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Loosening Up Bk. 01 Ch. 27-31


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Julie didn't get to sleep until past two a.m. She'd made love with Dave, Owen, Alice, Pam, and Heather. She slept between Dave and Alice in their king size bed, wrapped in Dave's arms and holding her sister's naked body against hers with hands on her breasts. They were nude and she could feel his tumescent cock against her body.

Despite the late night, Julie was aware of people moving around the house at an early hour. She stood, and then realized that she was naked. Alice and Dave weren't in the bedroom.

The experiences from the night before flooded back into Julie's consciousness, aided by the feeling of someone's cum running down her leg. My God, she'd fucked TWO men multiple times and made love with THREE WOMEN the night before – one of them her SISTER. She'd never even come close to anything like that in her life, never even heard of anything like it, and never ever dreamed or fantasized about such an orgy of pleasure and love. What had happened was many orders of magnitude beyond anything she knew. Her brain short-circuited on a lot of negative words: adultery, incest, slut, queer, faggot, lezzy, out of control, and damned.

Alice came into the room naked and carrying a cup of coffee. "Oh, good; you're awake. I brought you some coffee. I assume you still like it with a little milk." She set the cup down on the dresser, and went to her sister. She embraced her and kissed Julie very tenderly.

"Julie, you were wonderful last night – so loving, so giving of yourself, and so exciting to watch unfold sexually. I love you more now thaneverbefore." She wrapped her sister in her arms and again kissed her tenderly on the lips, pushing her bare breasts to her sister's."

"I ... I ... I ... did a lot of sexual things. I've never ..."

"Of course you did. That's the kind of people we are, too. You allowed us to make love to you and you often reciprocated. We are so appreciative and thankful that you trusted us the way you did. Now, don't worry about anybody judging you or casting dispersions on you or anything bad. All we are feeling are good thoughts and carrying love for you. Bring your cup if you want, and then we'll shower and head out to meet Mom and Dad."

"Oh, God. How will I face them?"

"The same way I do," Alice replied. "You're an adult. Consenting adults can dowhateverthey like about sex. That's not what they believe; they want to approve and judge every little thing that you or I do. I deny them that privilege. One thing for sure, I recommend, is that you DO NOT tell them what you did last night. I worry they'll disinherit me, but you'd be on the outs for sure right along with me ... and Dave ... and the rest of us. Dave and I can handle it; we've talked about it. But if you want a relationship with them, keep quiet. I am always available to talk."

"Will you help me cope with them?"

"Sure. Just tell them we all watched TV last night. Partially true, at least. You don't have to tell them you were watching the rest of us make love, or that you participated. Tell them you didn't sleep well on the sofa; also true. Besides, they've now talked about how Dave and I live, and I suspect I'll get a ration of shit from them today before they leave. Dave and I will be their focus, and not you. I can guarantee they'll be so angry at us, they won't stay until tomorrow."

"Oh, God. I have to spend thirteen hours with them driving home in the car – longer if Dad has his two hour lunches at Cracker Barrel."

Alice laughed, "You'll manage. Pretend to be asleep."

Julie finally smiled, "I'll dream of last night for months. I ... I ... I loved everything about it and all of you. I felt so ... wonderful."

"You'll need to come back for a refresher course, you know." Alice chuckled as she released Julie. They headed to the bathroom to wash and dress.

Alice, Pam, Dave, Julie, and Heather met Myron and Elsie at the iHop restaurant just next door to their motel right at eight-thirty. Owen begged off from the breakfast and headed back to his condo and office, despite it being a Monday holiday. He'd laughed and said he wasn't up for any further confrontations for the day except ones guaranteed to be nice and business-like.

After being seated and ordering, Dave noted to himself the rather icy reception his wife's parents had given them. He figured that this couldn't be good. At least, Alice had Pam, Heather, and Dave all on the same page about any outcome from the meeting. They'd even agreed on a safe word in case things got really bad. Worst case, they'd decided to walk out together.

After the food was served, Myron opened the main agenda topic. "Alice, your mother and I talked last night about your ... situation. We don't approve."

Alice blithely said, "Oh, OK." Her casual response obviously threw her father off balance. She didn't ask for clarity, apologize, ask forgiveness, or anything else that he might have expected.

Myron frowned and went on, "We want you and Dave to stop living this way."

"We hear you," Alice stated flatly as she took a bite of her egg. She'd picked her words carefully. Of course, she had also expected them.

He frowned further, "Does that mean you'll stop your ... what did you call it ... polyamorous family?"

Alice smiled benignly at him, "No, it doesn't; but now I know for sure that you don't like it and want us to stop." Alice offered one of her disarming smiles. "It's just not going to happen."

Elsie plunged in, "I thought we taught you better than this." She gestured to Pam and Heather in a negative way.

Alice said flatly, "You tried, and it has taken me a long time to un-do that unwanted and constrictive rearing. It was not serving me well as an adult, and in my opinion I don't think it serves anybody well."

Elsie said, "Not serving you well? It is written in the Bible that the way you are living is a terrible sin."

Alice shifted in her chair and smiled that dangerous smile again, "Oh, yes. The Bible. The same book that revered people like Abraham, David, Solomon, and Jacob, to name only a few, that each had polyamorous families? Oh, yes, and by the way, the Bible is only a book written by men, many of whom were fundamentally politicians with dubious morals and axes to grind like all humans. I choose to live asI choose, embracing the fundamental tenet in that book and many others, namely that love should be the basis for the relationships we form. I might also add that I do not judge others, and that I live the Golden Rule on a daily basis. That doesn't seem to be the basis of your interaction with us, however."

Elsie shot back in anger, "You are doomed to live in hell the rest of your existence if you persist in your foolishness. It isn't God's way."

Alice shrugged, "Oh, OK. I'll see you there, I guess. I didn't know that you had been anointed alone among all of mankind to explain 'God's way.' You should announce that to the press; I hear many have been waiting for the second coming – someone just like you, I guess." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"ALICE, YOU TREAT YOUR MOTHER WITH RESPECT," Myron asserted in a loud tone that made others in the restaurant turn and look at the group.

Alice calmly said, "I treat her with the same respect as an adult that she treats me. Oh, you'll notice, my sarcasm aside, that I'm not judging the way she lives her life, the people she calls her friends or her relationship with them, or anything else about her life. Why, do you suppose, isn'tshe treatingme with the same respect?" Alice's face was turned red with rage at her parents.

Dave reached next to him and put a calming hand over hers. He knew she was pushing a boundary there that might actually create a war zone.

Elsie insisted, "I worry about YOU and Dave."

"So noted," Alice said tartly. "Now, can we move on to other subjects? We obviously don't agree on this one, and we have no plans to or desire to change anything about our lifestyle or whom we love or whom we socialize with.

Myron not only had a frown that was impossible to improve upon, he also had developed a dark cloud over his head that threatened to take in the entire restaurant, if not the state of Florida. "We are your elders, young lady, and don't you forget it. We have every right to judge you, tell you how to live, and comment on any aspect of your life. We do NOT approve of this ... arrangement ... you've created with other people outside your marriage." He gestured to Heather and Pam.

Dave squeezed Alice's hand.

Alice gave a rather false smile and glanced at Julie, whose mouth was hanging open. She spoke slowly and deliberately, demonstrating remarkable control over the bubbling lava lurking just below her exterior; "You may THINK you have those rights, but you do NOT. You may NOT talk to your ADULT daughter this way. She denies you that privilege and has since she got married nearly eight years ago. If you persist neither of you are welcome in my home, nor will you be welcome to visit your grandchildren or their children."

Dave whispered, "Alice, be careful ..."

Myron stood, "This breakfast and our visit is over. Elsie come along. Julie come along."

Elsie rapidly stood up, ready to go.

Alice's sister Julie remained seated. "Dad. Mom. You are wrong – very wrong – wrong about Alice; wrong about David; wrong about Pam, Owen, and Heather; and wrong about how they're living. You are wrong about how you are treating them and what you think your rights are regarding their lives. You are displaying your narrow-minded views on the world. I am not going with you. I will return home on my own. I will also be moving out to live on my own.

"As parents, your role is to raise healthy children and then turn them loose as adults and let them find their way from there, giving advice IF they ask for it. No one here is asking; in fact, to the contrary your advice is not wanted and I put myself on that list as well.

"You continue to treat Alice and me as though we still live as young teenagers under your roof. Alice hasn't for years, and you have no idea – NO IDEA – what her life is like or the wonderful and kind and loving person she's become. I don't think you have the faintest idea about the way I think either. I've tried to have discussions and debates with you, but you don't listen. To tell the truth, I'm scared to open my mouth aboutany subject other than the observable weather because you will immediately tell me how wrong I am and how I must correct the sin of disagreeing with your opinions. Your admonitions often invoke the Bible – a book full of flaws and two thousand years out of date. I am not a sinner for not agreeing with you and neither is Alice or Dave. For me, all that stops right now. For Alice, it obviously stopped years ago. I don't blame her one iota for taking a stand on this, in fact, I stand in total unity with her."

Myron grabbed his wife's hand and yanked her towards the door. The purple color in his face belied the rage inside him. Elsie wasn't doing much better at hiding her contempt for her daughters.

After they were out of sight, Pam sarcastically said, "That went well."

Alice harrumphed in her seat, "I am so mad at them I could spit fire." She turned to her sister, "And you ... you darling. You didn't have to take my side and burn your bridges that way."

Julie smiled and took Alice's hand, "I should have done it years ago. My growth has been stilted because I didn't have the nerve." She turned to the others at the table, "Thank you all so much for last night. I love you all, and you gave me the courage to do what I did and to even know I needed to do it. I feel as though I just flew out of a very small cage into the light."

Alice said, "What are you going to do?"

Julie said, "If someone will drive me to the airport right now, there's a ten-thirty flight I can still catch that'll land me at home an hour later. I can taxi to the house, pack up my stuff, and be gone well before Mom and Dad get home. My car is there. I can stay at my best friend Keri's house for a couple of weeks while I find a place of my own and sort out and take ownership of my life."

Alice gestured, "Come on, I'll drive you. I'm so proud of you."

Chapter 30 – Rewards. Decisions. Sister

Alice came in from work about a week later, still celebrating the start of a new year as well as the chillier weather despite being in the Sun Belt. She dropped the mail from the box on the counter and then scanned through it. There was a letter with a handwritten address on it to her. She opened the envelope and pulled out a check with a Post-It note attached. The note read:

Congratulations. You are a big hit. This is for the last six weeks since the videos got posted. You've been downloaded 22,507 times. We must do more. Love ya. Mike and Clarisse.

The check was for $3,905, with no further explanation, as though by some magical feat of mathematics and accounting she'd know exactly how that amount had been determined. She was amazed and pleased.

Dave arrived home shortly thereafter, and she showed him the money. He, too, was pleased and amazed. He kissed her, "My porn queen. I always wanted to be around famous people, especially adult video stars."

The fact was that up until months earlier such fantasy was the farthest from his mind, and he wouldn't have even allowed himself such a dream. He'd been staid and rigid in his thinking. Sexual thoughts were forbidden.

Alice poked at him. "I'm amazed, too. Not only that, but there'll be more as the year goes on until no one is interested in me any longer."

"Mike wants you to do more videos. What are you thinking? You were disguised very well in those vids; you could do it again, or even become someone else."

"I went through all the agony of whether to do a video or not before we filmed. I talked to Christie and all our neighbors, whose opinions I valued highly. Everyone told me to do it. A few recommended the disguise so I could keep my anonymity, and probably my job and career."

"So, you'll do it? You know I'll help you, and even appear with you again. Mike did a nice job of keeping my face out of things. I'd be harder to disguise."

"And if you lost your job, we'd go broke pretty quickly."

"Pam told me she could get me consulting gigs in the power and utility industry if that happened. I do like my job situation, although it is becoming a little too staid for me. I'd love to break out and do something really high tech, rather than worrying about high voltage substation standards and safety issues."

Alice said, "Let me talk to Pam and Heather, and see what they think and whether they have any further thoughts about things."

"Where is Pam?" Dave asked.

Owen needed a date for some function related to his Foundation, so he asked her. Heather should be home from the end of her first week at the university any second. She texted me and asked whether she could pick up anything up for dinner. I told her Chinese. I called in the order and paid over the phone.


"She's bringing him. Fortunately, her mother's new apartment is between us and the college."

A half-hour later, three-year old Matthew burst through the door wearing a cape and adopted a challenging position with a Star Wars baton in his hand. He yelled, "The Force is with you."

Dave laughed and picked up the toddler, "I am the Force," he said.

Matthew said, "No I am the Force. You are only a Jedi knight."

"Well, thanks for that honor," Dave said.

Alice teased as she kissed his cheek, "What am I?"

"Duh, you are Princess Leia," as though she should have known her true identity all along.

Heather came in with her usually soft shoulder bags relating to Matthew, and a large plastic bag from the Yum Yum House. Alice took the food bag, and helped unwrap things and prepare them for serving the dinner.

Dave took Matthew to the nursery with a comment about soggy pants. Despite his age, the toddler still had accidents. Dave reasoned with him about not peeing in his pants because he was becoming a big boy, and big boys no longer did that. As Matthew approached age four, he certainly didn't want to still be having 'accidents'.

Heather changed and joined Dave and Matthew as they all returned to the kitchen. There was a round of kisses and hugs, a feature that Matthew took great delight in participating in because he got the most kisses, plus a few raspberries that made him shriek in laughter.

"How was school?" Dave asked of Heather.

"Let's see. I understand all my teachers except for the Asian gentleman teaching my Calculus course. I'm trying to change sections; I'll know tomorrow. I've been in school a week, but I'm at least two weeks behind in homework and reading. Oh, yes, I've been hit on a minimum of five times a day. I also think at least one of my male teachers is going to offer me 'special help' that will also qualify as a hit."

Dave said, "I'll round that up to half a dozen when I hit on you later."

Heather went and wrapped her arms around him, "You have rights, you know. In my book you have privileged status." She kissed him.

Dave snickered, "You just want to be able to tell people you get free room and board because you fuck your landlord and his wife."

Heather continued, "And his girlfriend, and her lover, and some of the neighbors, and I don't have to work in a strip club, unless I want to, and ..."

Dave reiterated something he told her a dozen times in the past couple of weeks, "If you need help in any way, in any course, or just relief with Matt, please just let one of us know. We want you to be a huge success."

Heather hugged him, "I know, and I'm grateful beyond words. I'll let you know. I'm still just getting my feet wet with all this studying stuff. It's a major cultural shift for me: from taking my clothes off in a room full of horny men and doing lap dances, to classroom lectures, textbooks, and quizzes, and being a part-time mother, lover, and wife. I get a headache when I think about mid-terms and final exams."

After dinner and some playtime with Matthew, Heather set up at the dining room table to do some studying. She liked being in the same room with the rest of the family even though she was getting in the habit of not participating in the conversations as she read or worked on problems.

Alice sat beside her, "I need your professional opinion again."

Heather nodded, "Of course. Which profession?"

Alice laughed and showed her the check and Mike's note. "Both, I guess: stripper a.k.a. porn queen and accountant."

"Wow. That's serious money in the porn business, at least for one of the models. Most get a lot less. You did well when you negotiated no-pay but a cut of the profits on your videos. Mike really wanted you."

Alice said, "He wants to do more."

"So, do it," Heather said as though there wasn't a decision there.

Alice reiterated some of her earlier concerns: reputation, job and career impact on the accounting side of her life, possibility her kids might see her films, and more.

Heather laughed, "Do you like fucking? Was it fun? Are you kind of proud you did it?"

Alice shrugged, "Yes, yes, and yes."

"By the time you're kids are old enough to be curious about this stuff, there'll be three new generations of porn movies out there with completely new faces – maybe four. Take a look at what they call 'Vintage Porn' on one of the web sites. The stuff is so outdated, nobody wants to watch it except old men because they're still fixated on some star from ten, twenty, or thirty years ago. Linda Lovelace and Marilyn Chambers couldn't get a job in the industry today, and their old films aren't worth a hoot. Nobody watchesDebbie Does Dallas anymore."

Alice said, "And you wouldn't be embarrassed?"

"I will be proud of you. What'd Dave and Pam say?"

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