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Lorna Ch. 01

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My neighbor needed a driver.
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My name is Derek. I am 50, 6'0", 182 lbs, and a local ACE hardware store supervisor. The love of my life died three years ago of cancer, and we never had children. It's not that we didn't want children, but Rebecca never got pregnant. We loved each other, and if god (or fate) did not allow us to conceive, we didn't complain or search for a cause or another option to have a baby.

In the first year after Rebecca died, I was devastated. Slowly, I returned to being my old self again. Friends and employees tried to convince me to look for another mate, "You are still young and in good shape. Plenty of women will be happy to share their lives with you. It's easier than you think to find a nice lady on dating sites, in Church, or parties".

My wife was my sweetheart since high school, and I was reluctant, even embarrassed, to look for a suitable woman. It was a combination of not knowing how to choose, being scared of rejection, and frankly, it wasn't 'my thing...'

Nowadays I live alone in the house. I have a routine that I keep. Every workday, I eat breakfast and read the latest news online. Then, I drive to the store and work 8-12 hours daily. I work four days a week and every other weekend. When I arrive home, I usually warm up a ready-to-eat meal and watch TV until it's time to sleep. I go to LA Fitness three evenings a week for an hour of exercise and a leisurely swim. I learned to schedule all my errands on my free days and, touch wood; I never had a significant problem until now.


In the last year, I've noticed my young neighbor leave her home and return at similar hours. I knew very little about her. Except for 'hello' and 'hi,' we never spoke. I knew she was young, living alone, with long brown hair and a cute face.

One day, she knocked on my door. I was surprised to see her but assumed she probably needed my help. I smiled and let her in, "We were never officially introduced. My name is Derek. What's yours?"

She smiled shyly, "I am Lorna. We have been neighbors for more than a year, and we have never talked. It's my fault. I should have been more friendly. I have a request, but if you refuse, I'll understand."

I smiled, "Why don't you give me a chance..."

She hesitated, "The other day, my old Chevrolet Cavalier died. I had it towed to the nearest service center, and they notified me the engine was kaput. I am saving money to buy a new car, but I am not there yet. I see you going and coming almost the same time I do. If you could drive me both ways, I'd work for you, like cleaning your house, cooking, and even the laundry."

"Lorna, I'll happily drive you, and you don't have to do anything in return. On second thought, each time you see me, smile... Nothing else is necessary."

"But sir, I'll feel guilty taking advantage of you."

"First of all, 'sir' was never my name," I smirked, "If you don't want to call me Derek, we can compromise on HRH,"

She glanced at me, "What, or who, is HRH?"

"It's His Royal Heinie... I meant to say His Royal Highness."

She stared into my eyes and laughed heartily, "I love your humor. OK, Derek it is. It's nice of you to agree to drive me despite not knowing where I work."

"I planned to ask it later. I am a supervisor at work and can be late occasionally. But we could start earlier if I have to drive you in the opposite direction.

She gave me the address, which would add about 10 minutes to my driving time.

I faked concern, "This will add too much to my daily commute. Your smile better be a big one!"

"Sir... Sorry, Derek, I like you. Are you ever serious? Do you joke like that at work? I mean, the employees may not take you seriously..."

"I have four workers, and each is a friend. They do their best, and my job is not to order them to do stuff but to help when they need clarification, to ensure that merchandise arrives on time and the books are kept in order. Visit us if you have free time, and see for yourself. I promise you'll get coffee and a doughnut."

She grinned, "I'll think about it. I want to do it, but don't forget I don't have a car..."

"Lorna, you are right. I guess once I turned 50, dementia is already kicking in... Look, if you have free time and are curious about us, call me, and I'll drive you both ways."

"Derek, can we begin the driving tomorrow?"

"Absolutely. Be ready 10 minutes early."


When I exited my house, Lorna was already standing by my car. She smiled broadly.

I grinned, "Thank you for the cutest smile I've seen in a long time. I hope you didn't wait long."

"I came two minutes ago." She sat down, "It's a nice car, what is it?"

"It's a three years old Lexus."

"The seat is very comfortable, and the radio sounds great."

"I like Lexus because it's reliable. Except for the routine maintenance, it had never seen a car service department."

When I drove, Lorna examined the car's interior. I peeked at her now and then. As I mentioned, her face was cute and framed nicely with her long hair. Her short-sleeved blouse accentuated her ample breasts. The summery skirt exposed shapely legs.

I reached the destination, and Lorna thanked me. She pointed to a hair salon, "I work here."

"Good to know. I'll be here around 4 pm to pick you up."

The day was hectic, and I almost forgot I was supposed to take Lorna. When I entered the car, I smelled her perfume, and it reminded me...

She wasn't outside, so I tried to enter the salon. A large middle-aged woman blocked the entrance, "Sorry, mister, but we do women only."

"I am here to pick up Lorna."

She stared at me up and down and yelled, "Lorna, your boyfriend is here."

Lorna came out, "Thanks, Takisha, see you tomorrow."

When we were in the car, I asked, "Why didn't you tell her I am not your boyfriend?"

She giggled, "I wanted her to be jealous of me. She likes to talk about her gold jewelry and successful daughter, so I let her think you are my guy..."

"Lorna, you look beautiful. I do not know how old you are, but I guess you are about half my age. You are proud to have a boyfriend who is as old as your father?"

"Derek, don't sell yourself short. You are tall, handsome, funny, and a gentleman. It's not easy to find a man with these qualities; trust me, I tried multiple times. Most young people I thought of dating were too egocentric, too talkative, and were more interested in sports and going to bed with me than in serious relationships. Others were using hard-core drugs. You are not using illicit drugs, are you?"

I chuckled, "Not yet."

"You see what I mean - You are perfect!"

"Girl, your compliment is the first I got in a long time. So I'll give you a discount. The next three days, when you see me, you do NOT have to smile."

Lorna smiled, "Derek, Are you sure you are 50? Your age sounds old, but you look great, and your jokes are right down my alley."

"Lorna, I have to go home because a friend of mine is supposed to visit me in five minutes, but since I am now your assigned boyfriend, if one evening you feel like going with me to a restaurant, let me know. See you tomorrow morning, same time."


I drove Lorna on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, when we returned from work, she said, "Derek, are you busy in the evening?"

I smirked, "Let me check my dates' schedule. Of course not. Why?"

"Because you are so nice to me, I thought we could have dinner in my house."

"Lorna, you work many hours every day. Why do you also want to work at home? If you want us to enjoy dinner together, I'll take you to a restaurant of your choice."

"Derek, I feel guilty. You do so much for me, and I do nothing. I learned how to cook from my grandma. Tell me what kind of food you like."

"Italian, Thai, Mexican. Actually, I can eat almost anything..."

She grinned, "Sir, knock on my door at 7."

"If I am sir again, does it mean you expect me to dress up with a tie and a jacket?"

"I didn't think about it, but I like the idea. Let's pretend it's our first date, and we'll dress up."

"Girl, I'll need to check if I still have a tie in my closet. It's been years since I wore a tie. I do not remember how to tie the knot..."

"Put on a jacket and bring the tie with you. I'll tie the tie for you."

I complained as I was smiling. "Life is so complicated with you. You like to wear more, and I like less."

She winked at me, "Derek, you continue being nice to me, and soon we'll wear less."

I went home with that sentence echoing in my head. Did she mean to wear less like... undressing? Who was I kidding? Despite complimenting me, she'd go for a guy her age.

I went home, shaved, and took a hot shower. At 6:10, I dressed in clean blue pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, and my old shoes (I remembered to shoeshine them). I added the jacket and tried a couple of times to tie my tie. I was unsuccessful. It was 6:40. I walked to Trader Joe's, bought a bouquet of pink roses, and rang Lorna's doorbell.

She opened the door and smiled, "Thank you. These are lovely."

I hardly heard what she was saying. She wore a short light-green dress with matching high-heeled shoes and looked beautiful.

I ogled her, "Lady, you are gorgeous. Until now, I recall seeing a young girl with a cute face. Suddenly, a pinup beauty shows up instead..."

She blushed, "Derek, you exaggerate. I admit I tried to look better than usual."

"Lady, you are stunning! And I mean it. Right now, I wish I was 20 years younger."


"Because I might have a better chance of asking you out..."

"Derek, you are a silly goose. Why don't you try now and find out if you had to be younger?"

"Ma'am, I am scared of a rejection."

"My mistake; you are not a silly goose but a chicken."

I looked into her eyes as she smiled at me, waiting.

I couldn't resist, "Lorna, will you come with me next time to a restaurant, movie, or any other place you choose?..."

"Y E S!"

I grinned lovingly, "Lady, I may be a chicken, but you are nuts..."

"Oh, shut up, and let's eat before dinner gets cold. I made minestrone, cheese ravioli, and moose chocolate. I didn't know what meats you like best, so I avoided meat altogether this time."

"Lorna, I am sure I'll like what you made. I don't crave meat over other Italian foods. We ate quietly, occasionally peeking at each other and smiling when we were caught doing it simultaneously.

I was impressed with her cooking, "You prepared a perfect dinner. You told me you learned it from your grandmother. Do you think she will agree to marry me?"

She chortled, "She died five years ago. But even if she was alive, didn't you ask ME to go out with you? Are you trying to cheat on me before we even started?"

I approached her and kissed her cheek, "Lady, I loved the meal. It was delicious!"

She whispered, "I bet the food taste is second best."

"Am I missing something?"

"Yes, you are. Try ME! I may taste better..."

"Lorna, I am afraid to be in a dream. I'll wake up, and you won't know me."

"You talk too much. I don't like to order around people older than me, but if you do not kiss me in the next 30 seconds, I call the police and complain you refused to rape me..."

She looked so pretty and sexy. I couldn't believe my ears - SHE tried to seduce ME!

I stood her up and kissed her luscious lips softly. She gazed at me as if trying to check I was serious about her. I kissed her again, this time firmer, and my tongue licked her upper lip. She closed her eyes, and her lips opened for me. My tongue penetrated her hot mouth, exploring her oral cavity and lightly massaging her trembling tongue.

I hugged her and felt her breasts pushing against my chest. The last time I was in a similar situation with a woman was years ago. My cock began hardening.

Lorna felt it and grinned, "Now I feel better. Before, when I had difficulty seducing you, I wasn't sure if you were gay or not into me. Your groin's reaction tells me I shouldn't worry..."

"Dear girl, I disagree. If I were you, I'd worry. A lot! After a sexless life for several years, Seeing such a sexy woman before me may turn me into a wild animal!"

"I don't believe you..."

I rubbed my eyes and pinched my arm. I was in a daze - This hottie wants me...

"Lorna, I know a young, beautiful girl like you will never choose me over a young hunk. Could it be that you are much older and hide the scars of your prior cosmetic surgeries under your clothes? Take off your clothes. I need to know!"

She grinned, "I am not the smartest girl in town, but it sounds like you want a striptease show..."

I rearranged my tumescent prick, "I would never admit it!"

"OK, sir. I'll do it. But on one condition. Once I am done, you do the same for me."

I sighed, "If you are curious to see the decaying body of an ancient man, I'll do it, but you first."


She dimmed the lights and lit four candles strategically placed in classic holders on both sides of the entrance. Next, she played soft music and made me sit on a loveseat.

She backed toward the door and kicked both shoes one after the other in my direction. I managed to catch both and sniffed them. They were new and smelled like perfumed leather with little sweat. I do not have a foot fetish, yet I loved it! She giggled, watching my nose make love to her shoes.

She bent, lifted the hem of her short dress slowly, and exposed the upper part of her silk stockings. They were thin and skin-colored. Like a pro, Lorna moved at a snail's pace, removing them one after the other. She didn't reveal her main assets yet, and my pecker started jolting up in my pants.

She noticed the growing bulge in the front of my pants despite the darkened room and asked in a throaty voice, "Sir, shall I continue? I'd hate to be the cause of your member choking in your tight pants... Or worse, you'll have a heart attack..."

I stuttered, "Babe, coontinuue."

"Derek, please come here and help me open the top of my zipper. While you are at it, you can reposition more comfortably your unruly organ."

I stood behind her, smelled her hair, and began lowering the zipper slider. She backed into me, and my rock-hard cock nestled in the valley between her incredible ass cheeks. Her torso started moving up and down on it. My cock loved it and jiggled happily in her crack.

Meanwhile, my hand continued lowering the zipper on her back. I was ready to unclasp her bra but didn't see one! Her back was smooth and warm. Her skin was too tempting to return to my seat and watch the show. I peeled the straps to her sides, and the upper part of the dress fell to her waist.

I was standing behind her and ogled her marvelous tits that pointed forward. She gasped but didn't move. My palms cupped both mammaries gently. They were firm. I squeezed them lightly. Lorna moaned and whispered, "Derek, they are very sensitive. I am so horny; if you continue touching them like that, I'll soon climax... Please, let's do our first time differently.

She turned around, and her glorious boobs stood proudly before me. She knelt on the carpet, and her fingers fumbled with my zipper. Her job wasn't an easy one - My stiff cock was pushing hard against the stubborn zipper. I let her struggle for a while. Eventually, she succeeded, and my briefs-covered erect rod jumped forward and up.

Lorna licked her lips, gazed at me, and innocently asked, "Mister, Do you mind if I taste your lollypop? I love sucking on a thick, juicy one like yours."

I didn't bother answering. I knew she'd continue. She lowered my briefs to my knees and inspected my tool, "Derek, it's huge! I remember my mother used to say, 'Make love, not war.' However, your organ can serve either as a weapon or a tool of love..."

"Girl, it's slightly thicker than average, but only 7". I am not John Holmes!"

I was so excited I forgot she was too young to know about the famous porn star with the giant tool who died of AIDS in the 80s.

"I don't know this person, but I like the name, so from now on, I'll call your monster Johnny. May I taste him?"

I was dying to feel her red, full lips around my cock, "Go ahead."

"I didn't hear you well. Did you say 'go ahead' or 'give head'?"

I laughed, "Seeing your amazing tits with the large nipples in front of me confused me. I don't remember what I meant..."

Lorna didn't wait. She kissed the tip. It jolted, and a small drop of precum appeared at the slit. She looked up close and mumbled, "Baby, don't cry. Mommy will take care of you." She licked it and rolled her tongue in her mouth, savoring it, "The taste is very mild. Well, that's why it's only an appetizer. I hope the main course will have more flavor..."

Next, she wrapped her lips around the spongy head and sucked on it lightly. My prick reacted by hardening further. She chuckled, "Tell your buddy to stop growing. Soon, I won't be able to accommodate it in my mouth..."

I grinned, "I promise to undergo circumcision before our next date..."

"Circumcision won't help, but if you think to shorten it, I can do it with my teeth... Now, no more talk, and let me enjoy the tasty lollypop!"

Lorna's mouth advanced, gradually enveloping more of my cock. I didn't think her small mouth could take more than half, but she proved me wrong. Judging by the length and the angle of penetration, it must have crossed into her pharynx. She didn't gag! I loved how my shaft was squeezed between her palate and soft tongue.

There was one problem - I was fast approaching the point of no return.

"Lorna, please, the first time, I'd rather climax in your vagina."

She pulled it from her mouth, "If you insist. But later, I want to taste your juices."

She lay supine on her back and spread her legs wide. Watching her with the green dress crumbled around her waist, with her tits and cunt fully exposed, was as erotic as can be. I undressed and jumped between her legs. Her mild, musky smell was pleasant. It was mixed with the floral scent of her soap. I dove between her thighs and licked her outer labia.

She quivered and whispered, "Derek, your magic tongue is too exciting. You continue doing it, and I'll orgasm too soon..."

"That's OK. You had your appetizer, and now it's time for the second course. Then we'll concentrate on the main dish." I stopped talking, and my face again met her drenched pussy. My tongue, which hadn't met a vagina for years, enjoyed the odor and flavor. My tongue invaded the entrance and pushed up toward her G spot. It couldn't reach deep enough, but the way Lorna shoved my head into her suggested she liked it. I continued doing it lightly, ensuring she'd stay on the verge and not cum yet. After a few minutes, she cried, "Derek, stop torturing me! Let me cum..."

I inserted two fingers into her moist vagina and slowly massaged the anterior wall while my tongue flipped her clit from side to side.

Within seconds, her breathing stopped, her back arched toward me, a loud groan escaped her mouth, and her body shook violently. The young lady underwent a massive orgasm. I continued my manipulations for the next ten minutes, occasionally changing the speed or power of my ministrations. Her explosive orgasm continued until I began slowing down. She was sweaty, her eyes closed, and she had a little smile.

I hugged her and mumbled. "Lorna, you are beautiful. And watching you during your climax was the most erotic sight I've ever seen!"

She opened her eyes, "Derek, YOU didn't cum yet!"

I chortled, "I am not in a hurry. My time will come..."

She smirked, "I don't want your TIME to cum, I want YOU to cum!"

Surprisingly, my cock was still hard. It ached, begging me for relief. I knelt between her legs, and lifted one of the legs in a scissors position. I shoved my cock in one big thrust all the way to her womb. She moaned. Until that moment, I wasn't aware how horny I was. I began pounding her body hard using slow strokes. A short time later, I gradually increased the pace. Then, her body shuddered, and another gigantic orgasm ensued. This time, she was mumbling, "Oh, yes... I love it. Oh god, it's so good. Do it harder!"


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