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Loosening Up Bk. 01 Ch. 27-31


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"Dave agreed with you, and I haven't talked to Pam since the check arrived but I know what she'll say – just do it and stop agonizing about the situation."

"Call Mike and tell him."

Alice still felt uncomfortable about calling Mike. Owen came over for dinner the next night, as expected, and she pulled him aside.

"Owen, you know I got all disguised and did two adult videos. Only a handful of close friends I can trust to keep their mouth's shut know it's me. They vids are apparently popular on Mike's website and he wants me to do some more. He also wants to expand the distribution on what I've already done. I guess I can do the disguise again, but what if someone at work figures out it's me."

Owen shrugged, "So, they know you've done some naughty stuff; so what?"

"I could lose my job," Alice protested.

"Roy wouldn't fire you; he's almost as much in love with you as I am. Dori keeps all those men in your office in line."

"If it gets to HR or the executive office that they have a porn star working there, I'm certain I'd be out on my ear. I asked Roy awhile back, and he more or less agreed with my assessment. I'd be fired for acts of moral turpitude."

Owen chuckled, "Or you'd become the company slut and everyone would want to fuck the daylights out of you on a daily basis. Lord knows, I do."

He paused, "Alice, why do you really worry about what happens at work? Your job, I mean?"

"Well, Mr. Moneybags, we need the income to accommodate our lifestyle."

He teased, "Mike would give you a job at the Club Ecstasy. You'd probably have more fun and make more money there, in any case."

Alice replied in a businesslike tone, "I'm more of a morning person. Seriously, I don't mind doing a night here and there, but I don't want to do that as a steady job."

"Don't worry about having a job. I can help you out if worse comes to worse."

"We wouldn't accept your charity. Dave and I would both be mortified." Her eyes flared and her tone had an irritated edge to it.

Owen shook his head and held up both hands, "Slow down. I know that. All I was going to offer, should it come to that, and I don't think it will, is another job equal to or better than the one you have. I can even give you a choice, and I'm talking about introductions to friends and associates, not charity jobs."


"You could work for the Bennett Foundation, or a number of the organizations that it supports and which we provide skilled talent for, or I could introduce you to a number of people in this geographic area that run businesses that are always looking for financially astute people. None of the people I'm thinking about would give a rat's ass about whether you're a porn star or not. They'd consider that your business and well outside the scope of anything they should care about.

"Let me add something. As a financial/investment analyst and accountant you are in the back office everywhere you work. You are invisible to the public. I'd have a much different message to deliver and recommendation to give you if you were trying to be marketing director or the head of some group that interacted with the public.

Alice studied Owen and thought about his backup offer. Finally, she said, "Oh. OK, thank you. I'm sorry I got a little snarky with you. I've had this approach-avoidance issue with doing more videos."

Owen chuckled, "If I could remain anonymous, I'd like to appear with you. I think you should do it. I've always wanted to be with a porn queen, and now I have been. If you could let it be known at the Club Ecstasy, you'd become a true star. Talk to Mike. Maybe there's some way you could do that as Angel, create some PR for the club, but keep your true identity hidden. That guy Richie would be ecstatic."

"I'll talk to Mike."

* * * * *

Two weeks later in the late afternoon, 'Angel' came out of the meeting with Mike at his home; the same home she'd filmed her two videos in months earlier. The pair kissed goodbye at the door, and then 'Angel' walked to her car and drove home.

Inside the door to the kitchen as she entered she found Dave and Heather laying out the dinner they'd picked up on the way home. He looked up, "You're home early. I thought your meeting would go a little longer."

Alice gave him a goofy grin. She said, "Mike was horny and didn't last long. I brought him off pretty quickly, and that was after he told me what he wanted next week's video to be. I'm going to pull a train. Gangbang. Lots of visible cum – both real and the artificial kind he uses in some of his videos."

"Who are the guys going to be?"

Alice said, "You and I hope some of the others in our circle of friends. I told Mike I'd try to bring five men with me. If you agree to do it, I need four more."

"Who were you thinking of?"

Alice grinned, "Owen, Dev, Sean, and Ty; with Roy as a backup. The guys can all wear some kind of funky masks, even a ski mask or Halloween mask. After I gulp down some dinner, I'm going to make a few house calls and try to sell my body in order to get some participants. Mike's going to be one of the guys, too; and he's going to use some real cameramen rather than try to do it all on his own or only use Clarisse or Christie."

After dinner, Pam and Alice made short work of the dishes. Alice called Owen, got him on the first ring, and explained about the filming to him. On the condition of wearing a mask of his choosing, he agreed almost instantly. Alice also invited him to come over later to keep her company overnight.

Alice's next stop was at Dev and Wendy's house. Wendy let her in, and the two women entered into a passionate kiss of greeting, even sharing some tongue. Alice was so glad to know they'd mutually discovered their bisexuality. After the kiss, they still held each other. Wendy asked, "You're unexpected and a pleasure to see. What's up?"

"I'm here to arrange to fuck your husband," Alice teased.

"Oh, can I watch or join in?"

Devlin came into the foyer and joined them, getting an equally erotic kiss from Alice.

Alice saw his questioning look, "Mike wants me to make another porn movie or two. The two he put up are selling quite well, and he wants more material to work with. He wants to do a gangbang flick, and I'm here because I'd like you – you hunky male – to be one of the men that screws me and leaves me full of you know what. You can wear a mask if you want. Dave and Owen are going to do it."

Dev laughed, "I'd be delighted. Can I practice with you now?" He pulled the gorgeous woman against his body. Wendy laughed and looked hopeful.

Alice could feel his near instant arousal as they ground together and kissed. His arousal piqued her own, and she felt a small tsunami of her girl juices crest at the edge of her pussy, ready to start a cascade down her legs. She teased, "Can I get a rain check? I need to enlist Ty and Sean tonight, too; and I promised Dave and Owen we'd have some time together tonight."

"Ah, shucks. You can fuck those guys any old time."

"And I do," Alice emphasized. "It's our favorite activity that we're enjoying ALL the time."

"OK, go on to Sean and Kat's. Just remember we're here and horny," Dev said in partial humor. He would have taken his neighbor to bed in an instant if she'd been willing. He knew his wife would have readily joined in.

Alice briskly walked down the street and knocked on Sean and Kat's door. Kat opened the door and another series of torrid kisses transpired between the two women and then between Alice and Sean. Alice explained about her upcoming role in an adult video, and Sean was soon enlisted. Kat also expressed an interest in coming to watch the filming.

Alice's welcome at Dori and Ty's home was equally as pleasing. Ty wasn't one to waste time. He picked up Alice and carried her into their living room, sat with her in his lap, and pulled her skirt up so he could play with her pussy, despite her protestations and mild attempts at diverting his attention.

Ty got two fingers sawing into Alice's pussy as Dori looked on with an amused look on her face. She finally commented, "That's exactly what he was doing to me before you rang the doorbell. Serves you right, for ruining a perfectly good finger fuck."

Alice moaned as a small orgasm steamrollered through her body. Ty seemed slightly satisfied that he'd produced a sought after response in his neighbor. He continued to stroke her pussy lightly.

Dori asked, "What's up? Why're you here?"

Alice sighed, "I came for ... the orgasm." She shook her head, "No, I really came to ask Ty to be in a porn film with me that Mike has asked me to do. My last videos are selling well, and he sees an opportunity. Everyone else has convinced me that this is a good decision. Ty can wear a mask. I told Mike I'd get the men for the movie; it's some kind of gangbang flick. Dori, you can come and watch, if you want. Wendy and Kat, plus maybe Heather and Pam will be coming to watch, too; and I'm pretty sure that Christie and Clarisse will be there."

Ty kissed her, "I'm in."

Dori grinned, "Honey, you have really loosened up to be so casually thinking about doing an adult flick like that. Also, to tell the truth, I'm having trouble thinking about a sexually-based challenge that would help you grow and develop in some way. All I can think of are some devilish things to suggest."

Alice laughed, "Not tonight, but you can still suggest them. Wait, I have a better idea. You briefly met my sister Julie a few days ago. I gave her a couple of challenges, but she needs more. She's coming back in a couple of weeks to be sisterly; maybe we could conspire and give her some challenges to help her grow. She's going out on her own for the first time – that is, leaving from under the care and feeding by my restrictive parents."

Dori grinned, "Oh, boy. Another neophyte. Yes. Yes. We'll make sure she gets inoculated with a new way of life. Will she be here for your filming?"

"Oh, I hadn't thought about that. I'll call her."

Alice headed home. Everyone was engaged in some kind of individual activity: Heather was studying; Pam reading; and Dave watching an evening football game as he worked through a pile of magazines that had built up over the previous couple of months.

Alice got her cellphone and dialed Julie. Her sister answered on the second ring. "Julie here."

"Sister here," Alice replied. "I need to talk to you about your trip, but before that, how're you doing?"

"I am having a ball. Oh, I should have moved out years ago. Mom and Dad were pissed to find I'd moved out of the house by the time they got back from your place. We're both persona non grata, at least for the time being. Mom called everybody she knew I knew until she found me here at Keri's house."

Julie adopted a whisper into the phone, "Keri and I made love last night. It was phenomenal. I'm so glad you and me ... you know, broke the ice."

Alice chuckled, "I have some more ice to break with you. Can you be here the Saturday after next? I'm involved in a special activity that you will find fascinating."

"What is it?" Julie asked; her curiosity piqued.

"Can't tell you, but I guarantee at the one-hundred percent level that you won't be bored or disinterested. Quite the opposite. Can you?"

"I'll be there," Julie promised. "You make it sound so intriguing ... and even risqué."

"Oh, it's risqué all right. Bring only sexy clothes, and remember your challenge to be leaving all your panties and bras at home. Be a bit of an exhibitionist."

Julie said with no little degree of surprise at herself, "I did that today. I got chilled at the office and my nipples stood up at attention, so all afternoon everyone I talked to found me pointing at them. Some of the guys I work with would just come and stare at me after asking inane questions. They just wanted to fantasize about me, I guess."

"No guessing about it. You're a beautiful woman. Dave still fantasizes about you. The two of you getting together when you were here was the culmination of a long-held dream for him."

Julie sighed, "That was a dream we both shared then. You have the nicest husband in the world."

"We'll see you in a couple of weeks."

* * * * *

Julie arrived at the Prentiss' house on Friday evening just before dinner via a cab ride from the airport. Everyone else was there: Alice, of course, Dave, Heather, and Pam. The hugs and kisses were extensive, and Julie felt warmly welcomed.

After dinner, the five of them sat around and talked. Julie tried to wheedle out of her sister what the 'big event' the next day would be that she was going to watch. Pam and Heather had been sworn to secrecy, but validated that they'd be going to 'watch' as well. Just from the tone of the discussion, Julie got the feeling that something sexual or illicit was involved. She guessed that it wouldn't be too bad, since her sister had been even more prim and proper than she was, growing up the offspring of the same set of parents and being the middle and therefore one of the most controlled by her parents.

Julie had hoped that Dave and she might be able to make love again that night, but when bedtime came, everyone sort of drifted off to the bedroom and Julie was left to be alone in the guest room. She'd even hinted, but Dave had begged off everyone claiming fatigue from a hellish workweek.

Saturday morning the house was up and humming when Julie came downstairs. She realized she slept extra hard. The morning coffee revived her, and brought her up to the excitement level of the others.

Excitement. There was an aura of excitement. Julie pondered again what would happen that day. Also again, her questions and suppositions were rebuffed or ignored.

Everyone in the house piled into Dave's SUV, and they set out for the address Alice had on a small piece of paper. Julie was surprised when two of the neighbor's cars followed them out of the neighborhood and onto the highway. They went a few exits, turned, and then followed the GPS to a modern mansion of a house. Everyone got out of their cars.

Julie met Dev, Wendy, Sean, Kat, Ty, and Dori. They also wouldn't say much about what was going to transpire in the large house, but they all went up to the front door and went inside without knocking or ringing the bell.

Alice found Mike right away adjusting some lighting, and talking to three cameramen at the same time. Christie waved from a massage table in the middle of the living room. She was wearing short shorts and a crop top, and was obviously posing so that lights and camera angles could be discussed for someone on the table. Clarisse was walking around with a clipboard from crew to crew, also barely dressed.

Julie continued to look puzzled, especially when Owen walked in the door behind them, greeting all of them with handshakes and kisses.

Dave, Ty, Dev, Owen, and Sean also went with Alice to talk to Mike. He aimed all of them off towards one of the side rooms.

Julie pulled Pam to her side. "What's going on? From the lights and cameras and everything, it looks like someone is making a movie of some kind."

Pam grinned, "They are, and think about this – Alice is the star."

Julie frowned and the wheels of her brain started to calculate everything that she saw, trying to integrate all the pieces. She was missing some key data points that let her figure out what was going on.

Christie joined the women with some hugs, but she, too, had been sworn to not reveal the purpose of the video set to Julie. She talked in vague generalities about needing a model with the right mindset to do this tough job. She even talked about how Alice had been loosening up, and this was her moment to prove her success in that long-term activity. She commented that Dave had also been loosening up and was ready for something like 'this' to happen.

"'This' meaning what?" Julie asked.

"Oh, you know. Doing a few video scenes. Just watch. It'll all become clear in a few minutes."

Clarisse came over and greeted everybody, but her responses to Julie's questions weren't any more revealing.

Alice appeared a few minutes later. Julie didn't even recognize her sister. What she saw was a woman in a short robe with red hair, high cheekbones, a fuller face than her sister, and with some significant makeup, including false eyelashes, eyeliner, and eye shadow. Besides the robe, the woman was wearing some four-inch heels that signaled 'come fuck me' to everyone in the house.

"Alice?" Julie ventured as the woman joined the huddle of spectators.

"I'm glad you weren't sure," Alice grinned. "That's partly the idea."

Just then, the men started to appear. They were apparently naked except for an assortment of towels wrapped around their waists. Each man carried some kind of Halloween mask in one hand.

Julie turned to her sister, "What are you doing? What's going on? No one will really talk to me."

Chapter 31 – Another Video. Changes in Group

"Because I wanted to delay you knowing for as long as possible."

Mike also came into the room from the hallway just then, wrapped in a towel like the other men. "We're about ready lady and gentlemen. Places please. All others, be very quiet and invisible."

Alice leaned to her sister and whispered, "We're making an adult video – a porn film. I'm the star."

Julie gasped. All the little tidbits of information she'd been accumulating suddenly fell into place in the puzzle.

Pam whispered as Alice walked over to the table, "She did a couple of videos before and they're selling like hot cakes. Mike, the guy that runs the video company, talked her into doing more. This one is a gangbang scene; all the men are going to fuck her and cum inside her – hopefully leaving her with a dripping creampie. She'll be everyone's cum slut for the next couple of hours. Dave really wanted to be with you last night, but he had to store up his body fluids for today's filming. If he bounces back from today, you can have him tonight. By the way, there's a party to celebrate tonight, as well."

Julie was speechless. Her prim and proper sister, the sister than she'd gone to Sunday School with for years, the sister who she knew was a virgin when she got married, the sister who once admitted that sex was only a duty a wife needed to do for her husband, the sister who had told her time and again she was only ever going to be with one man her entire life, was going to get fucked by six men. Further, each of them was apparently expected to deposit their semen inside her. She thought some more, and realized that wasn't too different from what she'd done on her last trip.

Julie's mouth gaped open and her chin all but dragged along the floor as she turned to watch.

Mike yelled in a loud voice, "QUIET ON THE SET. ROLL CAMERAS."

Alice strolled up to the massage table and smoothed out the sheet on top of the table. She swished her frilly robe around a little, subtly revealing to the camera that she wore nothing under the garment.

Mike came up to the table and greeted her, only the greeting was mimed – no dialogue. He gestured to the table, and helped Alice onto the table, and then positioned her on her stomach with a towel over her buttocks. Alice seemed to totally relax.

Mike started to massage his subject, applying warm oil all over her, and kneading her muscles carefully. The cameramen – two women and a man – moved carefully around the two, filming and capturing facial expressions. As they stood preparing, Kat went and talked to Mike. Soon, she too had a camera in hand and was moving around to become one of the videographers.

The towel over Alice's butt got removed so her glutes could be massaged. In the process, several of Mike's errant fingers wandered to her pussy. One camera picked up the initial penetration of her quim by his fingers in a close-up.

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