating temperature range.

Eric stuck his head back inside. "Sorry Ca...Cali, looks like the projector won't work when it's this cold. Looks like we will have to cut the drive in short." He started unplugging the projector and rolling down the back window to fish the cables through.

"Well, we can still watch it on the laptop can't we?" Cassie sounded anxious to see what happened next.

"I guess we could," Eric mused. "We'd just have to sit in the back seat." Cassie nodded enthusiastically and while Eric packed up the projector, she moved their drinks and snack to the back seat and adjusted Eric's laptop on the armrest in front of them. Eric changed the temperature control to allow it to be adjusted from the back seat and stood outside to take another hit from his pipe before he went in again. Cassie surprised him by opening her door and running around the vehicle to smoke a little more herself.

Shivering without their coats, they ducked back into the warm car and shivered as they warmed up. The back seat ended up being much more comfortable as the large three person bench style seat and additional leg room gave them much greater freedom of movement. Eric pushed play and the movie resumed.

The detective had just approached the large house when a pair of headlights pulled up to the house, forcing him to take cover in some bushes by the side of the house. Watching through the windows, the detective sees that it is the wife of the murder victim. Her husband's chief of staff takes her coat and leads her back into a richly appointed room at the rear of the house that looks like a library or office. The detective can't hear the dialogue between them, but the man takes a seat in a high backed leather club chair and lights a cigar as the young widow stands in front of him in the middle of the room.

The detective is able to see the woman face on, but the man is obscured from his view by the high back of the chair. Only one forearm, his hand and the cigar are visible from the window. The young widow seems anxious and speaks a few words from time to time, but they seem to be replies to whatever the man is saying. Shortly into the conversation, the woman nods nervously, before reaching up to fumble at the buttons of her blouse.

Piece by piece she begins to remove her clothing, her lips trembling and her eyes downcast. Her fingers fidget nervously as she removes each article of clothing, pausing as she unclasps her bra before revealing her breasts, her shoulders rounded as if she is trying to make herself as small as she can in her humiliation.

She has a wonderful slender body, small firm breasts and beautifully smooth skin. As she nervously lowers her panties, her perfectly smooth ass is revealed before the camera angle changes and she is standing fully naked in plain view of the seated man.

Whatever issues Eric had in following the plot earlier quickly evaporated as he watched the beautiful young woman on the screen forced to strip in front of the older man. It wasn't just how beautiful she was or how attractive her body was. There was something about her embarrassment and submission that Eric found extremely exciting. He reached down to shift his now fully erect cock in his jeans as it had become wedged uncomfortably as it had gotten harder. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cassie shift uncomfortably in her seat and realized he had forgotten that she was sitting right there as he had reached into his pants. He looked up, but her eyes quickly returned to the screen.

In the movie, the young lady was walking reluctantly toward the man's chair. As she draws near, it looks as if she might be going to sit on the man's lap, or even the large rounded arm of the chair, but instead she delicately leans over the man's lap and lays over the leather arm of the chair, her perfect legs extended, still barely touching the floor with the hoes of her high-heeled shoes, her ass deliciously elevated and exposed by the position of her body laying across the chair, her elbows resting on the other arm and her breasts hanging delicately above the man's thighs.

After a long moment, the man's hand lifts clear before he lands an open handed slap on her beautifully smooth ass cheeks. The camera focuses on the woman's reaction as she winces from having been spanked. As the camera returns to her ass, goosebumps have lifted up on her skin in the soft golden glow of the antique lamp from the desk and there is a rosy hue where his hand has left an imprint from the force of the slap. His hand rises again and again as he spanks her with his bare hand, her behind clenching from the contact as her skin begins to glow from the spanking. Her face contorts and reacts to each slap of his hand on her bare bottom as her breasts dangle and jiggle freely with the force of his contact each time. Her lower lip held between her teeth as she endures the firm spanking, her cheek comes to rest at last on the smooth leather of the arm of the chair as her mouth parts and she takes on a look of intense pleasure as the spanking continues. Her eyes open to look up at the older man as he continues to spank her, and the look on her face is one of heated passion and adoration, even as her body reacts to each slap of his hand and her face shows the discomfort with each blow.

As the spanking ends, the woman lies limp for a moment across him, before sliding to the floor at his feet, her arms resting on his knees. She slowly reaches up to undo his pants and gives him a look of total supplication as she slides forward to put her face in his lap. The detective cannot see her, but the up and down motion of her upper body as the man's hand reaches up off the arm of the chair to guide her head makes it obvious that she performing a blowjob.

The detective stepped back from the window with a look of shock on his face and Eric heard Cassie let out a shuddering exhalation beside him as she shifted again in her seat. Eric reached for his drink and Cassie quickly followed suit.

"Uh, we can turn it off if you want to watch something different," Eric offered, trying to manage how uncomfortable it had gotten in the closed space of the car. His heart was beating and his cock felt like it was leaking a steady stream of precum as it twitched in his pants.

"I'm fine with it if you are," Cassie managed to squeak out. "I mean, we're both adults..." Her thought went unfinished as the man had now bent the woman forward over the large wooden executive desk and was clearly fucking her from behind.

It felt like Cassie's throat had constricted to the diameter of a drinking straw as she tried to speak, her whole body trembling as she watched the woman on the screen sexually dominated by the older man. The initial shock of the spanking had sent waves of desire pulsing through her lower body, but the look of pleasure and surrender on the woman's face, her cheek pressed against the antique leather had nearly brought her to an orgasm. She had clenched her thighs together, willing the throbbing of her engorged pussy to somehow remain constrained, but each moment of the scene as it evolved felt like it had been yanked from a fantasy she didn't even know she had.

As she watched the man's large hand wrap around the back of the woman's neck, pinning her head to the felt surface of the desk, her cheek pressed flat and her lips apart in ecstasy as he made the final deep thrusts to reach orgasm, she felt her whole body get flush with heat and excitement.

The scene ended with the detective walking back through the trees to his car and both Eric and Ellie let out a slow breath of released tension as the sexual interlude had finally ended on the screen.

"Sorry," Eric mumbled. "I didn't know..." He looked over to see Cassie looking very keyed up and fidgeting.

Cassie tried to laugh it off, but it came out as a strangled sort of chuckle. "You didn't?" she said at last. "I was starting to think you were trying to get me all worked up on..." she stopped abruptly, unsure of what she meant to say, but shocked that she had chosen that of all the things she might have. Eric suddenly had an inspiration for how to cut the date short and win the bet at the same time.

"It was pretty hot though, you have to admit..." he turned to look at her more fully.

"I guess," she shrugged, not looking up at him. She reached down to take another drink and pretended to watch the movie. Eric scooted over on the seat so that their thighs were touching.

"You're shivering, Cali," Eric put his hand on her thigh and he could feel her quivering beneath his hand. He felt her body tense up even more as his hand remained on her thigh. "Do you want me to adjust the temperature up?"

"No," she almost choked on the word. "I'm fine." She swallowed hard.

"You look a little flush," Eric reached across his body to put his hand on her cheek. "You feel a little warm, too." He turned her face toward his. "Are you sure you're all right?" He looked into her eyes.

Callie barely nodded, her eyes blinking, her whole body feeling weak and jumpy as her heart beat a million miles an hour in her chest. She was trying to calm down after watching the sex scene, but Eric's hand on her thigh felt like it was tingling with an electrical current all its own.

"Come here," Eric pulled her toward him and kissed her lightly on her forehead. "You're warm, but I don't think you have a fever," he said softly as he pulled back a few inches, his hand slid down to her neck and he tilted his face to kiss her lightly on the cheek. "You don't feel too hot...", he whispered as his lips dropped to her jaw. "You feel perfect, Cali." He lifted his lips to hers and planted a soft kiss, letting it linger for just a moment. "You feel amazing, Cali." He kissed her more firmly. "You're so beautiful...". His lips slid in between hers and he nibbled lightly at her soft pink lower lip.

Cassie froze as Eric began kissing her. At first she considered whether he had mistaken her trembling and flushed skin for being sick, but as he planted one soft kiss after another on her face and then her lips, her breath caught in her throat even as her body tingled in reaction, every time his lips touched her. She couldn't believe it was really happening. Unless he had taken the Cali experiment way more seriously than she had given him credit for. The Cassie inside her wanted to push him away and ask him if he was out of his mind, but with the drinks and the weed, the Cali part of her couldn't think of a single reason she could object.

"You're so sweet...", Eric kissed her more deeply and Cassie surprised them both when her lips responded to his. Eric leaned in and tilted his face to bring their mouths together and his tongue reached for hers.

Cassie closed her eyes and kept repeating "Cali...Cali...Cali..." in her mind as she pictured instead the older man from the movie, his hand resting on the arm rest, before it raised up to deliver the first slap to her bare ass...

Eric felt Cassie's mouth yield and take his tongue, her breath coming faster against the side of his face as her body straightened up beneath him. He had anticipated that she would push him away after the first kiss on her lips, but he had to keep going until she broke character. As her mouth and body responded to him, his hand dropped to her left breast and squeezed it gently through her clothes, his thumb and fingers coming together to tug lightly at her nipple as he cupped the bottom of her breast in his palm and fingers, lifting it gently upward as he squeezed.

Cassie's breath caught in a gasp as soon as she felt his hand on her tits. As she felt her hard swollen nipple caught between the gentle, tugging fingers a fresh release of excitement coursed through her pussy, now fully wet with anticipation. As her breast was grabbed more roughly, she let out a small moan into the lips that were smothering her with his kiss. When his hand slid up under her sweater and then under the bottom edge of her bra, her stomach tightened and her chest thrust outward toward his touch.

Eric had been trying to get Cassie to object and break character at first, but as her mouth had fully accepted his kiss and he started fondling her boobs, he couldn't deny how excited he was, at first from the intensity of the movie, but even more so from the idea that he was now groping Cassie's bare tit in his hand as she sucked and stroked his tongue with her own. Whatever was happening had now gone well beyond anything he'd planned and was now proceeding on its own. He couldn't believe that Cassie was letting him touch her like this.

Eric let his hand slide down to her hip and across her lap, to slide between her thighs just above her knees. As he slid them up her leg, his fingertips finally found the spot where they could go no further, he pressed against the denim and he could just feel the moist heat through the fabric when Cassie jerked back, "Eric, stop!" Her hand locked onto his forearm just above his wrist and pulled frantically.

"What's the matter, Cali?" Eric tried to nibble at her lower lip and resist taking his hand from between her legs.

"Eric it's not Cali! It's me Cassie....stop!" He backed away to find her panting and wild-eyed. "Eric, we have to stop!" Her eyes pled with him, even as her breath was fast and jittery, her grip on his arm like that of someone drowning.

"Wow!" Eric sat back and ran his hand through his hair. "I never thought I'd get you to break character!" He let out a huge breath, feigning relief, but he was doing everything in his power to step back from the intense desire that had caught hold of the both of them.

Cassie sat back against the door, in the corner of the seat, her heart racing and her breathing as heavy as if she'd been running. She adjusted her bra and smoothed her hair back as she tried to collect herself. In the dim light of the laptop, she looked down at Eric's lap and she could see the distinct outline of his fully erect cock poking to one side of his jeans. He could pretend that he was only trying to get her to lose the bet, but she knew that he was at least as turned on as she was and there was no telling what might have happened if they'd kept going. She only knew that her panties were soaking wet and that if he had touched her any more intimately, she would have exploded with an orgasm so intense there would be no way to conceal it from her brother.

"You did all that just to win the bet and make me look like an idiot for trying to be Cali?" Cassie felt cheated, both in the way he'd won and in the way he took the fantasy of being Cali away. "Why would you do that? That's like so selfish."

"I'm sorry Cassie, but...but...it was so hard pretending you were someone else." He reached for any straw he could hold onto. "I felt like I was going to slip up at any moment and I didn't want to lose." It even sounded lame to him.

"That's such bullshit Eric." She was feeling angry and hurt. "Why can't you be honest about why you ruined it?" She reached over and poked his hard dick through his jeans. "At least THAT doesn't lie!"

"I didn't mean to Cass. I was really trying to treat you like a regular girl." He looked down. "I guess I got carried away with it." He couldn't look at her.

"What if I hadn't stopped you?" She found herself really wanting to know in a way she could never admit to Eric. "Would you have just kept going until we had sex?"

"Well, I kind of knew you'd put a stop to it at some point," Eric admitted.

"But you'd keep grabbing my tits and touching with my pussy until I did?!?" Cassie couldn't believe she was actually saying that out loud. Or how much it turned her on that she had.

"Hey, it wasn't just me," Eric pointed out. "You can pretend that you were just playing along or pretending to be Cali to win the bet, but I can tell that you liked it too." Now she looked down. "You can act all offended, but you could have stopped it earlier and you didn't have to stop being Cali to do it either."

"You're right," Cassie said softly. "It's not just you." She took a deep breath. "It just sucks that Cali is gone and all I've got is a week of being embarrassed to show for it." Awkward silence hung between them, but neither knew how to fix it.

"Maybe not," Eric suddenly felt inspired, thinking about the movie and the last remaining wish on Callie's list. "I'll let you out of the bet right now and we can let Cali die...or we can use the bet to keep her alive."

"I don't get it," Cassie admitted.

"Well, if you have to do whatever I say for a week, no matter how embarrassing it is, then whatever happens, really isn't your fault...is it?"

"Go on." Cassie was listening.

"Everything that happened would stay here at the house as long as you honored the bet, but you'd have to do everything you're told." Eric corrected himself. "I mean Cali would have to do everything she's told."

"Makes sense," Cassie admitted.

"We never tell Ellie what's going on. As far as she knows, everything that Cali is doing is just part of the 'Cali Experiment'."

"Okay, I get it, but why would I agree to something like that?"

"Because you're not done being Cali yet," Eric went out on a limb. "And if you're ever going to go out on a limb and explore that, you're going to need someone to push you outside your comfort zone...and you're going to need someone else to take the blame for making you do it."

Cassie's voice was huskier than she expected when she answered. "And you'd do that?" She was trembling again. "You'd take the blame...and keep it a secret?" She looked up at him at last, vulnerable and visibly excited.

"I will, but you have to make the choice." Eric held her gaze, doing his best imitation of Morpheus from 'The Matrix'. "Let Cali go now, and never look back, or commit her to doing what she's told, to see just how far it takes you."

Callie took a moment. "On three conditions," she held up a finger. "One. You can only make Cali do things in front of Ellie if it's something that Ellie would do too. Cali will be as bad as Ellie will, but you can't make her do something Ellie wouldn't in front of her." She took a deep breath and held up a second finger. "Two, there has to be a limit. I can't be Cali 24/7 and you can't ask Cali to have sex with you. I have to take care of my responsibilities in the real world and we're still brother and sister. Even if you lose control, Cali has to be able to stop it, before it gets to that, without breaking the arrangement." She took one more deep breath and held up a third finger. "You can never tell a living soul about anything that happens, or about this arrangement. Even Ellie. Especially Ellie. She can see me being Cali, but you have to promise me that you will protect my reputation for the rest of your life. No matter what."

Eric thought about it for a moment. "Okay, but I have one condition of my own before we start."

"What is it?" Cassie asked.

"You have to take off your top and let me take a picture of you topless. Right now." Eric felt his cock twitching and leaking precum as he asked.

"Why?!?" Cassie was lost.

"Because it's how you'll sign the agreement," Eric explained. "If you fulfill the contract, with all of the conditions, then we'll delete it off my phone in a week and it will disappear forever, but if you back out then you'll know I will always have the power to reveal your secret."

"I don't understand why would you would want me do that." Cassie was clearly uncomfortable.

"It's not for my benefit," Eric explained. "It's for yours. If you ever get tempted, at any point throughout the week to walk away from the agreement, then you need an incentive to see it through. You'll have the power to keep your secret, but it will depend upon giving all of your other power to me for that week, in order to keep it."

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