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Loosening Up Bk. 01 Ch. 27-31


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Alice was gently turned so she was on her back. Great attention was focused on her breasts and mons, then Mike gestured and another masseur joined the group. Dev took over massaging Alice's breasts and even kissing her, and Mike paid more attention to her slit.

Owen and then Sean and Ty joined in the massage. Alice's body was soon covered in wandering hands. Mike occasionally whispered instructions to one or two or all of the men. At one point six men had fingers simultaneously in Alice's hot love box. Sean and Dev sucked on Alice's tits, each focusing on bringing her nipples to a white-hot state of sexual excitement. One by one each of the men lost their towels.

Alice grabbed hold of cocks belonging to Dave and Owen, and started to suck on the pair, sometimes even getting both of them into her mouth at the same time. Her tongue could be seen going wild on the pair. When limiting herself to only one of the men, she could deep throat the cock, allowing that partner to fully penetrate her body with every inch of his wet cock.

One by one each of the men fucked Alice. One by one each of the men got a world-class blowjob. At Mike's urging they each did something a little different or special to distinguish that particular segment of the film. Meanwhile, Alice was busy with whichever cocks weren't otherwise occupied.

The voyeurs watching from the far corner of the room got super horny, and soon there were some kisses, and then some sapphic action as the women paired up and brought each other some pleasure.

Julie had watched the first forty-five minutes of the filming almost in shock at her sister's wanton behavior. When Pam came up and kissed her, she was fully compliant, and soon found herself gasping and panting as Pam's fingers massaged her G-spot and clit. An orgasm about leveled Julie, her knees giving out as she sunk to the marble floor. Pam followed her down, and then ate her best friend's sister's pussy. Julie entered a state of delirium, mumbling words and yet bodily responding to the sexual touches to her intimate areas.

Finally, Julie recovered from the ecstasy rained upon her. She started to return the favors to Pam, who willingly opened herself to her lover. Both seemed sated after another half-hour, and just lay in each other's arms, able to see some of the action across the room as Alice took on yet another man.

Julie whispered, "Don't they ever take a break? The cameras just keep rolling."

Pam whispered back, "Filming porn is different from regular box office films. In this case, you just keep having sex. Mike might have a scene repeated, but that's rare. Later, he'll do a massive editing job on what each of the cameras has. Because they all keep running, it'll be easier for him to sync the various frames and scenes."

Julie wasn't sure she understood all that, but she kind of figured it out from there.

One by one the men with Alice faded out of scene. She felt she'd been through every position in the Kuma Sutra and then some. She also felt that several of the men had come back for seconds or thirds. She was flooded with cum, a point that Mike seemed to relish by having one of the cameras make long close-ups of her drippy cunt, her cum-covered breasts, and her drippy face. Alice sat up, gushed out some more semen, and then tasted some of it. She gave the nearest camera a little wave.


There was a round of applause, especially for Alice. Each of the men went and kissed her again, including Mike.

Mike found his towel, wrapped it around his waist, and went to talk to the women who'd been hiding behind all the cameras and lights. The makeup woman helped Alice shed her wig and a few of the other prosthetics that had helped change her appearance. Alice and the men in the movie then headed off to the various bedrooms for showers and cleanup. Dave and Owen both went with Alice.

That evening as almost everyone sat around in the Prentiss' living room, Wendy teased, "So, Alice got fucked by all the men. Does that mean that the rest of us girls don't get any cock tonight?"

There was a round of laughter. Several of the men declared they were recovered and more than eager to please her. Mike ended up caressing the gorgeous woman, visibly putting the make on her only inches from where her husband Dev sat and smirked as he watched her slowly succumb to the seduction. Wendy spread her legs and Mike's fingers sought out her cooch.

None of the women were left unfulfilled. Even Julie allowed her sister to help her get comfortable with Dev. Clarisse joined the smaller group, adding her own spin on how two females can make a handsome male fuck two pussies at the same time. Alice skipped any intercourse, claiming that she was 'closed for repairs.' She expected to be sore in the morning from the long filming session when it was rare that she didn't have at least one cock sawing in and out of her velvet sheath.

After the first round of sex, Dave asked in a general way, "Hey, what did Mike ask you gals after we stopped filming?"

Kat grinned, "He wanted to know whether we'd do a video, either as a group of lesbians, an orgy, or just some one-on-one or two-on-one films."

"What'd you tell him?" Dave gestured at Mike with a nod of his head. Mike was smiling and nodding.

Kat laughed, "We all said we would ... except Julie. She wasn't sure, and we didn't want to pressure her."

Julie grinned and blushed when everyone looked her way. She was naked and Mike had an arm around her with his hand cupping one of her gorgeous breasts. While her facial features were different enough from Alice, her body was a full and luscious as her sister's with taut breasts, shapely curves, perfect hips, and legs that invited touching.

Julie allowed, "I had a nice talk with Mike, and I am now a willing participant in any of those options. I'm actually eager to try."

Wendy asked, "What made you change your mind? I hope it wasn't peer pressure?"

"No. No. My sister gave me a challenge – a sexual challenge to help me loosen up and shed some of the luggage my parents heaped on my psyche. Doing something like this will help me sever the ties to my restrictive past a little bit more."

Sean cautioned, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."

"Oh, I'm not," Julie affirmed. "I need this challenge just the way Dave and Alice did with Dori's challenges that helped them loosen up."

Alice explained further, "Our older sister is a true Bible-thumping goody-goody. I got the brunt of my parents' upbringing. Anything they decided to do, they made me do it. I had to go to church thrice a week, be in the church youth group, sing in the choir, not go out until I was a senior in high school, wear clothes that made a nun look she was scantily dressed, and then only go out with a boy they found acceptable – like my then Bible-thumping husband, only take unexciting college classes, and pick a safe career. I am so loaded with 'shoulds' I could make your hair stand on end. How I should behave, dress, talk, sleep, look, socialize, and everything else. It's been hard to turn all that stuff off.

"Julie, God bless her heart, got some of the same instructions, but they'd lightened up a little by the time she got to the same age. They'd lighten up on me, and she was four years younger, and also got a little relief.

"Thus, she was further along in her development at the same age compared to me. The only mistake I can fault her for is not moving out after she completed college and got her first job."

"What do you do?" Owen asked Julie.

Julie smiled, "All the basic accounting for a small law firm. There are a dozen lawyers, a bunch of paralegals, and lots of support staff. I keep it all running from the financial side. I was a junior clerk with them for a couple of years, then the head guy left and I was moved in his job temporarily, only that was three years ago, and they never did anything about replacing him. They confirmed me in the position about eighteen months ago, and had me hire someone to help me."

Owen smiled, "If you want a job here, in this geographic area, I can give you one. We need someone like you in the Foundation I run right now."

Julie asked about and got into a serious talk about the Bennett Foundation. She left Mike and moved over to talk to Owen. Alice was pleased to hear some discussion about salary levels and benefits. She knew Owen liked her sister, and would probably be overly generous to woo her into moving.

What Alice got a larger chuckle about was that the entire job-related discussion was taking place while Julie and Owen were naked, and then while they were lightly playing with each other's genitals.

Owen hardened under Julie's strokes and rubbing, and the next thing Alice noted was that her sister had mounted Owen and started to ride him in a slow and methodical fuck as they kissed and made out. There were whispered words between the kisses, and both of them glanced in Alice's direction occasionally, but she could tell they were being very romantic.

Later, Alice lay having a gentle make out session with Kat and Clarisse. Julie came and snuggled her naked body up behind Kat. After a few kisses, Julie asked her sister, "Al, I have a serious question to ask. Would you be willing to let me move in with you?"

Alice popped up. "What brought that on? I thought you liked where you were."

"I do, but there's more love and excitement here than a hundred towns like back home. I really like this circle of people. I love you and Dave, and Heather and Pam and Kat and Wendy and Dori. I especially love the sex. I love all the guys, and they love me – fucking me, too. The level of friendship and romance here is so amazing that I have to be a part of it. Owen would give me a job in his Foundation. I'd help and pay some kind of rent."

"I thought you liked the law firm?"

"I do. I'll help them transition someone new into my position, and then relocate. It'll also get me a lot further away from Mom and Dad. I fully expect them to put a full court press on me to move back home and under their thumbs. They can't do that if I'm here. They already had Karen call me and try to talk me into moving back home."

Alice pulled Julie to her and kissed her on the lips. "Well, the answer is yes. You are always welcome in my home for as long as you want to stay."

Kat chuckled and said to her, "Of course, you'll be fucking Dave and vice versa."

Clarisse added, "And will have to be a willing participant In the daily incest that will occur with your sister."

Julie grinned, "Bring it on."

Alice said, "Ask Dave. He has to buy in. So do Pam and Heather."

A few minutes later, Alice glanced over to see Julie sucking her husband's cock deep into her mouth. The two were lying on the plush carpet on their sides in a position that allowed each of them oral assault on the other's genitals. Dave had his tongue wildly waggling in Julie's drippy slit and two fingers vibrating inside her cunt. She loved to watch her husband eating a freshly fucked pussy.

Alice watched as he added fingers and then his whole hand disappeared up to his wrist inside her sister. Julie was moaning and writhing as several obvious orgasms nearly ripped her apart. Minutes later, her back arched, she eked out a loud 'FUUUCCCKKK' and then collapsed into the coma she knew came with the sensational and intense A-spot climax.

A couple of minutes later, Dave and Julie were hugging and making out. He had his cock buried in his wife's sister, but was not moving much except to keep some modicum of arousal so he stayed hard inside her. Alice winked at Dave.

Dave winked back. "She's going to move in with us."

"I know. I think it's grand."

"So do I. You'll have to share me with yet another female. She'll be like my fourth wife."

Alice laughed, "No, you'll have to share my sister with me."

"Touché," Dave teased. "I think our lives have taken a further turn for the better."

•* * * *

Over the winter, there was a tidal shift in the group. Relationships that had been tenuous became stronger and more obvious. For instance, Clarisse, Mike's girlfriend, had initially come to the group only to be with Mike and then participated in the group activities including sex, almost as a favor to him. She hadn't been seen unless he was with her. That changed, and she bonded with some of the other men and women, and started to hang out with the group whether Mike was there or not. She chose as her base, Sean and Kat's house and she often slept over with them in their bed.

A second shift was that relationships within the circle that had been couple focused except for occasional forays into group encounters or swinging, broadened out and became more inclusive. Sean and Kat, for instance, had remained what they had called 'mostly monogamous,' occasionally sharing themselves and their spouse with others in the circle, usually at the Saturday evening get-togethers. Over the winter, they each embraced others in the circle more intensely and more frequently. They started to talk about how they loved and were in love with others in the circle. Somehow, these emotional feelings did not seem to harm their primary relationship. The presence of Clarisse in their relationship was a capstone to those changes for the couple, but other couples were experiencing the same phenomena with the others.

A third shift was that feelings of jealousy or anxiety about the sexual part of the circle relationships seemed to disappear if not vanish altogether. Dev and Wendy had felt some trepidation about losing their mate to someone else in the circle or even just having them leave the group situation because of its audacity. As the months passed, they became more eager to participate and to see their mate join in any aspect of the group, including the frequent open sex.

A fourth shift in the group involved the single members of the intentional clan. They had been seen as 'bolt ons' to the four couples that initially formed the circle. Pam, for instance, had been seen as only attached to Dave and Alice, and not an independent person in her own right. That changed over the winter, with an increasing number of invitations to have Pam spend more time with the others. Later, those invitations broadened to Heather, Christie, Clarisse, Owen, Roy, and Mike, and then later Julie during her frequent trips to Sarasota.

The last major shift involved sleeping arrangements. Traditionally, the four couples that started the circle were exclusive in their sleeping arrangements with one another. Over the winter, however, some of the couples either joined others to swap bed partners overnight or embrace one another on a couple basis. One example, was that Alice spent time in Dev or Ty's bed, sometimes with Wendy or Dori, and of course Owen's bed. The old concerns Dave had about losing her to Owen didn't materialize, and he always found himself loved and taken care of by others in the group.

Dori summarized it all over one Saturday dinner, "We're making well worn paths between each of our homes. I wish we all lived closer to each other. I wish our singles – Owen, Roy, Mike, Clarisse, and Christie – lived in the middle of all of us, too."

There was agreement around the table.

Dori said, "We've become a really tight polyamorous family over the past half year. I feel I could live comfortably with any or all of you, and some of you have told me the same thing."

Alice said, "Since I loosened up, I'm surprised to discover how much my capacity to love other people has expanded. For years, I thought the only person I could love and be in love with was Dave, but I developed feelings for Dori and then Pam came along, and then Owen and the rest of you. Each time my metaphoric heart expanded by leaps and bounds, and I felt so much better, and romantic, and loved more than I ever thought possible. What I gave off, I received back from each of you ten fold."

There was chorus of similar comments from the others about the feelings each had for the others.

Owen said, "Let's face it. This is a very unique group of people, and I don't mean about the sex – although that counts for something. I sense no animosity, frustration, irritation, and short temperedness by any of you about any one else.

Alice teased, "Well, maybe my boss once in a while ..."

Roy looked panicked for a moment and then teased, "Or certain employees ..."

Dori tossed in, "Or certain husbands ..."

There was a round of laughter.

Dave said, "As I loosened up, I learned more than a few things. One is that love is a choice. I chose to love Alice years ago, and more recently Pam, Heather, Julie, and all of you. Similarly, I can choose to be jealous or compersive, happy or unhappy about some situation, accepting or worried, and on and on.

"So much of what I thought were emotions, feeling, and sensations I had to accept have turned out to be options. I am the happiest I've ever been. Another man, with a wife like Alice for instance, might be rabidly jealous because she has sex with other men, he might hate her and the other men, feel abandoned and lonely, and be one of the unhappiest men on the planet. Those are all choices he made for how he sees that situation, feels about it, and reacts. I think I'm making better choices than that."

Dev teased, "Mitigated by the fact that you have Pam, Heather, and Julie in your bed more often than not – along with Alice." There was more laughter.

Dave nodded, "True, that." He grinned. "But I'm always willing to share my wealth."

Kat asked, "You were really worried when Alice went off to Paris and Rome with Owen. How do you explain that?"

"I was making bad decisions and listening to my bad angel. I became jealous that he'd be a better lover than me, anxious that I'd lose my most cherished possession, and fearful that she'd leave me for him. Do you hear the vocabulary? It's all about me, me, me. I struggled to have a different perspective. I hoped she had a fabulous time with him, that he was the best lover she'd ever experienced, and that he treated her as precious a possession as I did or better. I made it about her, not about me. I didn't lose anything by adopting that perspective. I should add that Christie and Heather helped me see the light.

"I gave myself over to the love I have for Alice to such an extent that if she'd wanted to go off with Owen, I would have supported her decision and helped her happiness. In the process I gained my own confidence that even if that happened I would land on both feet and retain my own happiness.

"I had thought about love as a zero sum game, in other words there's only so much love to go around. If I get more, you get less. I go up, and you go down. Instead, as we've all found in our circle, love is not that way. The more you love the more love you have, and the more love you get.

"Alice isn't a possession that I control or manage. She's also making choices about who and how to love. I need to be the best I can be and show her how I care about her, but there's no need to be viciously competitive about it. If I am, I become less attractive and she would have every reason to question her decision to hang around with me. Who would want to hang with a jealous, spiteful, possessive, dominating, over controlling person all the time? Not me, and probably not any of you."

Owen spoke, "That's what makes all of us so special."

Kat said, "Why can't everybody be this way?"

Dave responded first, "There are two major paradigms about how people see life. In one, it's a dog-eat-dog world, every man for himself, do unto others before they do it to you, and better know how to fight for what's rightfully yours. There isn't much love of your fellow man, more likely suspicion and distrust. I could on, but you get the general idea.

"In the other paradigm, people are naturally loving and worthy of love, they are tolerant, forgiving, and grateful for the blessings in their lives, and they look for opportunities to pay-it-forward, because they know that's the right thing to do. They respect their fellow man, and are willing to overlook transgressions and mistakes in various ways that allow everyone to save face.

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