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Lola at Dad's Ch. 02

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Lola loses control.
2.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/02/2024
Created 01/25/2024
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Part 2 of Lola's Story. Everyone is over 18 and story is a fictional story.

When I got out of the shower, I looked at my phone. It was three in the morning, and I was hoping for my uncle, and Jesus had gone to bed. I didn't want to face them again. I wish I had acted like I didn't know what they were talking about. My reaction to their comments was a dead giveaway to what they thought happened. I quickly got dressed and slowly opened the bathroom door. They were both still in the living room. 'What the Fuck' was the only thought in my head.

When I got to the living room, I was trying to think of something to say to divert them from thinking what happened didn't actually happen. "You guys shouldn't let him drink that. He's fuckin clumsy and falls all over the place. He's going to hurt himself. Uncle Pedro, thank you for offering me your bedroom. But if I wasn't in his room, he would have split his head open. I was waiting for one of you to help pick him up from the floor. Stop drinking every fucking night!" I was hoping they would buy this story. They aren't the brightest people in the world, plus they were drunk.

I patiently waited for a response as I stared at them, attempting to read their facial expressions. Finally, Pedro told me, "Sorry, Lola. He gets sloppy when he drinks and doesn't know what he do." Jesus just shrugged his shoulders.

I played along with the story; now that I thought they were buying it, "No problem, Uncle Pedro. I worry about him."

Pedro got up and gave me a hug. Telling me, "We know. We know. You care about him."

I felt relieved as I believed they bought my story. I headed back into my dad's bedroom, this time leaving the bedroom door open. As I entered, I could see he was still asleep. I climbed into the bed next to him, resting on my elbow, staring at him. Alone, with my thoughts of everything that had just happened. I felt dirty and ashamed of myself. Three thoughts continuously went through my head. How did I let this happen? What is wrong with me? And, most importantly, why did I enjoy it so much? I knew I was not going to be able to sleep, no matter how much I tried. Suddenly, my dad opened his eyes. He whispered, with a big smile, "Hi, Lola."

I hesitated, searching his eyes to see if he remembered what we did. Finally, I replied, "Hi, Papi." Still, I was waiting for something from him to see if he was aware of what we had just done. The silence was awkward. I didn't know if I wanted him not to remember so we could pretend it never happened. Or, if he remembers, would he expect me to do it again? My brain felt like it was going to explode.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" he asked.

This question sent a shock through my body. He knew what we did. I stared at him as he smiled at me, trying to think of a response. "Yes, I did. I needed a shower after what we did. I felt dirty."

My dad smiled at me, "Don't feel dirty. Fucking is not dirty. You have pussy, and men like to use pussy."

I was mortified that he would talk to me this way. I realize that he had certain views of women from his generation, but I never thought he would think of me as a piece of ass. "Papi, be nice to me," I said as I slapped him on his arm. "Is that what I am to you? A piece of ass?" I asked.

My dad got out of bed laughing, "I am drunk. I wanted some pussy. Fuckin is no big deal. I need a drink." Then he walked out of the bedroom with no clothes on.

I heard him talking to Pedro and Jesus. They both asked if I was mad? My dad told them, "She's ok. She liked it. She has good pussy."

All I could think was, 'Now they know what happened.' I wanted to storm out there and yell at all of them, but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. In my family, all the older men, my father included, are very macho, chauvinistic men. They view women as objects that they can shove their dick in whenever they want. I have watched this behavior my entire life, and until this moment, I thought I was exempt from this. This is the reason I only dated white men throughout my life.

Eventually, my dad came back to the room. I was lying on my back as he got back in bed. As he got in bed, he told me, "Lola, come here." He pulled me closer to him, guiding my head to rest on his chest. I did as he requested, placing my head on his chest, and looking down at his mid-section while he played with my hair. I could hear his heart beating normally in his chest. I heard Jesus tell Pedro he was going to bed, then saw him walk by my dad's bedroom door. When he walked by, we made eye contact; he smiled at me. Instinctively, I gave a faint smile back.

Once Jesus' door closed, my dad kicked the blankets off his lower body. He started pushing my head down. I knew what he wanted me to do. I was apprehensive about starting this all over again and tried to hold my ground. I didn't want to be the woman who did whatever a man wanted me to do, especially with my dad. I could see his cock a few inches from me growing and could hear his heart rate picking up. He was excited and wanted what he wanted. I also started to feel my pussy heat up. My body wanted what it wanted as well. I knew I wasn't going to hold out or refuse to give him what he wanted. I lowered my head, wrapping my lips around the head of his cock. I could smell my scent on it from our earlier session. I moved up and down on his cock as he started to breathe heavily and moan. I opened my eyes and saw my Uncle Pedro watching me as my dad buried his cock in my throat. Dad was gripping me by my hair as his hips slammed upward. The force was causing my eyes to water. Pedro was staring directly into my eyes, smiling as he rubbed the outside of his pants, drinking a beer. My pussy was begging to be touched; I could feel how wet I had become. I took Pedro's staring as a challenge to show him what he was missing. I was in such a fog; I wouldn't have been opposed to him joining us. I do not believe my dad was aware that he was standing there. Then, my dad pushed my head down, holding it in place, as I felt streams of his cum shooting down my throat. I did not have a choice but to swallow every bit of it.

Once his cock shrunk, I got up, pushed by Pedro, and ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and gargled mouthwash, staring at myself in the mirror. Once again, I felt humiliated.

When I got out of the bathroom, Pedro was right there. His bedroom door was next to the bathroom. He was coaxing me to go into his bedroom with him. My vagina was still wet from all of what was going on. There was no hiding what had happened this evening now that Pedro watched me suck my dad's cock. Even Jesus knew what was happening. I passively feigned that I didn't want to go into Pedro's room, hoping he wouldn't let me be. He ignored my subdued objections, pulling me into his bedroom. I was turned on by his unwillingness to care if I was OK with him bringing me into his room. I was not used to men who didn't care what I wanted to do or not do. I am used to being in charge with Rick, the only man I had had sex with until tonight. Having men lust over me and not caring about the consequences of their actions was new to me. I decided to play the scared, unwilling woman to see how far my uncle would take it. I thought to myself, 'Was he really willing to do anything to get what he wanted.'

"Pedro, no more. No, no, no...I want to leave." I protested as I walked towards his bedroom door.

Pedro ignored my plea as he stood in front of door, blocking me from exiting. He told me, "Relax, Lola." While he pulled his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants, pulling them off. Once he was nude, he pulled me towards the bed. Again, I tried to protest. This time, Pedro pushed me onto the bed. I was startled by his aggression. The fear caused my pussy to become drenched in its juices. I positioned myself in the middle of Pedro's bed. I could see from Pedro's eyes that he was determined to get what he wanted. He grabbed the collar of my t-shirt and ripped it off in one, quick swoosh. I do not think I have ever more turned by anything in my life. I did not want Pedro to know this. In protest, I turned over, kicking my legs. Pedro hooked his fingers into the elastic waistband of my shorts. Again, in one fell swoosh, yanked them completely off. Now, here I was, completely naked, at his will, with my pussy begging for attention.

I decided to kneel. I put myself in a vulnerable position, with my ass in the air and my upper body laying down. Pedro did not hesitate; his tongue attacked my ass and pussy. He had the full access he was looking for. My pussy was now getting the attention it was begging for. I was cooing, "Pedro, no, no, no...Pedro, no pussy...Please, Pedro..." Pedro ignored my fake pleas.

Suddenly, I heard the bedroom door open. The sun was coming up, so it wasn't hard to see anymore. I turned my head to see who came into the room. As I looked, I saw Jesus standing there, smiling as he started to undress. I waited for Pedro to tell him to leave, which he never did. Instead, I felt Pedro kneel behind me, rubbing the head of his cock up and down my slit. Again, I protested, "Please, no, no, pussy, please..." Pedro then slammed his cock into me, causing our bodies to make a loud slapping sound. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head while my pussy was stretched beyond belief. Pedro continued his violent thrusts, over and over. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. I moaned, "OH...PLEASE...YOU ARE HURTING ME...NO PUSSY...PLEASE...YOU HURT MY PUSSY..."

Jesus stood at the side of the bed. He grabbed me by the hair, making me lift my upper body. Jesus was watching me as I groaned. He put his thumb in my mouth as Pedro continued to fuck me from behind. I was not interested in Jesus doing anything to me. He was an extremely unattractive older man who was overweight. But, at this moment, I was not thinking clearly, as he pushed my head down on his cock. Once he was in my mouth, he tightened the grip on my hair and started fucking my face aggressively. My body lost all control as I was about to cum. I pulled my head off Jesus' cock, in a husky groan, "My God! My God! My PUSSY! MY PUSSY!" I was slamming back on Pedro's cock. When my orgasm hit, I screamed. "FUCK! YES! NO! YES! MY PUSSY!"

I felt like I was drained. I fell flat on my stomach, causing Pedro's cock to slip out of my pussy. My body felt paralyzed. All I wanted to do was go to sleep. Without hesitation, Pedro and Jesus rolled me over to my back. Pedro got right between my legs, slamming his cock into my pussy. I had no energy as he continued to slam his cock into me violently. Jesus stood on the side of the bed, watching me get fucked, occasionally brushing hair out of my face. Finally, Pedro pulled out of me, jerking his cock as his cum sprayed all over my stomach. I had no energy left.

Pedro handed me a towel to wipe his cum off me. Once I wiped it off, Jesus got in the bed and between my legs. I pleaded, "No, please. No..." while pushing him with my hands. To my surprise, Pedro grabbed my wrists, holding them down over my head. Jesus then shoved his cock into me. Jesus was kneeling between my legs with his thumb rubbing my clit as he thrust in and out of me. Between being held down, my clit being rubbed, and Jesus' cock slamming into my pussy, along with me struggling to get free, my body came back to life. My hips started bucking, I didn't care that this disgusting man was fucking me. I had no control over what was happening to me or what was coming out of my mouth. "Fuck me...Harder...Make me CUM! Take what you want! Fuck ME...ME...ME...MY PUSSY! FUCK MY PUSSY!" Jesus continued his assault on my pussy. I felt my orgasm building as he pulled out of my pussy. Jesus jerked his cock over my face, spurting his cum all over my face as I played with my clit to finish my orgasm. He slapped my face with his softening cum covered cock as I had another earth-shattering orgasm.

Pedro and Jesus sat on the sides of the bed as I wiped the cum off my face. I was exhausted, confused, and drained. I felt like a whore. The silence was awkward, so I asked what time it was. Jesus stood up and said, "Thank you for the pussy. I'm going to bed." He nonchalantly got up and left the room.

Pedro told me, "It's 6:30. You gotta go to your father's room so I can get some sleep. You pussy was really good." He handed me my shorts and ripped T-shirt. Simply saying, "Go."

I went to the bathroom and took my third shower in the last twenty-four hours. While showering, I thought of how they treated me once they were done using me. All I was, was a piece of ass for them. Once they came, they were done and moving on. I do not know what I expected from them, but my feelings were hurt by their sudden doneness of me after all I had given them.

When I got out of the shower, I didn't see the necessity of putting my clothes on. I went to my dad's bedroom wrapped in a towel. I got into the bed after throwing the towel on the floor. I snuggled next to my dad, finally falling asleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That's it? She lets three drunk assholes rape her and does nothing about it. That's your story?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Daaaaaaauuuuuum! Now she won't know who actually bred the baby into her! I bet she leaves her school teacher & moves in with the studs.

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